Chapter 10
They remain only a few yards away from us, standing perfectly still as if waiting for myself or Luca to make the first move. Tentatively I slide my arm out from under Luca's shoulder, pausing while he regains his balance before holding my hands out to the Wasters, showing them that I am unarmed.
There are five of them, three men and two women. Their skin is coloured a deep bronze from the sun and their hair is twisted into coils, pulled back severely from their faces and accentuating their sharp features. Their clothes appear made of animal skins, decorated with feathers but undyed and battered by the swirling sand so that the Wasters blend in almost perfectly with the dunes surrounding us. Each person has a bow slung over their shoulder and a spear clutched in their hands, the deadly points presently lowered directly at me.
The women are startlingly beautiful, tall and regal with a calm bearing as they study me scornfully. The men are tall and broad, fearsome with sand-beaten faces and muscled torsos. Bright blue tattoos decorate the Wasters' tanned skin, decorating their arms and shoulders with intricate designs.
One of the men steps forward, turning his weapon in his hands meaningfully. I keep my face impassive, waiting, out of habit calculating the time it would take me to grab my dagger. As he draws closer I begin to regret my choice to give Luca my sword.
"Luca, are you injured?" The Waster directs the question to my companion but doesn't look away from me.
"I am, but I will heal." Luca wobbles on his one leg and the man signals to his comrades. One of the women steps smoothly past me and lends her arm to Luca, supporting him easily.
"I need you to take me to my friends." I tell the man, my fear overshadowed by my impatience.
"You will not make requests of us." He bites back quickly and I flinch despite myself. "Are you armed?"
I open my mouth to reply when Luca speaks up from behind me, "She has a dagger in her boot."
So much for that. The man lowers his brows and smoothly closes the distance between us. I stiffen as he reaches into my boot, drawing out the weapon and examining it momentarily before tucking it into his belt behind him.
"I'm going to need that back later." I tell him.
He ignores me and addresses Luca. "We thought you were taken."
"I was." I can hear Luca shifting on the sand behind me. "They are bringing me back."
The man stares at me again, an indecipherable look clouding his face. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and I mentally dub him Snake.
"We healed Luca's leg and are returning him safely home as a gesture of good faith." I speak up, my arms starting to ache from holding them upright. "We are a small group sent to initiate a peaceful negotiation with you."
"And what of the rest of the people you stole from us?" Snake's voice has lowered dangerously. I fight to keep my eyes locked with his and not on the point of his spear.
"I have only just learned of your missing people and know nothing further." I tell him slowly, my mind racing. All I have to do is get him to take me to Will. I just have to focus on staying alive long enough for that to happen. "If we had anything to do with that, why would we come out to the middle of nowhere to meet with you?"
"We do not try to understand the ways of Miners." Snake's grip on his spear tightens and I swallow in an effort to soothe my parched throat.
"Whatever quarrel exists out here, myself and the people I flew in with are innocent of it." I speak quickly, sensing that the opportunity for conversation is rapidly slipping away. "Our troops withdrew from the desert months ago after we rebelled against our monarchy and overthrew our King. My friends and our Queen are not a part of this war and we wish to end it."
Snake's dark eyes narrow. "You lie." He looks to Luca. "The air machines flew here only a few weeks past and stole our kin."
"Impossible." The word slips out before I can stop it and I shake my head firmly. "We haven't sent any of our ships out since the Rebellion."
Snake lifts his spear, levelling it at my neck. I tense and force myself to remain calm, keeping my chin raised above the point.
"Take me to my friends." I tell him. "I can prove to you that you have no fight with us."
Something unseen passes over my head between Snake and Luca and the spear is lowered.
"Turn." Snake growls. "Walk."
I spin on my heel obediently and march, musing flippantly that Will's soldier lessons were good for something. I keep my shoulders back and my posture upright as the Wasters fall smoothly into position around me, their various weapons not giving an inch.
We stride quickly past the dunes, the Wasters setting a direct and purposeful path until we round a bend and are suddenly at the bank of the dried-out river. The ground opens in front of me, startlingly vast relative to the time I've spent shadowed and surrounded by dunes.
I crane my neck as we step across the cracked earth, my vision blurring in the sudden brightness. Gradually the scene swims into view and I am able to make out a group of Wasters standing in a semicircle near the centre of the river. I blink again, noticing the figures kneeling on the ground amongst the Wasters. I quicken my pace as my heart begins to thud heavily in my chest.
We draw up to the group and someone grips my arm, roughly pulling me towards the soldiers. I scan their faces, mentally counting as I search.
At the end of the line I find Will and my knees nearly collapse with relief. He is kneeling with the other soldiers on the ground, his hands behind his head and grimacing tightly. The cut on his temple is crusted with blood and sand but he appears otherwise unharmed.
I am shoved down onto the ground next to him and my palms scrape against the rough surface below us. Will twitches as he fights the reflex to catch me and I right myself, exchanging a look with him before sitting back on my knees and staring at the Wasters gathered around us.
Snake has receded into the crowd and a statuesque woman has taken centre-stage around our little audience, a thick staff adorned with an assortment of feathers clutched in her hand. Her hair is braided and coiled elaborately into individual ropes that drape over her shoulder and cascade down her back. Her squared features have been painted heavily, giving her narrow eyes the impression of glittering pinpoints set deep within a cave.
"You have made a grave error in trespassing on our territory, Miners." Her voice is deep and carries over the dried-out expanse of former river.
"As I have told you already, we did not come to fight." Will speaks calmly, matching the woman's steady tone.
"What you tell me matters not. There will never be trust between my people and yours. You will learn a hard lesson today." A couple of the Wasters behind her shift in place eagerly and I sense Will stiffening.
"Listen to me, you have taken our weapons and you have destroyed our ship. You have seen that we are not meant to attack you. My people are innocent of whatever fight you find yourselves in, we simply wish to negotiate peace." Will is unflinchingly reasonable but the woman's expression remains impassive.
"It is too late for such talks, Miner. Perhaps your Queen should have considered more carefully the repercussions of taking our people before sending such a pitiful force to apologize."
"We haven't taken anyone!" Frustration gets the better of me and the protestation slips out. "You say that some of your friends were taken only a few weeks ago. It couldn't have been us, our ships have been docked in the City for months."
"She's right." Will concurs. "Whatever ships you've seen aren't ours."
"Do you really think us so foolish as to believe that?" The woman thrusts her staff into the ground forcefully, eliciting a chorus of shouts and jeers from the Wasters. "This is our desert. We share it with no one, let alone a tribe of lying earth-killers."
"We aren't trying to take anything from you!" Will's calm voice rises and the Waster woman tightens her grip on the staff.
"I do not care to know your intentions, Miner." Her voice has dropped to a steely whisper and I shiver despite the sun baking down against my back. "The years have already demonstrated to us that you are not to be trusted, and that is enough for me."
"Our Queen is a good woman." Visibly struggling to control his temper, Will tries again. "If you could just speak with her we can end this and save lives on both sides."
"Our chief would never deign to speak with your murderous Queen." She fairly scoffs and I feel my muscles contract in anger. "He will be pleased to learn of the justice exacted today."
My heart stops in my chest as she signals calmly over to her shoulder. Two Waster men step forward, gripping Will beneath either arm and dragging him into the centre of the circle. I struggle to rise to my feet but a strong hand keeps me pinned in place.
The soldiers and Wasters shift anxiously but my eyes never leave Will, my mind racing furiously as the Waster woman steps up in front of him and twirls her weapon.
"There is no honour in this." Will's jaw is clenched tightly as he is wrestled into place and his hands are bound behind his back. "Think about what you're doing."
"This is our way. You and your people have committed a grave crime and will be punished. Did you suppose that there is honour in stealing people away from their clans?"
"We haven't taken-" Wil is cut off as a gag is wedged tightly between his teeth and fastened behind his head. He flexes in his bonds, staring daggers at the woman, rage written across his features.
"Stop this!" I shout out. Something knocks me across the shoulders and I wince but ignore the assault, desperately urging the Waster woman to look in my direction.
She disregards me and continues to pace in front of Will, demonstrating an elaborate dance with her staff as the shouts from the Wasters rise over my protestations.
I thrash against the hand pinning me down, switching tactics abruptly and thrusting my elbow back and up into the Waster's face. He staggers back and I take the opportunity to scramble to my feet, yelling towards the woman as my arms are grasped again.
"Let him go!" I holler, pulling my arms desperately. "Let him go and we can help you get your people back!"
The Waster woman pauses, her braided head swivelling in my direction. I stand in place, my chest heaving up and down as I glare at her.
After a beat she holds up her hand, quieting the bloodthirsty shouts.
"So you do have our people." She states.
"No." I answer quickly. "No, but if you let us go and agree to speak with our Queen, we will do everything you can to help you find them."
"Have I not already explained that your word is worthless?" She appears bored by the exchange, dismissing me. "Stand down, girl. You have the support of no one."
"Except Luca." I raise my voice as she turns back towards Will. I look over at where Luca stands, supported by another Waster and watching the proceedings with a measured detachment.
He seems unsurprised by my outburst and watches me calmly before straightening, the barest hint of discomfort registering on his face.
"Luca?" The Waster woman asks.
He waits a beat before speaking. "I believe the Miner girl when she says she does not know of the air machines."
I expect her to question him further but she seems to simply absorb the information and weigh it, studying Luca as she does so.
"That is not enough to excuse them all." She says eventually, her tone measured. I glance over at Will, my heart constricting.
"Do them in, Rowan!" Someone shouts from the crowd and the murderous calls are picked up once again.
Luca and the woman–Rowan–wait for the Wasters to quiet down before continuing. "If we let them go, they will return to their Queen and come for us again." Rowan points out.
"No, we won't." I insist. "You have my word on that and Luca has already vouched for me."
"You suggest that I deny my brothers and sisters an opportunity for justice, girl Miner."
"My name is Kay." I say hotly, cursing my impatience in the same instant. "This day has no cause for justice. Let us help you exact revenge on those who deserve it."
"You speak out of turn. Allow me to be clear, Kay. Luca trusts you but I do not. For me, the truth is simply this." Rowan indicates Will. "This one was caught in our territory leading a band of Miner soldiers during a time of war. That is all I need to know. However, as you said, Luca has spoken for you. For that reason alone, I will show mercy."
She exchanges a look with Luca, some unseen agreement passing between them before she moves to address the Wasters.
"There will only be one death today, my friends, so let us make it worth our while!" Her voice rises to a terrifying level above the gathered crowd.
"No!" I scream as I struggle desperately against the oversized Waster holding me. I can see Will watching Rowan warily as she paces in front of him, his broad shoulders heaving as he breathes heavily.
"Luca!" I shout angrily towards him, willing him to look at me. "Luca, you owe this to me!"
An indecipherable expression crosses his face as he turns away from the show to look at me.
"I went back for you." I clench my jaw tightly as tears threaten to spill. I keep my eyes fixed with Luca's, not trusting myself to look back at Will.
"I am indebted to save your life, not his." He replies calmly.
"He is my life!" Something shatters within me and I turn to Will, feeling as though someone has torn away my insides when I see what is reflected in his gaze.
Rowan pauses in front of Will and a deafening silence comes over the crowd. I can hear the sound of wood flexing in her hands as she twists the staff. Slowly she brings the weapon over her head, the tightly-knotted muscles in her arms rippling beneath her tan skin.
"Enough." Luca's voice rings out and Rowan's weapon freezes in the air. Her coiled hair sways as she jerks her head over to him, contempt written clearly across her cruel face.
"No one dies today." Luca states, his tone firm.
Rowan releases a roar of frustration and throws her staff to the ground next to Will. "This is not right."
"Perhaps not, but it is my choice to make and I have decided." Luca says as Rowan clenches her hands into fists at her sides.
"We cannot return to camp this way, Luca. Will you be the one to tell your brother that we brought down a Miner air machine and allowed its warriors to escape?"
"Do not worry, Rowan. You will have something for your efforts." He nods towards me. "We will bring her."
Rowan's narrow eyes dart in my direction and I feel a cold shiver run up my spine. "Her? What good is she?"
"I am not yet certain. She holds some kind of special value for these people, particularly that one." Luca indicates Will who shouts something incoherent. "She is a friend of their Queen and I believe that if the Miners are holding our people, that they would turn them over in exchange for this girl."
I bite my lip as I watch the exchange, deliberately avoiding looking at Will.
Rowan is silent, considering. "Her companions will attempt to track us."
"No, they won't." I speak up. "As we have told you, we are on a peaceful mission and if you can give us your word that you will not harm myself or them, then I will go with you willingly and my friends will not try to follow."
Luca nods. "That is acceptable to me. Rowan?"
Rowan's expression is dangerously impassive. She picks up her staff and leans it against her shoulder. "As you wish."
She signals to the Waster holding me and I am dragged forward, past a protesting Will who continues to yell into his gag.
"You have given us your word, Miner, but your companion is still not convinced." Luca raises his eyebrows and nods towards Will.
I glance over my shoulder and then back to Luca. "Let me speak with him."
The Waster holding me releases my arm and I move around them towards Will, lowering myself to my knees so that I am face to face with him. Gently I untie the cloth from around his mouth, sitting back and waiting.
His face has darkened and his jaw is clenched tightly as he struggles with the ropes binding his hands. "Don't do this, Kay."
"It will be all right." I tell him. "Phoenix is just South of here and still holds plenty of supplies. I want you to wait for me there."
"Tell them to take me instead." His voice is a growl. "There's no reason it should be you and not me."
"I can't do that."
"That is a direct order, Kay. Tell them."
"No, Will." Someone shifts behind me and I sense that we are running short on time. "You need to promise that you will hang back and wait for me."
His grey eyes flash with something both hurt and furious. "As if you are leaving me with any other choice."
"I'm sorry." My heart twists with guilt as I study his face, scarcely believing how close I came to losing him.
Something akin to resignation crosses his strong features. "You promised that you wouldn't do this."
I nod slowly, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I lied."
He starts to say something else when my arm is grabbed roughly and I am jerked to my feet. My hands are forced in front of me and someone pulls out a length of rope, securing it tightly around my wrists. I feel the familiar, nightmarish panic begin to claw its way up my throat at the restriction and I instinctively look to Will.
He has anticipated my reaction and his steely gaze focuses on me, the surrender on his face replaced with determination as he mentally forces some strength back into my heart. I concentrate on our connection, drawing deep breaths as I gradually force my anxiety back under control.
The Wasters disperse, flanking me and heading downriver. My elbow is gripped and someone pushes me forward, away from Will and the others. I stumble before drawing my shoulders back and falling into step with the others, keeping my eyes resolutely forward, not trusting myself to look back.
I squint into the setting sun as it begins its final descent, retreating into the remains of the dried river and staining the sky with the colours of fire.
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