Subhadra came back from Somnath, and was feeling like on cloud nine after seeing dau. She ran to his embrace in no time. Dau hugged her affectionately. Then after breaking of hug the session of complaining and convincing started. Dau was huffing in between with the lengthy complains of Subhadra. Kanha was having pleasure of witnessing that.

Dau signalled Kanha to help him. But Kanha ignored. Then dau pleaded to Kanha with gesture. But Kanha still didn't care. Dau repeated pleading Kanha. But he was witnessing dau's trouble by leaning couch, and in between he was giving teasing gestures also. Subhadra followed dau's glance in between of conversation, and saw Kanha's response to dau's glances. She understood all. Then Kanha also got dragged into the pleasantly enjoyable situation in which dau was before.

After two days Subhadra's sakhi, princess Bhanumati came to Dwarka. Subhadra met her at evening after her coming back from Somnath. Both were chatted happily, and slept in their respective chamber.

Next day:

After coming from Somnath, Subhadra was arranging her accessories in closet. Just then the white upper stole of Arjun caught his eyesight. She took that out, and started caressing it softly. That day Arjun didn't ask her back that upper stole, and she also didn't return that back to him.

( If anyone confused here about how Subhadra have Arjun's stole then check out chapter sixteen - THE BET. You will get clear about it.)

Subhadra was lost in caressing that upper stole with an admiring smile on her face. Bhanumati noticed this. She went to her with slow steps, and jerked her shoulder suddenly. Subhadra came out of her world.

"Who's he, Sakhi?" Bhanumati asked her with mischievous voice.

"It's a upper stole, Sakshi. So it's not who's he. It can be whose is this?" Subhadra said casually while folding that upper stole.

"I proceeded to next level in advance. Ok, so according to your question give me my answer." Bhanumati asked still with the same mischievous voice.

Subhadra explained her all.

"I am so happy for you, Sakshi." Bhanumati hugged Subhadra by saying this.

"But why are you happy for me?" Subhadra asked her confusedly.

"I am happy that my sakhi is in love. I am happy that my sakhi's heart has found her better half." Bhanumati exclaimed happily.

"Nothing of that sort which you are imagining, Sakshi." Subhadra said turning her face.

"While describing prince Arjun's maturity, care, loving personality, your excitedly praising voice and the happy glow of your eyes were saying all about your feelings for him." Bhanumati said with a teasing glance.

"This feeling maybe admiration also." Subhadra said again not looking into her eyes.

"You aren't sure yourself about your feelings being just admiration. That's why you joined maybe before it. Sakhi once admiration get access into the premises of dedication then it becomes love. If your feelings were only admiration then you would haven't served prince Arjun dedicatedly in these days." Bhanumati concluded, and earned a thoughtful glance from Subhadra.

After silence of sometimes,

"If you have dilemma about your feelings then ask prince Arjun his thoughts about love. If your heart accept his thoughts at first place then it's confirmation of love." Bhanumati suggested Subhadr, to which Subhadra smiled a little.

Next day Subhadra continued her schedule at Somnath. After evening veneration Subhadra and Arjun was having their chatting time at garden as usually.

"Sakhi, say about your bothering." Arjun asked directly making Subhadra surprised.

Subhadra was in dilemma whether she would ask Arjun or not. But his voice was holding the determination. So she couldn't deny.

"Sakha, if someone has dilemma about feelings then what should that person need to do?" Subhadra asked to Arjun.

"Sakhi, feelings are not only the matters belong to hearts. Senses also has contribution in formation of it. Senses make us to accept the raw figure. That raw figure takes its shape in our mind. When that gets recognition of heart then it becomes feelings. So don't ignore any contributing factor at first. Analyse the journey of your feelings from senses to sensation of heart. You will surely get your answer in between your analysis." Arjun explained, and Subhadra remained awestruck with his explanation.

"What are the realizing factors of love?" Subhadra asked another question.

" Love is lively. So love has feelings sakhi. There's no place of factors. Roles of factors is limited only to the situations. But feelings lead fight with odds, farewell of obstacles in love. So in love the feeling of trust is base, being dedicated towards that trust is the existence, and the comfortable feeling with the framework of love which is addition of base and existence in form of trust and dedication respectively is the true love." Arjun explained, and witnessed the glowing face of Subhadra. He also smiled looking at her glowing face.

After taking leave from Sri Somnath Subhadra was just in a different world where only Arjun's explained words were ringing in her ears.

In Subhadra's chamber:

Her POV:

Prince Arjun's words are so deeply meaningful. Anyone can drown in his words so as in his eyes. Yes, I trust him. Yes, I am dedicated towards the trust. Yes, I am all comfortable in accepting this fact that I trust him, and I am dedicated towards him. After listening his words only the sensation of their echoing became my world. It means the name of my feelings for prince Arjun is love. I love him. Yes, I love him. Once his penance completed, I will confess to him.

A pair of eyes were watching the whole scenario, and a victorious smiled made it's way on face of that person.

"Soon I will accomplish my task regarding Subhadra. Then I can achieve my desired goal." That person said with excitement beaming voice.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Anything you liked in this part?

(2) Any philosophy you felt here?

(3) If yes what's that and what's your opinion about that?

(4) Any question from your side?

(5) say your guess about that benefit of that mysterious person in making Arsu together.

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work to you as an offering in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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