Hey guys! So, this is the second to last chapter. I didn't even realize how short this phic was going to be. It's okay though, because I already have another phic being prewritten. I might include an epilogue, but IDK. Anyways, here's chapter eighteen for you guys to enjoy!
WARNING: SMUT ;) *terribly written smut, sorry*
The last night of the trip came around and Dan was rather sad. He actually enjoyed his entire stay, being free from the restraints put on him by his parents. Of course, he loved his parents to death, but it was nice to feel like his own person with his own responsibilities.
Unfortunately, him and Phil realized that their project was due the Monday they came back to school and they still weren’t done. So, they had to spend their last evening of vacation working on their project.
They sat cross legged in front of each other on Phil’s bed, papers spread out between them. They managed to make a little table from a tray they got from room service when they had dinner. “Okay so Dan, you read from this book and just give me any facts that you think are interesting about Aphrodite and just Greek mythology in general,” Phil order, handing Dan a thick book with braille filling every page.
Dan groaned before flipping it open and tracing his finger over the words, page by page. “Ew!” Dan blurted out, “Aphrodite got it on with her great-great-grandson, Adonis.” Phil scrunched his face in disgust before bursting into laughter. “You’d think the goddess of love would have a wider variety,” Phil joked and Dan giggled.
“Actually, she was sort of a bitch,” Dan commented, “She was very violent.” Phil jotted down notes as Dan spoke, occasionally making a face at some of the facts Dan read from the book. “She was the only goddess to make people fall for her,” Dan muttered, “She had some sort of girdle that made people fall in love, and apparently she could use it on herself.” Phil glanced up at the boy and sighed quietly to himself as he watched him move his finger over the page. Looking back down at his paper, he wondered if somebody had used some sort of love power on him.
“Okay, I think we’ve done enough,” Phil dropped his pencil, “If you come over sometime during the weekend when we come back, I think we’ll manage to have this done before Monday.” Relief washed over Dan’s face as he shut his book and threw it to the floor.
“What time is it?” he asked and Phil glanced over to clock hanging on the wall to see it wasn’t as late as he expected. “It’s a quarter past eight,” he announced and Dan nodded before getting up and flopping on his own bed.
“So, everything’s good with you and PJ?” Phil asked and Dan nodded. “Yeah,” he reassured, “Though I’m still pretty mad that you ditched the two of us when you said we’d be drinking together.” Phil huffed quietly and shrugged his shoulders slightly. “I told you,” he hesitated, “I was with Carrie.”
Dan thought for a second before sitting up. “You guys didn’t,” he trailed off, hoping Phil understood what he meant. Phil suddenly gasped and shook his head quickly. “Of course not,” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it definitely wasn’t.
“Oh, because you know, I just thought--”
“I mean, she tried to make a move on me,” Phil rubbed the back of his neck, “But, I told her I sort of had a thing with someone else.” Dan raised an eyebrow at the comment and decided to dig deeper in what Phil had said. “So, then what happened?” he questioned and Phil shrugged.
“She started talking to me about her own drama and I told her about my person and we kind of just gossiped and got a bit drunk,” Phil explained, “And, then I decided to look for you.” Dan nodded and it got quiet between them for a few moments, Dan lost in his own thoughts.
“So, who is this person of yours?” Dan suddenly interrupted the silence and Phil raised his head at the question. Phil thought for a minute before standing up, making sure Dan didn’t hear him make any movement. “Do I know them?” Dan asked and Phil smiled to himself.
“Very well,” he hinted and Dan’s features dropped for a second. He didn’t have a thing for PJ, did he? “Do I spend a lot of time with them?” Dan took the risk, asking the most obvious question, seeing as PJ was the only person Dan hung out with asides from Phil.
“I know I do,” Phil answered, slightly jumping around the question. He suddenly noticed the expression the boy had on and frowned. Wasn’t he making it obvious enough? “They’re really nice,” Phil went on, hoping Dan would get the hint, “I even kissed them before but I wasn’t sure if they had the same feelings for me so I sort of fled.” He smiled when he saw the features on Dan’s face brighten and decided to take a few steps forward.
Dan went silent again as he thought about who Phil might’ve kissed besides him. Could this person actually have been him? Dan grinned at the thought but scoffed slightly as he dismissed the unlikely possibility. But, just as Dan was about to lie down and forget the topic, he was stopped at the feeling of someone else’s lips on his. He pulled back quickly, gasping at the unexpected touch before internally cursing himself for pulling away when he realized who it was.
Phil pouted at the fact that the boy had pulled away. But, once he saw the expression on the boys face, he knew it wasn’t because he didn’t want to be kissed. “Tell me Dan,” Phil whispered shyly, “If you stole a person’s first kiss, how would you return it?”
Dan blushed and stood up, holding his hand out to Phil, him grabbing it gratefully and standing up. Dan held onto Phil’s hand for a few seconds before taking his other hand, and guiding both of them up his arms. Once he got to his jawline, he stopped one hand and guided his other hand of the boys features.
His hand slowly weaved through Phil’s hair before he began to trace his fingers down his face. They crossed over his eyes, then nose, and suddenly he felt the soft lips he’d been wanting to kiss for so long. He took a slight breath, feeling sort of self conscious for not being experienced in this field. And, with whatever courage he had, he leaned in, closing the gap between them.
Phil took in a deep breath he didn’t know he needed as his lips molded with Dan’s. He slowly wrapped his hands around Dan’s waist, pulling his closer. Dan moved his hands from Phil’s jawline to the back of his head, his fingers tangling in the soft locks.
Phil felt Dan smile underneath his lips, causing his to smile himself. He began to trace shapes into Dan’s lower back and Dan did the same to the back of his neck, sending slight shivers throughout his body. Dan breath shook lightly as Phil ran his fingers over the lower part of Dan’s back.
Dan pulled lightly at Phil’s hair, parting his lips to allow him entrance. Phil grinned a bit before doing what Dan was signalling for him to do, the two of their tongues dancing together.
Suddenly, Phil felt himself getting light headed from all of the butterflies in his stomach and decided to switch this position. He began to walk back towards his bed, causing Dan to crash the back of his knees against it and fall back, letting out a slight yelp.
Phil climbed over him and looked over his features, smiling to himself. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered and Dan turned even more red than he already was. “Shut up,” he giggled bashfully as Phil poked his nose. He took one last glance before leaning back in and reconnecting their lips.
Dan bit the bottom of Phil’s lip and tugged at the back of his hair, causing him to let out a shaky moan. This caused Dan to get a boost of confidence and he quickly flipped Phil onto his back, keeping their lips connected. He slowly began to part their lips, giving little pecks down to his neck.
Phil moaned a bit louder once Dan’s lips traced over the skin of his neck. Dan grinned at the response and began to suck at the skin, nibbling a bit every once in a while. Phil began to let out more frequent moans as Dan continued to work on the skin.
Suddenly, Dan traced his fingers down to the hem of Phil’s shirt, tugging slightly. Phil didn’t hesitate to pull off his shirt, Dan doing the same. Dan quickly ducked back down to Phil’s neck and began to lower himself, kissing parts of Phil’s chest and stomach, sucking at the places where Phil expressed the most pleasure.
Eventually, he reached down to the rim of Phil’s pants. Luckily he was wearing sweat pants so he didn’t have to awkwardly fumble with some sort of buckle, trying to figure out what went where. He slowly slid down the pants, making sure to tease Phil just to frustrate him.
He soon pulled down both Phil’s sweatpants and boxers. Phil groaned at sensation of air on his revealed penis and glanced down at Dan to see what was going on. He spotted Dan sitting there, looking rather hopeless.
He let out a slight giggle, causing Dan to blush. “You don’t have to do this, Dan,” Phil reassured, “I know you haven’t done anything like this before and you don’t really know how it works so it’s okay if you want to--”
“No, Phil I want to,” Dan interrupted, “But, I just…I just don’t know how.” Phil snorted quietly causing Dan to punch his stomach lightly. “Okay, okay,” Phil laughed, before reaching over to Dan’s hand, “Just put your hand here and do what you would do to yourself.”
Dan nodded and Phil suddenly felt a rush of pleasure run through his body, causing him to let out a moan louder than any other. Dan smirked and continued to do what he was told, loud moans and shaky breaths coming from Phil. Though, just as Phil was really getting into it, he felt Dan stop and opened his eyes.
“Oh,” he muttered for a second before giggling, causing Dan to turn even more red. “Just open your mouth and I’ll guide you,” Phil said, “Pat my leg or something if you want me to stop.” Dan nodded before Phil reached over and placed his hand on the back on Dan’s head.
He slowly pushed his head down, making sure that Dan had enough power to stop him in case he changed his mind. And, within seconds he felt the most exhilarating feeling rush through him. He pushed Dan’s head down a bit more, and then pulled it back up, showing Dan how it worked. “A-And then just use your hand for w-what you can’t fit,” Phil stuttered and Dan hummed, causing Phil to groan in pleasure.
Dan got into a rhythm, bobbing his head up and down, using his hand to help out. Phil broke out into a fit of moans and groans, his fingers rushing through and tugging Dan’s hair. Dan occasionally hummed, sending shivers through Phil’s body as he moved his head up and down. “D-Dan,” Phil moaned as Dan continued to suck his member.
Soon enough, Dan pulled back causing Phil to groan in frustration. “Um, I-I think I’m ready,” Dan mumbled and Phil widened his eyes at the comment. “Dan, are you sure?” he asked, not wanting to go any faster than what Dan wanted, “I don’t want you to feel obligated to do any--”
“No, Phil,” Dan stopped him, “I want to.” Phil looked at him for a second before nodding. “Do you have a condom?” Dan asked, knowing the routine. “Uh, yeah,” Phil nodded and leaned over his bed, pulling out his luggage and getting a condom from one of the pockets.
Dan raised an eyebrow at him and Phil shrugged. “Got to come prepared, am I right?” he blushed and Dan laughed, shaking his head. Phil quickly opened the packet and slipped on the rubber material, gasping slightly at the touch of his hands.
“So, I don’t really know what I should do,” Dan muttered, feeling rather embarrassed that he was ruining the moment. “It’s okay, it’s your first time, I don’t expect you to,” Phil grinned causing Dan to relax a bit. Phil suddenly leaned over and reached for Dan’s pants.
He didn’t hesitate to tug down his pants and boxers at once. He took Dan’s shoulders and pushed him back, repositioning himself so Dan was on his back, heading comfortably on a pillow. Phil reached out his hand and began to rub Dan’s erect member, causing him to let out a loud pleasured sound.
Phil smiled and continued to stroke him for a while before reaching for the bottle of lotion on his night table. “Okay, let me know if you want me to stop,” Phil said and Dan nodded. Phil hesitated for a second, not wanting to hurt Dan, before pumping a bit of lotion onto his fingers.
He lifted Dan’s legs and slowly inserted one finger, causing Dan to breathe sharply through his teeth. “Keep going,” Dan ordered and Phil nodded before pumping his finger for a bit. He then slid in the second finger and waited for Dan’s signal to slide in the last.
He soon pulled all three fingers out and looked up at Dan. “It’ll feel a bit weird for a while but that’ll change quickly,” he reassured and Dan nodded. He pumped a bit of lotion onto his hand and rubbed it onto his cock, groaning slightly.
He leaned over, placing Dan’s legs on his shoulders, and held himself up with his arms. Slowly, he slid himself into Dan’s passage, causing the boy’s breath to hitch. He waited for a second, letting Dan adjust to the new feeling before beginning to move in and out.
Soon enough, the pain faded and Dan began to feel waves of pleasure run through his body. He grabbed the sheets at the side of him and let out a moan. Phil mimicked the sound and began to go a bit faster, penetrating Dan deeper with every thrust.
Dan reached his hands up towards Phil’s back, clawing a bit at his skin, causing Phil to let out yet another moan. Phil continued to thrust in and out of Dan, gradually picking up his pace.
Phil continued his rhythm, balancing himself onto one arm, using his other hand to grab Dan’s penis. He began to stroke Dan, causing the boy yell in pleasure. The two both broke into a melody of moans as they were overtaken by the pleasure of one anothers touch.
“P-Phil I’m so close,” Dan moaned and Phil hummed, letting Dan know he was getting there as well. Dan clawed at Phil’s back as he stroked his member and soon enough, Dan was screaming in pleasure. “Oh my God, Phil!” he yelled out as he ejaculated over his own stomach the feeling of his orgasm rippling through his body.
This sent Phil into his own orgasm, him thrusting in one more time before ejaculating into Dan. “Oh Dan,” he groaned as he steadied himself with both arms, grasping the sheets below him. He let his orgasm wash over before he pulled out and laid down at Dan’s side.
Both of them laid side by side, breathing heavily. Phil reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a few paper towels, wiping up Dan’s body and his own. He wrapped the used condom in the used paper and threw it into the trash bin near by.
He suddenly put his arm around Dan, causing the boy to cuddle into him, burying his head into the crook of his neck. Using his other hand, he pulled the blanket over them and nuzzled his head into Dan’s now curly hair. “Not bad for your first time,” Phil rubbed the side of Dan’s arm as the boy let out a quiet giggle. “Shut up,” he murmured, tracing shapes on Phil’s chest.
Dan yawned a bit, causing Phil to yawn as well. “Think we should call it a night?” Phil asked and Dan nodded a bit before his eyes began to shut slowly. “Goodnight,” he muttered and Phil kissed the top of his head. “Night,” Phil whispered before shutting his own eyes.
But, just before Phil fell asleep Dan made a slight noise, letting him know not to fall asleep yet. “Phil?” he whispered and Phil rubbed his arm to let him know he was awake. “I-I think I love you,” he stuttered and Phil widened his eyes. He thought for a second before smiling to himself and kissing the boys head. “I love you too, Danny.”
Dan grinned before shutting his eyes, letting the sound of Phil’s light breathing lull him to sleep. Phil soon heard the quiet snores from Dan and smiled before shutting his own eyes, falling into a comfortable slumber with the boy he loved in his arms.
Wow, really long chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry if the smut was shit, but I think it was an improvement compared to my other phic. Anyways, there’s only one more chapter (or two, IDK) left, and maybe an epilogue. Let me know what you guys thought and thank you for reading, as usual!
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