Ellie Hater

There was not one good opportunity for me to bring up the whole, I'm dating Liam and am a horrible friend thing the entire day we were at the mall. The whole time Harper was moping around craving sympathy for being dateless and I did not want to add on to her misery.

We still managed to do some retail therapy though, I picked out tall sparkly stilettos and we each picked something sparkly to wear in our hair. Lily kept texting pictures to Adam for approval on anything before she bought it; even though I know he could care less if her shoes are satin or glitter. I sent a simple text to Liam letting him know I was now officially ready for the dance and made sure Harper's eyes were nowhere near me when I did it.

By Monday, homecoming mania had hit our school with the first spirit day being pajama day. I walk into Biology class wearing yoga pants and a cute fitted t-shirt since cheerleaders are forced to participate in the entire spirit week, wearing pajamas on Monday, crazy hair on Tuesday, hats on Wednesday, backward clothing on Thursday and school colors on Friday. I see that Liam did not participate today and he raises an eyebrow at me as I take a seat next to him.

"I happen to know that that's not what you wear for pajamas," he jokes and I roll my eyes at him.

"Well that's a secret between you and I isn't it?" I nudge him in the ribs trying to cause minimal pain and Harper sneaks up behind me.

"Hey, Ellie! Hi Liam," she says as she pulls a chair up next to me. Liam and I exchange warning looks. She still doesn't know about us so don't do anything that will make her suspicious I warn him and he puts his hands up. I don't want her to beat me up he jokes and I find it funny that we both came to the same conclusion about what she'll do when she finds out.

Derek staggers into class and eyes the two of us sitting together. He takes a seat across the room from me and puts his arm around a girl he's never even noticed before. It was nice not to have him around last week but now that their suspension is over, the awkwardness is obviously back. Liam glances over and Derek glares back. I am glad there is an entire classroom between them. Don't let him get to you Liam I tell him and he breaks off his death glare.

Class starts and Mrs. Hagar starts handing back our last two quizzes. When I receive mine, I immediately flip them over embarrassed by the grades. The first one I forgot to answer the last five questions and the second I was caught cheating. Now I have to ace all the others to make sure I pass the class.

Don't worry I'll help you out Liam elbows me and I see big red A's at the top of his two papers. Derek obnoxiously fist pumps when he gets his tests back and I seriously can't believe I dated him for as long as I did. Now every little thing he does is going to make me cringe.

I scan the room and notice Ian is missing. I glance over to Liam and he notices the empty chair as well.

Check if Marissa is in your French class today I nod and look back up to Mrs. Hager, who has already started the next lesson. She makes us draw partners for our lab and we are all split up until the bell rings. I walk back to my original desk to grab my book bag and glance one last time at Ian's empty chair, hoping it remains that way for the rest of the week.


Ian remains missing until Wednesday and when he shows back up to class, he looks awful. His eyes looked hollow before, but now, large dark circles sit under them, making him look even paler. His hair looks greasy and he should have taken advantage of Hat day.

I adjust my backward baseball hat and immediately listen to his thoughts as he scans the classroom.

How did anyone know? Who here is a rat? At least Marissa's cover was actually believable. It's not hard to make anyone believe that we're larpers. What a fucking joke.

I look to Liam and he heard it too. Ian doesn't say anything else for the rest of class that's interesting and we both watch him walk out as soon as the bell rings. I look back to Liam but before I can say anything, Derek interrupts us. He's been staring at Liam and me since Monday and has been dying to know if we are together now. We've been doing a damn good job of not being obvious at school since we aren't ready for Harper to know.

"So are you two official now? I mean after I saw you making out in public, I just assumed you two were an item." He asks and I can't tell if he's asking or telling. That and I would hardly say my front porch is "public."

Suddenly my eyes grow wide knowing Harper is still sitting next to me.  Derek waited until now because Harper is right next to me and able to hear every word. He wanted her there.

"What's it to you what Ellie does now, Derek?" Liam calmly replies. I was expecting snarls but I guess he's trying to be the bigger person. Or trying not to get suspended again.

"I just didn't know if you were splitting her with Harper?" He then looks over to me, "Wasn't she just dating Liam like, last week?" He winks at me and then smirks at Harper who is still sitting next to me before leaving the classroom. I slowly turn and face her.

"Wait, why was he asking if you are official? And making out? You two aren't going out are you?" She asks like there is no way any of that can be true. After a few moments of silence, while I scramble trying to figure out what to say, I watch her eyes harden. I can't tell if she's about to burst into tears or lunge at my face.

Just tell her Ellie Liam begs and I take a deep breath.

"Harper... okay...yes, Liam is my boyfriend," I say but the honesty makes me feel horrible. She jolts up shoving her chair out and whips her bag over her shoulder.

"Wow, I thought you were my best friend!" She shrieks before running out of the classroom. My heart sinks and I feel Liam's hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asks, but I grab my bag before running out after her. She's already disappeared from the hall by the time I make it out there. I don't see Lily walking down the hall so I assume she found Harper. I quickly walk to the crowded locker room and look down each row of lockers. I whip back the curtain doors to the changing rooms, but don't see either of them there. I pull out my phone to call Lily but it clicks over to voicemail. Great. Just great. I already know I can't miss gym again, so I find my locker to get out my uniform.

The sick feeling in my stomach stays with me all through gym class. I broke girl code. The ultimate rule. I knew I did it, I knew I was going to feel shitty so I don't know why I am all that surprised. Liam tries to cheer me up during English, but I'm still gloomy through French. He didn't want to hurt Harper from the beginning but we both feel rotten now. I knew that was going to be her reaction so why did I expect any different? I knew she wasn't going to congratulate me and go on her merry way. I send her dozens of texts and leave her a number of voicemails but I don't hear back from her.

When I show back up to school for cheer practice, I spot her huddled in the cafeteria corner with Lily and Becca. Harper glares at me when she sees me, so I sit over with the rest of the girls positioning myself far away from her.

"So it's true then? You're going out with Liam Greysor now?" Sarah asks and she raises her hand for a high five. I nod but I don't slap her hand since I know Harper is watching.

"So that's why Harper's crying?" Caitlin asks and all the girls look over at her. Lily catches my eye and nods toward the bathrooms. I hop up from the table without answering Caitlin and a few seconds later, Lily meets me in the handicap stall in the ladies bathroom.

"Lily, I am so sorry. I know I'm a horrible person, I know okay? It just happened!" I plead but she puts her hands up to stop me.

"Ellie, I'm not mad. Harper latched onto him and I can tell he was turned off by it. To be honest, I think he just asked her to homecoming to be in the same group as you. You two had this weird chemistry, so I knew something was going on," she says before folding her arms in front of her. "But I also know nothing just happens with you. I have a feeling you weren't trying to prevent anything from happening either."

Lily has always been more perceptive than I give her credit for.

"It's why Derek and I broke up. I had these weird unexpected bubbly feelings for Liam. This huge crush that hurt my heart, Lily!" I say as I shake her shoulders. "Turns out he had the same feelings for me too. We were going to wait until after homecoming before making it official but then Derek caught him kissing me goodnight and... it just happened." I lower my guilty gaze away from her and she comes over for a hug. I'm relieved to know Lily doesn't hate me. After holding me for a few minutes, she pulls away and says, "Oh my god, is that what the fight was about? Has this been going on for weeks?" I take a step away from her before answering her.

"It was part of it. I did like Liam before we went boating and some other stuff happened with Derek...so yeah, it was part of it." I don't want to get into the Derek drama.

"I wish you would have told me, although I have been suspecting since Piper's party. He was always wondering where you were that night."

"I wanted to Lily, but I also knew I had a boyfriend and Harper was trying real hard to make Liam hers. I wasn't sure how awful you'd think I was."

"I don't think you're awful. I just need to be there for Harper, so I didn't want you thinking I was taking sides. You know she needs me to be an Ellie hater right now." We both laugh and she releases me from her embrace. She then skips back out of the bathroom and I let out a long exhale. Before I walk back out to practice, Lily suddenly skips back around the corner.

"Oh but I should warn you, Harper signed up for the opposite team for powder-puff tomorrow. So now you two are opponents." She gives me a wicked smile and then heads back out of the bathroom. My mouth falls and now I'm seriously worried that my mom will indeed have to pick me up from the hospital.

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