Chapter 3
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Chapter 3: preparation for the tournament
4 days after the announcement of the Class 1A vs Shiketsu High tournament both classes have been training hard for the upcoming event, in order to prepare Yamoshi went to kami's lookout to ask Popo for training knowing he can make a duplicate version of himself to spar with
Yamoshi: HYAHH!
Yamoshi dashed forward to the doll trying to land a right hook but the doll effortlessly countered the punch with a devastating punch to the gut
Yamoshi: GAHHH I..I ..I'm not FINISHED YET
With that Yamoshi then grabs the dolls arm and flips it over landing back first in the ground, as soon as the doll gets up Yamoshi kicks the doll in the gut forcing it to go flying in the other direction Yamoshi then teleports behind the doll and unleashes a fury of punches and sends it flying again with a giant left hook to the face
The amount of force of the blast cause the whole lookout to shake and rumble the doll in the other hand had no way to get out of it and was engulfed by the blast ultimately being disintegrated
Yamoshi: *breathing heavily* I did it yay
Out of pure exhaustion he starts to fall to the floor of the lookout
Yamoshi: Man that took a lot outta of me, fighting myself was harder than I thought hehe
???: it's seems that you've done a fine job
Yamoshi: huh?
Yamoshi: oh hey Mr. Popo I defeated myself and sorry For destroying the doll in the process
Popo: that's quite alright all that matters right now is your overall growth
Yamoshi: you bet sure was a learning experience, I learned that I had so much things I had to work on while fighting that doll than I ever thought imaginable ! But I still got long way to go
Popo: indeed you're still young and got lots of growing to do if you want to be a strong as your grandfather just keep up the good work
Yamoshi: will do thanks popo i appreciate the help
Popo: well then let's go and heal up and do something about those clothes
Yamoshi: oh yeah my grandma ain't going to be too happy since this is the millionth time I destroyed my training gi but don't worry I brought some Normal clothes just in case
(Large roaring sound)
Popo: what was that?
Yamoshi: (rubbing the back of his head) guess I'm a little hungry
Popo: my you sure remind me of Goku in more ways than one
Popo leads yamoshi inside the lookout to make his some lunch for the young saiyan to eat
(few moments later)
Yamoshi: mmmhmmm yeah this hits the spot right here
Popo:um Yamoshi
Yamoshi: hm? (Mouth full of food)
Popo: pecking order
Yamoshi: EEEEK right sorry I tend to get messy everytime I eat after a good training session
???: it looks like you're doing well Yamoshi it's been a while
Yamoshi: oh hey Dende it really has been awhile how've you been doing
Dende: I'm doing fine thanks for asking, I'm assuming you've came here to train with Mr.Popo
Yamoshi: yep grandma told me that he can make a duplicate of me so I can spar with so what better way to learn if I have any weaknesses by fighting myself so I can be ready for the tournament
Dende: well I'm pretty you'll do alright you're not exactly a "normal" teenager
Yamoshi: well yeah that's true but those quirks they have could be pretty tricky so I can't let my guard down also I can't wait to fight vegeta most of all
Dende: ah the same old rivalry it even passes on to generation to generation it's been years since I've seen a heated rivalry since Goku and vegeta
Yamoshi: speaking of years if you don't mind me asking how old are you? I saw an old picture when my grandma was like 12 and you still look the same but just a bit more taller? And only a little wrinkles
Dende: we namekians age differently from earthings and saiyans we aso live longer too
Yamoshi: (cleans his face with a napkin) oh wow guess I learn something new everyday anyway I gotta get going I have to meet up with a few of my classmates today to train more
Dende: alright it was great seeing you again Yamoshi you've grown and gotten a lot stronger since I last saw you promise me that you will continue your training and invite vegeta over too haven't seen him in quite some time as well
Yamoshi: it's a promise I'll try to bring him over sometime also thanks for the food Mr. Popo it was great (bows down)
Popo: it was my pleasure
Yamoshi starts to head out of the lookout and starts to fly away
Dende: Tell Pan that I said hello (waving)
Yamoshi: I'll let her know see ya (flys into the distance
Dende: (well goku and vegeta it seems that your grandsons are something else, I know for sure that the earth is in safe hands)
(Yamoshis POV)
Yamoshi: Grandma was right mr. popós training really helped me in more ways than I imagined I thought I was at my limit but I know I can get stronger just gotta keep on going. Now I where are they at
He stops flying and tries to sense his classmates energy
Yamoshi: there they are alright let's go
yamoshi was getting closer to the city he looks for a spot where he can land without being noticed
Yamoshi: this place looks like a good spot
He stoped flying and started to land behind a pawn shop located in edge of the city which was less populated than the central. He then walks in front of the store to continue his journey to meet up with his peers
Yamoshi: well I guess should continue my way there by foot I guess, it shouldn't take that long if I speed walk
As he walks around the city he begins to look around seeing all the tall buildings and many stores the city has to offer not to mention the massive crowd of people entering and exiting the stores buying and selling goods
Yamoshi:(wow the city is more lively and crowded when I think about it more deeply, guess I've been living in the country side for a long time it kinda makes it foreign to me almost still the city is cool but I rather live a quiet life than being in a city)
As he continues his walk down the city a large boom from a nearby street and smoke coming from the sky
Yamoshi: huh? Is there some type of holiday or something?
All of a sudden a large group of people were running and screaming in the opposite direction of where Yamoshi was heading then another loud explosion occurs
Yamoshi: ok maybe it isn't a holiday better check it out
As he starts to run to where all the commotion was at he then arrives at the scene sees a group people huddled up together and in front of them was a small gang of thugs with one them having a grenade launcher looking if there were any pro heroes in site while two of them where robbing a bank while the other held a small family hostage in the front doors of the bank pointing a gun at them
Yamoshi: lousy thugs why don't they just get a job like everyone else instead of hurting people and getting money by force don't they know not everything is handed to them for free and it takes hard work to be successful but then again I don't know their story or struggles that led them to this so I'm not one to judge but I got to stop them no matter what
Woman: (crying) please let us go!
Man: if you're going to shoot just shoot us not our boy!
Bystander1: is there any pro heroes here or what?
Bystander2: what's taking them so long to show up?
As this was happening the 2 thugs come out the doors
Thug2: aye boss we got the money
Thug1: Ight good job, now you two load it in the van and make it fast there could be heroes coming
After ordering his men he then turns and faces the crowd while still pointing a gun at the family
Thug1: you all consider yourselves lucky now if you excuse us we'll be on our way
With no pro heroes coming all hope was loss until a large streak of yellow light flew above the crowd and straight towards the thug punching him which sent him flying to the doors of the bank cause a giant smoke screen appears covering the family and the being with a yellow aura
(Like this)
Thug3: what the hell, BOSS!
Bystander3: what was that? Did some light just hit him.
Bystander4: it was so fast for us to see what is it.
As the smoke cleared it revealed Yamoshi having his back facing the crowd looking down at the family
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Not battle damaged and is wearing regular people clothes)
Bystanders: ITS A KID?!
bystander5: he's glowing yellow what type of quirk does he have?
Bystander6: is he a hero? And he's really strong for a kid
Bystander7: not to mention he has pretty big muscles for a kid too
Bystander8: something is wrong with his pants?
Yamoshi ignoring the rattles of the crowd he then leans down and talks to the confused and frightened family
Yamoshi: hey you guys alright is anyone hurt?
Man: no we're fine thank you for saving us
Woman: yes thank you so much young man how do we repay you
Yamoshi: you don't need to I'm happy to help but you guys should get out of here while you can it's not safe I'll take it from here
The man and woman agreed and picked up their boy who looked at the young saiyan with awe and admiration
Boy: thank you kind sir
Yamoshi: don't mention it kiddo you're safe now ( does the classic goku smile)
They begin to leave the scene to a safer spot and yamoshi looks over to the thugs
Yamoshi: how about you idiots pick on someone your own size
Thug4: you talk big for a kid but let's see if you can handle this! (Prepares to fire launcher)
With a blink of an eye yamoshi vanishes behind the thug and giving him a chop to the neck knocking him out
Thug2: I don't know what hell you just did but EAT THIS YOU BASTARD
In a rage the thug fires the sub machine gun at yamoshi, unconcerned he extends his arm a little and with such speed he catches all the bullets ease
Thug2: HUH?!
As the thug was dumbfounded as to what happened Yamoshi fully extends his arm opening his fist dropping every single bullet that was first
Bystander9: he caught all the bullets with his bare hands!!
Bystander10: just who is this kid!
Yamoshi: you know I didn't wanted to do this little scramble could've ended without violence but you leave me no choice
Thug2: W-WHAT?! OK OK we surrender (as he prepares a Grenade behind his back)
Yamoshi: Good glad we can come to an agreement (starts to turn around to grab the knocked out thugs)
Yamoshi: eh?
As the thug threw the grenade at yamoshi, he didn't had time to think and instead grabbed the explosive with his mouth and bit it which caused it to explode with smoke covering Yamoshi
Thug2: HA take that Goldilocks....WHAT?!
As the smoke cleared Yamoshi was standing there unfazed from the explosion with a piece of the grenade on his mouth which he spat out
Yamoshi: I gave you a chance and you blew it that weapon could've hurt these innocent people I can't forgive you for this
Yamoshi lunged at the thug with great speed the thug was in complete shock as yamoshi knocked him out with an axe kick to the neck all was left was the young frightened thug by the van which yamoshi turns his head over
Thug3: no, I didn't wanted to do this I knew this was wrong all along but I did it anyway
The kid slowly crouches down by the van quivering in fear as Yamoshi hovers toward him with a concerned look on his face
Yamoshi: (this kid he's like around 12 or something) hey (in a calm demeanor)
Thug3: (looked up at him) huh?! Yes (he's talking so calm)
Yamoshi: you're not like the others you think is this wrong too huh?
The kid nods in disappointment
Yamoshi: I sense good in you, don't really know what or who made you do this you didn't like it one bit you're a good kid just walked down the wrong path.
Thug3: wait you don't see me as a disappointment?
Yamoshi: no, why would I all I see is a kid that's got potential to be something great but if you keep doing things like this it'll just be wasted potential, so I want to you to turn yourself and your buddies in and think about what you've done besides when you get out you can have a second chance to redeem yourself everybody deserves a second chance even those guys I beat up do
Thug3: (hes so nice and kind and I just met him yet feels like I known him for a long time)
Yamoshi: (in a cheerful goku way) by the way what's your name?
Thug3: it's Takahashi
Yamoshi: well Takahashi hope you've learned your lesson cuz I'll be waiting for you when you get out we can be friends and eat a lot of food and stuff (heard sirens and pro heroes coming)
Yamoshi: OH CRAP THEY'RE COMING I GOTTA GO (making a funny face causing Takahashi to laugh)
Takahashi: wait before you go what's your name and how old are you
Yamoshi gives him a big smile
Yamoshi: I'm 16 as for my name I'll tell you when the time comes
He turns around and his golden aura surrounds him as he takes off to the sky as his tail reveals itself from his sweatpants from where he hid it
(Like gogeta did minus what happened afterward)
As the police came to check if the citizens were alright a few pro heroes arrived to the scene
The pro heroes notices three thugs are knocked out with one of them in rumble while one of them was by the van with money looking up in the sky
Hero: what the heck happened here?
Takahashi: I'll never forget you Mr. golden guy you've taught me that I'm not worthless that I can be something more, thank you
(Yamoshi's POV)
While he was flying away as far from the crime scene Yamoshi sees an alleyway and starts to descend to the ground while reverting back to his base form
Yamoshi: phew that was a close one people would've found out who I am if I stayed there any longer good thing I also tucked my tail in my pants so they wouldn't know I had a tail in the first place
He then walks out of the alley and checks both sides to see if the coast is clear
Yamoshi: ok I'm in the clear also I'm surprisingly close better head there now
(Time slip at UA)
(Just ignore the text above)
The young man glowing in green launched forward to land a clean hit on another young lad who had spiky red hair
???: SMASH!!
The kid in red took the hit head on as his body took the blow by turning hard as a rock
???: cmon Midoriya I punch like that won't take me out
As he was about to make a counter attack they both heard a loud sound like car speeding up
Another teen coming to them at fast speeds due to his calves having large exhaust pipes preparing to take both boys out with a swift kick
Green hair/red hair teen: crap he's about to get us
As soon as the teen could kick the others a large shard of ice appears from the bottom of them hitting all three boys
Kirishima: Man you really got us good Todoroki
Todoroki: you guys were all focused on each other so I took that to my advantage
Kirishima: say Ida if it wasn't for Todoroki you've probably made me and Midoriya fly to the walls
Izuku: yeah really that kick looked like it packed quite the punch
Ida: a true hero should always take a fight seriously even if it's training (pushing glasses up) also Midoriya you're getting the hang of quirk pretty well without breaking your bones
Izuku: thanks but I still got a long way to go if I want to be a true hero
Kirishima: well I think that's should do for training today we should do it again on Saturday so we can be fully prepared for the tournament against Shiketsu high on Wednesday
Ida: yes we should also have rest a day before the tournament so our body and minds would be well rested and ready
Todoroki: sounds like a plan see guys on Saturday
They all agreed to the plan they have made and left to their homes while Izuku was walking he was thinking to himself along the way
Izuku:(have to train as hard as I can so I can win to the tournament so I won't let All Might down and show him how much I've improved)
(Timeskip evening, yamoshi's house)
After a long training day Yamoshi was in his room playing his gatcha game while doing one handed pushups while Pan was in the living room watching Tv
Yamoshi: cmon if I don't pull the new unit I'll do 100 more pushups even tho I already did 2000 on each arm (pulls a useless unit) DAMNIT IM SO MANY STONES DEEP I CAN'T PULL IT! Man that was my last summon too guess I have to buy more tomorrow but hey guess I have to do 100 more push-ups then
Pan: Yamoshi could you please come over here
Yamoshi: coming (wonder what she needs)
Yamoshi get up from the ground and brushes off his cargo shorts and then walks to the living room to find out why Pan needed him
Yamoshi: yeah grandma what's up?
Pan: look what's on the news
Yamoshi: what's up?
Reporter: and for today's top story a robbery occurred at the Mufso bank until a mysterious youth came to save the day witnesses of the robbery are dubbing him as the "Golden warrior" for his incredible speed strength and golden appearance as seen in the footage we have here. Other witnesses say that he was a very kindhearted person with a an easygoing personality and a soul symbol of justice like All Might himself. The Golden Warrior has been blowing up on the internet with already have a fan base and most of all finding out his true identity the only information known about the young hero is that he is a very muscular boy with blonde wavy hair green-teal eyes, a weird looking right leg and seems to be around the age of 16 we will report more updates about the mysterious youth once they hit
Yamoshi: oh shit ( I didn't know they had cameras)
Pan: well honey what do you have to say about this
Yamoshi: uhhh well I didn't know they were recording me
Pan: chuckles you think I'm mad at you huh
Yamoshi: (nervously laughing ) yeah
Pan: No, just a little bit no they even called you the golden warrior just like your grandpa gohan when he was your age
Yamoshi: wait really he did the same thing?
Pan: yes I remember he told me that story so funny he even turned super saiyan too it's like a repeat in history
Yamoshi: was there those quirk laws back then like if you're not a pro you can't take of criminals if a pro is there?
Pan: no this was before humans had quirks and our families were basically super human even though we are basically aliens Also why did they say you have a weird right leg?
Yamoshi: oh I couldn't think where to hide my tail so I shoved in behind my pants it was really uncomfortable.
Pan: weird but at least you thought it through still gotta give my grandson props for stepping up to help people while no one was there to help makes me proud
Yamoshi: it was nothing really any hero could've done that (rubbing the back of his head)
Pan: come on it's getting late you need a good nights sleep you got a lot of training to do tomorrow
Yamoshi: you're right night grandma
Pan: night honey
Chapter 3 : End
(Ending theme)
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Well this concludes ch3 of the story hope you guys enjoyed lemme know what you liked about and anything you would like me to improve upon and as always I'll catch y'all next time
Next time on the warrior of hope: The Tournament begins
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