Chapter 4: We're What?


I shoot up from my bed, and I look around in confusion. Didn't I die yesterday!? I breath heavily as I look around frantically, I then fall out of my bed, but when I feel I reached out to grab the head rest and.


What the fuck! I look to my now broken head rest, and I look down to see that half of it is in my hand, I drop it as I scoot away having a mental break down.

"¡Ana,está todo bien!"

"¡Sí mamá!"

I quickly got up as I looked at my hands, no blood, no bruises and no splinters. I look on my dresses and see the white stone, I freak out and run to my bathroom, I look in the mirror to see that I'm completely fine.

"I should be dead." I mumbled. I then rinsed my face, as I was drying my face off o slowly put it down, seeing that the stone was right on the counter.

"What the hell?"

I walk out of the bathroom and see that the stone is now on my dresser, I storm over and pick it up.

"Your one freaky stone."

I then shove the stone in my pocket. I quickly throw on black ripped jeans, a gray tank top and black vans, I throw my hair in a bun and grab my phone, bag and keys and gran Miguel.

"¡Hasta luego mamá!"

"Adiós, ten un buen día."


I then loaded Miguel into the car and drove him to school, after dropping him off I drive to my school. As I get out of the car I look around and walk quickly inside, freaking out, wondering if the others were alive as well. The day went by quickly and here I am sitting alone, far away from everyone eating my lunch in peace. That is until Billy, Jason and Kimberly approached me. I slowly look up and put my sandwich down and wipe my mouth.

"What do you want?"

"To talk." Kimberly said.

I look between all of them and nod my head as I follow them.

"Billy, look at me?" Kimberly said.


"Do you feel weird?" Kimberly asked.

"You mean like weirder than usual?"

"Yeah. Different." Kimberly said as she pulled out her stone and placed it down. I pulled mine out and set it down.

"Listen, we know something happened up there, okay?" Jason said as he placed his down.

"I'm not the same." Jason said.

"Me either. Oh! I'm strong."

"How strong?" Kimberly asked.

"Like, insanely strong." Billy said.

They all looked at me.

"I broke my head rest, I mean that's wood, and I had no splinters and my hand was completely okay."

"I feel like we need to go back up there." Kimberly said.

We all nodded our heads, but then our stones began to float up, we all slapped them back down.

"The counters boiling." Jason said.

The counter countined to boil, melting tray and cups, and causing sodas and other food to explode on some students, who were freaking out.

"We're going back today." Jason said.

"Yeah." Kimberly said.

"Okay, your picking me up." I said as I pointed to Billy and walked off. This is fucking insane! I'm gonna die! What is happening to us!?

I sighed as I countined on with my day, I sighed as the day ended and I got into my car, I drove to Miguel's school and picked him up. I then drove home and went inside. I cleaned up a bit, as my mom walked in she gave me a small smile as she walked into the kitchen. I sighed knowing it's gonna be awhile before we can go back to our normal relationship. About an hour later the door bell went off.

"I'll get it!" I yelled as I ran down the hall and opened the door to see Jason, Kimberly and Jason.

"Ready?" Jason asked.


"¡Ana, quien está en la puerta!"

I sighed as I turned my head.

"Solo algunos amigos de la escuela mamá."

"Que, mi Ana finalmente tiene amigos."

"Sí mamá, Voy ahora."

"Está bien, no te vayas mucho."

"De acuerdo, adios." I then walked out the door, but before we could get far Miguel came running out.

"¡Ana, mira, hice un cohete!"

I smiled as I looked back to see the others smiling as well, I bent down as I took the rocket from his hands.

"Wow. ¿Puede volar?"


I laughed as I pretended to make the rocket fly.

"Puede ir al espacio."

"No es real."

I laughed as I stood up and handed him his rocket.

"Okay, well I gotta go buddy."

I ruffled his hair.

"See you later."

He pushed my hand away from his hair and pouted.

"You promised you wouldn't do that anymore!"

"I never make promises,  besides you know I will do anything to annoy you."

I started to walk away.

"Bye Ana!"

I saluted him before following the others into the car.

"That was cute." Kimberly said.


"Your relationship with your brother."


"Yeah, I didn't think you could be that nice." Billy blurted, I glared at him while Jason elbowed him.

"Ow! S-soory Ana."

"Yeah whatever, but we never speak of that again."

The all sighed as they nodded their heads. We finally pulled up in the mines and got out and started walking.

"Guys, look. It's that guy again." Kimberly said.

We all look to see Zack sitting on a rock.

"Find anything interesting?!" Jason yelled.

"If I do,  I'm keeping it." Zack yelled, he then looked at me.

"Hey Mexican chick, how's it going." He yelled,  I groaned.

"Don't call me that asshole!"

He laughed as the others looked at me.

"Whatever you say Ana."

I growled, he must of got my name when Billy said it, thanks alot Billy.

"Asshole." I mumbled.

"We know why you're here." Kimberly yelled.

"Oh yeah?"

"You guys wake up surprised to be alive and jump over a house?" Zack said.

"You jumped over a house." I asked.

"Sure did sweetheart."

I flipped him off.

"Look, we're different, all right? Everything's different." Billy said.

"Uh, you're Zack, right?" Kimberly asked.

"Yep, that's him." I said as they all looked at me.

"You still go to Angel Grove?" Jason asked.

"Ha! Sometimes!" Zack answers.

Zack the points at me,

"That's why your so familer." He said .


"Yeah! Your the delinquent girl right!? The one with bad grades and bad mouths the teachers, that's you right?"

I roll my eyes, as I look away, before yelling.

"Glad that's all I'm ever know for in the hell hole!"

Jason and Billy shook their heads at Zack, while Kimberly looked at me with sadness in her eyes, I ignored their stares.

"You know, the other girl was here too, about an hour ago." Zack said.

"Hey, you mean that girl right there?" Billy said as he ponied at Trini who was walking.

"Hey! Come on down!" Jason yelled.

"We should figure this out together!" He yelled.

She then turned around and started to crawl up the wall, like fucking Spider-Man or something.


"Oh, screw this." Zack said. As he ran after her.

"Okay, let me handle this." Kimberly said as she ran after her.

"She got up there pretty fast." Billy said.

I ran after Zack and Kimberly.

"Yo, keep up." I told Zack as I passed him.

"Just....just talk to me." Kimberly said as she approached Trini, I stayed back as I watched them,  while Zack stood next to me.

"You have a coin, we have a coin. We should just talk about this, I mean, we don't know what this..." Kimberly said.

Trini then began to run and she jumped to the other side.

"Woah, woah!"

"What is wrong with you?" Kimberly said.

"Oh, you're crazy! But so am I." Zack yelled as he ran and jumped. I looked back at the others and shrugged my shoulders and ran.

"Pussy's!" I yelled as I jumped off the cliff, flying through the air I then landed on top of Zack, who groaned.

"Hey." He said amends I the rolled my eyes and rolled off of him. Next Kimberly and Jason jumped off together, leaving Billy.

"You got this, Billy!" Jason yelled.

"No, I don't!"

"Just jump Billy!" I yelled.

"It's fun." Jason said.

"It's such a far jump." Billy said.

"Come dud, let's go." Zack said.

"Billy come on." Kimberly said.

"We all did it." Jason said.

"Yeah." I said.

"You'll be fine, I promise. Just jump!"

"Come on, do it, dude. Let's go."

He started mumbling to himself.

"He's scared." Kimberly said.

"He'll come across, he's fine." Jason said.

He then turned around and jumped off of the cliff.

"Billy, you got this!" Jason yelled.

He then hung on the edge of the cliff and pulled himself up.


"Billy, right! Yeah!"

"Whoa!" He said as he felt off of the cliff.


"Oh my god!"


We looked over the edge and called his name.

"We just kill that dude?" Zack asked.

"What do we do?"

"Hey, guys, you gotta come down here!"

We looked down to see Billy swimming at the bottom.

"It's water! You gotta see this!"

I smiled as I stood up and walked over, I then turned around to face them.

"See you losers later."

I then saluted them as I spread my arms out and fell back, letting the wind blow my hair up as I hit the water back first. I swam up and gasped for air as I swam toward Billy. And one by one they all came down.

"We gotta do that again." Zack said.

"Oh thank goodness."

"Hey, guys. Guys!"


"Check out how we glow."

"Oh, yeah."

"I like this."

I look down to see that I'm glowing white.

"I'm blue!"

"That's not my favorite color, but it's cool."

"I'm black!"


"I am."

"No your not."

We all began to laugh. For the first time, I felt like I belonged, like I actually had friends.

I then look under the following water to see that something strange.

"Hey guys! Check this out!" I yelled as I dove backe under the water, when I reached it, I pushed my hand through, only to feel air instead of more water. The others do the same, I then poke my head through, only to see that there's another cave.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know."

"Jason, I'm sliding." Billy said.

"Woah!" And just like that Billy fell out.

And then we all feel out, I grunted as as I landed on the floor, I slowly got up as is looked around.

"Well, that is unusual."

"This just gets better and better."

"Do you feel that?"

We then started to see walk around.

"There's something out here."

"The walls are shaking."

"Come on."

We then a followed Jason.

"This place gives me the creeps." I said as I walked by Zack.

"That's impossible." Billy says. We then all look around to see that there is spaceship.

"Holy shit." I breathed out.

We then all walk towards it to check it out.

"This must have been here for millions of years. I mean, look how the rock has grown around it." Billy said.

"I don't like this place." Kimberly said.

"Hey, guys. Check it out." Jason said as he held his for us to see, and it was glowing bright red.

The ship then opened up asllrounfnd we walked in. We looked around.

"Oh sh-"

"What? Think there's aliens in here?"

"Just be quiet, Zack."

"Jason is this real. Like, are we really in in a spaceship right now?"

"I think so. Just... just breath, okay."

" Hey. We've all seen enough. Right? We should go now?" Trini said.

"What? We're gonna be famous!"

"Really!  Is that all you care about? Money!" I yelled.

"What is wrong with you?"


"There's something here."

"Gee, that makes me feel better." I said.

We heard noises as the ship began to shift.

"What's going in!"

" Oh my god the stairs!"

" There's no way out!"

"Guys, guys, guys!"

"Let's go! That way! Let's go! Let's go!"

then all started to run.

"I'm going!"


Zack grabbed my hand and pulled me to hide with him, I was pressed against his chest as he held me. We then heard some type of alien language.

Something then grabbed Trini by the leg and pulled her,

"Trini!" I yelled, but Zack held me back.

"Your real!" The strange robot said.

"We will kill you."

"Kill me? How?"

I crawled toward Zack who  was thrown by the robot.

"There's 6 of us." Kimberly said.

"Yes, I know! I've been waiting for you."

"Wait, where's the other two? One, two, three, four...oh! There they are." He said as he grabbed us and dragged us over, I screamed and kicked.

"Let go of me!"

He threw us over and Trini helped me up.

"All of you."

" In a spaceship buried underground? How long have you been waiting?" Billy asked.

"What's today? Monday?"


"Then 65 million years."

"I've been very lonely. Your all so young-looking. "

And then we all backed away.

"This has to do with the coins?" Jason asked.

"Yes, yes, the coins! Different colors. Different kids. Different-colored kids! I'm so excited your here!"

We all jumped back a little more.

"Turn around."

We all hesitated.

"Go on."

We then all turned around.



"Think this'll work."

"One, two, three, four, five, six. Different colors."

"Guys, lets focus on getting out of here." Kimberly said.

"Stay together, and then when we see the chance..."

"We run like hell." Trini finished.

"Okay. And if we don't get a chance?"

"Then we kill it."

We then saw this weird mist infornt of us.

"Please, step into the footprints."

"Hey, question. Um what are you?" Billy asked.

"I'm Alpha 5, an alphormic lorcaid persona android."

"What? Yeah, I know."

"He said he's a Alpha 5..."

"I'm a talking robot. You can trust me."

He then ushered us to step onto the footprints. I stood next to Zack and one we all did, wind surrounded us and then it stopped, all of the sudden a huge face appeared on the wall. Alpha 5 then started to talk to him in some weird languge.

"Guys look it's Zordon."

We all looked at him, not knowing who he was talking about.

"Zrodon they don't know who you are."

After that I spaced out, not really caring what the talking wall was saying, until Zack nudged my shoulder and told to look at the wall.

"The coins have chosen you find, now you must protect the Zeo crystal and life on earth."

"Because we are the Power Rangers."

"Power what?"

Everyone then looked at me.

"Spaced out."

"Um I'm sorry, um is this some kind of joke. Like I'm standing here with a wet wedgie, my socks are soaked who's fishing around with are talking wall..." Kimberly said.


We were all then lifted into the air.

I then woke up in my bed, I looked around and got up. I walked around to see no one was there. I then walked outside and it was deserted. All of the sudden some women in green with a rend staff approached me, she had Miguel and my mother.


I yelled as she turned them to ash. She then laughed as she walked over to me and grabbed me by my throat lifting me into the air as I struggled to breath. We then all feel to the ground gasping for air.

"Sir, I'm detecting elevated heart rates. Their scared."

" I don't understand, why would you show us that nightmare?" Jason asked.

"It's not a nightmare, it's the future."

"And who was that woman?"

"Her name is Rita Repulsa, she will create Goldar a huge minter who will rip the crystal from the earth and all lifw on your planet will die. With the crystal, Rita would have the power to create and destroy worlds."

"So let me guess you want us to kill this women, r-Rita."

"Aye aye aye, Rita."

"She must be stopped, time."

"When is she coming?" I asked.

"She's already here, my best guess is we have 11 months, oh I'm sorry days."

"If were the power Ranger and this is our ship, if I walk through that door right now will it open for me." Trini asked.

"Yes of course."

We then all ran for the door. And waited for Jason, well not really, we were just not sure we're the exit was.

Well I guess we're the Power Rangers

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