Chapter 5: Werido

Jason then walked out and we all left the ship, swimming back through the weird water. I sighed as we all jumped back up, climbing the wall.

"Okay, so are you guys coming back?" Jason asked.

We all looked at him and avoided his gaze.

"Because I don't know about you but I am, I'll be here tomorrow after school."

And just like that Jason walked away, with Billy and Kimberly in tow.

I was about to go after them, but Zack grabbed my arm.

"You coming back?"

"Who do you care?"

"Just wanted to know, so I have something to look forward to." He said as he gave a smirk. I scoffed as I looked away.

"Well, I guess we'll see tomorrow."

"Okay Mexican chick."

"Your annoying, you know that."

"And your a weirdo."

Again I scoffed as I walked away and got into the car to join the other 3. They didn't say anything, silence filled the air, that is, until my phone went off, seeing that my mom was calling.

"Hola mamá, ¿que pasa?"

"Hola cariño, ¿estás de camino a casa?"

"Sí, porque."

"Bueno, ahora mismo tengo que ir a un viaje de negocios todo el camino en Arizona."

I looked up to see Billy and Kimberly giving me a questioning look, while Jason looked at me through the mirror.

"Eh, está bien, entonces Miguel y yo tenemos la casa para nosotros."

"No exactamente."


"Ana, your brother is going over to your aunts, while you stay at the house."

I gripped my phone, hearing a little crack. They all looked at me with concern filling their eyes.

"What?! Why!? I can take care of him, he doesn't have to go to that hell hole!"

"Ana Maria Sanchez! She is family, and she is the only family we have here in Angel Grove! So when you get hoke you will drop your brother off and treat your aunt with respect."

I groaned.

"This is bad on so many levels, don't you trust me."

"It's not's just you have school and detention....and I just can't leave him with you.."

"I knew it, not even you trust me, your my mother and you think that I'm a horrible person, don't worry I'll drop him off at Tía Rositas house." I growled out as I hung up the phone, I started to squeeze my phone, breaking it.

"You okay?" Kimberly asked.

"Peachy." I snapped as I stared out the window, Jason then pulled up at my house, I thanked him as I climbed out.

"Hey! Wait."

I turned to see Kimberly running up to me.


Jason looked at her and she told him to go ahead.

"What are you doing."

"You need someone right now."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do....look, you and I may have never talked or anything, but where both in a crazy spot right please let me help you."

I stared at her, surprised by her little speech.

"My mom is going to Arizona for a business trip, she doesn't trust me with my brother, so he has to stay with my aunt while I stay here...alone."

"Oh, well what's wrong with your aunt?"

"She hates me, thinks I'm a liar, and a thief. That I'll do nothing good in my life....if I take my brother take here she won't let me see him and...."

"Whoah, come down, look, how about I go with you, yeah."

"Uh, yeah okay, come on."

She nodded her head as she followed me inside.

"Miguel, vamos."


He then came rushing down the hall with about bag in his hands. I sighed as I closed the door, letting Miguel and Kimberly get into the car. I got into the drivers seat and started the car.

"Ana, does Tía Rosita like you."

"Why would you say that."

"Because when mamá called her, she said that she didn't want you to stay with her because your a bad influence."


"Yeah, but I don't believe it, I think your the best sister ever."

Kimberly and I smiled.

"Thanks bud."

I then pulled up to our aunts house. I got out and Kimberly followed, Miguel then got out. I put my hands on his shoulder as I guided him to the door. I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door.


The door then opened to revel my aunt Rosita, she had Brown light hair that was curled, tan camel skin and brown eyes. She frowned when she saw me.

"Hola Tía Rosita." Miguel said.

"Hola, mira lo grade que tienes."

Miguel then smiled as she punched his cheek.

"Hey aunt Rosita."

She looked up and glared at me.

"You can leave, you brought my nefue, that's all you had to do."

I growled as I curled up my fist.

"Well, he's my brother, and I'm not leaving till I say a proper goodbye."

She scoffed as she leaned against rhe doorway.

I bent down ass I grabbed Miguel by his shoulders.

"You behave ok."

"Okay. When will you visit."

"Oh sweetie, she won't be visiting you while you stay, but don't worry, you have your cousin."

I glared at her, I could feel Kimberly grab my shoulder.

"I'll come back and get you, I'll take you away so you won't have to deal with them. I promise."

He smiled as he shook his head, he hugged me and ran inside. My aunt then glared at me.

"Leave, before I call the police."

"Really, call the police."

"Yes, now leave."

I growled as I walked to the car with Kimberly by my side, I then turned around and flipped her off.

"¡Carajo to la perra!"

She gave me a surprised look as a frown played her face, I smiled as I climbed into the car, Kimberly getting into the passenger seat. I then started the car.

"Hey, I'm sorry."

"For what? You didn't do anything, but me, well I'm screwd , I just cued her out." I laughed as she joined me.

"Yeah, she was kinda a bitch."

"Kinda? Kimberly, she is one."

We laughed and she told me where she lived, I then drove her to her house, parking in front. She opened the door and got out, she stopped and looked back at me.

"See you tomorrow."

I gave her and small smile and as I nodded my head, she said goodbye and I drove myself home, thinking about tomorrow.

~ Next day ~

I woke up and got ready for the day. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, with holed in the knees, I slipped on my black vans, I then put on a dark army green sweater that had holes going down the arms. And finally I did my hair in a side braid, when I was done I grabbed my keys, phone snd bag and headed out the door, knowing that I won't see Miguel for awhile, since he's with our aunt. I hoped into my black ford, which was pretty beat up, not the prettiest car but it's manageable. I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car, once I got out I walked into the school, I passed by Billy, who was alone at the time so I joined him, and we talked and he helped me with homework and crap.

The day went by pretty fast, and here I am, walking up the cliff to see if anyone would show up. As I did I saw Jason waiting, I then saw everyone else walking towards him to.

"You guys came."

"Of course." Kimberly said.

"We kinda have no choice, since we're all weirdos now." I said as they all smiled at me. I then started to walk away.

"Well, just don't stand there all day, let's go!" I said as I ran nd jumped off the cliff and landed into the water. The others followed and we all swam to the other side, we fell out and walked into the spaceship.

"You came back! Zordon! Look their back!" Alpha 5 said.

"I see, come, step onto the footprints." Zordon said.

We all stepped onto the footprints.

"Do you feel it?"

"No. Not feeling it." Zack said.

"You need to morph to get your armor."

"I knew it! We do get armor! Jason! We get armor! Oh we get armor! " Billy said as he clapped his hands.

"Cool. When do you give us the armor?" I asked.

"You already have it inside of you. You bring it out by connecting to eachother and connecting to the morphing gride. Clear your minds and focus."

I closed my eyes as I began to focus on nothing but morphing, mist started to form around us.

"Power Rangers were a legion or warriors sworn to protect life. You must become those warriors."

"Become the warriors!"

I lifted up my hands and looked at them. But then nothing happened.

"What? What did it...did it work?" Kimberly asked.

"Alpha 5, why didn't they morph?"

"Yeah, I don't....I don't know sir,'s disturbing. Very disturbing, this might take some time."

"We don't have time."

"If they can't morph what are we supposed to do?"

We all looked around at eachother.

"They'll have to train without armor. They need to prepare."

"With out armor? Sir, that'll be very painful."

"Take them down to the pit."

"All right follow me. We're going down to the pit!"

"Jaosn, I don't want to find out what the pit is." Billy said.

We then followed Alpha 5, we came upon some rock area, but it was nice, it looked like a place for battle

"So this is the pit. It's nice right?"

"Alpha 5, begin the exercise."

"Uh...sorry guys."

"What exercise?"

"Chill out dude."

All of the sudden these weird looking monster began to form infornt of us, we took a step back as we looked at the strange monsters.

"These creatures before you are a simulation of Rita's army. They're called Putties. You must get through them to get to her."

"No, no, no, no, Jason."

"Cool. Look, relax, guys. It's a hologram. Like a video game. Look." Zack said as he walked up to the Puttie. It then hit him against the wall.


"That's a strong-ass hologram."

Trini and I laughed as Zack laid on the floor.

" Not a video game."

"This is why you must morph into your armor. If Rita becomes strong enough to build her army, it'll be the beginning of the end. Rangers, welcome to training."

"I'm so excited you guys are back."

"Aim for the center mass."

Jason charged at the Puttie, but got hit down.

"One more time."

Zack then went up.

"Come on, duck the punches. Find their weak side."

I watched as Trini took on Zack, I laughed as she took took on and won.

"Woah! Go Trini!" I yelled as she smiled at me. I then walked up to Zack.

"You think you can win?" Zack asked.

"Oh, I know I can."

He smiled as he threw a punch at me, I dodged it, he then tried to kick me, but I grabbed his foot and pushed him back, causing him to stumble back a bit. I laughed as he did. He threw another punch, but I ducked it and then I swept my foot under his causing him to fall in his back.

"I win." I said as I stood over him.

"Yeah, Ana!"

Jason and Kimberly then went next, fighting eachother.

I watched as Billy fought with Alpha 5 fought Billy, helping out with moves, as well as Jason. The next day of training was brutal, Trini got knocked into the air.

"Focus! Focus! Everyone just focus!"

Trini crawled under a Puttie and kicked it were the sun don't shine. I jumped up dodging a Puttie and kicked it in the face.

"You guys all know you could be murdered, right?"

The next day I was with Kimberly and Trini at Krispy Kream, there was one piece of donut left, Trini then put her fork on it, Kimberly and I looked at her. We then threw out forks in there, fighting over the piece of donut, dodging and being quick. We were then at the morphing grid once agian.

"You must shed your mask to wear this armor."

We spread out arms out, seeing if we could morph.

"I don't feel anything."

And it didn't work again.

"Take them down to the pit!"

"Now watch me."

We watched as Alpha 5 took down a smaller Puttie.

"Slip, grab, lift."


Jason then went against a Puttie.

"Slip, grab, lift!"

Each one of us took down a Puttie.


Trini, Kimberly and I stood back to back taking out Putties.

It's the next day and I'm in detention with Kimberly, Billy, and Jason. Kimberly flung a piece of paper st Jason, who flung it to me, and once I got it I flung it to Billy, who opened it, he then flung it back, hitting douch bag in the face.

"Think only of eachother and the morphing gride will open to you."

"Is it working?"

"No, no its not."

"Come on! Try harder!"

We're down at the pit again.

"Just concentrate."

"We've been concentrating, Jason."

"Cause we haven't been concentrating.."

"All we need to do is concentrate."

"Don't tell me to concentrate."

"Just follow my lead." Zack said as we all stood on the morphing gride.

"Let's not fight with eachother." Billy said.

"Zack, now is not the time." I said.

We all sat down, looking at our bruises and scratches, bodies soar as hell.

"Come on. Let's go train."

We all stared at him, and here we are again at the morphing grid.

"The information we need to triangulate the location of the crystal was lost in the battle. So... Billy are you listening to me? Billy what are you doing?"

I looked at Billy who was writing something down in a notebook.

After that day of training we all left.

"Well see you losers later." I said as I saluted.

"Need a ride Ana!?" Jason asked.

"Nah, it's cool, I'll just walk."


And I climbed over the cliff, jumped onto the top and began my journey home.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I stopped and turned around to see Zack chasing after me.

"What do you want?"

"You heading home?"

"Nah, that was just a lie, why?"


He then slung his arm over my shoulder.

"You can train me."

I pulled his hand off of my shoulder.

"First of all do not touch me, ever, and second of all, why me?"

"Your pretty good at the combat stuff so I thought...."

"That this a great opportunity to flirt and annoy me."


I sighed as I shook my head.

"Tomorrow right after school, I'll skip detention so we can train before the others get here, got it."

"You got it Sanchez, it's a date."

I scoffed as I walked away.

"It's not a date!" I called backed.

"It so is!" He yelled back. I laughed.

"See you later weirdo!"

"You too Sanchez!"

And I was off I walked home,y lonely home, thinking about tomorrow with Zack.

And introducing Jennifer Lopez as Rosita Sanchez

~ hello lovelys, here is another chapter, I hope your all liking the book so far, let me know how I'm doing down in the comments below, and don't forget to vote. Love you all, AnimeGeek201 out! ~

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