Chapter 20
Chapter 20: Fu on the move
(Kami's lookout 2am)
???: There you guys are and it looks like you two are having fun!
Hanzo: N-No
Hanzo was trying to sleep but he kept on dreaming or visioning a mysterious woman and boy
???: papa look look! I'm like you!
The boy hops on a box as he says GET OVER OVER As it appears to be Hanzo and the woman laughing with the boy as the vision fades follow by another vision of the same woman
???: (smiling) we'll be fine don't worry now go on and save those who are more in need of saving and don't over do it dear ok.
???: please come back safe papa
Hanzo: Make it stop!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The vision once again fades out but this time flames with buildings in ruins and flames within a mile radius. A house in particular was completely destroyed along in middle two lifeless bodies laid there. It was a the bodies of the same woman and child covered in blood. A shadowy figure and two of their henchmen floating above them as a younger Hanzo and two other heroes behind him watch in despair
Hanzo gets on his knees lets out a yell filled with sadness and sorrow along with tears on his eyes
The vision soon fades as Yamoshi and Vegeta wake him up from his nightmare
Yamoshi: Mr. Hasashi, Mr. Hasashi you alright?
(Music stops)
Hanzo: argghhh wha..... what are you two up this late
Vegeta: we went to the fridge for a snack until we heard you groaning
Yamoshi: yeah we came as fast as we can you sick or something?
The saiyan duo look at him for a moment as they take a bite out of the sandwiches they made. Hanzo takes a breather and sighs
Hanzo: I appreciate you guys worrying about me but I'm fine just go back to bed and hurry before Popo finds out you know how strict he is about staying up late
Vegeta and Yamoshi look at each other then shrug their shoulders as they proceed to leave. Hanzo then lays back down looking at the ceiling
Yamoshi: Vegeta you think that something happened to Mr. Hasashi back when that fight with the demon realm happened
Vegeta: from the way he acted back there probably but it's non of our business if we interfere we'll probably make things harder on him and besides sometimes people need to fight their own battles
Yamoshi: yea I guess your right....
Vegeta opened their room door and entered as Yamoshi was about to enter his phone rang
Yamoshi: who calls at this hour (answers) Hello
Ochako: hey Yamoshi it's me Ochako
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Yamoshi: oh hey weird of you calling at this hour
Ochako: yeah sorry meant to call you earlier but I forgot
Yamoshi: you're fine better late than never I'd say anyway how's your work study going along?
Ochako: Really great! Me and Tsu have learned a lot so far under the dragon hero Ryukyu, I've never felt so strong in my life!
Yamoshi: that's good to hear, I can't believe how much stronger you gotten since back then
Ochako: aw thanks but the same goes for you too, your quirk is out of this world but sometimes I feel like you're hiding something about your power though
Yamoshi: oh....uh no no I told you basically everything about my "quirk"( Ochako you have no idea) but anyway now that I think about it we never went one on one together haven't we
Ochako: one on one? what do you mean by that?
Yamoshi: you know a sparing match I wanted to spar with you for quite some time, I've always wondered how you use your quirk in battle
Ochako: (laughs) I don't think it would be fair Yamoshi, after what I saw at the tournament you are way too strong for me and besides you wouldn't gain anything sparring with me
Yamoshi noticed from her tone of voice that Ochako sorta didn't feel confident in her abilities so he ties to lift her spirit up a little
Yamoshi: cmon don't be a Debby downer this isn't like you at all. You should be confident in your own strength it could it could be a great learning experience but if you still feel unsure then maybe this will help
Ochako was silent but she continued to listen
Yamoshi: My old teacher Master Roshi, once told me a saying that he said to my great great grandpa many years ago that really stood out to me. He said that "no matter how strong you get, always remember that there will always be someone who's better and when you find that person don't feel discouraged at their strength instead let it fuel you to hone your abilities to their fullest because in the end the person who's got the most heart always prevails"
Ochako: wow that's really great advice your teacher sounds like a great man
Yamoshi: he was and I respect him dearly even though he was a bit of a weirdo
Ochako: thanks Yamoshi I'll take your words to heart and get stronger as a hero should be
Yamoshi: (eating sandwich) don't mention it glad you're back to your old self (
Suddenly a black figure appears behind Yamoshi
Popo: Yamoshi
Yamoshi turns turned around as he jumps back from fear upon seeing Popo
Yamoshi: ah crap M-Mr. Popo!
Ochako: is everything alright Yamoshi?
Popo: Yamoshi did you forget rule #48 of popo's training no staying up past 11
Yamoshi: N-No I didn't I just went for a midnight snack that's all
Popo: hmmm it seems you've forgotten who's on top of the pecking order
Yamoshi looks in horror as he puts his phone on his ear
Yamoshi: uh I gotta go ochako talk to later
Ochako: oh uh ok then bye Yamoshi
Yamoshi: yea bye WAIT MR. POPO NO THAT'S MY (screams)
The call abruptly ends Ochako places her phone on her bed and lays down
Ochako: sometimes he concerns me
The next day
As the young saiyan's training continues with the sun glistening at the lookout Hanzo walks to them to announce a couple of things
Hanzo: first things first I just want to say that the amount of growth you two acquired far exceeded my expectations and I truly commend your hard work especially in the sparring sessions since our first one was a mess
Yamoshi/Vegeta: thank you
Hanzo: now with that out of the way Today's we have a change in plans for your training
Vegeta: what sort of changes are we talking
Hanzo: that's up two because today you will be training on your own do whatever you see fit. As for me I have to attend to a meeting formulated by the hero agencies regarding a brewing problem that Sir Nighteye was investigating
Yamoshi: oh is it about demon realm?
Hanzo: No but this meeting could help us to find more leads to their whereabouts if there is any. I should get going don't cause too much of a ruckus while I'm gone
Hanzo then engulfs himself in flames and vanishes in front of them with Yamoshi and vegeta being left alone
Yamoshi: Hey Vegeta maybe we should get a couple of Spar-
Before he could finish his sentence Vegeta flew away from the lookout
Yamoshi: hmmm I'm starting to think he doesn't like me that much (chuckles) but at least I'm not 5ft 3
Central City
Hanzo begins walking towards the facility he was told go as he looks round the busy city. Loads of cars passing by as well as business men and women hurrying to arrive to their destinations. Hanzo then meets up with Nighteye as they had a quick conversation before entering the building to begin the meeting. In the other hand two mysterious figures were on top of a nearby building who appear to be wearing some sort of armor as well as scouters that have said to belong to the infamous Frieza force
Soldier: watch it quit squirming around you're gonna blow our cover
Soldier 2: sorry sorry cut me some slack Ok,
I was the one who risked my life to put the camera and mic in there so put some respect on my name
Soldier: the only one I'm respecting is your mother for having to raise such hideous creature like you now put the boss on the line I think they're starting
Soldier 2: F-fine
The soldier presses a button on his scouter, it begins to make a beeping noise til a voice was heard on the device
Fu: Hello Time Breaker Inc. where our prices start as low as 600 zeni or yen
Soldier: uh sir it's us
Fu: oh it's you guys could've sworn we got our first customer for our intergalactic moving company, anywho you guys got some updates?
Soldier: yes sir we got the surveillance ready to go, you can see and hear with your heart's content
Fu: excellent now we're in business. Good work, you can return to base I can handle the rest from here I'll let my advisor pay you a good amount
The two soldiers look at each other with delight as they raise their hands as they are excited to get their pay
Soldier 1/2: thank you sir *The call ends*
Fu: now then let's get to researching
Fu enters a room that is filled with tech as well as many screens that shows cites, planets, and other parts of the universe.
In the room there are two individuals that were waiting for his arrival, one is was a woman with long dark blue hair, white tanish skin and red eyes along with the letter R in the middle of her belt the other is a an old man with blue skin, white hair and an outfit that looks similar to that of the once all powerful Demigra but in red with a black cape
Fu: glad you two came in such a short notice especially you Mechikabura knowing how old and frail you are
Mechikabura: watch your mouth show some respect to your elder
Fu: whatever old man
Roberu: Fu why have you called us here?
Fu: since you asked my lovely assistant I've called you guys to watch something worth researching and to brainstorm and oh he's here great timing now we can start
Overhaul: what's the meaning of this Fu I was in a middle of doing important business
Fu: overhaul my man you made it by the way where's Shigaraki?
Overhaul: him and his lackeys went off somewhere, don't know where but I couldn't care less as long as it benefits our cause
Fu:(So I was right he's formulating a plan to sabotage him good) I do apologize for interrupting but I believe I've stumbled upon some information worth looking into to assist with your plan
Overhaul: well what is it don't exactly have the time to stand here
Mechikabura looks at Overhaul in disgust with Roberu covers her mouth with her hand
Mechikabura: pitiful earthings thinking they are they're up most powerful beings makes me sick
Roberu: I know it's almost laughable they don't realize how many beings that are far more intelligent and powerful in the cosmos
Fu: well why don't I show you
Fu clicks a button which another screen pops up in front them showing a conference room filled with people. Overhaul observes and sees pro heroes like Nighteye, Scorpion(Hanzo),Rocklocke, Fatgum and others. There was also students there like Midoriya, Kirishima, ochako, Tsuyu and the big three
( Author's note: I really like the scouter like filter I made turned out thought it would look horrible but it's not too shabby)
Overhaul: what is this
Nighteye: thank you all for coming, today we have a lot to discuss so I would like to begin immediately
30 minutes have passed all Nighteye discussed about in the meeting was all the nefarious deeds that Overhaul and his organization has done such as them attacking Team Reservoir Dogs, the contacts they've been making with other parties to gain funds for an unknown operation as well as the confrontation with the league of Villains. The most important part of the meeting was when the pro hero Fat gum tells the making of bullets that have the potential of destroying ones quirk with them containing human blood and cells.
Nighteye goes on to explain that Kai Chisaki is the captain of the Shie Hassaikai with a quirk called overhaul. Him and his organization have most likely been distributing samples of the bullets to gain traction amongst criminals to entice them to buy if not fund for these weapons. He also theorizes that the bullets could be made from his daughter Eri which explains why she is covered in bandages. He then concludes that in the matter of days they will have to plan out a raid their hideout to one confiscate the bullets before they cause harm in society but most importantly: Save Eri.
The meeting ends with the screen disappearing, overhaul looks at but aggravated yet he had his composure with Fu and the others staring at him
Overhaul: So..... they somehow figured out everything, Man heroes sure are sensitive they don't realize this is for the better of society, I won't let them intervene until the bullets are ready. We have to go somewhere more remote
Fu: woah woah woah let's not jump the gun just yet you can't run off running
Overhaul: my organization can't afford to go up against heroes not yet at least we still need time to perfect the bullets in order for my vision to be fulfilled so for the time being we need to relocate
Fu: hmm seems you've forgotten what someone who's not from earth is capable of allow me to give you an example
Fu presses a button that activated several cages to lower from the ceiling. The cages contained people as well students that appear to attend Shiketsu. Then another screen appears that shows a small town. In the cage man starts yelling and shaking the bars in anger
Man: let us go you monster or I'll pulverize you!
Fu: ok I will and Overhaul here's the example
Fu lifts his finger with finesse as the cage opens as the man was choking as he was flung out of the cage in the air. Fu makes a sadistic smirk and snaps his fingers. This caused a purple aura emit from the man as he lets out a horrific scream in agony when he ultimately blows up in pieces
Overhaul's eyes looked in horror as bits of the man fell down while fu was smiling
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Fu: glad you can get the picture with our power and my equipment nearly installed you shouldn't worry. If you want my advise you should listen carefully
Overhaul nodded as he was standing still from fear
Fu: if you want your vision to be realized then I suggest you help me set up my lab with my technology you'll be able to finish your product in a much faster rate along with making the bullets far more powerful instead of running from the battle bring the battle to them
Overhaul: are you sure you'll be able to do that
Fu: I'm a scientist above anything I do nothing but work on contraptions you're in good hands I'll even get some of my men to help
Overhaul: to be honest ever since we met I never really trust and I still don't but I'll accept since you seem really devoted to aid us I'll go tell my team
Overhaul then leaves the room while Fu spins around his chair while lifting up his glasses
Fu: Bingo
Roberu: you're quite the manipulative one Fu
Fu: it's a according to plan this'll cause a chain reaction that will be beneficial to us since this hero society is slowly crumbling down. we'll use these earthings til we take all of their energy to revive the Demon Realm
Mechikabura: always thinking ahead just like your mother Towa but isn't the energy from earthings meaningless
Fu: well 100 years ago yes but now humans evolved to have powers called quirks which increased the amount of energy they have to decent to basic mortal standards but if that's not enough we have two alternatives
Another screen appears that's shows two fighters from the Shiketsu vs UA Tournament
Roberu: oh my and I thought they've gone extinct this makes me happy
Fu: these brats are Son Yamoshi and Vegeta Jr. Descendants of the mighty saiyan duo Son Goku and Vegeta the 4th and as you can feel from the image alone they're filled with immense power and energy. They will be a vital point in our plan hence why I'm aiding Overhaul fight the heroes by giving him and his organization dark energy
Mechikabura: so that's why you persuaded him to attack first
Fu: yes if we power them up along with the of help of some formidable forces from the past we increase the saiyans power a tremendous amount but having them struggle we can use their incredible power to skyrocket the revival of our realm but first we must hunt down this man
He brings up the footage from the hero meeting and zooms in on Hanzo
Fu: .........he has something that's very dear to us: the core of my father Mira
Several days later
After explaining all that occurred in the meeting with the other hero agencies The days before Yamoshi and Vegeta continued on with their training getting stronger than ever before. Hanzo then talks to the young saiyan duo their final part of their training
Hanzo: this is the final stretch though the forces of the demon realm have been very quiet we must aid the other agencies to raid the shie Hassaikai the next day so to get as much training as possible you two will enter the hyperbolic time chamber
Yamoshi: wait really?! the place where you get a years worth of training in a day!
Vegeta: Mom says my Great grandfather Used it quite a bit so it has to be great place to train
Hanzo: yes this will be your final part of training so without wasting time follow Mr. Popo he'll lead the way see you two tomorrow
With that Yamoshi and Vegeta leave with Popo to the chamber though Hanzo heard a beeping sound behind him but as he turned around it stopped. They walked several stairs upon arriving with popo opening the door for them to enter. Yamoshi and Vegeta are mesmerizing the place that has no end
Yamoshi woah so this is it Grandma wasn't kidding this place is crazy
Vegeta: the air and gravity seems to be denser the perfect place to train
Yamoshi: (cracks knuckles) yeah!
Hanzo: now we play the waiting game
As he was about to enter the lookout he hears the beeping again as he notices it was a spy robot. He then uses a skill to destroy the bot
Hanzo: Somethings not right
He then receives a call from a fellow pro hero
Pro hero: Scorpion come to east district quick the city is up in flames by a strange blast!
Hanzo: What?!
Chapter 20 End
Ending theme
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And that concludes this chapter sorry I took way too long I got very busy I couldn't keep y'all updated with the story hopefully this long chapter makes up for it. Also I think I did pretty well on the scouter filter thing it looks sick to me also I'll try to post more frequently with the story I got some drawing I made for the story to share will you all so yeah that's about it catch y'all next time
Next time on the Warrior of Hope: The Fight Begins
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