(Narrator POV) * Background story*
Son Yamoshi the great great grandson of the legendary warrior Goku had a pretty normal childhood thanks to his grandma Pan's teachings. When he was only a year old he was already shown great promise when he already had the ability to fly which made Pan real happy knowing he will become a great fighter in the future. Couple of years later when Yamoshi was only 5 years old, Pan started giving the boy lessons in martial arts with the help of bulma Leigh Mother of Vegeta jr. Who is Yamoshi's best friend/rival the two got along greatly which was reasonable for them being the descendants of Goku and Vegeta. Not long after the two boy were send to school, vegeta being homeschooled with private tutors while Yamoshi in a public school. Pan told the young saiyan to not use his powers in public so he doesn't draw attention to himself knowing that his powers aren't quirks would draw a lot of news reporters to their house bothering them day in and day out she didn't want her grandson to go through that like her mother Videl did so many years ago. With that Yamoshi agreed and did what he was told until a week later he walked out of class after a long day of school he saw a girl in the playground. She brown hair big brown eyes and rosy cheeks and a determined look on her face she was training her quirk which let anything she touches become weightless. Yamoshi was seeing this in awe he didn't know what quirks were but wondering how on earth a girl her size can lift a slide three times her size but in that moment she lifted the slide too high and lost control of the slide, it began to fall on top of her.
girl: oh no I can't move out the way in time guess I am not strong enough to help mommy and daddy (closing her eyes accepting her fate)
*The sound of the slide breaking and millions of pieces falling on the ground*
Girl: (eyes opening) huh? What happened how did I get over here?
As the girl was surprised to what had happened she then saw a boy with a monkey tail in front of her turn around toward her
Yamoshi: woah that was a close one huh are you ok? (Rubbing the back of his head wondering about lunch)
Girl: yeah I'm fine thank you, but where did you come from?
Yamoshi: oh well I walking home til I saw you lift that slide which was super cool
Girl: well I wasn't actually lifting it I was making it float but thank you no one's ever called my quirk cool (chuckles) by the way what's your name
Yamoshi: I'm Yamoshi, Son Yamoshi what's yours
Girl: is ochak (begins to vomit)
(Yamoshi's reaction image above)
Yamoshi: (why is she vomiting does my tail smell bad? I mean I keep forgetting to wash it) uhh are you sure you're ok, you're throwing up like my uncle did on a lady when we were at at party
Girl: (blushing from embarrassment) sorry i vomit when I use my quirk my name is Ochako Uraraka by the way
Yamoshi: that's a funny name but I'm glad you're ok also you're probably really strong if you can make things weightless like that slide
Ochako: that's kind of you but I'm not strong I can barely control it
Yamoshi: WHAT?! Are you kidding It seemed to me that you have pretty good control you just need more practice don't rush it take your time and don't talk so down on yourself you are amazing
Ochako: you really think so?
Yamoshi: heck yeah once you master it you can probably become one of those heroes people keep on talking about anyways I gotta go, see you around Cocoa I think that's your name (starts to run back home)
Ochako: see ya and it's Ochako ( he was super nice Not to mention super fast and strong wonder what quirk he has)
After that the two became friends hanging out with each other at school. Yamoshi's school life went on as normal until 3 years later Pan decided that she was tired of the city life and wanted to move far away into the mountains and live a more peaceful life like her grandpa goku did and grow a farm but with a few changes like asking bulma for a capsule that has internet and other modern tech so they aren't too disconnected to the world. Yamoshi didn't mind because it meant that he can finally use his powers freely in the countryside and not get noise complaints from his neighbors when he's training but in exchange he had to be homeschooled by Pan which he didn't mind since he knew that Pan was really good teacher with that they moved without anyone knowing expect bulma and vegeta however and continued their lives in peace. 8 years have passed Yamoshi is now a young man of 16 and has gotten alot in this time he's learned a lot of moves passed down from his ancestors like the kamehameha, masenko and other techniques, along the way he sparred with vegeta since they were about the same in terms of strength. They trained together so much to the point they both turned super saiyan at just the age of 10. A year ago Yamoshi decided to become a hero he felt the need to want to protect people along with his grandma Pan since she's getting old along with wanting fighting strong opponents in the meantime to continue to get stronger in the process. And so Pan signed him to the hero academy closed to them which was Shiketsu High and passed the entrance exam with flying colors which made the Pro heroes that were monitoring the exam to think that he's probably stronger than most pros. Furthermore the staff of both UA and Shiketsu high were amazed by the progress all of their students have made since the provisional licensing exam and wanted to test them how far they've come in terms of combat.with that on their minds The schools will hold a tournament between their first years top hero classes in the coming weeks.
And so the chapter ends here sorry if my writing is bad I'm still new to this and I will try to make it better and less boring next chapter so any criticism is needed so I can try to do better and that's about it hope you guys enjoyed this prologue.
Next time on The Warrior of Hope: A Normal Day
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