Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Time is precious

Fu: it's very dark in here

Fu opened the door to a dark room that from the looks of it was a bedroom for a little girl despite the room being very dark. He then opens the door further as the light from the hallway shines through pointing at a morbidly terrified little girl in her bed

Fu: hi there hope I didn't startle you too much

Eri: w-who are you

Fu: I'm a Scientist that works with your father, he tells me you possess an extraordinary power. He wouldn't let me see your power but my curiosity got the best of m-

Fu notices that Eri was in pain tears where rolling down her face while looking down at her arms and legs which were injured.

Fu: those are some hefty injuries you mind telling me what happened

Eri looked at him with reluctance as if she didn't want to tell him the truth or due to the fact he was a complete stranger to her

Fu: here let me help you with that

He lifted one of his finger as a purple light emitted from it while Eri looks in slight confusion til he shoots the beam at her. The room now was filled with purple hues while Eri's hair shot up until the light dispersed.

Eri was in shock she didn't feel the pain anymore. The massive injuries she had were gone as she was looking at her arms and legs then she looked at Fu as he was ready to leave

Fu: don't get the wrong idea but I can't help to see a potential lab rat to go to waste. But I will say this Eri, get some good rest because tomorrow's a big day for the both of us

Guard 1: hey there was a strange light coming from the girl's room

Guard 2: well don't just stand there let's check it out

Fu: that's my signal til next time

He snapped his fingers and vanished out of thin air leaving Eri bewildered to what happened in those last couple of minutes. The guards entered and turned on the light to the decent sized bed room and looked only to find nothing other than Eri in her bed fully awake.

Guard 1: hey why are you still awake hurry and go back to sleep before your dad finds out you know how he gets if he sees you up at this hour and no more strange lights

Guard 2: yea runt

They close the lights and close the door. Eri they lays back to her bed as she ponders to why a strange scientist healed her out of the blue

Later that night despite everything that happened earlier in the day with Dabura, the heroes were hard at work preparing for their raid. Many are doing last minute training, others brainstorming strategies to make it go as smoothly as possible. Fat Gum went to check on Hanzo to see how things were going

Fat Gum: how are things going Scorpion

Hanzo: not bad to say the least

Fat Gum: well it's something but everything will depend on how tomorrow goes with the raid

Hanzo: yes, the fates of Amajiki and that little girl as well as the planet's will be in our hands

Fat gum: Yea to what you've told me about the demon realm it really is an eye opener makes this job more important than I thought

Hanzo: this world is a big place, there's so many families and people that need help and we gotta do however we can

Fat Gum: couldn't agree more scorpion question is how do you plan on defeating Dabura?

Hanzo: sort of don't got one but a part of it involves my two apprentices that are currently doing their work studies at my agency

Fat gum: oh I didn't know you offered work studies now say who are these two apprentices

Hanzo: I've known them since they were very little, they are children of close comrades I knew for many years. I have My entire faith is in those boys and the new generation because apart of me is saying that they are the key

Room of spirit of time (Hyperbolic Time chamber)


A loud whooshing sound surrounding the place with large amounts of yellow energy flourishing around.


Both young saiyans were jumping, punching and kicking in the air giving all they got training. Yamoshi steps back does a backflip and releases a massive blast with Vegeta does the same as both blasts clash and explode. The both descend to the floor as their super saiyan auras grew smaller

Yamoshi: I can't believe it, we've been here for only a couple of hours and I can feel that I'm overflowing of power!

Vegeta: you're right guess Dende and the others weren't gas lighting this place after all (clenched fist)

Yamoshi: heh I bet can I can take this up a notch

He then powers ups as his scream echos through the time chamber while vegeta closes his eyes and smiles

Vegeta: hmph that's good but that doesn't impress me not in the slightest

Yamoshi: oh yeah then I'll take it a step further HRRRRAAAAHHHHHHH

he clenches his fist to grow his power more All was normal until...

Yamoshi: Gah

he instantly stopped powering up and fell to the ground face first as he reverted back to his base form while Vegeta was at a lost for words seeing it unfold. Now knocked out all Yamoshi can see was all black, a void filled with nothing. He couldn't move his body as if he was covered in concrete

Yamoshi: W-what happened to me

Then all of a sudden he hears crying from a child

"Wahh wahhh!"

Yamoshi: is that a kid crying?!

The crying lingered for a couple more seconds then After that he begins to hear two more voices within the dark void

"Why are you going through so much trouble, it's not like a saiyan man to worry about his children so what's gotten in to you....."

Yamoshi: what is this

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm constantly fighting, destroying and I'd like to actually save something for once. Especially someone to be judged to be a lower class warrior, like my Kakarot....

Yamoshi: kakarot? Wait a minute isn't that Grandpa Goku?!

Suddenly the voices fade away leaving Yamoshi to question more and more

Yamoshi: wait a minute hold on what I'm I hearing, What is going on!


Yamoshi: huh what?!

He was able to open his eyes and saw Vegeta slapping his face while yelling his name

Vegeta: the hell happened to you just now, you knocked yourself out or what

Yamoshi sits up right as he puts his hand over his forehead rubbing it

Yamoshi: I.... Don't know

The next day 8:30am

The day has finally arrived the operation to save Eri and Amajiki has commenced. Loads of policemen and heroes have gathered around the shie Hasikai hideout preparing to begin the raid. Knowing their arrival would come Fu and his team watch through his lab computer

Robelu: they have arrived Fu

Fu: indeed they have Robelu and thus our plan shall begin

Dabura: so what should we do with these fools

He then points at the group of parents and students that Were captured from Shiketsu

Fu: we'll use them as a lure to get the information out of Scorpion for Mira's amulet and get those saiyan brats out of hiding then we'll use them for energy

Dabura: well then let's start this bloodbath I'm starting to get tired of waiting

Fu: woah woah woah hold your horses old man we need to ease ourselves into this experiment also you need Overhaul to accompany you

Dabura: I do not need that weakling to aid me I can do this myself

Fu: trust me big guy you do, speaking of Overhaul where is he?

Mechikabura: he said he had to do something important real fast

Fu: is that so well I can't wait much longer just tell him to join Dabura once he's done now is time for me to do my part (disappears)

Overhaul: Sorry, pops. Today's a big day for us, things will get a little noisy so hang in there.

Back to the heroes

Nighteye: this is it everyone, we need to do this swiftly and accordingly. As soon as the police show the warrant we set to go

Mirio: Midoriya let's do this

Midoriya: right (this time Eri, it'll be different)

Scorpion: well LETS BEGIN


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Fu stood on top of the facility as all the heroes and polices look at him in confusion except Hanzo and a couple of other heroes who were on guard

Fu: hey now you lot can't just barge in a building like that do you people even have manners

Sheriff: we have the right to go in this building because we have a warrant to investigate this facility for the production and possession of illegal drugs

Fu: well if you're investigating then you shouldn't have the need to bring this many reinforcements I mean talk about overdoing it and besides I've been working here for a bit and I haven't seen these so called "illegal drugs" you speak of so why don't you all just leave

Rock Locke: (whispers to Fatgum) tch does this guy we're idiots or what

Sheriff: well if you think there isn't anything to hide then you shouldn't have a problem with us checking it out ourselves

Fu: (moves finger side to side) sorry man no can do that's called violating one's privacy

Rock Locke: grrr I had enough of this freak let's just get in right now

Nighteye: hold it Rock Locke

Rock Locke: no I'm sick of this all we've been doing is just wasting time how about we go on with this raid already 

Rock Locke now frustrated starts to head to the door of the facility while Fu looked at him in annoyance


He disappeared from thin air and reappeared in front of Rock Locke in a matter of seconds while all of the heroes and police eyes widened to the speed of the mysterious scientist

Fu: you're really annoying you know that how about I Locke your mouth shut

Rock Locke: !!!!

Fu then grabs his face and slams it down to the concrete hard injuring him.The power of the slam caused the ground to crumble causing the heroes to step back and jump around to avoid the incoming debris

Nighteye: Stand back everyone

Fu: but I will admit he was kinda right we are wasting time let's get this experiment started

He once again disappears from thin air and returns back to the top of the building while a massive villain bursts through the doors causing more debris to be shot out

Villain: who are you it's too early for visitors

Mirio: guess it's safe to assume they know we're here

Pro hero: we got no other choice let's go!

Villain: good, I'm starting to wake up a little

The villain's arm begins to get bigger preparing to launch an attack at the heroes

Ryukyu: brace yourselves


The punch of the villain was immense with massive gusts of winds covering the area with Ryukyu at the center while smoke cloud covering her and the villain. Once the smoke subsided it revealed that Ryukyu activated her dragon quirk to pin down the villain just before he could do anything with Fu looking amazed at her dragon form

Fu: fascinating, quirks really are diverse

Ryukyu: listen to me we shouldn't split too many of our forces yet. The Ryukyu agency will take care of this villain The rest of you go!

Nejire: let's support Ryukyu

Ochako: right!

Fat Gum: you heard her everyone go c'mon

Hanzo: let's move people

Everyone rushed to the building until they heard a whooshing sound from the sky. Hanzo's eyes widened as he saw a very familiar purple glow coming from Fu's hand

Fu: it's a bit unfair with all these heroes and police here (smirks) how about I even the playing field

Chapter 24: end

Ending theme

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hi there it's been awhile. I know it took like a million years for this chapter to come but hey better late than ever but before y'all connect me to god's wifi in the comments I would like to say I'm done with drawing most of the important stuff for this arc and will probably focus more on posting chapters (if work and college will allow me to) so yea keep on the look out anyway thanks for reading let me know what you think in the comments and I'll catch y'all next time

Next time in the Warrior of Hope: Assault

I will do this every month from now on

Monthly Warrior of Hope sketch from the author: Vegeta's 3rd Christmas

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