Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Lunch Break Before Semifinals

Narrator: After the battle between Bakugo and Todoroki concluded Jimmy and Present mic announced that there will be a 35 minute lunch break before the semifinals as everyone in the waiting room and spectator seats headed to the main lobby where lunch was being served

Narrator: as for Yamoshi and Inasa they headed to where the reps of their school to check what they've been up too

Seiji: Inasa you did well don't let that loss pull you down you've improved and that's really matters

Inasa:(yelling) I won't!

Seiji: and Yamoshi keep up the good work as you are now the only first year representing Shiketsu you can't afford to lose your guard take it from a second year like myself who's made many mistakes like that before

Upon hearing this Yamoshi puts his hands together, pops his fingers and smiles

Yamoshi: will do I won't let our school down!

Seiji: that's the spirit anyway we probably head to main lobby the lines are probably going to get long if we don't hurry

Yamoshi: you guys go on ahead I gotta go

Inasa: wait you're not gonna eat lunch?

Yamoshi: what no of course I am why would I miss lunch of all things it's just my grandma and her friend brought lunch so imma go eat with them but I'll be back 1o minutes before lunch is over

Inasa: (laughs) oh I thought you were sick or something but alright see you til then man

Teacher: see you soon Yamoshi

Yamoshi makes a confused face as he doesn't recognize the person and turns to Seiji

Yamoshi: uh who's that, he was the one that squealed like a girl when I got here also I forgot to ask you where's Mr. Hasashi our real teacher

Seiji: he couldn't make it due to being called for hero work but that guy is your substitute but ignore him is not really important

Yamoshi: ooooh ok gotcha

He begins to walk to the opposite direction of his friends and tries to find Pan and his brother in the massive crowd


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Yamoshi: (begins to think) hmmm where would they be...

Yamoshi begins to think even harder to figure out where to find them as he continues to walk through the crowd

Yamoshi: man this tough

He starts walking back and fourth, his tail wagging until he snaps his fingers and laughs at himself

Yamoshi: (facepalms) oh yeah forgot I can sense energy they're over there

As he heads to where his family is at
,in a far distance Ochako with her lunch saw the whole fiasco go down but not understanding the whole story while she can't help but giggle at Yamoshi and his antics

Ochako: still a goofball I see

(Moments later)

Pan: Ruko go get the rest of the food from Bulma's aircraft while Tarble gets the drinks from there also

Ruko/Tarble: ok!

The two 5 year old warriors headed off  as Yamoshi arrived not long after they left

Bulma: well look who it is glad you can make it Yamoshi!

Yamoshi: hey Bulma it's been awhile hasn't it

Bulma: it has haven't seen you in over a month and gosh look at you you're starting to look like your grandpa Goku minus the hair of course

Yamoshi: (rubs his head) grandma always tells me that too

Bulma: (chuckles) guess great minds think alike also why are you standing there have a seat

Yamoshi: right

As he sat down on the lunch table as Pan gave him a bottle of water

Yamoshi: say grandma where's Ruko and Tarble?

Pan: they went to go grab the rest of the food they should be back by now

Yamoshi: yep looks like it I can feel their energy coming back over here

As Yamoshi was on his phone playing his gatcha game he felt a familiar energy arriving

Yamoshi: hey Geets 

Vegeta: I told you not to call me that

Yamoshi: then what the heck I'm I supposed to call you

Vegeta: anything besides that clown

Yamoshi: hmmm what about best buddy

Vegeta: (getting annoyed) ok now you're pushing it

(This is kinda how the conversation looked like)

Yamoshi: anyway looks like they're here

Tarble and Ruko finally arrived with the food and drinks and they were excited to see their older brothers

Tarble: hey look our brothers are here!

Ruko: yay!!

Yamoshi: hey you guys did you bring the food

Vegeta: you better have egg rolls in there

Ruko: uh huh we did look!

As Ruko and Tarble open the giant basket filled with food Yamoshi's eyes widen and glittered and Vegeta's mouth watered as they were looking at the food

Pan: welp what are you all waiting for dig in it's getting cold

All 4 boys: OK!!

All of them begin to devour the plates of food as Bulma and Pan sigh as they see them making a mess

(Timeskip  23 minutes of eating later)

As Ruko and Tarble fell into a food coma  Yamoshi and Vegeta continued eating to their hearts content as izuku, ochako, Iida, and Kirishima approach them

Kirishima: there you are vegeta we were wondering where you went

Vegeta: I went to eat

Kirishima: well I can see that but you could've went and eat with our classmates

Vegeta: like I care about that

Kirishima: don't be like that I know deep down you care also hey Yamoshi

Yamoshi only looked at him in confusion as he had his face filled with soup

Bulma: are you guys Vegeta's friends hi I'm Bulma Vegeta's loving mother

Izuku: wait hold on you're the Bulma Leigh as in the owner of Capsule Corporation

Bulma: why yes that's me

All 4 of them were in complete shock to hear they were talking to the owner of the #1 company of the world

Iida: insane Vegeta you never told us your mom was the richest woman in the world

Ochako: it's mind boggling

Izuku: yea not only they make capsules for everyday life they make the highest quality hero support gear!

Vegeta: tch why does this happen to me

Yamoshi: (turns to ochako) yo what's up

Ochako: (in a quite tone) Yamoshi...

Yamoshi: so what have you been doing all this time?

Ochako: I should be telling you that, what happened to you all those years ago you literally disappeared

Yamoshi:(goku laugh) I moved out of the city but I forgot to tell you and my other friends that. sorry about that

Ochako: it's okay and I was worried that something bad happened to you....(in a relieved tone) I'm just glad you're doing well

Yamoshi: (smiles) always worrying about others you haven't changed a bit huh

Ochako: (smiles back) you haven't either you're still a goofball

Yamoshi: (rubs the back of his head) well it was great talking to you again Ochako we should catch up sometime

Ochako: yeah we should!

Izuku: (wow they got along very fast)

Yamoshi: say you're Izuku Midoriya right?

Izuku: yeah that's me

Yamoshi: well it looks like we'll be going against each other in the semifinals let's both have a good match (prepares to shake his hand)

Izuku: it will be an honor to fight one of Shiketsu high's best (shakes his hand) so I will give it my all

Yamoshi: you know you seem like a cool guy

Izuku: likewise

As a couple minutes passed Yamoshi looks at the time and realizes that it was time for him to go

Yamoshi: man I have to start heading out I promised my classmates I'll meet back with them thanks for the food grandma and bulma (bows down)

Pan: ok honey make sure you do your best grandma will be watching

Bulma: see ya Yamoshi great talking to you again

Yamoshi then waves his goodbye as he leaves back to his school reps as vegeta and the others soon followed suit

Vegeta: thanks for the food, mom and Pan (leaves and follows yamoshi)

Pan: wow I've never seen him like that he's just like his grandpa

Bulma: I knew he had soft spot it's just hard for him to express it

Vegeta caught up to Yamoshi as the other 4 ran up to them and asked if they can walk with them as Yamoshi kindly accepted

Yamoshi then pulls out his phone as he boots up his gatcha game and starts playing as izuku notices

Izuku: What no way you play that too!

Yamoshi: oh yeah I love this game been playing it since it came out

Izuku: me too!!

The two began to mutter to each other about the game who their favorite cards were, game mechanics strategies and team builds as they walk while everyone was confused to the nerd talk except for vegeta who knew exactly what they were talking about but didn't what anyone to notice

Vegeta: (of course he'll get along with midoriya they're both nerds when it comes to this stuff)

Yamoshi: man Finally someone who knows what they're talking about you know the banner comes out in a couple of weeks we do some group summons if you want

Izuku: yeah just like like those videos on the internet! (:Crying internally: is this was what having a real friend feels like? finally someone who knows what I'm talking about I've finally found a person who's just much as nerd as me)

Vegeta: (that bastard, trying to replace me with him for group summoning I thought I was his summon brother)


Narrator: as lunch finally came to an end everyone came back to their seats cheering as they were excited for the semi finals to begin

Jimmy: alrighty ladies and gentlemen and the beautiful people at home and we can't forget the prisoners watching too ITS TIME FOR THE SEMIFINALS



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Both contestants looked at each other as izuku with a serious face as the same for Yamoshi as they walk down to the stage

All might: this is it young Midoriya your biggest challenge yet show them what your made out

Izuku: nows the time to be focused I can't lose my guard to a strong opponent like him

Yamoshi: now I can finally see what's the deal with his and all might's power being so similar if not the same this is going to get interesting

They both prepare are they get into their stances

Present mic: well these two are fired up to battle NOW BEGIN!!!

Yamoshi/Izuku: lets go

Chapter 9 end

(Ending theme)

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That ends this weeks chapter kinda a mellow one I should say but next chapter finna be action to the brim anyway let me know what y'all thought of the chapter thanks for reading and I'll catch y'all next time

Next time on The Warrior Of Hope: Destinies Clash, Yamoshi vs Deku

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