88: Closing Out Rain Village
[OP: "Dear Wormwood"--The Oh Hellos.]
Wally had never seen such a response to their message before. He was told by one of the shinobi later that it had come to around 200 people, just who actually spoke to them.
Out of the 400, perhaps, who'd shown up at the party altogether, that was a huge amount.
Some of the those were Guren and Gozo.
They had been moved to hear the full story in this way.
"I'm not above admitting I've wanted a fresh start," Guren said. "I thought that was just atoning for my mistakes, but you really think they can be washed away?"
"As if they never happened," Wally said.
"And what sins did you commit?" Gozo ask him soberly. "That you're so sure?"
Wally thought about what Shine would have said...or what he'd heard preached before.
"Well, according to the Word, we're all born into sin," he said. "Not that we're born doing sin, exactly, you know, 'cause a baby doesn't know what it's doing...but that eventually sin will get us all, if we live long enough to make our own choices. And I think God doesn't really care if they're big ones or small ones, because each sin is taking us away from Him, no matter how small it is. Maybe there are no small sins, just we measure them differently, you know, by our societies' rules. But those aren't even the same between societies, right? Stealing is a lot more frowned upon where I live than it is here."
"I see," Guren said. "So by divine standards, none of us are not just as bad as the others?"
"Actually, yeah, I think you've pretty much got it," Wally said.
"Well, I feel a little better about myself," Guren said dryly. "How do we get this forgiveness?"
"Just ask for it," Wally said. "He knows all about what you want."
Gozo looked somber. "I've regretted all my wasted years with Orochimaru--and all those before that when I didn't think of anyone... Taking care of them has helped." Meaning Guren and Yukimaru. "But I thought I would never stop regretting anything, that that's just something we all have to bear in life."
"It's hard not to feel the way," Wally said, remembering what he'd seen of them. "That guilt can't go away--you just find some way to live with it...but that's not right. It weighs you down... I mean, me? I didn't feel guilty all the time before, but I did feel like my life wasn't quite right. I knew something was missing from it. Then I saw what it was, and it seems like a lot of ninja feel the same way, from the ones I've met."
"True," Guren said. "This might do that Uchiha brat some good, actually. Have you tried it on him?"
"Oh, yeah..." Wally said. "He's a tough sell. But let's not worry about him."
"Yes, I suppose it's none of my business. I was just not sure Naruto got what he really wanted," Guren shrugged. "But someday maybe he will."
Wally really hoped that Naruto did get what he needed and that it would also be what he wanted, but he didn't know. The kid was just as stubborn as the rest of Team 7, even though he was nicer than the other two.
Maybe that was his problem, Wally thought. Just like his League buddies at home--when you were looked up to as an icon of goodness, sometimes it was hard to admit you also needed to be taught and led the same as anyone else... For Wally that had never been that hard; he never thought he had it all figured out...but then, he wasn't as sharp as some of his friends or as powerful, and they carried that burden heavier than he did.
Shine had told him his humility was his best quality and why she'd always liked him, even before they were friends... He guessed it was his saving grace that he'd been made humbler...but that wasn't to his credit. It was something that life had done for him, and he was grateful for it.
It's easier for people like Guren to be humble, he thought, because they know they've messed up... But then, it wasn't easy for anyone to be humble for long, and if you were always looked up to as the best, like Naruto...how was it supposed to sink in? It was a tough one.
* * *
After a time the talking and praying died down, and those who had not been interested in it had wandered way to the back of the street to where the games were.
The rest stayed behind to keep celebrating in song and dance... The songs were a little different now, but they were eager to learn them.
["Glory Glory"--David Crowder. This song was in Because of Winn Dixie, by a different music group.]
"I feel better, so much better, now that I laid my burden down..."
["Holy Ghost Party"-- Corey Asbury and Team]
"The Lord is here... Time for a Holy Ghost party..."
Shine sang one song herself, maybe just for the fun of it:
["Kind"--Amanda Cook]
"You are not a tyrant king. You do not delight in suffering. Your power doesn't compensate for insecurity.
"You are not an angry man. You do not treat us with contempt. Your voice is sure, Your eyes are soft, Your smile confident.
"You are kind. You are kind. You are kind..."
People kept on listening and talking for many hours.
* * *
The team lost track of time. Momo checked her watch at some point, and it was about 3 a.m. in the morning.
No one was tired, somehow. They were too pumped, Camie said.
Some people had gone home for the night, most of whom had brought their kids or who were tired of the scene.
But a lot were still there, not lacking in enthusiasm, it seemed.
Hanabi had fallen asleep in a corner at one point, and Hinata had covered her up with her hoodie.
Sai had been taking notes on everything frantically, but he'd finally slowed down now.
Suigetsu was hanging out at the far end of the street.
He wasn't sure what to make of what he'd seen, but it was kind of overwhelming.
He thought things used to make more sense to him, but he didn't know anymore.
Challenging the authority of the Village was one thing, and he didn't mind a little rebellion in people, if he didn't have to put himself too far out there...
But this, this was something else. And how did one group of people go from one thing to the other, and how did they seem natural doing it?
No, it just didn't make any sense. He couldn't peg the DJs and their crew. One day they were revolutionaries against the ninja world, then they were guardian angels trying to save the dregs of society.
He'd never done anything in his life of his own volition that was this out of the norm, and he felt kind of small and mean and pathetic next to people like that, and he thought they could see it the same way he did.
He was surprised to see that many of the unruly younger people had joined them, however.
The ones who weren't were at this end, making fun of the proceeding, which didn't really rub Suigetsu the right way, since they made snide remarks about Shine and her faith.
She clearly really believed it, and these guys and their skepticism just didn't sit well with him.
"All this is bulls---," one of them said, even while he was thinking of this. "Who buys this kind of crap? It's not like they're changing anything, really."
"I hear that they brought in resources," said a girl, who must have been a little less skeptical.
"I'll believe that when I see it," the guy scoffed. "It will all come to nothing in a few months anyway. The world will forget about us again. I don't know why they even came. I'm sure it's not for the reason they said. Since when do ninjas do anything if they can't get something out of it?"
"True," the others agreed, and laughed.
Suigetsu thought he probably would have agreed with him months ago... This whole thing would have been one big joke to him too, if he'd heard about it from someone else.
So why did he find them irritating now?
He sighed in frustration at himself.
"Hey, look, it's that sword guy." One of the youths noticed him.
Uh oh. He hadn't had a chance to get ribbed by them yet.
"Well, did you hold up your end of the deal?" they said at once, getting ready to jeer at him. "We don't see any girl, so I guess you're not such a stud as you made out?"
"Who actually thinks like that?" Suigetsu said. "You all shouldn't have taken it seriously."
"You shouldn't have talked crap to us about something you couldn't do either," they said.
"Though if you're interested in a little fun," said a guy, "there's plenty of loose ladies around here, if you catch my meaning. Some were drawn into the weird song and dance but not all of 'em."
"Uh, not really my style." Suigetsu wished very much he'd left while he'd had the chance. He'd hoped Jugo was near enough to hear him, but he was with the others right now.
"He probably thinks he's too good for it, trying to get all slick with the Council," said one of the kids.
"I'm not," Suigetsu said. "That's not my style either, believe me."
"Well, in that case, you looking for a good time?" one of the girls said. "We're getting out of here and finding a club that's still open. Nothing fancy, but they have booze and stuff."
"Nah, I think I'm fine." Suigetsu wasn't telling them he couldn't drink, really, since his body chemistry made it really easy for him to get dehydrated, and alcohol dehydrates you pretty fast.
At least, if he did drink, he'd end up soused within a few minutes. And he didn't want that to happen.
"Oh, come on, you don't want to take the part of these losers, do you?" they urged him. "You're not really soft on that stuff, are you? We thought you were more streetwise than that."
If this was passable for an insult in Rain Village, it was no wonder they didn't get much going on here, but it still was making Suigetsu feel a little uneasy. Even if they were uncreative, he didn't know whether they would turn serious about it any second and cause trouble.
He also didn't really want the team to get mad at him for something dumb when they'd been having such a good night.
"No thanks, I think I'll just patrol." He tried to edge away gracefully.
"Pansy," said one guy.
"Let's get a look at his fancy sword," said another. "The one he wouldn't deign to use on us. I bet it's special."
"Don't touch the sword," Suigetsu objected.
He hated bullies, he thought. They were such...louts.
Before things could get out of hand, though, they were interrupted by the last person Suigetsu expected to walk over here.
"What are you doing?" Karin had her hands on her hips.
All of the Rain troublemakers turned to look at her strangely.
"Can we help you, lady?" said one.
"Not you, him." Karin pointed at Suigetsu. "What are you doing over here anyway? We're kind of busy right now, and they say we'll need to wrap up soon. You've been slacking off all night, so come help."
"What are you, his mom?" said one person.
Karin turned to glare at them. "What?"
They already seemed a little tipsy--to Suigetsu, anyway--and they slurred, "You just seem to be kinda b----ing at him. Or maybe you're his girlfriend."
"Nah, he doesn't have one," said the others. "I knew he was all talk, just like the other guy... Actually, I saw him with a girl, but it goes to show."
"This seems asinine." Karin pushed up her glasses. "What is this, some kind of weird contest? Are you all juvenile delinquents? And have you been drinking? They said not to bring any alcohol here because of the families."
"Take the stick out of your rear end, Carrot Top," said one guy, with a leer.
Karin might be a weaker ninja compared to all of them, but she had been a warden once, and the look she gave them right then could have flayed the flesh off their bones.
Then she said, in the same tone she'd used to use on Orochimaru's goons, "What did you say to me, filth?"
They stopped leering.
Karin made a fist. "You have three seconds to get out of my sight before I show all of you just why I was a warden once."
"Warden?" they said, now taking her seriously.
"Three," Karin started to count, "two..."
"Let's get out of here!" the punks hissed, and they sprinted away and out into the city.
Karin exhaled. "Immature scum..."
Suigetsu frowned. "I had that, you know."
"You're welcome." Karin crossed her arms. "What was that about, anyway?"
"Just some losers looking to find a victim. You know how it goes," Suigetsu shrugged. "I was trying not to whale on them just so the party wouldn't get broken up, but they were itching for a fight. Guess they weren't moved by the message."
"Not everyone would be." Karin adjusted her glasses. "But they should have just left, then, the buffoons... You're lucky I scared them off like that."
"Yeah, what was that anyway? You haven't tried to warden anyone since you left Orochimaru's lair," Suigetsu snorted. "Just need a nightstick or something."
"Little punks like that don't scare me," Karin sniffed. "I've seen worse plenty of times. I just didn't want you to kill them or something."
"I already took all of 'em without a weapon--they were just too trashed to remember it," Suigetsu said. "Or they'd never have tried to start it with me. They're dumb kids."
"Why are you slacking off here anyway and not with the others?" Karin asked. "Didn't care for it?"
"Yeah, that's not really my thing. I don't know why you're suddenly fine with it."
Karin shifted. "I...well...it's really actually fine, once you get used to it. Why are you so against it anyway? Anyone else ever give you as much of a chance as them?"
Suigetsu squirmed. "I guess they're fine. I just don't think it'll stick with me. I'm not the idealist type, that's all. It would never work out. So why even bother acting interested?"
"I don't think I'm the idealist type either, and neither is Jugo," Karin said. "But it's nice to have anyone care about us... I thought you'd think the same as we did. And you're already subhuman."
"Hey." Suigetsu didn't like that nerve being untouched. "I didn't choose to be this way."
Karin looked almost kind of guilty.
She put her hands behind her back. "I...yeah...I guess not." She turned away. "I can't change the past. I just...thought maybe it would make up for a little bit if... Nevermind."
She walked away again.
What was with her? She'd never been this nice to him, ever...if you could call it nice.
Suigetsu wasn't sure what they'd done to Karin when she'd joined them, but he didn't know if he quite liked it... It felt weird.
Though, also she seemed to be the same person, but not in any way that was going to matter...
How did they get people to trust them so much and then their God? Trusting them was one thing, but the unknown factor of a higher power...why cast your lot in with it? You'd never see it or hear it, and it was too risky.
Jugo and Karin seemed happier though... It didn't make any sense. How could something so intangible make people so much happier?
[Scientists have discovered that the need to believe in God is hardwired into our brains, and we can't get rid of it. It's not a particular God, but a higher power itself. And the effects of faith on people can be measured by brain research. So while it is intangible in some ways, the effects on us are not intangible. Just something that's interesting to think about.]
* * *
Day 68:
Finally, the party ended. But many people begged Shine, Gaara, and some of the others to tell them more about all this, and Shine agreed to meet with them again the next evening...though by now that was less than 18 hours away.
At least clean up went fast, thanks to Wally. That was a mercy, Momo said.
Everyone appeared well satisfied for the most part.
"I had a blast," Camie said. "And not just when I was with Bakugo."
Bakugo was too tired to laugh at the joke. He'd been up way past his bedtime, and he was almost dead on his feet.
Hanabi had to be woken up to walk back, and she was still half asleep, but Hinata had her by the arm to guide her around the puddles in the street.
"I thought it was great," Niji told them. "Both the fun part and the serious part, it was something else. You people are the most flexible ones I've met--not that I've met many, but doing all that in one night..."
"I guess it's our way," Shine yawned. "'I die to live, lose to gain, I weep, and then I laugh again,' as that one song goes." ["Rejoice" by Cory Asbury.]
"I realized something," Gaara said to his siblings. "I've tried too hard to bring people the answer based on our own success...something Matsuri made me see, actually, but I think I saw it even more tonight. But our successes have never been the point. All this works for us when we are at our lowest, as well as our highest, and I think it doesn't much matter. Telling them that we failed felt right, though it wasn't what I had planned to say."
"It worked," Temari said. "I wanted to scream for a moment, but then I was all right."
Normally, she didn't say things like that, but she must have been too sleepy to notice.
"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting you would surprise us like that," Kankuro said. "Still, it's all right, I guess. Rain Village really wanted to hear it. Maybe we should stop assuming every place will be the same. That seems to be our big mistake."
"Well, I enjoyed it," Choji told Shikamaru and Ino. "It was very inspiring."
Choji wasn't usually one to observe that, so Shikamaru asked, "How so?"
"All your stories," Choji said. "I like how they put it all together, too. I see why you two have become so interested in all this and comfortable with it. I thought it was something before, but I can see why you want to change your lives. People want to have meaning..."
"I didn't know you thought about things like that," Ino said.
Choji was a bit put out. "I do think about things."
"No, I didn't mean...I just...we never talk about it, so..." Ino said.
"Well, you never try to talk about it," Choji said, which was quite true. "But here you have room to discuss what you really feel--I've noticed that since I came along. And no one says you're a traitor for it."
"Yes...they wouldn't tell us that," Shikamaru said. "They allow questions here... I suppose I got used to it, and it doesn't seem unusual, but you might see it that way. We have freedom here we don't at home... So how will we go back to being that way?"
"Who says you have to?" Choji said.
"I don't think Leaf will accept this still," Shikamaru said. "I can't seem to get away from it... I kept thinking that they wouldn't like it, but I think lately that I'll not be able to pretend none of this happened when I go home. In a way, I almost wish I never came, because I wouldn't be so unsure, but then I think I wouldn't want to have missed this for anything...and I'm not that way about things."
"You've changed," Choji said. "You've started to have enthusiasm...motivation... That's new."
"That can't be right," Shikamaru said.
"No, I think he's right," Ino said. "You have changed, Shikamaru... At first you didn't want any part of these more controversial things because you knew what would happen to us if we accepted it, but after Stone it was as if you stopped worrying about it, and now you've decided to open up to the change. And...it feels good, doesn't it? Not being so confident?"
"Yes, but here's a thought," Shikamaru said. "What if it is true that all ninja live in darkness ,and we're bound to our Villages in a way that's not right, and we shouldn't hold them up as the ultimate concerns of our lives...? So where do we fit into them if we go home? We can't just not go home, either."
They thought.
"But Gaara found a way to fit," Ino said.
"He's from the Kazekage's family. No one can question them the same way," Shikamaru said.
"Well, Stone Village questioned him," Ino said. "I guess it's not as dangerous for them."
"At least they have a say. We could all get killed if we repeat some of the stuff we're being taught," Shikamaru said. "It's not that it's bad...it's that it doesn't make any sense to people till they've seen it work. And they won't give it a chance. But then, if we go on denying this happened, we're liars and cowards. At least that's what Temari would say."
"Temari?" Choji said.
Shikamaru was also tired and didn't realize he'd just said something unusual till Choji reacted, and then he backtracked. "I mean, she's lectured us on it, but she speaks for Gaara, and he's our ally, and the DJ team also says it. We'd shame them...and they do a lot for Leaf, in their way, and I wish I had a solution that could make everyone happy."
"I'm not sure there is one," Ino said. "I would have thought there was before, but after the way things have gone, I think we can't be sure. We have to ask ourselves what we are going to do if we can't resolve this easily. It's dangerous to commit our lives to it, but then, we've seen it's dangerous not too also. They've all been brave enough to press on even after all that happened to them, and if we're not as brave as them, we didn't deserve their help."
"It's not based on desert," Shikamaru said. "Clearly, based on who's still here...but I'd Iike to be worthy of it, if I could be."
"Sounds as if you've also come to respect them much more than before," Choji said. "When you left Leaf, I knew you were not sure you would even see anything admirable about them."
"Was I really so skeptical back then?" Shikamaru shook his head.
"Yes," they both said.
"A lot at first," Ino added.
"It seems so foolish now," Shikamaru said. "As if I didn't even know them at all... I guess I didn't--and didn't understand what they truly believed in till I saw it in practice, and then it clicked... Well, if all the world was like them, we'd have no wars. Unless they were started for fun by people like Dabi."
"I guess, then, that all the world will never be like them," Ino said, "because of things like pride and fear... We've seen some people give that up, but others won't...like Lord Onoki...so, as nice as it would be to hope for that, I don't think it will happen. But...I do hope at least we can avoid another ninja war for a long time. It would be nice if one generation could go without having a war."
"Our kids, you mean?" Shikamaru said. "Since that would be us...ah, if we have kids... Maybe I'd like to someday, I suppose, but that's more to worry about too."
"But you must keep your family line going," Choji said. "Someday I want to have a family also."
"Eh, you'd be good at it," Shikamaru said. "Easygoing, but I feel like I might end up being dragged into doing a lot of dangerous things... What a drag."
"I think that's the first time you've said that all day," Ino said. "Even all week... That is strange."
Shikamaru realized it was true... Maybe he had changed.
[I like that, for him, it was slower and more subtle. Not everyone has to be dramatic. For many people, change is a gradual process, and you can only see it once you've come far enough to look back over it.]
* * *
Somehow, in the middle of the day, which was like morning for them, Shine still had the energy to sing more praise songs.
"Better than the riches of this world, better than the sound of my friends' voices, better than the biggest dreams of my heart. That's just the start.
"Better than getting what I say I need, better than living the life that I want to, better than the love that anyone could give, Your love is!"
["Better than Life"--Shout Praises Kids]
"How does she do that?" Camie groaned. "I'm so bushed, fahm... I can't even get up to eat."
"Here." Bakugo handed her some breakfast.
"What? For real? Aw, that's so sweet," Camie said.
Bakugo flushed. "I just was up already, that's all."
"I wonder why he always has to deny doing anything nice," Ino remarked to Hinata.
Hinata just shrugged.
Hanabi pulled her pillow over her head. "Not ready to get up."
"You aren't? You slept the most of anyone," Dabi snorted.
She waved him off without looking up.
Shine was still humming when she came in.
"We'll be leaving to talk to the people again later," she said. "Any of you who want to come are welcome to. You can just take it easier today. You all did wonderful on the party. It was a huge success, and I couldn't be happier with it."
"I don't see that it will matter anyway," Sasuke said, to everyone's shock. "The world isn't going to care about Rain Village just because of a party."
The others stared at him, some of them angry.
Why had he even said that? There was no reason for it. Was it just to be spiteful?
But Sasuke really hadn't been like that so much lately, had he?
Shoto frowned but said nothing, which showed some improvement in his attitude.
Sasuke himself almost didn't know why he'd said it. It was as if the mean-spirited remark had just burst out of him because he was all bitterness and anger inside, and it came out on its own.
He saw he'd just hurt Shine's feelings, and that would have made him feel guilty if he was the type to feel guilty.
But Shine, always one to do the unexpected thing, just walked up to him, and, instead of slapping him, she patted the top of his head like he was a small child.
"Well, it's good to have you talk to me again," she said, as if he'd said something innocent like "good morning".
Sasuke just stared at her like she was crazy. Then he could stand it no more and left the room in a hurry.
"He didn't mean it," Shine told the others, as if nothing had happened. "I don't know what got into him, but I think he couldn't help it."
"Is that supposed to be less concerning?" Tenten asked. "That was just mean."
"Well, let's not worry about it," Momo said. "Sasuke's opinion isn't important to us. We all saw what happened."
"It was amazing," Matsuri said. "And I wish I could stay longer with you all and see what happens here...but..."
"But she had to go back," Temari said, firmly. "She's been gone nearly enough for stupidity to start up... Luckily, I have other spies in Sand Village, but still. Besides, she can give them a good report now."
"Ah, we'll miss you, sis," Camie said. "It was kinda cool having you guys around for a bit."
"Yeah, I almost wish I could say too," Niji said. "But I think my mother will worry, and I don't want her to worry more when she's already had to so much."
This seemed like a good reason, but later on that day, Neji wondered if he should change his mind.
Rain Village was quite insistent that they not be left to themselves so soon, but Gaara felt it was risky for the team to stay here for much longer. Too much time in one place might seem too unfair to the other Villages--and winter was well underway. He would prefer to be back in Sand before spring.
At least it didn't snow here in the Land of Storms, so they'd been spared that inconvenience.
Still, they all were a little sorry to leave Rain, though no one had liked the dismal weather, and the people had been gloomy for much of the visit. It had still been very rewarding.
They stayed for another couple days anyway, but most of their work was done, and they were left to just explore the Village.
Naruto was begged by Yukimaru to hang out again, and Yukimaru introduced him to his new friends he'd made at the party.
Camie found out that Jakku had actually been one of the ones to get talked to after it, and he seemed in a much better mood for the rest of their stay...and Mai also.
Whether there was something there or not remained a mystery, but Camie had her opinions on it.
Ino got her head on straight enough to explain to Sai that she was not upset with him at the party--she made up some reason for her behavior that she didn't even remember later, but it seemed to satisfy him, so that was that.
Of course she still had her problem, but she thought she could handle it as long as no one caught on.
Pretty much everyone was satisfied with this section of the trip, except for Sasuke... He remained sullen as usual.
He didn't know exactly what he wanted anymore, and he was in limbo again.
He would have considered just leaving, but he felt it wouldn't solve anything this time. He'd still be in limbo...and by now he wanted to see how this all ended.
Though it seemed like it would end with them going home after Rain.
However, Gaara took care of this.
He said that if they all didn't feel they had to go home yet, they could just come back to Sand. He wouldn't mind help explaining everything that had happened in Rain, and they hadn't visited Sand in years, other than right before the trip, and that was all business.
The heroes were glad to get a chance to extend their stay again, and Shine and Wally didn't object, though Shine admitted to him that she wished it was anywhere but the desert.
Wally tried to cheer her up by saying at least it wouldn't be as cold.
She just rolled her eyes.
* * *
Day 71-72:
Finally on the day they intended to leave, Neji said he would stay a bit longer without them.
"It's like with Mist. I think they could use some more guidance," he said. "And Mei was all right with it, just for another few weeks. I won't say all year. Mirai promised she'd make sure nothing happened to me. She seems trustworthy."
"I'll stay then too," Niji announced at once. "I told my mom it was all right, and she said she wouldn't worry as long as I was with Neji."
"That's nice that she has such faith in him," Hinata said.
"Oh sure, everyone from the island is crazy about him." Niji shrugged. "They all think he saved them single-handedly, to hear them talk about it."
"Yes, well, I suppose, with the rest of you gone, they direct all their attention at me now, since I'm the only one left." Neji was modest. "But they've been very good to me."
"That's good for you," Shine said. "And I appreciate you doing this. It would be beneficial for the Village. I also have some reading materials and things for you, like I did before. Thought they might help."
She had a whole box this time.
"How does she get those again?" Suigetsu asked.
"Better not to ask," Karin muttered.
"I suppose we better go say farewell to the Village," Gaara said. "I'm glad we ended on a high note this time, but I am a little glad to be heading home finally also."
His siblings agreed with that.
[And I spent 42 chapters on Rain Village and about that on Stone Village, give or take the in-between chapters. I'm proud of myself for sticking about to my limit for each section of this story.
You probably think they're really long, but this is me holding back. My MHA one is 300 chapters long.]
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