Chapter 41
This could very well be the stupidest thing we have ever done.
I am trailing Will and Gus to the outskirts of Babel. We are all dressed in our Enforcer uniforms, curved swords at the ready, not that it will do any good should someone notice a couple of imposters in their midst. The tall skyscrapers have receded behind us and the sloped walls of the dome encroach from the front, the slate-grey barrier foreboding even amongst the green foliage and colourful vegetation.
Despite the stressful nature of the situation I can't help but feel incredibly alert and in-tune with our surroundings. Last night I had the most restful sleep I've experienced in a long, long time. Being blackmailed into trusting Lara has proven to be surprisingly liberating; now that Will and I have included her and Gus in our plans the threat of being turned over to the Madam is completely out of our control. With this in mind I spent the night in Will's hidden alcove high above the city's skyscrapers, wrapped securely in his arms with his heart beating steadily against me. My sleep for once was deep and dreamless, completely devoid of any of the usual nightmares.
Huge crops of wheat and corn unfold on either side of our party. The transition of the landscape from bustling city to sprawling farmland was sudden and now I find myself staring at low, rolling fields and the people moving amongst them. The farmers crouch between the rows of plants, cutting the stalks and gathering them together into bushels. They glance up as we walk by, for just long enough to make sympathetic faces towards the unfortunate people we have been charged with escorting.
Four men and three women are being marched along by the troop of Enforcers we joined up with this morning. Two of the men and one of the women have been bound and are shuffling along with their heads lowered. The rest of the prisoners walk freely and with an air of calm readiness that makes my skin crawl. There is a clear distinction between the people being remedied as punishment and those who are no longer deemed 'productive'.
The path below our feet bring us from lush fields to a low, sloping slab of polished stone. Vines creep up around the sides of the arched entryway, doing a handy job of blending our destination in with the curved outer walls of the dome.
As we draw closer I notice that the sides and roof of the nondescript building seem to slope downwards, converging with the base of the dome. We pass through the columned entrance and immediately descend down a wide staircase. The steps are made of the same smooth stone as the outer walls. Oil lamps light our way, illuminating the staircase and the solid metal door at the base of it.
The Enforcers gather on the wide landing in front of the door with Will, Gus and I hanging near the back of the group. I adopt a bored expression and glance around the cavernous space, considering the distance we just traveled and the outer walls of the dome.
The polished ceiling looming over my head gives nothing away, but if my estimations are correct then this underground entrance has been built directly below Babel's mirrored facade.
The hammered metal door in front of us has been etched with two intersecting lines. I tilt my head slightly, examining the letter L. So, this is it, the door to the one place inaccessible by the lift. We have arrived at the infamous L levels, where the techs, or technicians, create Babel's many mechanical marvels. This hatch will lead us to the Irrigator's water tank and if we descend far enough, to the back entrance of the Irrigator itself. For hundreds of people trapped below ground, this could mean a way out.
But first, we have to get in.
One of the Enforcers raises his fist and raps three times against the oval hatch. We wait a few beats before a small opening right at eye level slides abruptly open, releasing a stark white light.
"Do you have an appointment?" The voice from the other side of the door is eerily chipper.
"Seven for the remedy level. Three for detention, four for completion." The Enforcer reports.
The window slides closed. There is a pause and then a low, grating noise echos out at us from the other side of the door. A metallic clank sounds and the hatch swings open on rusty hinges.
The light from inside drenches the ground in front of me. One by one the Enforcers step through, pushing the prisoners and offering a helping hand to the willing participants. Will glances in my direction, his eyebrows raised as if to say well, we've come this far.
I nod my agreement and follow him through the narrow opening, stepping over the divide and into the first of the L levels.
The hallway slants downwards and wraps back in the direction of the city. An Enforcer, presumably the chipper-voiced man from beyond the hatch stands to the side. He is wearing a uniform similar to my own, only his outfit has been dyed as white as the floors and walls around us. I keep my head ducked low as I brush by him and concentrate on tracking our position relative to the layout of the city above.
Will's broad shoulders nearly fill the entire space. I follow him towards another staircase, my ears ringing with the sound of many booted feet echoing against polished stone. We circle down to the next level and come upon another hatch-style door, this one engraved L2.
The troops continue to spiral downwards, heading for the next level. Gus slows his pace to allow some distance to grow before leaning in close to Will and I.
"This is where they keep the water tank." He explains, keeping his voice low as he indicates the door .
"Locked?" Will asks.
Gus shakes his head. "There are only two locked doors. The one we just came through and the one at the very bottom, between the last L level and the Irrigator. They don't expect anyone with access to this stairwell to be a security threat."
I nod, storing the information away. Gus keeps his arm outstretched, barring us from following the group for a few moments longer. We wait in tense silence as we listen to the sound of the door below us creaking open. There is a murmuring of voices and then a shuffling as one by one the citizens and Enforcers file onto level L3.
A pang of guilt drops my stomach. Will glances down at me, grabbing hold of my hand and squeezing once. Allowing those poor people to be escorted to their deaths goes against everything I stand for. I bite down hard on my lip and force myself to focus on the larger picture. The remedies are a horrifying byproduct of living in this society, but that isn't my problem. My problem is lying at the bottom of those stairs and if I can stay focused, we will be able to save them all.
The door swings shut with a heavy reverberation that rattles through my skull. I shake my head to clear it and look over at Gus. He is fussing with the folds of his clothes, pulling out a small bundle and gently unwrapping it.
I watch with fascination as he sticks the ends of two small tubes into his ears and holds a third tube up against the metal door barring the water tank. He furrows his brow and I notice a small line of sweat beading his forehead. After a moment of intense concentration he straightens and pushes the door open. The sound of rusted hinges is jarring and Gus releases a curse, ripping the strange hoses from his ears and rubbing his head as if in pain.
Will peers inside, sweeping his gaze left and right. "It's empty." He announces and steps through the opening.
"What is that?" I ask, referring to the small contraption as Gus rewraps it hurriedly and stuffs it back into his pocket.
"Stethoscope." He continues to rub his ears but a small smile escapes his lips. "It lets me hear through the door."
"That's incredible." I can't help keep the awe from my voice.
"It's an old tool." He shrugs his shoulders modestly. "Lucky that our ancestors preserved the information for how to craft one."
Will's head suddenly appears back in the hallway. "Can we not linger, please?"
I roll my eyes but follow him dutifully inside, Gus right on my heels. He pulls the door shut tight and the three of us stand in place, staring up at the colossal tank.
The room we find ourselves in is large and circular. The water tank sits impassively in the centre of the space, forged of hammered steel and a with a spiderlike network of pipes branching off of it. The largest pipes stretch from the top of the container and branch back towards the centre of the city while a series of smaller tubes feed into the walls surrounding us. I assume that the large pipes service the rivers and that the smaller ones travel across the roof of the dome so that they can provide the rain.
Will has already moved towards the tank and is examining the series of knobs and dials set up next to it. The horizontal cranks remind me of the control panel of an airship, only much, much more complicated. There are several dozen knobs of varying sizes, each with their own individual dial attached to the associated pipe.
For now, every dial seems to hover near the centre mark, the tiny red arrows pointing straight up and vibrating slightly.
"Here's all you need to know about operating these levers." Gus makes a rotating motion with his hand. "Righty tighty, lefty loosey."
"Science is fascinating." I remark.
Gus smirks as he indicates the three largest wheels. "These fellows feed into the principal river outlets. Righty tighty..." He mimes turning the crank to the right. "Tightens it up, closes the pipe. But lefty loosey..."
"Makes a hell of a mess." Will finishes grimly.
"Exactly right." Gus wipes the sweat from his brow.
My eyes dart over the sophisticated machinery. The amount of time and effort the Babylonian engineers would have had to devote in order to create something of such magnitude is simply staggering.
Progress is power.
The Madam's words ring in my ears. My old nemesis, the tight knot of panic threatens to make an appearance and I look over at Will in an attempt to focus my thoughts. He is moving around the side of the tank, gesturing at the various pipes and knobs as he peppers Gus with questions. The younger man scurries after him, tripping on the slick ground and offering eager explanations.
This is insane. This is absolutely insane. What are we even attempting to do? I am standing inside the fortified walls of a futuristic, technologically-advanced society. We are planning to do battle with what is essentially another era. What are swords and arrows compared to a civilization that has already mastered radios and water power? I have been here for two days and in just that short period of time I have witnessed a degree of control and innovation the likes of with I am still struggling to wrap my head around.
And what is our plan for coming up against the Madam? Flood the city? Break through the walls of her home?
My vision swims and I blink to clear it, once again concentrating on Will.
He seems so certain. He always seems so certain.
He must have felt me watching him because in the next instant his eyes are on mine, his expression calm and reassuring as he studies me.
I take a deep breath and release it, letting go of my fears and doubts in the same moment. There is no room for such thoughts. Not here, not now. This is the time for action. If we don't go through with this, the people trapped belowground will have no chance. At least if we attempt this mad scheme, there is the smallest hope that we can bring our friends home.
Across the room Will gives me a questioning look. I square my shoulders and offer him a curt nod, I'm all right.
And I am.
We complete our tour of the water tank and move back into the stairwell. Gus leads us quickly down past level L3, where our former party brought the civilians for their remedies. We don't pause at the next two levels and I make a mental note to ask Gus what the designations are for L4 and L5.
Finally, we arrive at the first of the Irrigator levels, helpfully labeled -1.
"All right." Gus fiddles nervously with his black headscarf, releasing a dark curl of hair. "Next item on the agenda."
"Keys." Will looks to me. "That's your cue, Red."
"I'm on it." My fingers twitch preemptively and I furl and unfurl my fist, readying for work. This is what I'm good at.
I help tuck Gus' hair back into place as Will turns the oversized crank barring the door, spinning it several times before pulling the hatch open wide enough for us to squeeze through.
The appearance of the Irrigator is only slightly less shocking the second time. I step out into the humid air, giving the area a cursory once-over and orienting myself relative to all of my potential targets. The drill blocks my view but I know that the hallway leading to the lift is on the far side of it.
Will and Gus hang back, waiting for my direction. I make a somewhat arbitrary choice to go left and begin shuffling forward, slowing my pace so that my partners in crime move to walk in front of me.
My eyes continually dart to the waists of the various Enforcers as we stroll around the curved walkway. Gus was not entirely certain how many of the guards would be entrusted to hold onto a copy of the keys but his best guess was 'one'.
So now I am looking for one man amongst twenty. A man who may or may not be here, whose primary role is to guard the keys that unlock the chains of the prisoners below. I am going to take said keys from him and scarper so that we can return tomorrow night and release a dozen soldiers.
The idea would seem ridiculous on its own, but in the grand scheme of things this is a very small detail in a large overarching plan. There are a million details and unknowns still to contend with, but at this moment all that I have to focus on is getting those keys. Just get the keys.
And suddenly, there they are.
Hanging off the belt of a man lounging against the wall to my left. I trod purposefully on the back of Will's heel, causing him to slow his pace. He doesn't miss a beat, fluidly continuing his conversation with Gus as he draws to a stop.
I drop down to one knee and pretend to adjust my boot, at the same time skimming my eyes over the guard. He stands apart from the rest of the Enforcers and appears to be stifling a yawn as he stares blankly at the Irrigator. I consider my options while fingering the hilt of the dagger hidden inside my boot, taking note of the man's demeanour and the placement of the keys.
The plan I eventually decide on may not be the most subtle, but it sure as hell is effective.
I wander away from my friends and over towards the ledge of the walkway. The damp stone floor is slick but I easily keep my footing. I whistle a low tune under my breath as I pretend to examine the Irrigator, at the same time glancing towards my target from the corner of my eye.
I don't bother looking at Will. In my head I can already imagine his expression; a furrowed brow that says he doesn't approve of what I am about to do but that he doesn't intend to step in.
"Hey!" A voice calls out from behind me.
I grin to myself when I hear the soft jangle of keys. Good, I have his attention.
"Don't get so close to the edge!" He calls, more urgently this time.
"What?" I spin around to look at him, adopting a look of confusion, then fear as I begin pinwheeling my arms.
His eyes are as wide as saucers. Come on, buddy, you should improve your reaction time.
I stumble back a step, catching my heel on the ledge. Glancing over my shoulder I grit my teeth. Gods, but that's a long fall.
The guard finally manages to force himself into action and is dashing towards me, his hand outstretched. I briefly consider the slippery ground and hope to the gods that this guy doesn't go flying off the edge himself.
I would hate to have to travel all the way to the bottom of the pit in order to retrieve those keys.
Unable to resist, I allow one foot to slip fully off the edge. I careen sideways, balancing on one leg, every muscle tensed as I count down the remaining seconds. Just a little've almost got me...
Our fingers brush and I spring forward, unwilling to trust this man with my full weight. I clasp his wrist tightly and feign being pulled back. My hero releases a surprised oof as I slam into his chest, tangling our limbs together and sending us both crashing to the ground.
I roll off of him quickly before he has a chance to notice my figure beneath my uniform. A group of Enforcers have already formed around us, their voices raised in excitement as someone helps me to my feet and another claps our quick-thinking companion on the back.
"Many thanks." I breathe, careful to keep my voice low.
"It was nothing." The guard's chest puffs out a little further. "Just, ah, be a little more careful in the future."
"I certainly will." I emphasize the last word as I sway slightly on my feet.
Will appears at my elbow instantly. "Hey, are you all right, kid?"
"Shouldna'...skipped lunch." I wipe my forehead and offer up a brave smile.
"Not the brightest torch, are you?" Will shakes his head. "Let's get you something to eat."
I allow him to lead me back towards the stairwell. Over my shoulder I can already hear the guard recounting his version of the events to his gathered audience. No doubt his bravery and surefootedness will increase with each retelling.
We slip back through the hatch and a moment later Gus follows. No one says anything as we walk quickly back towards the exit. I count off the levels silently in my head, imagining myself following this route in the dead of night after nearly a week of forced labour.
L5, L4, L3, L2...
The white-clothed Enforcer guarding the exit barely glances at us before opening the final hatch. With a great deal of self-control we manage to calmly ascend towards the wide gateway, emerging through the columned entrance and once again finding ourselves amongst sprawling farmland.
I grin to myself as we make our way back to the city, the satisfying weight of the keys comforting against my hip. Likely my brave saviour would have noticed them missing by now but after all the excitement he will assume that the keys were swallowed up by the Irrigator. I'm glad to have given him a story and with any luck he won't be punished for losing an entrusted object while saving a fellow man.
Well, a fellow man for all intents and purposes.
We part ways with Gus once we reach the first of the skyscrapers. After affirming when and where to meet that evening he says his goodbyes and sets off back towards his apartment. We finished our task right on schedule; he'll have ample time to change his clothes before heading straight back to the L levels for his apprenticeship as a mech.
"Hungry?" Will asks, inclining his neck in the direction of the Enforcer's mess hall.
We make our way further into the city, stopping briefly by the mess hall to stuff our pockets full of food before taking one of the grid's mainy staircases up to Will's lonely little window. I immediately withdraw the keys, tossing them deftly from hand to hand as I quirk an eyebrow at Will.
He rolls his eyes but doesn't bother to hide the grin creeping up his face. "Pleased with yourself, are you?"
"Can't say that I'm not." I catch the keys and twirl them around one finger before pocketing them again.
"That was quite the show." He acquiesces. He is leaning back against the wall next to the window and shining an apple against his chest. I feel an overwhelming sense of peace as I watch his familiar actions. The combination of him and the comforting weight of the stolen keys against my leg causes a swell of hope that I haven't felt in a long time.
"It was very convincing." He breaks through my thoughts and it takes me a moment to remember what he is referring to.
"The fall?" I ask, taking a bite of my own apple.
"Yes, the fall. Let me ask you, do you derive any pleasure from scaring the shit out of me?" His tone is joking but I can sense the strain behind the question.
I study him for a moment. He has suddenly become very interested in his snack as he spins it around in his hand, not eating.
"You showed a lot of trust today." I say, eventually. "I don't like having to scare you but it means a lot to me that you can stand back and let me do what I need to do."
His lips twitch, ever so slightly. "I am working on not worrying so much about you."
"Let me know if you ever master that trick." I say through a mouthful of food. "I would love to learn how to keep from losing my mind every time you are out of my sight."
"I am loathe to say it, Red, but there is a very simple solution to our problem." He finally makes eye contact with me again.
"What is it?"
"We could stop trying to save the world." He gestures flippantly with the apple and takes a healthy bite.
I snort, pretending to consider his words. "Hmm...."
"Of course, that begs the question of what we would do if we were to retire from such lucrative careers." He tilts his head thoughtfully.
"What does anyone do when they aren't risking death?" I ask. "Sit around and read books, I suppose."
"It would be good to catch up on some reading."
"Yes, but there are only so much literature one can consume."
"We could take up a hobby."
"Ooh! Needlework?"
"My fingers are too big for needlework." He holds up his hands despondently. "Perhaps a sport?"
"We're both much too competitive for that." I shake my head. "We'd be at each other's throats within a week."
"You're right." He polishes off the rest of his apple in two bites. "Well, that just leaves world-saving."
"At least it keeps us busy." I say, laughing as he grips me about the waist.
He kisses me and all of our joking instantly flies out the window. I pull him closer, a mess of pain and happiness battling within as our sense of urgency increases.
We draw apart and I feel myself short of breath. I rest with my head against his chest, soaking up the reverberation of his heart and letting the steady beat rush through me.
Everything about this love points to disaster. It shouldn't have a hope; two single-minded, fragmented people cannot possibly sustain a relationship.
Each of us gave up our lives long ago, when we agreed to gamble ourselves for a greater cause, believing fully that the risk would be worth the reward. The irony is that sacrifice is simple to justify to yourself and impossible for another to understand.
It is a problem without an answer but finally, at long last, we are trying.
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