Chapter 41 - Defiance
3rd Person
For Jedi, death was cause for celebration.
The end of something small, and the beginning of something larger.
A tiny stream of life... converging with the boundless basin of the force.
As the living force returned the energy of the dead, the cosmic force fed into conduits that created life anew.
It was the greatest honor one could be granted, succumbing to the great cycle.
And yet...
My eyes snapped open.
My palm smacked the parched, fractured ground, and I flipped over...
Confronted with murderous red, descending to ensure my death.
Instinct took over, and I rolled to the side, smearing my cloak in a filthy pool of my own blood.
The Sith's saber missed, instead stabbing into barren earth.
...The throbbing in my gut dulled. At the same time, my vision narrowed, darkening around the edges.
I leapt upright, focus temporarily subduing pain.
Astonished, and enraged, Opress unleashed a pair of alternating cuts from his large double-bladed saber.
I bypassed each of his slices, barely... by the tips of my head-tendrils, before desperately latching onto his lightsaber hilt right as he tried to bash my head with it.
The Sith roared furiously, slamming me back into the ship's hull in an attempt to sever my grip.
I held fast.
The twin beams of red plasma buzzed with excitement, eager for bloodshed. Likewise, Savage Opress loomed over me, drooling animosity...
My gaze clashed with his.
We were now locked in a deadly struggle, and a series of flukes were the only safeguard preventing the burning blade from touching my flesh.
First, the explosive adrenaline pumping through my veins, granting me an extra boost of strength...
Second, the hull pressing against my back, as well as my low center of gravity. Combined, they both gave me incredible stability in contrast to my foe's slippery footing...
Third, a wider grip on the double-bladed lightsaber than my opponent, providing me with more leverage, as well as a wider, stronger form to push with...
And lastly... countless bouts on the bench press.
Yet, even with so many strokes of luck in my favor, I struggled to gain the upper hand.
We wrestled with the hilt... pressing, twisting, and wrenching it in every direction with our feet rigidly planted in the ground.
...Each of us hoping to end the other.
Suddenly, Opress jerked the hilt to the right, and my superior leverage failed to stop it.
His absurd strength dwarfed mine, and so the crimson glow of the blade brightened on my cloak as I hopelessly pushed back.
I shrieked as the saber bit into my side, singing through my cloak and disintegrating several layers of skin...
Yet after the initial shock, the agony, I found my focus...
For parallel to the red saber that had cut me, protruding from the opposite end of the hilt... there was another.
Without warning, I yielded to the Sith, turning his strength against him.
We yelled in unison, the scorching blades slicing deep into our flesh.
Opress summarily called off his attack, opting to reinstate the pushing contest.
...My endurance was nearly expended; I gave ground faster than before.
Still, I resisted, baring my teeth as the lightsaber sank closer and closer to my chest.
Savage bared his fangs in return.
A frantic hiss spewed out of my throat, my chest muscles writhing like riversnakes.
Despite my collapsing body, my patience persisted, narrowly outlasting the assault.
I waited.
...And waited.
The saber dropped further.
...I waited further.
Closer... closer...
Opress soundly won the contest of strength, however...
Ultimately, his greed devoured his patience.
The Sith lifted his right foot, barely, seeking to adjust his footing so as to crush me more easily.
A grave mistake.
A burst of courage surged through my body, and I swiveled my torso with all my might.
The torsion blindsided Opress, and with only one leg to support him...
He screamed, wailing as his left leg contorted... his knee torn apart at the seams.
...I was not yet finished.
Lightsaber Form V, Djem So: Krayt Dragon's Maw
With a decisive, roaring upswing, I tore Opress's saber out of his hands...
And sundered his left arm at the shoulder.
"SAVAGE!" Maul howled hysterically from afar.
"Urrrrrggghhhh..." Savage gurgled, stepping back while cradling his shoulder.
Sinister strands of mist spewed out of the armless stump... the foul, green gas confessing whispers of nighsister magick.
...I remained focused.
A hectic glance to my rear presented me with Obi-wan, dueling Darth Maul atop the scrapped cruiser behind me.
Maul was beyond displeased.
"Ksssshhhh!" "Ksssshhhhh!"
Even as he guarded my Obi-wan's twin slashes, the Sith Lord shot me several hateful glares, marking me as the new target for his enmity.
Thinking quickly, I located my lightsaber several paces away.
I summoned it to my free hand, sparking it to life.
As Obi-wan and Maul ambled closer, I watched cautiously, keeping Opress in my sights as well.
I was drained, the indomitable ichor of adrenaline siphoned from my veins...
Despite my utmost focus, my stance was shaky... weak.
"Kssshhh!" "Kssshhhh!" "Ksssshhhhh!" "Kssshhhh!"
After confounding Obi-wan with a quartet of frenzied slashes, the Sith lunged for the kill.
"Vvvvmmmm!" "Crunch!"
As he flipped overhead, Darth Maul hammered me into the dirt with a force push.
Savage's weapon dislodged from my grasp, deactivating as it rolled away.
Everything distorted and fuzzy...
...A red streak of light careened toward me...
Obi-wan intercepted the strike with seconds to spare, shattering my delirium.
"Bam!" "Rrgh!"
He followed up with a hefty kick to the chest.
Maul was flung several meters away, sent to his brother for an unintentional reunion.
I attempted to stand, but aching pain gradually returned to my abdomen, destabilizing my legs.
With a weak grunt, I collapsed on the ground, sitting back against the sturdy shell I had been pinned against only minutes prior.
The charred gash in my side was already sealed, so I prioritized attending to the ring of stab wounds on my stomach.
I conjured a force barrier to prevent further blood loss, pouring swaths of concentration into my throbbing core.
...Meanwhile, Obi-wan formed a wall between me and the Sith brothers, steeling himself for another showdown...
Two against one.
Savage Opress may have been down one arm, but he was still in far better condition than me.
Red and blue crackled in the wind, each daring the other to make the first move.
Darth Maul glowered at me for a moment more, before slashing the air in anger.
"Come, my apprentice." a distressed Maul directed to an injured Savage. "This plan... has failed. But we will have another opportunity."
Keeping an eye on Obi-wan, the Sith shifted his attention over to the pirate squabble happening a ways away from us.
"JIRO, READY THE MEN! We're leaving."
Strangely, the sound of laser fire was now absent from the wasteland.
...No, in actuality, it had been absent for a while...
A moment later, someone's treacherous tone broke the silence, yelling back at Maul.
"My men aren't going anywhere with you."
"Tap. Tap. Tap."
A flowing, thieving red coat. A pair of sleek, black boots.
Hondo Ohnaka.
The king of pirates strode through the encampment, dauntless in spite of the monstrous Sith duo.
Grimacing at my horrible state, he strolled past me, eventually stopping next to Obi-wan. The two acknowledged each other with a slight nod, reaffirming the temporary truce.
"I thought I told you to deal with the crazies, Kenobi!" Hondo griped. "Are they too powerful for even you? I am... semi-speechless."
"Hondo. I assume you worked out your differences?" Obi-wan responded, unwavering in his focus.
Sure enough, Hondo's gang followed closely behind him. The reunified band of Weequay pirates lined up beside their leader, armed with various blasters.
Grasping the situation, Maul and Savage stole several cautious paces backward.
And Hondo Ohnaka...?
He laughed.
"Look at them! How powerful can they be? They are running away from Kenobi!" the plunderer roared, spreading his arms gleefully.
"Filth!" Maul snarled, raising his scarlet blade. "You will pay for your insolence."
"Insolence! Hahahaha!" Hondo rumbled in amusement, before scowling at the rogue Sith. "We are pirates, we don't even know what that means!"
When Hondo flicked his blaster pistol toward Maul, his crew copied him in an insant.
"Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!"
"If we kill those two, their riches will be ours!!" Hondo barked gleefully, giving chase to the Sith with his men.
Ironically, selfish greed had betrayed the Sith. The inevitable conclusion, I supposed.
"Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!"
Obi-wan had already faltered in fruther engaging the Dathomirian nightbrothers, instead choosing to focus on my protection. Now, with a swirling maelstrom of laser fire between him and the Sith, pursuit was impossible.
One lucky pirate managed to nail one of Maul's spindly, metal legs, disconnecting it at the knee.
"Kssh!" "Ksssh!" "Ksshh!" "Kssh!"
As Savage helped his brother stand, Maul shielded his brother from the endless rain of blaster bolts.
The next development made me question whether I was delirious again.
Calling forth a massive swell of the force, a fatigued Maul plucked our shuttle off of its perch, tossing it behind him to provide more cover.
It slowed down the pirates just enough.
The Sith duo managed to hobble aboard their bulky cargo ship, Maul leaning against his brother for support.
The vessel's twin rocket boosters boomed, rushing the liftoff sequence with a frantic urgency.
Desperate to escape, the ship barreled into the sky...
...But not before a frenzied pirate struck one of its thrusters with a rocket launcher.
Critically damaged, the spacecraft limped away, bleeding a trail of thick, black smoke behind it.
As the laser fire died down, Obi-wan rushed off, intending to grab all the emergency medical supplies from our downed shuttle.
I stared off into the distance, losing myself in Florrum's bleak, sand-blasted sky.
It helped distract me from the overwhelming, nonstop agony in my gut, battering my inner vault of stoicism.
Eventually, I felt a wetness in my eyes.
Traces of emotion leaking out.
Relief, regret, sadness, and a faint sense...
A sense that I had just collided with a shatterpoint... and defied whatever outcome it forced upon me.
My vision churned, and I fought to maintain consciousness.
As the background dimmed, I spotted Obi-wan, hurrying back with a bacta patch in hand.
I boarded the hovertrain while thinking of my master. A fleeting twinge of worry passed, quickly replaced by eager determination.
Radiant sunlight shattered as it hit chrome-plated buildings, scattering throughout the city.
The towers were as high as ever. However, they weren't so imposing anymore as much as they were alluring.
At the iron gates of Durasteel Strength, I casually strode past Luca, withholding even a sideways glance.
Leaping to snatch the pull-up bar, I skyrocketed through the first repetition.
I emptied my mind, blinked once... and then suddenly the set was over. Two hundred pull-ups, without even a thought.
I nodded, astonished... bearing a satisfied smile that only I could appreciate.
Around the middle of the day, Padme called me over to her office. She needed me to return Skyguy's lightsaber to him, which she had... why, exactly...?
Their relationship sure was curious. ...I shouldn't have been surprised, Master was anything but an upstanding, code-abiding Jedi.
Well... what my master did in his free time wasn't my business, and I wasn't stupid enough to ask him about it unprompted.
His silver saber was cold to the touch.
As I walked throughthe Senate Building lobby, I fidgeted with the blade a bit before hooking it to my side.
'This weapon is your life.'
'Oh really, Skyguy?'
...I smirked, making a mental note of Anakin's blunder. It would be a useful card if the right argument broke out.
The automatic doors hummed open, blasting my ears with shouts and slogans.
"Be kind!"
"Free our kind!"
"Be kind!"
"Free our kind!"
A protest at the entrance to the Senate Dome. The event was led by a small group of Twi'leks and Wookies, demanding that their voices be heard.
The protest? A call to end slavery... not only in the Republic, but on a galactic scale.
Their chants - a mix of basic and Wookie dialect - spurred a series of thoughts.
I thought back to my recent mission to Zygerria. ...Anakin, Obi-wan, Rex, and I... covertly infiltrating the traitorous planet of slavers.
"Master, I've been thinking..." I remarked, trodding through the street as clones cleared the area of battle droid fragments.
"Uh-oh." Anakin commented coolly.
"I'm serious!" I reiterated. "It's something the Zygerrian queen said-"
During a brief pause, the chaotic events of the mission flooded through my head.
"-That we, the Jedi, had become slaves of the republic for serving a corrupt senate. She said we had 'betrayed our own beliefs' by going from peacekeepers to warriors."
I stared at my master's face, withholding my closing question until he met my eyes.
"Do you think there's any truth to what she said?"
"Being a Jedi means we are so devoted to freedom... that we give up our own so that others can be free." Anakin described robotically, as if reciting a code. "So maybe, like Obi-wan said, we are slaves from a certain point of view. But the difference is that any freedoms we sacrificed, we chose to."
'I chose to?' I pondered to myself. 'Hm... I guess I did.'
"These beings had no choice, and if we hadn't come to help them..." Anakin trailed off wistfully. "They would have been slaves forever."
"I'd say the sacrifice is worth it, every single rotation." I stated, pumping my fist with excitement. "After the war is over, I want to end slavery in the galaxy. I mean finish it, once and for all."
"That's an awful big job." Anakin sighed, before flashing a grin of his own. "Maybe too big, even for us."
"If you've taught me one thing over and over again, it's that one person can make all the difference in the galaxy." I insisted, set in my goal. "Whaddya say, Master?"
"You got yourself a deal, Snips." Skyguy yielded. "When the war is over, we'll team up and wipe out slavery, once and for all."
End Flashback
'One person, huh?' I repeated, remembering how easily the Senate had relinquished Grievous. 'But how much does one person have to change... to make it stick?'
"Be kind!"
"Free our kind!"
"Be kind!"
"Free our kind!"
'Why didn't we deal with slavery in the Outer Rim earlier?' I thought privately, conflicted.
Anakin was a slave on Tatooine when Obi-wan picked him up, I'd gathered that much. ...But why hadn't we taken action out there on a larger scale? Zygerria was an anomaly in that regard.
Whether it was correct or not, the answer was simple.
...Because of the war. Zygerria made deals with Dooku, and so the Republic got involved.
As I mulled over the matter, strolling casually past the small crowd, my senses picked up a few startled mutters.
"Her there..."
I often refrained from wearing traditional Jedi robes, so my allegiance was harder to pinpoint than most.
...However, without any loose cloth to tuck them under, the trio of lightsabers clipped to my waist were completely exposed.
All it took was one person's recognition for the whispers to start.
"Is that..."
I flung them a brief glance, mustering the most supportive smile-and-wave combo I had in my arsenal.
...But the best look I received in return was disappointed... and the worst, cynical.
As a Jedi who frequented the many levels of Coruscant - for both work and recreation - over the past few months, I'd noticed a shift.
Public opinion was turning against us.
A dirty look, a foul comment, an 'accidental' spilled drink... Zevon and I even received a brazen challenge from some cocky street fighter a couple days prior.
There would always be people unsatisfied with our results. I'd known that for a while.
The real question was... was the Senate doing its best? And, more relevant to me... were the Jedi doing our best? How well was the council really using its power?
Padme's friend, Senator Bonteri... she was unimpressed. She had alligned herself with the CIS, and she was kindhearted at the very least... if a little idealistic. She wasn't as easily dismissed as someone like Nute Gunray, a greedy business executive.
I shook my head, dispersing the doubts. Those protestors... I must've caught their cynicism.
Master Yoda, Master Plo, the late Master Piel, and now even Master Gallia... they had my trust.
Suddenly, a ping rang out from my holofeed.
Barriss was messaging me.
The once-spellbinding swirl of hyperspace no longer captivated me.
I would've preferred some actual space aboard the shuttle to stretch my legs. If only we'd taken a cruiser...
Staring blankly at the blue vortex, I wondered if Master Gallia and Master Kenobi had passed us already. Surely their search was over by now.
I hadn't expected to be going offworld today.
"Barriss is pretty insistent that you come." Ahsoka had relayed.
Funnily enough, Barriss had taken a liking to Jedi Master Stass Allie.
My master's cousin was heavily involved in diplomatic matters, a perfect fit for Barriss's interests. So when Barriss requested to extend her tutelage, Master Allie obliged.
The four of us - Master Allie, Ahsoka, Barriss, and I - were to depart on a diplomatic mission.
When I was told of our destination, I realized why Barriss was so confident in my interest.
Back to where my war started.
As I stared at my reflection in the transparasteel, the memories started flowing.
An argument arose right after Master Allie slipped to the back of the ship... she'd probably gone to use the bathroom.
Zevon reminisced about his near-death experience on Jedha, and Barriss and I extended the topic by detailing our exploits on Geonosis... as well as the horrifying journey afterward.
Well, it was Barriss who brought up the brain worms... and the scuffle aboard our ship.
Things soured when she spoke of the hostile encounter with my late friend, Lieutenant Trap the clone. He'd been possessed by one of the worms, and had attacked Barriss.
"And you just killed him." Zevon repeated in disbelief.
"Yes, what about it?" Barriss remarked plainly, sensing Zevon's distaste. "He was infected."
"How could you?" Zevon accused, horrified. "He was your comrade... your friend."
"Don't pretend like you know. You never had to go through a situation like that." Barriss scorned. "Ahsoka did twice... first on that mission, and second with you."
Zevon swallowed, glancing at me momentarily.
"She chose not to kill either of us." he seethed, glaring. "You owe the clones that same restraint. They deserve that same restraint."
"We went out of our way to save the rest of the clones."
"You missed one. His name was Trap."
"I don't need to explain anything else. It was a stressful situation." Barriss insisted, unafraid of the staredown.
"I'm sure it was stressful for Trap too." Zevon muttered, his lip quivering with intensity. "He was probably terrified. Helplessly watching from inside his body... as you, his commanding officer, discarded him, deciding that his life wasn't worth the effort."
"Stop projecting onto him, he understood the sacrifice." Barriss scoffed. "And I would've understood if anyone had chosen the same with me."
"Ahsoka didn't think that way. She put her all into bringing you back."
"Again with this... Ahsoka reacted differently, does that mean I reacted wrong?"
"Yeah, that's exactly what it means." Zevon snorted. "It proves that you didn't care much about Trap to begin with!"
"Oh, but you do? Of course." Barriss laughed mockingly. "So you made a few buddies in the barracks, and now you're the champion of clones everywhere?"
"Yeah, I'm a lot more of one than y-"
"-You're no hero, Zevon. None of us are, we've all led clones to their deaths." Barriss continued, interrupting. "I've done it, Ahsoka's done it... and you've done it too. So you didn't strike the killing blow... you think that frees you of the guilt?"
"There are clones that died because of me, clones I probably could have saved..." Zevon admitted, pained. "But the difference is that I cared... and I wish I could change what happened, redo it all. But you... I don't think you care at all."
"Ugh... caring isn't enough to solve the conflict." Barriss proclaimed sadly. "In fact, without action, it's absolutely worthless."
"What...? We've been acting, Barriss... both of us." Zevon insisted. "Yeah, you've been in it longer, but what does that matter? I have plenty of battles under my belt."
"That's not what I'm talking about!" Barriss jeered, frustrated. "Enjoy them all you want, but battles aren't action. Compliance is inaction."
"Enjoy?" Zevon repeated, glaring at the accusation. "You think I'm enjoying myself?"
"Yeah." Barriss glared back. "I could respect your ideals, Zevon... but they only exist in conversation."
"What the fuck?! I don't follow, why don't you enlighten me?"
"Even if you have strong beliefs, they're never at the front of your mind. I've seen you train, I've seen you fight... you are enjoying yourself. You talk a big game, but all of that vanishes when you ignite your lightsaber."
"So what, I can't feel relieved that things got a bit easier for me?" Zevon spat, evidently hurt. "What does that matter anyway...? We were talking about the clones."
"As yes the clones..." Barriss trailed off, lowering her head into the shadows. "I can appreciate Rex, and Burst... but you need to understand that most clones aren't like them. They don't think, they don't question, they don't defy... they only take orders. ...And if they can't even give themselves sympathy for their plight... why should I?"
"Barriss... you know that their minds were tampered with by the Kaminoans!" Zevon yelped, exasperated. "...You don't need a brain worm wriggling out of their mouths to see that. Honestly, I never expected this type of heartlessness from you."
"I don't see why that changes anything. They were created for the war. They're supposed to perpetuate it." Barriss remarked coldly. "That goes against my principles, but I guess that's just me."
I crossed my arms awkwardly.
"Hey, you two... Master Allie is going to enter at any moment..." I piped up, nervous.
"Really, Ahsoka?" Barriss scoffed, her tone so poisonous she might have exhaled dioxis gas. "The least you can do is have an opinion."
"Welcome back, Master Jedi."
When we set foot on the pearly white sands of Jedha, Hela and Chirrut quickly greeted us, recognizing me in an instant.
I hadn't seen them in... how long? A year, at least.
Master Allie cut to the chase, immediately directing us to a private area for discussion.
"Your task was simple: protect the temple and the transcendental power it holds." she stated politely. "Unlike the past, trust is now in short supply. In essence, considering the events that transpired here, the council feels that their trust was misplaced."
"Please, the temple is yours, Master Jedi." Hela accepted, unbothered. "What we take issue with is the continued occupation of our city."
"If that's what it takes to give you a sense of security, keep a garrison at the temple, by all means." Chirrut sighed. "...But as Hela said, the presence of your troops has disturbed our peace long enough."
"I was dispatched because Jedha lacks senate representation, but due to the city's proximity to the temple, authority falls solely to the high council." Master Allie clarified, her tone measured. "The council is clear on their stance. They prefer that a level of surveillance remain in the city. Though, our forces are spread thin currently, so that could change at a moment's notice."
"Children have been tagged for sneaking past the division wall at night!" Hela snapped furiously. "Please...!"
"My apologies... I can relay your grievances to the council." Master Allie offered. "And I will negotiate for you the best I can, but my power ends there."
When Master Allie and Hela dove into the technical details, us three padawans were sent out to observe Jedha City. A few hours of downtime.
Ahsoka and I scoured the city together. The more I walked the more I understood Hela and Chirrut.
Clones standing around every corner, like hawkish statues watching over the populace...
Holding their blasters to the side... the dark visors of their helmets masking their intent.
The garrison present was massive. Never before had there been this many clones in one place... with the exception of Coruscant. Likely Kamino as well, but I'd never been.
Anyone would feel unsafe living here.
"What do you think?" Ahsoka pried suddenly, curious.
"Pull the troops out, all of them... except maybe at the temple." I maintained. "It's like Irisella all over again. We might as well be begging to create resentment and distrust."
"That makes some sense." Ahsoka nodded. "But you should know the potential risks of letting kyber fall into Separatist hands... you were the one here, remember?"
"You're with the council on this?" I asked, slightly surprised.
"I think their stance makes sense." she confirmed hesitantly. "Not that I'm with them in every case."
"Sure. Kind of a boring view, though." I nudged, earning an eye roll from Ahsoka. "Only teasing, I'm actually glad you don't just say yes to everything I say."
"Yeah, then who would tell you when you're wrong?" she laughed.
"By the way... where'd Barriss run off to?" I asked, bearing a hint of guilt that I swiftly snorted away.
"She wanted to have a bite at that Evening Star place..." Ahsoka murmured, poking her cheek. "Actually, we were going to go together... but I guess she hasn't cooled off yet."
"Ah, whatever. She'll get over it eventually." I scoffed, eyeing a sign illuminated by twilight. "Hey, look over there... didn't Chirrut say something about that? Something about a dance tonight..."
When we arrived at the site of the dance, both of us were left speechless.
The amphitheater's architecture put even the Grand Temple to shame...
A colossal, ornate chamber with an open dome placed atop it... allowing the entire building to meld with the celestial bodies above. The side walls were open as well... the ivory desert visible through four majestic arches.
The guests were similarly divine. Primarily composed of members of the Church of the Force and the Guardians of the Whills, each visitor wore appropriate attire.
"I, uh..." I sputtered, peering down at my muddy-brown robes. "-Don't think I'm dressed for the part."
"I can help you with your wardrobe sometime...!" Ahsoka suggested, eager. "But you'll have to apologize for all the tube top comments."
"Sure, when Coruscant implodes." I snorted.
A few excited mutters peppered us as we strolled onto the marble floor, but most people payed us no attention.
Notably, Jedi techniques were fairly easy to convert into dance.
I weaved Ahsoka's fingers with mine, and we merged with the swaying mass of pairs.
"Hey, I never got to ask..." I started, mildly nervous. "How was the Gathering? Nostalgic?"
"Fairly eventful, actually." she giggled. "A lot more than ours... I even got captured by pirates."
"That's right, and you saw Grievous again..." I muttered, momentarily detaching from the amphitheater. "But they all found their crystals? Byph, Katooni, Petro...?"
"And Ganodi, Gungi, and Zatt... yeah, everyone did." Ahsoka smiled. "And after that, they even traveled to Florrum to save me..."
"That's good to hear." I breathed, relieved. "I bet Master Sinube was happy about that."
"They're all nice kids." she nodded, content. "I hope I did good enough as their guide..."
After a few minutes, our lighthearted conversation died down, and we focused entirely on synchronizing our movements.
Whirling within the pearly dunes, our hands entwined...
Beneath the blanket of night, the stars breathed luminescence into the braid of silka beads hanging from Ahsoka's lekku.
As we twirled among the attendees, I lost myself in Ahsoka's serene dance... all her many qualities on full display.
Ambivalent, yet adamant.
Stubborn, yet swayable.
Above all else, she was so inflexibly caring.
Sometimes annoyingly so.
"Psst, c'mere." Ahsoka suddenly whispered, yanking me closer. "Wanna help me show off a little?"
"Oh, but should you?" I mumbled sarcastically. "This isn't a circus."
"Just keep your balance." she snapped back.
Before I could process anything, Ahsoka took flight... soaring between the stars with her nimble acrobatics.
I tightened my core muscles, expertly balancing her above me while exterting a fair amount of arm strength.
A barrage of "oohs" "and "aahs" fell upon us... a meteor shower of admiration.
I caught her on the way down, setting her on the ground softly.
Ahsoka had always been reliable. She constantly stuck her neck out for me, even if she didn't always approve of my choices. The frigid caves of Ilum... the rooftop chasms of Coruscant... Atsuminagi's rampage on Irisella...
She saved me so many times... even the times when I asked her not to.
Sure, it had bothered me, understandably so. But still... I benefited from her help all the same. And as the years passed, as we aged... she stopped worrying so much.
She stopped her excessive coddling, and I got over my feelings of resentment. Mostly.
At any rate, over the past few months, any remaining friction between us had faded away.
...And now, I was someone that she could rely on.
Quiet settled between us once again, and we took turns stealing gazes into each other's eyes...
A nervous excitement simmered in my stomach, warming my body.
Most of the attendees were lovers.
Ahsoka and I grasped this fact simultaneously.
We smiled weakly at each other.
Our gazes fused together, and we entered each other's thoughts...
I felt her, and she felt me.
Together, we suffered the same four thoughts.
'Do I really feel this way?'
'I do.'
'I'm a Jedi.'
We danced together until the blanket of night was yanked from our grasp.
Ahsoka and I left the event unfulfilled, but with a greater understanding of each other... and of ourselves.
Without warning, within my conscious... the Son stirred in his slumber.
Over the past few months, he'd been strangely despondent. My hunch was that tormenting me simply wasn't fun for him anymore.
'She's very special to you.' he proclaimed with shocking sincerity. 'Yet you've chosen your ambition, your duty... over her.'
'That's fine... it's the same with her.' I responded bluntly. 'And don't forget, you did something similar.'
'Precisely... you saw it, how did I fair?' the Son whispered. 'It may be a commendable decision, but there are always consquences.'
Early the next morning, we departed as swiftly as we arrived.
Midway through the slog of hyperspace... our shuttle received a transmission.
Master Kenobi.
"Are you on your way to Coruscant?"
"Yes, we concluded our business on Jedha... and have already embarked on the journey back." Master Allie informed.
"That's good..." Master Kenobi remarked. "Master Allie... can you give the holoprojector to Zevon for a moment? Although... I suppose you'll also want to hear this."
Raising her eyebrow, Master Allie nodded, thrusting the device into my arms.
Master Kenobi's luminous image shook his head slightly.
"Zevon, as soon as you land... you should make your way to the Temple infirmary." the Jedi Master advised.
"Sure, Master Kenobi... but why-" I started, jolting forward in my seat as it hit me. 'Master!'
Sure enough...
"On Florrum... your master was injured."
If not for the Jedi roaming the temple, I would have used force speed and blitzed my way to the medical bay.
"Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!"
I rushed into the infirmary with rapid urgency, shooting several panicked glances around the area.
When I spotted Master Gallia, bedridden, a sickening feeling dripped down into my stomach... as if I'd swallowed a nest of infant duraslugs.
"Beep... beep... beep..."
A high-tech ventilator fixed to her mouth...
Layers and layers of bandages and bacta patches wrapped around her stomach...
And a faint, incessant beeping sound.
"I'm afraid I was unable get you that horn." Master Gallia coughed out of the breathing apparatus. "Though, if it is that important to you... we can always scan my gut for embedded fragments."
In spite of her severe wounds, her irises gleamed the same as always.
They were oceans, teeming with life.
"They told me you got hurt." I gulped, rattled by her condition. "I didn't know it was this bad..."
"I will survive, the same as every other time." she sighed. "It is becoming somewhat repetitive, though, yes?"
She still seemed in good spirits, fortunately. That put me at ease.
"...Well? Did you find them, at least?" I questioned hesitantly.
"As you can see, Opress nearly ended me." she explained, gesturing to her torso. "I fought back, though... took his arm."
"And... what happened then...?" I pushed further. "Did you finish him? Did Master Kenobi take out Darth Maul?"
"...We are still unsure." Master Gallia breathed roughly. "Their ship crashed... no sign of them in the wreckage. They may have perished... they may not have."
"Guess only time will tell." I replied, nodding as my voice broke apart. "What... what matters is that you made it out alive..."
"Beep... beep... beep..."
My master paused, pondering through the ventilator's steady tones.
"Savage Opress breached my body, and for a moment... I touched the force... and embraced the end." she rasped. "Yet my lingering wonders, my regrets... like tethers, they fastened me to the realm of the living."
"Told you so." I blurted out, tears bubbling to the surface.
"No, perhaps it was wrong... but I decided to live on regardless, for the sake of guiding your ascent to knighthood." Master Gallia finished, struggling to hide her emotion. "Fitting, seeing as your silly strength training... is the only reason I survived."
"So Jedi Masters do bench press." I grinned, rubbing my eyes.
"Indeed." she chuckled. "Those that have any sense."
She'd come a long way since the beginning of my apprenticeship.
Slowly, guilt crept up from the floor, scuttling up my legs and into my ears.
"Master..." I muttered, abashed.
"Yes, Zevon...?" she acknowledged curiously, waiting patiently for my response.
"The truth is... Master Skywalker helped me-"
"I know."
"...About form VII?"
A bolt of quiet struck the room, dissolving the air and stealing our voices.
After several breathless seconds, my voice returned.
"I'm sorry for being untruthful, and I'm sorry if I disappointed you..." I apologized, albeit maintaining a firmness. "...But I don't regret learning anything. I needed to study Vaapad, it's as simple as that."
"It appears I failed in making things clear." Master Gallia grieved, her eyelids dwindling momentarily. "I never forbade you from learning the form, I only stated that I would not teach it to you. ...Because I am unsuited in doing so."
"Like you detailed in your book?" I inquired lightly. "I remember you writing something along the lines of 'I was unable to control his prized creation.'"
"Indeed... it is not a technique most are capable of, not one many should even attempt." she confirmed, her voice drenched in shame. "Only truly special Jedi have mastered form VII, a category I am not a part of."
'Again with the pity party...?' I thought to myself. 'She even puts the old me to shame.'
"Alternatively, I recommend you study under Master Windu." my master proposed.
"I want you to teach me, not him." I asserted, planting my feet in the ground.
"Then I apologize." she croaked, unexpectedly despondent. "I cannot."
"Okay then, sorry for being so stubborn." I conceded, noticing her discomfort. "I guess I'll have to make do."
Apparently suffering a surge of pain, Master Gallia grasped at the bacta patch fastened to her stomach.
I opened my mouth to yelp, but her speech outpaced mine.
"Zevon... remember the price that Vaapad demands. Be vigilant, disciplined..." she groaned. "Despite being safe from the worst consequences, I want you to keep your composure."
"Yeah, I'll do my best to lock down my anger and... you know." I assured, scratching the back of my head.
"I failed to erase my fear, unlike my master." Master Gallia nodded, disheartened. "You will be different."
"No, Adi."
The entrance of hoarse, sluggish voice surprised my master and I.
Master Sinube had appeared near the bedside, leaning against his cane... an eased expression carved into his crinkled face.
"Master Sinube..." Master Gallia remarked with the same dullness as me when I sensed an incoming lecture.
"Even someone as capable as Master Windu has fear, although maybe he does not think so." the old timer insisted. "Talent does not necessarily translate to teaching ability, he is a perfect example of that."
"He's right, courage isn't the absence of fear-" I started proudly, bouncing off of Master Sinube's statement.
"-But the will to act despite it?" Master Gallia cut in, scoffing as she paraphrased the rest. "Any well-read scholar knows that cliché."
"I didn't know it."
"My apologies, oh wise one." I bowed mockingly. "...Either way, that still doesn't make it any less true."
"Your childish disrespect is becoming a tad bit too casual..." Master Gallia murmured, failing badly to conceal a smirk. "You have not yet payed for my ship's repairs, either... do I need to discipline you?"
Whistling, I furiously racked my brain, determined to change the subject. Fortunately, Master Sinube provided a much needed distraction.
"I'm good to see that you're alive, Adi." he huffed warmly. "I only wanted to check in. Good day to you both."
"Thank you, Tera." Master Gallia replied formally.
While hobbling away, the old Jedi stopped for a moment.
"Oh, and do follow your padawan's wisdom..." he added, chuckling to himself.
Before my master could call after him, I cut in.
"By the way, Master, since you happened to be on the council that day, back then..." I remembered suddenly. "What do you know about Anakin Skywalker? Before he joined the order, I mean."
Blindsided by the question, Master Gallia opened her mouth momentarily... before shutting down whatever she'd been ready to reveal.
"...Forgive me, I do want to be more open. However, they are Skywalker's secrets to tell, not mine." she grimaced reluctantly. "I assume Padawan Tano has taken a similar stance... if you never heard the details from her."
"I never knew we were allowed to be so secretive." I complained, rolling my eyes. "Eh, whatever. Anyways, not sure if you heard... but I returned to Jedha."
"Oh?" Master Gallia remarked, intrigued. "How is the state of things there?"
"Suffocating." I stated simply.
"I expected as much..." she uttered softly. "After all, I am the one who seized control."
"The healer should be returning any time now..." I eventually declared, sitting up abruptly. "I am due for a full submersion in bacta."
"Wait a second... Burst is calling now." Zevon stated abruptly, feeling my holoprojector vibrate from the depths of his pocket. "I told him about what happened... he wants to speak with you."
"A quick chat, then." I conceded, settling down again.
Zevon accepted the transmission, and Burst's form materialized from holographic blue.
"General." he addressed formally, albeit with amusement. "Glad to see that you didn't kick the bucket."
"No, I will not allow that to happen, Lieutenant." I rasped, resolute. "For now, at least."
"You won't? I won't allow it, and the same goes for you, kid!" Burst declared, waving his hands wildly. "After this is all behind us, you two are my ticket to high society! Don't forget that."
"Bold to request bribes from a Jedi Master." I accused, raising an eyebrow.
"Not at all, you owe it to me, General." Burst laughed, but I could tell he was partially serious.
"Fine then, perhaps I will consider it." I smiled.
"Hey Burst... you think we'll go on another mission together, soon?" Zevon suddenly interjected.
"I'm sure we'll get paired up again soon." Burst asserted confidently. "Actually, I got orders from the top today..."
"Oh? That's surprising?" Zevon chortled. "They're finally dragging you out of bed, eh?"
"I'm well-rested... not everyone's as crazy as you, kid." Burst fired back, grinning. "But yep, I have to run a training exercise with, oh... which one was it again...? Ah, that's right..."
"Clone Force Ninety Nine." I stated, recalling the unit. "They're a funny bunch, have quite the reputation."
The conversation didn't go on much longer. Soon, the general had to take her bath... and the kid was forced to end the chat. Either way, I was happy to see General Gallia alive and well.
With a relieved sigh, I deactivated the holoprojector, closing the call.
If I could have it my way, none of my remaining friends would die in the war.
...But things never went my way, did they?
Still, life at the barracks had started being slightly easier.
And with my mind reassured, sleep came to me easier too.
Sure, a ton of doubts still weighed me down, but I clung to the Supreme Chancellor's promise... his soothing promise to reward me with the life I wanted.
'Anything you so desire, brave soldier.'
That single morsel of hope kept my optimism alive.
'I just have to fight a little longer.'
I only had to survive until then... the end of the clone war...
It had to end soon. It had to.
Author's Note
The Clone War rages on, indifferent to the fate of any individual... and the pillars of democracy groan under stress, as the largest shatterpoint in galactic history fastly approaches.
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