Chapter 20 - A Blind Eye

3rd Person

Why do people turn to evil, to violence... to war?

Maybe some were born that way...

Most weren't.

Most were molded by the environments they lived in.

It's almost funny.

You invade worlds...

You take homes... defile lands...

You subjugate, dehumanize, enslave...

And then... you're surprised when people turn to violence?


The scariest thing in this galaxy is a child born into suffering.

That child, who knows nothing but parched sands, poisoned waters, or pitch black alleys...

They know what it's like to have nothing.

Therefore, if you try to take something important from them...

They latch on... and fight like a wounded animal.

Those children, victims of the galaxy's cruelty...

They become your most dangerous enemies.

Within Irisella's factory on the water, a child was currently carrying out her duties.


Up in my compact metal box atop the outdoor section of the factory, I oversaw everything.

I witnessed the half-finished gunships mobilizing out of the plant's indoor section.

After that, I skillfully operated the few control panels present in my tiny box.

With a few button presses, I manually activated each of the immense, suspended electromagnets that hung over every assembly line.

The electromagnets served a myriad of purposes. After the incomplete gunships levitated skyward, a team of mechanics serviced the areas inaccessible to the mechanics at ground level.

Additionally, the magnetic levitation offered a jump-start to the gunships' hovering technology once the mechanics had installed it, making the testing process easier.

All I had to do was press buttons.

Well... that was all I could do now.

In the brief moments between each of my button presses, I added a detail to my sketch.

It was coming along nicely, at least I thought so.

My depth perception was off. I would've been able to draw my art faster with two eyes.

A little line there on the sleeves...

A detail on the hilt...


An impulse came over me in an instant.

Someone was coming. In response, I hid my sketch in a small wooden slit located on the underside of my wheelchair.


The miniscule door to my box opened violently.

In walked the factory's overseer, Marshall.

"You! What's your name, again?!" he demanded, pointing a finger at me.

"Athina, sir." I hissed calmly.

"You've been thieving from my office again, haven't you?!" he accused with a yell.

"Thieving, sir? Has something gone missing?" I snarled, trying to sound genuinely confused.

"Another stack of paper has gone missing from my desk! Paper is not as common or as cheap as it was a thousand years ago, child!" he roared, grabbing at my polypwood wheelchair.

Despite his effort to search me, he was unable to find my well-hidden sketch.

"I don't know where your paper is, sir." I hissed again, feigning bewilderment.

Marshall looked about ready to flip me over, yet his eyes suddenly shifted to look at something going on outside.

"Luckily for you, I don't have the time for this. Watch yourself, child. When I catch you, your time here will be over." the overseer pledged, glaring at me before begrudgingly leaving.

'Heh. As if.' I thought to myself. 'I'm the only one who can do this job. Good luck finding anyone else.'

With the overseer gone, I continued manning my station... until something caught my eye.

The commotion outside that Marshall had taken notice of... ah.

Mister Ryoshi had arrived, I could see his vast, ancient, yet still somehow seaworthy vessel docked at the marina.

He'd come with passengers...

I craned my neck to get a better look at them.

No way!

I quickly reached under my wheelchair, removing the sketch from my hiding place.

Lining up my drawing with the seven strangers I could make out in the distance, the resemblance was clear.

Jedi! The Jedi were here!


An exterior sea-level barrier encircled the military industrial works.

Before entry, Ryoshi's ship had to pass through a locking system installed into the barrier.

That way, it kept out all the flammable toxins and chemicals that floated on the ocean's surface.

Letting those deadly contaminants near the factory was out of the question... that's what Ryoshi said, anyway.

"Wait here, R2. Anakin instructed a little blue astromech. R2... D2, was it? The droid was nested in the front of his starfighter.

As we stepped foot onto solid ground (did the factory count?), each of us made sure to thank the ferryman.

"Thanks for the ride, sir." Rex expressed gratefully.

"Actually, it's 'captain.'" Ryoshi hissed, baring his sharp teeth.

"What a coincidence. Captain Rex, at your service." Rex grinned in amusement, gracing Captain Ryoshi with an honorary salute.

At this point, I was growing increasingly tired of Ryoshi's antagonistic, outright dismissive tone. Rex might have been forgiving, but I wasn't as charitable.

Why did he have to respond with such vitriol every time? Probably just an irritable old man... I already knew a few.

Nevertheless... I didn't know what to make of the situation here. The planet had been so vibrant, and then...

What was this factory, if not an oily smear on a colorful canvas?

I guess... the machines needed to be manufactured somewhere.

Still... it made me uneasy. I don't think I was the only one, either. The state of the planet had struck a chord in almost everyone.

It was the most obvious with Anakin. There was... something about him. A side of him I'd never seen. His clenched fist, the pent-up rage in his stride... that glare as he surveyed the area around him.

Little did I know, it would only become more noticeable.

As we stood in the looming shadow of the factory, a well-dressed man approached us.

"Hey, over here! Which one of you is... Kenobi? Gallia?" the man yelled, scratching his head as he frantically pored over some holonotes. He seemed stressed.

The named council members quickly introduced themselves before cutting to the chase; the rest of us sat back and waited. Master Luminara and Anakin struck up a conversation, Rex and Burst did the same.

That left Ahsoka, Barriss, and I.


"I assume you're Marshall?" Obi-wan asked jovially.

"Yes... what exactly is your plan here?" The overseer inquired cautiously.

"That depends... on our assessment." I answered, crossing my arms.

"Okay? What does that mean?" he asked, now more flabbergasted.

"Well... we need to search the place first. Do you have any detailed design plans of the factory, perchance?" Obi-wan requested charmingly.

"I can get that for that you." Marshall replied.

"Excellent. On that note, are there any... glaring weaknesses someone might exploit if they set out to destroy this place?" I pried, causing Marshall's eyes to widen.

"Who exactly is this someone? RHE wasn't exactly too detailed in their explanation." he asked desperately.

Obi-wan and I exchanged looks of surprise at this revelation. How could he not know?

"You mean... you don't know? That 'someone' is General Grievous." Obi-wan informed the overseer.

It took a moment for us to calm down the foreman, but he eventually came back to his senses.

"This place is completely covered in armored plating. Impact resistant... vibration resistant... I don't even understand some of the engineering behind it. Nobody would be able to enter anywhere other than the front entrance." the overseer affirmed.

"Unfortunately, I don't think that's true." I declared, Obi-wan nodding in agreement. "Grievous has lightsabers at his disposal..."

The overseer's eyes widened again, realizing the implications of the exposition I'd just delivered.

"Whether it from the depths of the ocean, or the top of the factory... Grievous will enter where he pleases. It's up to us to intercept him before that." Obi-wan affirmed.

"And... if you fail, what happens then?" Marshall asked.

"Stop Grievous, prevent him from playing his trump card... whatever it may be." I stated.

"His 'trump card?' You don't think..." The overseer started.

"Explosives." Obi-wan answered, cutting to the chase.

"It's the most effective, as well as the most likely method Grievous will employ." I affirmed, echoing Obi-wan's sentiment.

"He wouldn't be able to get explosives past the blockade, the sensors..." Marshall scoffed.

"It seems unlikely, but that's our current hypothesis. And, anyway... if anyone could have done it, it would be Grievous." Obi-wan maintained.


"Did you two see the carvings on the ship?" Barriss piped up softly.

"Carvings?" Ahsoka and I questioned in unison.

"It's... it's part of Umidori culture. I read about it in that book, you know the one..." Barriss elucidated, and I remembered the holobook she'd accidentally shattered earlier.

"I think we were too busy admiring... the scenery." I stated, which Ahsoka affirmed with a nod.

"That ship must be ancient... those carvings contain their history." Barriss muttered to herself, drifting away in thought.

"Just make sure Master Luminara doesn't hear you." Ahsoka advised Barriss, jolting her back to her senses.

"I know." Barriss replied.

"What does that mean?" I asked, a little lost.

Noticing my perplexity, the two padawans shared a glance.

"As a mirialan... my people have traditions that even Jedi of our race must follow. The order is very accommodating in that regard. I don't mind bearing that burden, but..." Barriss explained.

"Barriss enjoys learning and experiencing other cultures, but... Master Luminara isn't too keen on it." Ahsoka finished for her, to Barriss' surprise.

"Ah, that makes sense then." I nodded, feeling empathetic towards Barriss' plight. "I... I understand what it's like to have a stern master."

Barriss locked eyes with me, and I once again felt a sense of understanding... of kinship.

Up ahead, it seemed that our party was moving to search the factory.

"The archives attested that long ago, Jedi regularly visited Irisella and assisted the Umidori in fighting off raiders. Do you think that's true? I just don't understand how things got like this..." Barriss blabbered.

"I hear you Barriss, but we need to concentrate on the mission now." Ahsoka proclaimed, moving forward to join the rest of the group who'd already begun entering the factory.

I followed, along with a discouraged Barriss.

Before entry, I glanced behind me one last time, and...

I saw the Umidori, beginning to unload Anakin's starfighter by hand.


The "overseer," Marshall, led us through the factory.

He guided us through its multiple floors, dull gray corridors, utility rooms...

And the assembly lines themselves.

I saw the workers, the sea-green, marine-like people.

Many of them were missing limbs. Missing eyes.

Men, women, and children alike.


"Workers." As if.

I clenched my fist harder.

I knew a better word to describe them.

Despair... anguish... pain...

Their emotions were like tiny grains of sand blowing into my ears.

It was impossible to ignore their feelings... they were so potent, so raw. They were everywhere within the factory.

I'm sure the other Jedi felt them as well, save for one.

Even despite their despair... the workers' eyes lit up with hope when they noticed us.

They reminded me of myself, so long ago...

Now, I knew better.

It was false hope.

Eventually, we reached the top floor of the factory.

"This is the reactor room." the overseer announced, unlocking a large hatch.

Within the chamber was a spherical device... the main source of the factory's power generation.

The room was dark, though there two circular windows on either side...

I would have mentioned them to Obi-wan and Master Gallia, but they seemed too small for Grievous to realistically fit through.

The overseer then indicated to a hefty, dark purple lever located at the base of the reactor.

"This is the emergency switch... it would shut off the entire factory if the circumstances called for it." he remarked.

"Speaking of which..." Obi-wan began. "Before we've resolved this matter, all production should be halted." he suggested.

"What?!" the slimy overseer sputtered. "I'm afraid that's just not possible... I was told specifically to continue production no matter the circumstances..."

"If your laborers get caught in the crossfire, it'll be on you." I growled, surprising everyone.

Obi-wan gave me a stern look. Nothing I wasn't used to.

"Listen... I... I don't decide these things! My position is at risk here! You.. you don't want to get into a dispute with RHE, trust me..." Marshall stuttered.

"Forget about it." Master Gallia stated, giving in.


Eventually, the overseer left to get something for us.

Left alone, the nine of us congregated to go over our options and strategies.

"That reactor is a prime target... highly volatile." Master Luminara stated.

"I agree, Master Luminara. We'll have to keep that in mind... at the very least, I think we can be certain that Grievous hasn't arrived yet."

Suddenly... a loud, monotone beeping sound blared over the intercom system.

Workers began shuffling throughout the hallways outside our meeting place.

Evidently, their working hours had come to a close.

"According to the overseer, they live on an island chain not far from here. That ferry shuttles them here and back every day." my master stated plainly.

"Are you... going somewhere with that?" Master Kenobi inquired, sensing that she was planning something.

"A few of us should tag along... become acquainted with them. My padawan and I will do, along with Lieutenant Burst as well." my master suggested, choosing her words carefully.

"Why, exactly? More insight... perspective?" Master Luminara pondered.

"We have to consider the possibility... that there could be a traitor among them; an informant or spy, working with Grievous." Master Gallia contended, revealing her intentions.

"That's ridiculous!" Anakin argued, clenching his cybernetic fist.

"Anakin..." Master Kenobi mediated, putting a hand on Anakin's shoulder.

"After Jedha, it's a possibility I can't ignore." Master Gallia admitted, referencing the previous betrayal of the sect leaders.

"Those people are clearly the victims here! I know what I saw here... I know you all saw it too." Anakin resisted, clearly distraught.

"I agree, Skywalker. However... If anything, that fact makes them more likely to turn to the separatists." my master pointed out, being logical.

"Can't you even acknowledge what's right in front of you, Master Gallia...? Surely the council can spare the resources to free these people and clean up their world." Anakin questioned, putting the spotlight on my master.

All eyes were on Anakin and Master Gallia... everyone felt the tension, unsure of the direction their dialogue would take.

"It is... abhorrent." my master acknowledged, conflicted. "But... it's not our mission. I'll see to it that the council and senate hear about this, Skywalker... but there's nothing we can do about it right now. It's out of our jurisdiction."

"The last I checked, entering a war is also out of our jurisdiction." Anakin spat.

"Anakin, Master Gallia is right. I... I wish we could help, but as of now, that would be going against the Republic. It's not our place to intervene... the least we can do for these people is end the threat that Grievous poses." Master Kenobi communicated, attempting to pacify Anakin with reason.

"Fine, then..." Anakin finally surrendered, reluctantly. "But I'm going on that ship, not you... Master Gallia."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." my master argued frankly.

"Skywalker... won't your personal feelings get in the way?" Master Luminara pried, but she was being genuine.

"Trust me, nobody will be better at making friends with them." Anakin assured confidently.

My master turned to Master Kenobi, wanting his input.

"I trust Anakin." he affirmed.

"Still... we need your piloting skills here, Skywalker." Master Gallia reminded.

"I mean... aren't we all skilled pilots here? Aren't you the 'Shooting Star?'" Anakin replied, his charisma flaring up again. He'd utilized a nickname for my master I'd never heard... interesting.

"I suppose... you can take your padawan instead, then." my master pronounced, resting her eyes on Ahsoka, who was standing next to me.

Ahsoka snuck a glare at my master once she'd looked away.

"No... Zevon should come." Anakin refuted, shocking everyone, me included.

"I... suppose that's fine." my master accepted, not objecting.

Barriss broke the silence that followed.

"Excuse me... I'd... like to come as well." she mumbled timidly.

"No, Barriss." Master Luminara denied firmly, shooting her down. "We still need to keep our numbers here."

Later, we made our way back down to the docks. The massive, polypwood sailing vessel had remained there all this time.

The Umidori were slowly boarding it... all of them, a confluence of their people.

As the masters briefed Anakin on what he should do, I was left alone with Ahsoka.

Barriss had gone over to speak with some of the Umidori.

Rex and Burst were still talking.

"Anakin, huh?" I blurted out, shattering the uncomfortable silence.

"First time?" Ahsoka asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Then, you've seen him like that before?" I pried.

"Not very often, but yes." she disclosed, whispering into my ear.

"Why do you think..." I started, but Ahsoka merely shrugged.

"I don't know why he gets like that..." she admitted cluelessly.

"Well, it's at least clear to me why you're his padawan now." I snorted. Ahsoka seemed ready for a retort, but I cut her off by moving the conversation forward. "But... do you agree with him?"

After she processed my question, Ahsoka thought long and hard about it.

We viewed our surrounding together.

The ocean that went as far as the horizon; the darkness infecting it.

Irisella's evening sunrays; the stygian clouds of pollutants veiling them.

The Umidori, exhausted from their labor; the scars and deformities they bore.

The factory at the center of it all.

"I don't know what we should do... as Jedi, but... when I see people hurting, like this... I want to do something about it." Ahsoka answered honestly, staring directly into my eyes.

"Do... what? You think we should help them?" I pried.

"Yes... but honestly, I don't know how." she admitted, uncertain.

"I think they need to help themselves." I divulged, expressing some of my thoughts I'd developed over the day.

"You think it's wrong to receive help from others?" Ahsoka questioned, curious as to my thoughts.

"Depends... do you actually mean receive, or do you mean force?" I responded with another question. It was a clever, petty jab at her previous misdoings.

"I mean receive... had to get that one in, huh?" Ahsoka blushed, embarrassed.

"Why... why are they even working? Why are they demeaning themselves? For what? Why not just fight back... or leave?" I spouted, frustrated.

"I don't know..." Ahsoka responded, clearly unsure of where to go with what I'd given her.

Once Anakin, Burst, and I had boarded... we saw the other six off.

"If we're lucky, Grievous won't have brought along an underwater super tank." Master Luminara humorously remarked, shaking Anakin's hand.

"Let's hope not." Anakin replied, smiling at her.

"Don't get killed out there." Rex advised us.

"No one's going to die on my watch, Rex." Anakin declared confidently.

"May the force be with you!" Ahsoka cried out, directing it at me specifically.


As soon as they'd departed, I had an epiphany.

"Does your surveillance system cover under the factory?" I asked with urgency.

"No, actually. Why?" Marshall replied, oblivious.

"Then... Grievous could be there right now, taking out the supports... thus, bringing down the factory." I theorized.

"That's true!" Obi-wan blurted out, realizing it too.

"Do you have spare surveillance cameras?" I asked, continuing to grill the overseer.

"I do, then you're planning to install them underwater?" Marshall guessed.

"Indeed. I'll go alone." I declared, surprising the two other masters.

"Are you sure?" Obi-wan checked, concerned.

"Don't worry, It's unlikely Grievous is there currently. Besides, we still need to keep our numbers within the factory... make sure to guard that reactor at all times." I assured.

I made sure to give Marshall a spare comm link. All of us carried one, linking our team together even if we were physically apart.

Giving the overseer one would be valuable... he could probably man the surveillance systems, being our eyes once Grievous attacked.

After receiving the spare cameras, I made my way to the ocean's edge.

The A99 aquata breather was a tool that any competent Jedi kept within an arms reach at all times.

Well... anyone would have thought to bring it to this planet.

The compact mouthpiece allowed its user to breath safely in any environment, whether underwater, engulfed in toxic gas, or surrounded by the vacuum of space.

The oral instrument was a perfect fit. After equipping it, I dove in...

Into the ocean, ready to face whatever foes lay beneath the surface.

I likened the vast body of water to the void of space. Aside from the factory's sturdy metal supports, all I could see was blue; an infinite blue expanse.

It made one feel small, powerless...

The water was warm, soothing.

As I kicked my legs back and forth, all whilst constantly equalizing the pressure in my ears, I descended further into the deep blue unknown...

The deeper I dove, the darker the expanse grew.


It was too much. I couldn't bear it anymore.

The stabbing pain of starvation in my stomach. The mental fog.

The sluggish, fatigued movements my arms made as I swung the wooden saber.

The darkness.

The ever-present, all-consuming darkness I woke up to and lived in.

Every. single. day.

It was a shot in the dark, but when I heard my master's voice on the other side of that door... I took a chance.

"Master! I'm ready to come out!" I screamed, pounding on the door to my quarters.

"Then... you've finally released your tethers?" he inquired, his voice deadpan.

"Yes, master! I've done just as you said." I avowed desperately, attempting to clear my mind.

"You lie. Your thoughts dwell on your mother, your sister..." he accused.

My naïve cries persisted even as I heard his footsteps fade.

End Flashback

The dimly lit deep was a grim reminder of my ignorant youth.


Had I truly become attached to Zevon?

Master Windu had seemed certain... his words still haunted the back of my mind.

Did I believe in my padawan that much? Did I want him to succeed that bad?


'I do want him to succeed... to prove everyone wrong...' I thought, coming to a realization.

'There are some things that can't be changed, young Boltreaver. That is the nature of the force. If you continue trying to fight against it, you will only find disappointment.' I recalled myself saying.

'Including myself.' I realized, my eyelids drooping.

'Is that really wrong? Does that make me attached?' I wondered.

Surely not. It couldn't be wrong of me to put my trust in the boy.

After all, someone needed to foster the next generation.

Yes... I would turn him into a Jedi.

And... if I had to push him there, I would do what was necessary.

I wasn't attached. I was sure of it.

For the first time in my life, my master was wrong...

I was, and forever would be grateful to take part in the order.

Our tradition, our philosophy, our code...

I would never forsake those teachings.

The path we walked had always been a solitary one...

Love... children... family...

Those things were important to your average galactic citizen, but...

They'd always been out of reach for me.

'Because that's what it means to be a Jedi.' I reaffirmed.

Eventually, I reached the ocean's end.

The factory's network of supports eventually merged with the seafloor, where the factory was anchored.

Around the anchored beams existed a prosperous ecosystem, interestingly. The barrier must have protected this small area from the pollution.

Here... multicolored, luminescent coral of all shapes and sizes became shelter for marine life.

The submarine biome was entirely different from the planet's surface, though just as otherworldly.

Ironic. It was similar to my home world of Coruscant in that regard; a planet within a planet.

Alien fish, reptiles, and invertebrates scurried away as I approached.

It was probably a good thing that the barrier existed. Without it, I might have encountered creatures that weren't harmless. Large ones.

Regardless, I surveyed the supports to my utmost ability.

No visible tampering.

I breathed a sigh of relief, expelling bubbles from my breathing apparatus.

Grievous hadn't yet arrived. I was certain of it now.

After installing the security cameras in an ideal location, I returned to the surface.


The evening breeze was soothing, brushing over me as I lay with my back against the deck.

As I looked up to see the sails billowing in the air currents, I couldn't help thinking...

This life might be nice.

Without the filthy gunk polluting the ocean and the air, of course.

Fortunately, most of the toxic fumes were above us.

Maybe padme and I could find a little planet like this. Naboo was too obvious...

"Excuse me, Mister Jedi?" I heard someone snarl. It was the voice of a young girl.

Zevon, Burst, and I...

All eyes on the ship has been focused on us three for a while now.

My approach had been simple... appear as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Don't approach them first, let them come to you.

Now, like an expert angler... I had a bite.

"'Anakin' is fine, that's my name." I stated in a friendly tone, sitting up to view the source of the voice.

It was a young girl, just as I'd thought.

Only... she was in a wooden wheelchair. Each of her legs were missing, and she wore a patch over her left eye.

I was shocked, appalled, enraged even... but I didn't let it show...

"Master Anakin? I'm Athina." she introduced jovially, outstretching her hand.

I accepted the handshake.

"Athina... don't bother him!" a tall adolescent rebuked with a snarl.

"This is my older brother, Levi." Athina introduced, ignoring his scolding.

"It's fine... and I'm not a master." I corrected, chuckling.

"Oh...!" Athina laughed, showing her sharp teeth. "...Why are you here?" she hissed, cocking her head to the side. "You seem worried... angry...?"

"Oh no, I'm not angry." I assured her, puzzled at the question. "I'm just here to get to know your people."

"No, I mean..." she shook her head. "Why are Jedi here?"

Athina, Levi... all the Umidori suddenly grew silent, eagerly awaiting my answer.

My heart dropped.

"We're here... to defend the factory from an enemy attack." I stated truthfully.

With one sentence... I crushed their eager anticipation.

"Oh..." Athina hissed, her gaze falling. "I just thought someone had finally come to free us."

"Listen to me!" I ordered, raising my voice. "I am going to free you... that's exactly why I've come here!" I roared, yelling so that the entire boat could hear.

Some of the anticipation had a resurgence.

"Really?" I heard the captain hiss behind me. As I did an about face, he blew a puff of smoke right into my face. "How do you plan to do that?"

"One day I'll sit on the Jedi council... I'm just asking you to wait until then." I stated, blinking away the smoke.

"Even if you did... it's not like there's much left to save." Captain Ryoshi scoffed with a snarl. "Sixty years ago, they came... they brought language, technology, these vile things..." he rambled, spitting his cigarra into a bin at that last part.

Then, Ryoshi continued...

"But what did we lose in the process? We lost our way, that's what." he snarled angrily, lighting up another cigarra. "I'll tell you what, it would make my day if someone wiped that shitstain off the map."

"What... who are you?" Athina suddenly asked, wheeling herself up to Burst.

"Er... permission to speak, General?" Burst's muffled voice requested through his helmet.

"You don't need my permission for that, Burst... and feel free to take the helmet off." I instructed.

Athina then asked Burst a whole list of questions. Evidently, the Umidori didn't know much about the state of the galaxy.

"Ooh, you're wondering about the carvings!" Athina suddenly exclaimed, all bubbly.

She'd noticed Zevon silently wandering around the vessel, observing the many illustrations etched into the polypwood.

"Yes, actually. I'm Zevon, by the way. I'm a padawan learner, nice to meet you." he introduced, shaking the youth's hand. "Sooo... I've been wondering about this one..." he stated, pointing to the largest carving on the boat.

The chiseled depiction was of a long, draconic beast. Its body was a silvery white, sporting many fins and wing-like appendages.

Most notably, there were luminescent spots flowing down the length of its body. The spots, possibly organs, were comprised of all colors on the spectrum... like a rainbow.

"Atsuminagi." Captain Ryoshi suddenly interjected.

"What-minagi?" Zevon questioned, blindsided by the comment.

Putting all the pieces together, I silently came to a striking conclusion

"Atsuminagi, the Rainbow Dragon." Ryoshi repeated, adding further context.

"Is that..." I started, connecting dots.

"The 'wounded animal' you saw earlier, yes. You're a sharp one, huh?" Ryoshi praised, snarling.

"I remember it being... darker." I stated, picturing the monstrous black fin in my mind's eye.

"Yes, well... when you live in this..." Ryoshi pointed out frankly, pointing at the black, gloomy coating on the ocean's surface. "That will happen." he finished, taking another puff.

"Is Atsuminagi important, then?" Zevon inquired.

"Important?! My people once worshipped Atsuminagi as a God..." Ryoshi expounded, staring at the carving. He seemed to be reminiscing. "This vessel was owned by my father, owned by his mother, owned by her father. Long ago, it's said that Atsuminagi was born in a tiny puddle on our shores."

"Ah, is that why this ship is so... layered?" Zevon asked.

"Indeed." Ryoshi hissed, confirming his suspicion. "Generations upon generations have added their own perspectives to this beauty. She used to be a fishing vessel, but... that's not really possible anymore, is it? We can't even fish off our own shores anymore..."

Taking one last look at the masterful carving of the Rainbow Dragon, I noticed one last detail I'd missed.

A tiny, humanoid silhouette standing on its back.

Eventually, we reached the isle... and the Umidori village.

It was just as Captain Ryoshi had said...

Desolate... struggling...

They couldn't even farm...

The chemicals had made their way through the sand and into the soil.

According to Athina, their only source of clean water was the factory itself... where drinkable water was sold.

Even still, their sense of community persisted.

Athina and Levi showed us around, even giving us a glimpse of their living space.

It was a small, little hut...

It reminded me... of another time.

Something about that little girl in the wheelchair... something about her struck me as odd, so much so that I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Gradually, I began to put the pieces together.

Her intuition... so easy to pick up on emotions.

Athina was force sensitive.

Even with two of her limbs gone, she was still this strong in the force...

With some cybernetics, she'd make a fine Jedi.


Then I saw her smile as Levi said something funny to her.

She would be happier here, with family...

So... I decided to keep my mouth shut.


Even in the short time period I'd known Rex, he was always quick to praise General Skywalker.

Now I knew why.

Skywalker was kind, he was quick-witted...

He treated me like an equal, like a person...

Why couldn't all Jedi be like that?

I'd been so quiet, the entire time.

My mind... not so much.

'What... who are you?'

That's what the little girl had asked.

Did I even know the answer to that question?

The Umidori... they were struggling.

Food was scarce, clean water even scarcer...

Still, I saw the adult laughing around a fire.

I saw the children playing.

Heh... I was the same age as them, wasn't I?

But I had to grow up twice as fast.

For the Republic.

But... what did I want?

Right now, the peaceful life...

It seemed so... quiet... comfortable...


I knew my purpose.

I was a clone.

My life wasn't the same as theirs... it never was.


With nightfall upon us... Anakin, Burst, and I were forced to wait until the next morning to return to the factory.

What would have been a starry night was utterly obscured by the thick fog of toxins in the sky; they formed a dark shroud that covered even the sunset on the horizon.

Anakin then called me to a scenic overlook, alone.

"Shouldn't we be investigating the village? For anything suspicious, I mean." I pried, unsure of what the plan was.

"You mean you haven't felt-" Anakin began, stopping himself abruptly. "You mean you haven't figured it out, yet?"

"No...?" I responded, baffled.

"There are no 'traitors' here. There are no informants, no spies... just ordinary people going about their lives." Anakin affirmed passionately, his brow furrowed.

"How... how can you be sure?" I inquired slowly, sensing that I should tread with caution on this particular subject.

"All throughout the village, within every hut... I can feel it. Sincerity, kindness, even... hope..." he maintained through gritted teeth.

"If you say so..." I backed off, raising my hands. There was no way for me to refute his claims.

Staring across the sea, Anakin asked me a question of his own.

"You were discovered in the underworld, correct?" he asked, deadpan.

"By Master Sinube." I confirmed.

Anakin nodded, probably having known that fact already.

"Then... you know why I wanted to bring you here." he stated.

I shook my head, but he was no longer looking my way. Thus, he carried on with his monologue.

"You and I, we're not too different from these people. Sure... they might not look like us, but we both know that's irrelevant." Anakin emphasized intensely.

"Scrounging for scraps... going to bed hungry, not knowing when you'll eat next. Being treated like trash... people averting their eyes when they walk by you..." he spat.

"The Jedi haven't lived through any of that. They don't understand. Not Obi-wan... not your master... not even Ahsoka, but you and I do." he reiterated, finally turning to make eye contact with me again.

"Everyone thinks that they'll be the one to extend a helping hand, but when they finally see suffering right in front of them... most people look away." he stated angrily, staring at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"Actually, I don't... remember much of my life in the underworld." I admitted to him.

Anakin paused for a long while.

"Never mind." he muttered, walking away as his robes fluttered in the nocturnal sea breeze.


Dark clouds were forming up above us...

These clouds weren't toxic gas...

A storm was brewing.

The next day, the trio fortunately returned without any problems.

Skywalker still maintained what he'd believed before, that there were no traitors...

Obi-wan and I had the nine of us spread throughout the factory, covering all our bases...

Skywalker was at the ready, his starfighter prepped and fully fueled.

Luminara, Obi-wan, and I were spread throughout the lower levels.

Though it was possible that Grievous would enter through the top, Obi-wan and I agreed that an underwater entry was far more likely...

Such a tactic had been used during the Battle of Kamino, after all.

The padawan trio was barricaded within the reactor room. They'd avoid the brunt of the action there, hopefully...

And they'd keep watch over the plant's most critical weakness.

Lastly, I tasked the clones with watching the assembly line workers...

If only the civilians weren't here...

Without warning, a desperate voice came out of my communicator.

"Master Gallia, it's happening! THEY'RE COMING!" the overseer screeched.

So... he was here.

This time, he wouldn't escape.

"Where?!" I demanded, cold and composed.

"Underwater... EVERYWHERE!" he yelled.


Without warning, a cyan lightsaber blade melted through the armored wall next to me.


I backed up, watching as the laser sword cut out a circular section of the wall.


A sapphire blade of light ignited from my silver hilt.

As the chunk of metal - red-hot at the edges - was pushed through, I got a look at the invader on the other side.

Or, more accurately... invaders.

It wasn't Grievous.

It was multiple magnaguards, equipped with underwater modifications...

And lightsabers.

"Marshall? Marshall?!" I barked into the comm link, now unable to get a response.

I could only hear violent crashes on the other end.


Magnaguards... magnaguards and commando droids.

We expected Grievous to infiltrate using his lightsabers, but I never foresaw this approach.

His collection, his lightsabers... I thought he was to possessive of them to use them like this.

Fighting this battle on so many fronts would be difficult.

Keeping track of Grievous would be even more so.

As the magnaguards charged me with their laser swords, I readied my Form III stance.


"I'd say 'good luck,' Anakin, but you already know what I think of that." I heard Obi-wan comment through my communicator.

"Funny, master. You'd better get your hands on Grievous this time... I've been dying to meet him." I chuckled.

"Safe flying, skyguy." Ahsoka voiced.

I could hear the screaming sound of vulture droids approaching.

It was my job to take care of them, keep them away...

I'd have to be careful to avoid the gas clouds.

"Let's get going, R2." I urged my little blue companion nested in the front of my starfighter.

I closed the cockpit, starting up my engines. As the rhydonium starship fuel ignited, I felt my seat heat up.

"I sincerely hope your piloting skills aren't just talk, Skywalker. I'd be cautious, engaging that swarm alone." Master Gallia advised, her voice crackling through my communicator.

"Master Gallia... I'm already counting on you for that rematch, don't try to tack on a flying contest." I chuckled, confident in my abilities.


It didn't sound like things were going too well down there, but...

Anakin, Master Kenobi, Master Gallia, Master Luminara...

Not to mention our two ace clone troopers...

Our team was stacked.

And Zevon was by my side.

He would be safe.

I would make sure of that.


I couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

All of this was wrong.

Why were we even here? Why were we defending this factory... the source of all the despair around me?

Was it complicated? Was it too nuanced?

Or was it simple?

Were we really in the right?


My second battle had begun.

Ahsoka was sure to be as overbearing as ever, but...

I probably wouldn't get to see any action up here, anyway.

I was relieved because of that.

It's not like I would have been of use.

I had nothing to offer, no real niche to fill...

All your bases were covered when you had six Jedi of this caliber.

Is that why Master Gallia left me up here? Ahsoka and Barriss would have been enough on their own.

My master still didn't trust me, did she? Not to do anything important, anyway.


As the metal fiends forced their way through the factory wall, I wondered...

Would Barriss be safe? Would she be alright?

The padawans would camp out the reactor. If any danger found its way to them... we would know.

If they stuck together, the padawans would find their way...

As long as that held true, I could concentrate on my mission with no distractions.

"We must capture Grievous at any cost! For the sake of the republic... and for the sake of peace." I yelled into my communicator.


Blood pooled on the smooth metal surface... the one I'd repeatedly bashed the overseer's skull against.

As the blood leaked from a crack in his forehead, it stained the papers strewn across his desk.

Now... the factory's eyes belonged to me.

The security network of visual and audio recording extended throughout every important location within the manufacturing plant.

The vile, putrid manufacturing plant.

"We must capture Grievous at any cost! For the sake of the republic... and for the sake of peace." I heard one of the Jedi stress urgently.

I peered into the tiny screen, focusing on the speaker...

Observing my foe.

And... I recognized her, to my shock.

That green skin... the diamond facial markings... she was Mirialan, I was certain of it.

Those sleek, dark robes. The wide cloth tabard she wore around her head.

Jedi Master Luminara Unduli.

I recognized her, because...

That day...

She was there.

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