Chapter 43

All right, here we go.

Will makes his move first, exiting the top Irrigation level calmly through the hatch door and disappearing into the darkened staircase beyond. Once he's gone I make a few more laps of the platform surrounding the giant drill with Gus before he slips away as well.

I take one last cursory glance of floor, mentally cataloguing the alertness of the remaining Enforcers. Many of the men appear bored, lounging against the walls or talking in groups. A couple of the more ambitious fellows stroll back and forth but most everyone seems to have settled in for a long night shift.

If we do our job correctly, tomorrow morning the next crew will arrive for their turn at guardship and not one of them will have any idea that they are suddenly short a dozen prisoners.

I keep my head ducked low as I stride over to the stairwell, pushing it open and stepping through in one smooth motion. Will is waiting around the corner to push the door closed and spin the lock into place, effectively keeping the Enforcers secured on their side of the heavy metal hatch.

"Let's go." He whispers, inclining his head towards the staircase. Gus and I fall into step behind him, our breaths slightly ragged as we descend.

Will's broad shoulders fill the narrow passageway ahead of us. His steps are sure and deliberate as he leads us down three levels, pausing outside the last door, his expression grim.

"They're through here." He says. Gus wipes his palms on the fabric of his Enforcer uniform, nodding nervously.

I release a shaky breath through my teeth, steeling myself. This is it. It is time to execute the most unknown part of the plan. Will has made only brief trips down to these lower levels, enough to locate our people. He estimates a half dozen Enforcers guarding each floor, each of them armed with a sword and a whip.

The idea is to walk in, locate our friends, communicate our intent to them, unlock their chains and escort them to the hatch door. All without being seen by the six Enforcers whose sole job is to prevent mishaps exactly like this.

Stealth isn't the right word for what we are about to attempt; invisibility might be more appropriate.

"Do you have the keys?" Will asks, full-well knowing the answer. I hold up the tarnished instruments, quirking a half-grin at him in response. That seems to bolster his confidence somewhat and he nods once, spinning the wheel barring the hatch door and shoving it open.

The smell is the first thing I notice. A putrid stench of hundreds of unwashed bodies, all gathered together in this hole deep beneath the Earth's surface. I fight the urge to gag and instead step forward, sticking close to Will's heels while Gus stays behind to guard the door.

As my eyes gradually grow accustomed to the darkness I am able to make out the dim outlines of the people toiling around us. They are hunched over, various tools clutched in trembling hands as they shuffle along, dragging the heavy chains cinched tightly around their ankles. Tears pinprick behind my eyelashes while we weave through the crowd. I try to focus on Will's back as he carves us a path, deliberately ignoring the hateful, pointed looks being flung in our direction. I keep my eyes averted and my head ducked low, mindful of the expression on my face and terrified of giving myself away.

There is an almighty crack followed by an ear-splitting shriek and I jump, colliding solidly with Will who catches hold of my arm.

I whip my head around in all directions, my eyes stretched wide as I search for the source of the sound. Will's grip on my arm tightens, his hands digging into my flesh in warning, bruising the skin and demanding my attention. I know that I should look at him, I know that I have to get a hold of myself but my mind refuses to cooperate. Desperation hums through my veins and clouds my mind. The only thing I can comprehend is the overwhelming amount of bloodied, broken bodies and the accompanying eyes staring helplessly back at me.

My arm is yanked violently as Will spins me to face him. I stumble, nearly falling as I struggle to find my footing. I look up, my field of view obstructed first by the solidity of his chest and then his steely gaze as he forces my eyes into his.

"It's all right." He murmurs softly. "We're all right."

I blink and his familiar features gradually swim back into formation. The crack of the whip sounds again and I twitch violently, my heart catching in my throat, threatening to choke me. Will refuses to release my arms, pinning me in place as I struggle to regain hold of my thoughts.

It's all right. We're all right.

It's all right. We're all right. I repeat the words over and over until they begin to make sense.

I bite down hard on the inside of my cheek, tasting blood. Oh gods, it's everywhere, the sight of it, the metallic smell of it, caught in my nose and staining my hands. Keep it together, Kay. Focus.

I jerk my head in a tight nod and Will's grip on me loosens. With a superhuman effort I shut my ears to the sounds around me, breathing heavily as I follow him through the maze of bruised and unwashed bodies. I am vaguely aware of moving past an occasional Enforcer standing guard over the prisoners. There is something odd about the Babelonians down here, a kind of robotic disassociation that I can't put my finger on in my addled state. I keep my eyes averted and concentrate on Will's movements. It's all right. We're all right.

Finally, Will slows his pace and looks back at me, a tense expression drawn over his dark features. I swallow once, nodding my acknowledgement as I fight the urge to peer around him.

Instead, I slow my breathing and smoothly scan the perimeter, my practiced eyes picking out the position of the two nearest Enforcers. Now that I have regained some semblance of self-control I am able to focus on their movements, furrowing my brow in confusion as the pieces begin to fall into place.

These Enforcers aren't men. Or women. And yet, somehow, they are completely indistinguishable from us.

I spin slowly in place, picking out no less than six whip-wielding, mechanical imposters.

My heartbeat echoes inside my head at a maddeningly slow pace. Think, Kay, think. Is this even possible? What are they?

The Enforcer's faces are human. Their arms and legs appear human. Their torsos would seem human if not for the gigantic, conspicuous metal gear grafted onto their chests and protruding prominently through their black uniforms. The piece of tech reminds me acutely of the spoked wheels used to lock the doors of the L levels. I can't help but picture the gears as part of a larger mechanical skeleton hiding beneath the Enforcer's robes.

Something is ticking in that chest yet somehow I know instinctively that it isn't a heart.

Their faces are blank, devoid of emotion as though they are caught in the tides of a deep trance. As I watch, one of the female guards looks abruptly towards a fallen prisoner. The skinny boy scrabbles at the ground, desperately fighting to rise to his feet as the Enforcer slowly and smoothly raises her whip into the air.

And that is when the tenuous grip I had on my self-control finally, perhaps inevitably, splinters and breaks.


Time slows to an impossible crawl. As I look on in horror, the Enforcer's face slowly begins to morph and change, the features realigning until the woman's blank stare begins to resemble someone entirely different.


The whip reaches its peak, the worn leather tip glinting horribly in the shred of torchlight right before it begins its ominous descent. I am vaguely aware of moving forward, my body relaxing into a smooth, strong stride as I close the distance between us.


Harmen's maniacal smile is mocking, his eyes flashing cruelly. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I am aware of someone shouting after me but I am unable to focus on anything except stopping that whip from reaching its target. I redouble my speed and hurtle towards Harmen, in the same instant groping for the sword at my waist.

No. This ends now. You can't hurt anyone anymore.

I come to a sliding stop between the fallen boy and Harmen, throwing my forearm up into the air and absorbing the blow. The whip wraps its length around me but I barely feel the sting, cleanly pulling it free of Harmen's hands as he looks on, his expression unsurprised as his thin lips curl into that familiar sneer.

My free hand tightens around the hilt of my sword, rotating it smoothly. The weapon is an extension of me and I am finally ready to end this nightmare once and for all.

He reaches for the deadly, curved blade at his side but it is too late. Red flashes across my vision and I am airborne, leaping at him with the savage ferocity I have kept locked inside for so many months, forever festering and threatening to break me. No, not break me, propel me. I just needed to unleash it, let it finish the game that Harmen started in that gaol.

With one clean swipe I release everything I have, all the pain, the fear and the anger. Everything that he ever took from me, I steal it back.

Thick, black blood oozes from the wound in his throat. Harmen chokes, sending another stream of the dense liquid cascading down his chin. An incredible feeling of peace washes over me as I study his reaction, delighting in my newfound sense of freedom. I feel lighter, having just released the crushing weight of a thousand nightmarish burdens. It's done. It's over.

Goodbye, Mister Harmen.

I watch with a kind of detached fascination as the blood slides down his neck and collides with the strange metal gear protruding from his chest.

Wait. This isn't right. What is that?

The deafening echo of my heartbeat slowly eases away and I become aware of a strange sound stemming from the man in front of me.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Harmen's wide-eyed stare swims out of focus and I shake my head to clear it, stumbling back a step as the face in front of me realigns itself.

This isn't Harmen. A female Enforcer is somehow standing in front of me, her rigid, upright posture at odds with the overwhelming torrent of black liquid flowing freely from the wound across her throat. I glance down at her chest, watching as the stained gear turns counter-clockwise of its own accord, ticking audibly with each small movement.

Tick. Tick. Tick.


The woman suddenly seizes, her muscles contracting before she keels forward, pitching face-first into the ground at my feet. There is a heavy clank of metal colliding with dirt as she falls. The pool of black blood oozes out from under her limp form, coating the ground like tar.

The ticking has ceased, leaving nothing but the eerie grinding of the Irrigator as it continues to bore its way through the earth. Gradually, I become aware of my surroundings; first the breath in my lungs then the beat of my heart. I realize that Will has materialized and is now standing at my side, staring at the lifeless body of the Enforcer at our feet. Finally, I turn in place, blinking forcefully as it dawns on me that every person on this Irrigation level has ceased what they are doing and is gaping openly at the scene I have unwittingly created.

I look over at Will. His grey eyes are wide with shock as he brings his gaze up to mine. Something sticky coats my face and I lift my hand to wipe it away, looking at my black-coated fingertips with a kind of detached horror.

This isn't blood.

"Kay." Will's voice is hoarse, startling relative to the rush of adrenaline still coursing through my veins. I look past my hand and up at him, registering the tight set of his mouth and his brow furrowed in a mixture of concern and something else. Something I've never seen him express before.


His eyes dart over my shoulder and I turn around to follow his gaze, my newfound lightness dissipating as I watch the remaining mechanical Enforcers make their slow, steady approach towards us, their steps heavy and and deliberate. The curved blades of various swords flash in the flickering torchlight, casting shadows over their expressionless faces.

"All right." Will straightens his shoulders, withdrawing his own weapon. "Now, we improvise."

I feel my resolve returning and grip the hilt of my sword more securely. "Aim for the throat." I hear myself say. "You won't get through their chests."

"Will do."

We clasp hands, squeezing once before turning and running separately into the fight.

A giant mech-Enforcer lumbers over from my left side- my weak side. I compensate by ducking in the opposite direction, swooping beneath his outstretched sword and sending him off-balance. He recovers almost instantly and his head swivels back to face me, fixing me with a cold, appraising stare that sends shivers down my spine. Gritting my teeth I take the offensive, bringing my sword down on top of his.

It is like striking solid stone. I glance up, for the briefest of instances imagining the trace of a sneer pulling at his mouth. He pushes my blade aside with an effortless flick of his wrist and sends me careening backwards. I regain my footing just in time to block his next strike, the impact of steel meeting steel causing a shockwave to cascade down my arm and rattle the teeth in my skull.

"Kay, behind you!" I hear Will call out a warning the second before the next mech-Enforcer is on top of me. I throw myself blindly to the side, rolling across the ground and colliding with a group of people huddled together near the wall. There is the rattling of chains as someone helps me to my feet and I remember the keys I have stashed in my pocket.

The two mech-Enforcers have spotted me and walk calmly in my direction while the prisoners scramble to get out of the way. I feel a spark of rage as I watch them approach. The Madam thinks that she can control these people through pain and fear, but I know better. I've been on the receiving end of that type of injustice before and may the gods strike me dead before I allow it to happen again.

These super soldiers might be stronger, but I'm faster. And smarter.

With one swift tug I loose the keys from the folds of my uniform and toss them blindly towards the nearest prisoner, taking up my sword again and rushing headfirst into the fray.

They weren't expecting that. Assuming that I would be on the defensive it takes my attackers an extra moment to compensate and swipe their weapons in my direction. That extra moment is all I require.

I focus on the gear protruding out of the man's chest and spring into the air, placing one foot on the spoked wheel and pressing down hard so that it spins counter-clockwise.


Still airborne, I use my momentum to bring my other foot up, kicking the spokes circling the woman's gear.


I complete the jump, sailing over their shoulders and landing in a crouched roll behind them. They turn to face me, their movements noticeably slower, almost sluggish. The gear on the woman's chest shudders slightly and makes another half-turn.


I stay low to the ground, watching their actions carefully. Come on, guys, just a little closer. From somewhere behind me I can hear the sound of swords colliding. Will is keeping himself busy with the other three mech-Enforcers. I need to finish this so I can go help him.

The man and woman take one more shuddering step and I spring into action, sliding on my knees across the water-dampened floor and bringing my sword in a long arc across both of their shins. More black ooze shoots out, coating my face and clothes.

The guards' legs give out and they drop their knees. I whirl in place, first plunging my sword into the neck of the man before smoothly withdrawing and finishing off the woman.

Tick tick. Tick tick. Tick tick.

I don't wait to watch the ticking complete its countdown, instead abandoning the mech-Enforcer's stock-still forms and hurling myself in Will's direction.

He has disappeared around the side of the Irrigator. I follow the curved path towards the sound of battle, leaping over the prone figure of one defeated mech-Enforcer before discovering Will and Gus fully-engaged in battle with the final two.

Gus' oversized opponent pushes him bodily back, sending my friend flying into the wall opposite. I watch in horror as he crumples like a rag doll and is instantly swarmed by the prisoners.

Will gives a guttural cry and savagely swipes at his own attacker, catching his blade on the man's arm and sending him careening to the side. The man who threw Gus seems confused by his sudden disappearance beneath the crowd of prisoners and re-focuses on Will, lumbering in his direction.

I stoop down and withdraw my father's dagger from my boot.

Breathe in.

Time seems to slow as I take careful aim, remembering Luca's instructions.

Breathe out.

I release and the dagger hurtles through the air, spinning countless times before burrowing itself in the neck of the mech-Enforcer behind Will. The man seizes as Will gives his opponent a shove and plunges his sword into its final resting place, sending a rain of black ooze over both himself and my target.

Tick tick. Tick tick. Tick tick.

Will finally notices the man behind him and steps quickly out of the way, narrowly avoiding being crushed as the ticking ceases and the mech-Enforcer topples forward onto the sticky ground.

I draw up next to Will and he stoops down, helping me roll the gargantuan guard over so that I can retrieve my dagger.

"Are you hurt?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No. Are you?"


"Good." Glancing up. "Let's check on Gus."

We step over the sludge-covered bodies and make our way towards the wall opposite. The crowd parts, giving us a view of Gus sitting upright, supported by two prisoners. He is noticeably pale and one hand grips his shoulder but he otherwise appears unhurt. I release a sigh of relief as Will moves quickly to his side.

"How are you feeling, Einstein?" Will murmurs, prodding gently at Gus' shoulder. "Can you walk?"

"Yeah." Gritting his teeth, Gus allows Will to pull him to his feet. He sways slightly but as he regains his footing some colour begins to return to his cheeks. "Thanks."

There is the clanking of chains and I glance around, realizing that the keys have been passed from person to person and nearly every prisoner has already removed their manacles. The soil-stained people stand around expectantly, their expressions a mixture of abject fear and cool apprehension.

A shuffling sound resonates from behind me and I whirl in place, my heart pounding furiously in my chest as several figures emerge through the gloom.

Marc leads the pack, scruffy and bloodied but alive. A gasp catches in my throat and I throw myself at him, forgetting myself entirely in my haste. He stumbles backwards, laughing and hugging me back tightly.

"Heya, Red." His brown eyes twinkle even in the dim light. Over his shoulder I can see the rest of the troops drawing up one by one and a sob constricts my throat. They're here. They're all here. I hadn't realized until this moment how much I doubted that we would ever find our friends. Will steps forward and is quickly enveloped by the troops. I catch a glimpse of his relieved face as he greets each person in turn, feeling my heart swell as I watch him.

It occurs to me then that Meg's troops have a commander that would literally go to hell and back for them.

Spiderweb veins of black tar snap between our torsos when Marc and I draw apart. Gods, I'm covered in the stuff. Will appears next to us, also decorated in the mystery sludge yet somehow still managing to appear maddeningly attractive with steely eyes glinting from beneath dark brows.

"We need to keep moving. Is everyone all right?" Will's tone is calm but I can sense the strain behind it. He and Marc exchange a handshake as everyone moves in closer, some crouching down to examine the fallen mech-Enforcers. A shiver runs down my spine as the enormity of what I have done slowly begins to sink in.

Four people are dead because I suddenly believed Harmen was down in this pit. What is wrong with me? When did it become so easy for me to kill, and why did I see someone who isn't here?

My gods, it's finally happened. I've lost my mind.

Will notices my growing anxiety and grips my hand. "All of you, listen up. We are clearing out this level and going up to the airship hangar."

"Now?" Someone calls out.

"Yes, right now."

"What of the others? My friends are on another level." A Waster woman demands.

"We're coming back." I hear myself say. Speaking helps me to focus my thoughts and regain some self-control. "In just a couple of days we are bringing in an army to free everyone else."

"An army? What are you talking about? Who are you?" Fifty voices begin to speak up at once, the nervous chatter rising in crescendo and rivaling the deafening roar of the Irrigator.

"These are our friends! I told you that they would be coming for us!" Marc shouts above the others, his voice turning hoarse from the exertion. "Stay put if you want but we're getting the hell out of here."

That shuts them up. Soon, every face is trained on us, fifty expectant faces waiting to hear the plan. Will shoots Marc a grateful look before addressing the crowd. "Right, then. There's a few more of you than we originally bargained for but plans change."

I can see a slight tightening in his shoulders as he regards the room. I'll admit, it looks bad. Six dead mechanical-human monstrosities and fifty missing prisoners is going to raise some questions.

"How much time will we have before someone from above checks on this level?" I ask, to no one in particular.

"More than you'd think." Someone mutters and the group murmurs in agreement.

"It's been difficult to keep track of time but people rarely, if ever, come through here." Marc explains. He nods towards one of the fallen Enforcers. "These...things, whatever you want to call them, they don't need food or sleep. No one changes shifts. At least, not in the time I've been here."

"He's right." The Waster woman speaks up. "Three days, at least before they will think to check on us."

"Good. We can work with that." Will straightens to his full height, at once appearing every inch the commander he was born to be. "Let's pull the bodies away from the ledge in case someone looks down. We'll need their clothes as well, get those stripped off. Gus, have you got the bag?"

"Yes, right here."

"Good. Let's get you all dressed. We've brought along some black fabric, tear it up so that everyone has enough to cover their head and shoulders." Will instructs and the people spring into action, congregating around Gus or helping to roll the bodies of the mechanical Enforcers out of the way.

I remain stock-still, staring down at the glazed eyes of one of the dead guards as they are dragged off. Will's hold on my hand tightens until he has caught my attention.

"I don't know what happened." I stammer. "It was Harmen. I saw him, I'm sure of it."

"I believe you." He says.

"But that isn't right. I killed someone, but it wasn't him." I tear my eyes away from the rigid body to look up at him. "I've never killed anyone before, at least not...that way." A shudder runs down my spine at the memory of the black, sticky blood coating my face. "I don't know what came over me. I don't understand."

"Listen to me." His voice is coming from somewhere far away. All I can see is the river of sludge flowing from the fatal wound in Harmen's throat. "Kay."

Harmen's face morphs into the blank, unfeeling stare of the female Enforcer.


I shake my head. When I open my eyes Will is standing in front of me, gripping both of my arms.

"This is war. This is what we signed up for and this is what it comes down to. It isn't pretty and it isn't easy." Will's grey eyes burn into mine, refusing to let me drift off again. "I promise that together we will figure out whatever it is you are going through, but right now you have to focus. These people want to go home and I need you to help make that happen. Can you do this?"

"Yes." I say hollowly before clearing my throat and trying again, my voice stronger this time. "Yes."

"Brave, beautiful girl. It's all going to be fine. We're in this together." He pulls me to him quickly, wrapping his arms around me. I return the embrace, letting his strength transfer to me before stepping back, straightening my shoulders with a new sense of resolve.

"Okay." I take a deep breath. "Let's go."

It only takes a couple of minutes for us to help Gus distribute the swathes of black fabric, tearing up the larger pieces so that there is enough for everyone. Some of the prisoners are so malnourished that they need barely a scrap in order to cover themselves.

"Is everyone ready?" Will asks to a general murmur of agreement.

I sweep my gaze over the assorted prisoners. The dark fabric will only do so much to disguise us once we are aboveground. This was a risky move when we planned to escape with only twelve people, but with fifty it appears downright impossible. Marc catches my eye and gives me a cheeky grin, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. How he manages to keep a sense of humour even in a situation like this, I will never know, but I am eternally grateful.

"Stick close and don't say a word, we're going upstairs." Will addresses the crowd before turning to me. "We need your eyes up front. Gus and I will bring up the rear."

"You've got it." I turn towards the door.

"Wait." He grabs my arm and spins me to face him, pulling me close and kissing me once, soundly. "All right. Go."

The sound of footsteps trailing me up the staircase towards the L levels is maddening. Fifty bare and booted feet echo in the confined space, obnoxiously announcing our presence to anyone who cares to listen. Previous post-curfew trips through this stairwell have taught us that this passage is rarely used, but there is one person that can always be found at their post.

One Enforcer guarding the final hatch is all that stands between us and the outside.

Nearing the first of the L levels I halt in my tracks, withdrawing the custom, miniscule canister of nerve gas Gus bottled for this exact purpose. Marc is directly behind me, his head tilted in question.

"I'll be right back." I tell him, tucking the canister into my sleeve so that it will be more easily accessible. I pull up the gas mask dangling around my neck, affixing it over my mouth and nose. "Keep everyone still and silent." My voice is muffled behind the mask but Marc nods his understanding.

I creep up the remaining five levels, keeping my footsteps as silent as possible. Finally, I reach the top of the last staircase and find myself at the beginning of the long corridor leading to the outer door and its white-garbed guardian.

I taking a running start, kicking off the wall and heaving myself on top of the water pipes running overhead. Adopting my awkward belly crawl, I begin to make my way towards the exit, my laboured breaths heavy in my ears.

There he is. Reclining against the wall next to the locked hatch, the Enforcer appears bored and half-asleep. Perfect. Slowly, I reach into my sleeve and pull out the can of gas, taking several moments to plan my maneuvers. There will only be one chance to get this right.

I crawl a few feet closer so that I am directly above him. My arms dangle on either side of the pipe, one holding the canister and the other ready to pull the release valve.


Gas spills free of the canister, but you would never know it. Deprived of its trademark gray colouring, it is completely invisible. The guard straightens and coughs, looking around in a daze. I duck behind the pipe, pulling in my arms and legs and willing my breaths to slow. An instant later there is the heavy thud of a body hitting the ground and I chance a look over the edge of the pipe. The guard is sprawled out on the ground, completely unconscious.

I jump down, rushing over to the door and turning the great, spoked lock with all the force I can muster. A satisfying click reaches my ears and I pull the door open, running back several steps and removing my headscarf. I unfurl the dark fabric and wave it desperately in an effort to dispel the lingering gas, letting it float harmlessly out into the night air beyond. After removing my mask, I take a cautious breath. My throat tightens slightly but the overall effect isn't worrying. Good enough.

Grunting, I pull the limp body of the guard to the side and jog back down the passageway. I reach the top of the stairs and give a low whistle. A moment later there is the shuffling of many feet and the group begins to ascend up towards me.

I run on ahead, poking my head through the open door before taking a tentative step outside. Dark shadows blanket the expansive stone steps and the farmland beyond. Perfect. We only have to cross about twenty yards of open ground before reaching the first of the grid's rickety staircases.

Glancing up towards Babel's roof I catch a barely-distinguishable glimpse of the night sky and offer up a silent prayer to the Fireline- the distant stars that have always guided me home. If ever a time called for some divine intervention, this would be it.

I skip back down the steps and duck through the open hatch door in the same instant Marc and the others appear around the side of the passageway. A look of relief crosses Marc's face when he sees me and I offer back what I hope is an encouraging smile.

"Ready?" I ask, raising my eyebrows in question.

"Always." Marc answers. I look past him at the fifty people gathered behind, their sunken cheeks and grubby faces doing nothing to disguise their steadfast determination. Will and Gus are barely visible at the rear of the group but I feel their support acutely as though they were standing by my side.

"All right." I place one hand on the cold, metal doorframe. "Here we go."

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