Chapter 3: What the hell!
~ 3 weeks later ~
3 weeks of detention, I'm already 3 weeks in and I want to die. I hate it there, it's so boaring, and my mom won't even look at me whenever I come home. I hate seeing her mad, but what can I do, and after meeting Zack, I've only seem him 2 other times after that. Recently our football team went down the drain, since Jason Scott, star quater back, snuck a cow into the boys locker room, and crashed his car, so he's off the team, on house arrest and has detention, staring today actually.
I sucks how one little mistake can ruin your entire career. Like Kimberly Heart, once popular and loved by all, that is until she knocked a guys tooth out and lost her best friends. She's been coming to detention since Monday. We don't really talk, but at times she'll stare at me as If she's trying to read me. I sighed as I walked through the halls, making my way to class, I'm trying to take school seriously, but it's just hard when I already suck at every subject. I walked over to Billy, feeling completely embarrassed that I'm even asking him for help.
He jumped back a bit, surprised that I was even talking to him.
"Uh hi."
"Okay, so your good at english and stuff right."
"Uh yeah why."
"Great so you'll help me."
"Uh well, I mean don't you speak english...or.."
"It's not my first language, I'm from Mexico."
"Oh really, I di-"
"Yeah nows not the time, so will you help me or not."
"Yeah sure, definitely."
"Okay at detention."
"Yeah okay."
"Don't forget Cranston."
I sat down and dozed off during class. The day went by pretty fast and here I was sitting next to Billy while he tried to explain poems.
I looked up to see Jason walking in. I smiled as I slowly clapped.
"Well If it isn't Jason Scott, welcome to your second home, also known as hell."
He just starred at me as I girnned.
"Shut it Sanchez!"
I turned to see 'the bully' of detention, I flipped him off but he countined to laugh, Billy was busy organizing his pencils, when the idiot purposely bumped into him making all of his pencils fall to the floor.
"I'm sorry, here let me help you."
He picked up Billy's pencil while Billy tries to get it, but he pulls away.
"Your a freak, you know that...I've been watching you play with these things for weeks. Are you crazy?"
"No." Billy mumbled, I gave him a death glare but he only smiled.
"Your on the same boat Sanchez."
I growled as I glared at him.
"Huh, what if you had an extra one."
He then broke one of Billy's pencils, while he winced.
"Why don't you cut this little act, why don't you do something huh." He said as he broke another pencil.
"Oh go fuck off."
He threw the pencil at me.
"Your protecting him again. What is he? Your boyfriend?"
"Your a dick, you know that."
"And your a nobody, no one cares about you, Noone ever will."
My eyes widen as I stepped back a little and looked down.
"Got nothing to say now huh."
Jason pushed him back a little.
"How old are you, 5."
"Hi I'm Jason, my first time here, and it's exciting, and you must be the bully of detention, how dumb can you be."
Dick head tried to hit him, but Jason dodged him. And then Jason slapped him, I laughed.
"That just made my day."
"Did you just slap me?!"
"I did, weird right, now I gotta be here everyday which feels like the rest of my life, and I'm sure that you are to. So let's make a deal, don't sit near me."
He then nods his head over to Billy and I.
"Or them, and we'll be okay."
And he sat back down, the teacher then walked in.
Kimberly then got up.
"I need to use the ladies room."
"Uh, okay."
I sighed as I got on my phone, everyone then started whistling and clapping, and I looked up to see Kimberly coming back down, but with shorter hair.
I sighed as I texted my brother, I waited for his reply, but he didn't, I started to get worried, since he always responded. I then stood up and gathered my things.
"Well today's been fun, but I gotta go."
"Miss Sanchez were are you going."
"Uh home."
"You can't."
I was half way up the stairs.
"Oh look, I'm almost gone."
"Miss Sanchez."
I opened the door.
"And I'm out!"
And with that I ran out of the room and down the hall, I pushed the doors open and ran down the street, I rushed to Miguel's school, I saw a group of kids, I pushed my way through the kids, only to see Miguel in the middle with some other kid, he was beating on Miguel and he could bearly hold his own, I walked up.
"Leave him the fuck alone."
I shoved the kid off of my brother and helped him up, he had a busted lio, a black eye, and bruises forming on his arm.
"Miguel are you okay."
I looked up to see all of the kids still around us.
"What the hell you guys looking at! Go away before I pounce on your asses."
They all scrambled away as I helped my brother up, I swung him onto back and began to walk down the street, cars and other people would pass us and give me strange looks. I noticed that one person stared at me, it was Jason, he was riding his bike when he spotted me, he watched as I carried my brother.
"Is he alright?"
"Little slugger got into his first fight, couldn't hold his own."
"Need help."
"I'm good."
He sighed as he got back onto his bike.
"Hey, uh I don't really say this to people but uh thank you, you know for what you did back there for Billy and me it was uh nice I guess."
He smiled as he nodded his head.
"No problem."
"Well uh, see you around Scott."
"You to Sanchez."
He waved as he rode away, I then countined carrying Miguel, once I got home my mom bombard me with questions, I sighed as she took care of him. I decided to go to the mines, so I slipped on my black jacket and walked out. I reached the forest snd sat at the edge of the cliff.
"Look who came back."
I turned around to see Zack walk up to me, and sat down.
"Hey Mexican chick."
"Don't call me that."
"Cause it's racist."
He only laughed as we looked at the sun as it began to set. We talked about the little things, that is until we heard an explosion.
"What the hell."
We both got up and ran towards the explosion, we made it, and saw none other than Billy, Jason and Kimberly.
"What the hell!?" I yelled as I walked over, Billy then looked at me and smiled.
"Oh hey Ana."
"Ana." Zack mumbled.
Zack and Jason then began to argue.
"Hey! This is a restricted area!"
We all looked up to see a girl with with a yellow benie and a yellow jacket. Who I knew as Trini, she was in a couple of my classes, been here for a year or something.
"Hey crazy girl!"
Zack yelled
I watched as Billy walked over to the wall.
I said as I walked over to him, he then touched the wall and it began to crumble.
"Look out!" Jason yelled as Zack grabbed me and covered me.
We heard Trini screamed as she feel down.
"Are you okay." Jason asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." Trini said.
Billy got up and shined his flashlight at the wall.
I groaned as I noticed Zack was on top of me.
"You can get off now."
"Right sorry."
He got up and I sat up and rubbed my head.
He offered me his hand, I grabbed it as he helped me up, I dusted myself off as I saw Billy walk over to the wall. I slowly followed after him.
"I've never seen glass like this before." Billy said as we a touched the strange glass.
"Oh my god." Kimberly mumbled.
"What is it? What is that?"
We looked inside to see colored stones.
"Cool." I mumbled.
"There's something in there." Kimberly said.
"Move." Zack said as he walked over.
"All right, watch out, watch out. Look!"
He then began to break the glass.
"What are you doing!?" Jason yelled.
"Wait, no, no, no! No, no!" Billy yelled.
"Seriously!" Trini yelled.
"What are you doing!" I yelled.
"Oh yeah." He said as he knocked one of the stoned out.
"My dad always knew the right spots." Billy said.
Kimberly then picked up a pink stone.
"There's gotta be more. Let's get it!" Zack said as he began to break the glass some more.
"Get outta the way."
" That doesnt mean keep banging!" Billy yelled as Jason held him back.
"What is that?" I asked.
"What, no, no! Don't break it!" Billy yelled as Zack tried to get the stone out.
"Don't break it! Don't break it! Don't break it!" Billy kept on yelling.
"Wow. What?"
I walked over and picked up the white stone, it was so weird.
"Oh my god, what is that?" Kimberly asked.
"Yo, look, we all found these." Zack said.
"If there worth any money..."
"Really." I said ad I glared at him.
"No, he found them. Now chill out." Jason said ad he motioned over to Billy.
"Chill out?" Zack repeated.
"Guys, guys, do you hear that." Kimberly said. We all stopped and heard some kind of alarm.
"Mine security, peace." And Zack was out.
"Somebody should've pointed that out, wait I did." Trini said.
"Billy." Jason said as he walked off.
"Wait, okay, okay." Billy said.
"Run!" I yelled as I began to run next to Kimberly.
"Billy...just run, come on." Jason yelled.
"Billy, come on!" I yelled.
"Haul ass, dude!" Jason yelled.
"I'm coming!"
"Are you kidding me." Jason said as the alarm went off, Kimberly, Trini and I kept on running.
We saw Jason and Billy drive by us, Jason opened the door and stuck his hand out.
"Get in!"
He then pulled us in one by one.
"What about the other guy?" Billy asked. We all looked at eachother.
"Just go!" We all yelled as Billy stepped on it.
"Let's go down hill! Go to the lights below!" Jason yelled.
"You wanna drive now?" Billy asked.
"Billy, just go." Jason said.
"We're almost there." Jason said.
"Guys, guys, there's a train!" Trini said.
"We got it." Jason said.
Billy drove a little faster so we could try to pass the train. Something then jumped onto the roof.
"Oh my god!" I yelled.
Zack then stuck his face by the window and waved.
"Hey, what do you want me to do!" Billy asked.
"Just keep driving, I'll pull him in!" Jason yelled as he opened the window and pulled Zack in.
"Are you crazy!?" Jason asked
"Yeah, I am."
"Yo, it's catching up." Trini said as we looked at the train.
"Look, there's the railroad crossing. That's the way out Billy!" Jason yelled.
He sped up some more.
"You got it." Jason said .
"You got this Billy." I said.
"I hope he has it." Kimberly said.
"He definitely doesn't have it." Trini said.
"I got it! I got it!" Billy yelled.
All of the sudden the train hits us head on, I scream as Zack holds onto me as the car flips over. Then it all went black.
~ Hey guys I hope that you guys liked this chapter and that it was good. So please vote or comment, and AnimeGeek201 is out! ~
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