Chapter 25
Author's Note: thank you for Two years on Wattpad here's a special illustration
Chapter 25: Assault
Fu lifts his wand filled with dark energy while the heroes begin to raid the building. The area then got covered by the purple glow of his energy to which Hanzo eyes widen
Fu: let's even the playing field
Fu extends his arm and whips the wand and slices the air as a big burst of energy erupts. The wand's energy then starts to combust and form some sort of portal with Fu having a sinister look on his face. All of a sudden a massive hoard of Saibamen begin to come out of the rift Fu created. He then created two more rifts with many more saibamen coming out
Fu: there that's should do it
Pro hero: w-what are those things
Fat Gum: it's those things that attacked South city yesterday
Kirishima: yeah and now there's a hoard of them!
Saibaman: KE
Hanzo: damn so that's where they came from but there's no doubt about it, he's from the Demon Realm.
The massive hoard begin flying at the heroes with alarming speeds ready to attack. A lot of them split fighting some of the police and other lower rank pro heroes a good chunk of them headed right towards Nighteye's group who were heading in the building to raid.
Nighteye: looks like we need to put entering the building on hold
Bubble girl: not like we have a choice
As soon as the green menaces came closer a massive flame crossed between Nighteye's group and the saibaman. The flame came from Hanzo's sword with both sides turned to where the flame came from. Without wasting time Hanzo then lunged himself at the massive group of saibaman and slices them all up and finishes them off with his flamed blade. With Nighteye and the others watch
Hanzo then does a flip and lands with his back facing them as he says
Hanzo: Go get the girl I'll take care of this
Nighteye nodded without saying a word ordered his group to go forward inside the building while the Hell borne hero watches them disappear in the building as he turned around and continued to fight more saibaman. He continues obliterate a good chunk of saibamen in his path and aiding other heroes who are struggling to fight back the green menaces. Ryuku her group were also standing their ground defeating the saibamen with their amazing teamwork and the help of Hanzo on top of it
Hanzo: (attacking a saibaman) im quite amazed at your teamwork tell me, what are your hero names
Ochako: Uravity
Tsu: Froppy
Nejire: Nejire-Chan
Hanzo: what interesting set of names I'll be sure to remember them once you all become full fledged heroes but in the mean time.......
Saibaman: KI KI
Tsu: !!!
A saibaman lunged at Froppy from behind attempting to grab on to her but fortunately Hanzo threw a fire ball near her face which she could feel the heat waves of the ball go passed here hitting the saibaman before it it reach her. Then Hanzo sped through the three girls with immense speed that they could only see the trail of his fire as he zig zagged in the ground and the sky eliminating lots of saibaman and landed in front of them in his arms crossed both swords in each arm.
Hanzo: you still have a lot to learn
Ochaco/Tsu/Nejire: woah
Ryukyu: as expected Scorpion's strength is formidable as always with him on our side we might actually have a chance at taking down a large majority of these things if not all of them
Hanzo: hey Ryukyu just a little heads up don't let these pests get a hold on you, they have a ability to self destruct once they grab someone
Ochako: W-What?!
Pro hero: please tell me you're joking right
Ryukyu: Scorpion is this true?
Hanzo: Yes, I saw it first hand yesterday a poor policeman was blown to smithereens in the hands of these monsters
The 3 girls as well as some pro heroes stood there in shock knowing these little saibamen have such a terrifying move up their sleeve
Hanzo: there's more coming let's keep going
Before he could resume Hanzo eyes widen and dropped his swords as he couldn't feel his arms or legs
Hanzo: what's going on I can't move
Fu: that was a nice display of power you showed back there
Fu hovers down next to Hanzo with one hand out
Pro hero: hey it's that guy on the roof!
Fu: I got a name you know it's Fu
Hanzo: (Fu? if my assumption is right about him being from the demon realm besides Dabura, I wonder how many has Overhaul recruited for his cause and how in the hell he was able to come into contact with them in the first place)
Fu: unfortunately we got other plans for you scorpion, you make this too easy for your comrades handling all these saibamen all by yourself. How about you fight someone who's more at your level and leave these guys to these plebeians
Hanzo: W-what?!
Fu: Dabura I'm sending him your way
Fu lifted him up in the air and closed his fist and caused a woosh sound that made Hanzo vanish from thin air.
Fu: and for more dramatic effect
Fu opens a portal that even more saibaman come out to attack
Pro hero: great there's more
Ryukyu: doesn't matter we'll taken them down whatever it takes
The fight continues on with even more ferocity while fu looks in satisfaction
Fu: well my part is done now to enjoy the rest of this party in my lab
Fu then lifts his sword and then teleports himself back to his lab and comfortably sits on his lab chair and watches his screen like it was a sports game
Fu: let the data collecting begin
Other side of the city:
Hanzo appears after Fu teleported him to the other side of the city which was a very empty side of town but it was a bit run down but he then cuts his viewing of the city to Dabura and Robelu while also a mysterious fighter on Dabura's right side
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dabura: you kept us waiting long enough Scorpion
Hanzo: heh is that your attempt at intimidating me, gotta say you lost your touch since back then
Dabura: quite the jokester you are but I'm not here for tomfoolery you know what I want and as an incentive I'm in a pretty good mood so we don't have to fight if you comply
Hanzo: what you mean that core of the Android your sister created
Dabura: don't act like a fool you will tell me now
A moment of silence occurred Hanzo has a stern look on dabura and vise versa a bit of sweat goes down Hanzo's face as he grips the base of his sword and says
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Hanzo: no....
Dabura: what?
Hanzo: HELL NO!!!
Dabura: guess you made up your mind that's fine, your students and their parents will perish due to your foolishness but first I will beat the information out of you and leave you with a string of your breath left to witness the demise of those parasites known as your students before I end you
Hanzo: like a said before your attempt to intimidate isn't going to work. I don't know if this is fate's way of giving me a another chance to redeem myself for not being strong enough. But despite the outcome being in our favor I couldn't help but to feel immense guilt and hatred towards myself letting them die as well as Toshinori getting severely injured in the process
A fiery aura begins to emit from Hanzo's body with bits of debris flying all over the place with a heatwave hitting Dabura and his two companions
Hanzo: But now that you're back Dabura I will do what I must to avenge MY FAMIlY, MY COMRADES and to keep my promise to not only protect the innocent and the young heroes of the future....
Hanzo: (but most importantly my promise to you Yoshino....)
Flashback: 6 years ago
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The fierce battle against the demon realm and All For One was reaching its conclusion
Hanzo: Damnit damnit this isn't good, not good at all what are going to do Yoshino!
Next to Hanzo was a man with small spiked golden hair, teals eyes and all bruised up from his battle
as he looks at the looming foe in front of them and then sighs
Yoshino: well I know for sure this is ending one way or the other
He steps forward and powers up and walks towards Hanzo
Yoshino: Hanzo take this
He gives a green sphere core to Hanzo while he sees it in utter shock
Hanzo: Mira's core but how I thought Towa had it!
Yoshino: let's just say she also thinks she has it too but there's no time for questions........
A brief pause occurs as Yoshino's serious face becomes calm and collected and smile
Yoshino: Hanzo thanks for being a great friend man this is where we part our ways
Hanzo: wait you're not gonna....
Yoshino: these monsters killed too many good people and caused too much pain, I just can't stand here and let them get their way anymore so I'm ending this once and for all that way those who perished can be at peace especially your family
Hanzo's eyes widen as he was still couldn't process losing his family in the hands of Dabura then a large boom comes from a distance as Yoshino powers up more
Yoshino: (in his mind: man this sucks I won't be able to see my second son being born hope he does ok) hanzo take the core and hide it and get out of here, take All Might with you he's in bad shape after what AFO did to him
Hanzo: wait Yoshino you have to do this we can't lose another member of our team!
Yoshino: it's ok my Mind's made up, tell my wife and my mom I'm not gonna come home and sorry if this seems selfish of me to tell you this but whenever you got time can you check up on Vegeta and my little Yamoshi after all this is over I want to make sure they're safe and sound
Hanzo: Yoshino.....
Yoshino: I'm counting on you Hanzo
Flashback ends
Hanzo then grips his swords tight and dabura commands Robelu and the mystery fighter to stand aside as he goes into a fighting pose and while both of them launched at each other
Chapter 25: end
Ending theme:
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Well hello there everyone it's been a minute hasn't it. Yes I'm still alive and well and no this story hasn't been canceled just been very
Busy with college and working out but I bet y'all are tired of me saying that cuz I am too. Sorry it took a so long but I got couple of chapters already in the works and almost ready so Imma try my best to release them as soon as I possibly can so y'all don't have to wait cuz really to see your reactions to the drawings I've made. With that thanks for reading let me know what you think the comments and I'll catch y'all next time peace
Monthly author sketch: accident
Next time in the Warrior of Hope: Dabura's onslaught
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