Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 : A Normal Day

(Saturday 10am)

The sun was shining bright into the sky, mountains standing like gentle giants, rivers flowing like silk while birds were chirping songs and flowers dancing into the calm wind and what lies ahead is a medium-sized house where Yamoshi and his grandmother Pan enjoying the quiet peaceful morning

Yamoshi was in his room studying for school while Pan was out in the back doing her daily meditation routine

Pan:what better way to start your day with some meditation on this beautiful morning

As she was meditating Yamoshi comes out from the back door from studying

Yamoshi: hey Grandma I'm done studying for today

Pan: oh that's good dear I'm glad you're working hard on your schoolwork

Yamoshi: I just wanna give it my all even if it's lousy schoolwork

Pan: Anyways have you eaten yet?

Yamoshi: no I woke up watched some videos about a guy with a cone shaped head singing and started to study

Pan: sometimes you worry me when it comes to the videos you watch how about I whip us up some breakfast

Yamoshi: sure sounds good let me help out feel kinda bad for you to make all that food

Pan: it's fine dear you've always been a good boy this doesn't bother me at all also I've seen you cook it ain't good

Yamoshi: hey it wasn't my fault the cooking teacher made me cook a pufferfish which made her go into a coma for 3 months i thought I did a good job

Pan: At times I forget you're in a top hero class at school

(Intermission followed by Yamoshi and vegeta summoning in a gatcha game)

Pan: foods ready!

Yamoshi: OH HELL YEAH THIS LOOKS GOOD (putting his hands together) thanks for the grub

Pan: you sure remind me of your grandpa Goku Yamoshi it makes me proud

Yamoshi: (food stuffed in his face) you really thinks so?

Pan: you even got his manners when it comes to eating but it's not just that you're becoming a strong young man and you turned super saiyan at such a young age he would be so proud

Yamoshi: yeah.... I hope so

Pan: is there something wrong? What's with that look

Yamoshi: sometimes I feel like if I ever be as strong as him like you always said, I just don't want to let you or our ancestors down if that never happens

Pan: oh Yamoshi you're still have a lot growth to do, like I've always said to you when you were little don't rush things it takes time and besides your grandpa would never say such a thing he never let anything get him down he was always positive even when things were horribly dire and always told us to push ourselves to the very limit also he didn't get strong in just a day you know

Yamoshi: you're right I shouldn't let myself down because grandpa Goku wouldn't do that he was always took any challenge head on with a smile I'll get stronger so I can protect you and everyone I care about, man this is gotten me all kinds of excited

Pan: that's the spirit don't know why you think you're not like your grandpa you act just like him and your a splitting image of him too besides the hair

Yamoshi: anyway imma go train outside if that's ok with you

Pan: not at all just don't cause too much damage

Yamoshi: ok then I'm on my then see later grandma (starts to walk to his room)

Pan: alright dear train like it's your last day on earth! (Grandpa hope you're looking from down there your great great grandson is something special)

With that Yamoshi went into his room to prepare to train for the day he opened his closet to grab his training gi which was colored blue with white wrist bands and belt with black boots followed by a red headband that pan gave to him when he was 12

Yamoshi: ok I'm ready!

He closes his room door and starts to walk towards the front door and checks the time on the clock

Yamoshi: ok it's 12:05 right now if I train for at least 3 hours I can make it back shower, eat some food do some errands for grandma, take a nap do some more training and maybe play some more of that gatcha game I love playing

Pan: you're still on about that nerdy gatcha game that you always spend most of your allowance on?

Yamoshi: it's not just a nerdy game it's a lifestyle plus I can't let vegeta beat me by getting the newest units first so I have to be the top of my game

Pan: geez you and vegeta are competitive to everything ( it can't be helped they are the descendants of goku and vegeta, good times it was still it's weird that the prince of saiyans' grandson would like such a nerdy game)

Yamoshi: welp al be on my way then see ya grandma! (Leaves and closes the door)

Pan: still I'd rather have a nerdy grandson than a delinquent

While outside of the door Yamoshi levitated in the sky and looking around for a good spot to train

Yamoshi: hmmm where should I go (putting his hand to his in a salute pose) ah there

In an instant and explosion of white aura surrounded yamoshi as he started to fly to his training destination. When he arrived he flew down to the ground where he will begin his training deep in the mountains in a forest with trees covering miles of land and not a site of animal life so he doesn't accidentally injure them

Yamoshi: hmmm let's start things with a little super saiyan action HAAAAAA!

(Meanwhile in West City)


Computer: system malfunction Error

Vegeta: tch what a hump of junk (powers down from super saiyan to base)  guess that'll have to do for now

As vegeta was walking back to his house the neighborhood are in disbelief that he destroyed another gravity room for the 10th time this week

Man: just what type of quirk does this kid have?!

Woman:'s a strong one that's for sure

Vegeta enters the house he walks towards the the kitchen to grab a drink from the refrigerator and then goes to the bathroom to grab a towel to put around his neck

Bulma: oh hey honey are done with training for today I mean I can tell when I hear a loud explosion from outside

Vegeta: hmph

Bulma: gee the resemblance you have between your grandfather is astounding always the grouchy ones you can learned something from yamoshi you know

Vegeta: as if I learn something from that Buffon

Bulma: well if  your hungry there's some food in the kitchen I gotta leave for an important meeting so al see you in a couple of hours ok dear

Vegeta: yeah yeah

Bulma: alright then make sure you don't break anything when your training got a lot of rare material in the lab also before that you should pick up your little brother from school since he a sports event that he participated in (starts to leave to the door)

Vegeta: hey mom

Bulma: (turns around) yeah?

Vegeta: thanks (smiles a little)

Bulma: (in disbelief)  don't mention it honey a mother knows best also take a shower don't want the kids at your brother's school to think you have some type of repellent quirk (chuckles and closes the door)

Vegeta: tch whatever

Bulma: (entering her car) well at least he's got a soft side just like his grandfather (smiling)

Vegeta turns around and heads for the shower so he can leave and pick up his younger brother Tarble from school as he walks he thinks about all the happened in his time at UA

Vegeta: wonder where those damn league of villains are hiding. Them running away like cowards before I can crush them. When I meet them again I'll show them to not underestimate the power of a saiyan (smirking very confidently)

(A few minutes later)

Vegeta: well at least I fly there now since I have a provisional license instead of walking there like an idiot

Vegeta sets off to Tables school to pick him up  the saiyan prodigy engulfs himself in a white aura and takes to sky

Vegeta: wonder if the brat is did alright over there

In matter of minutes he arrives at the front of the school startling the parents in the process while descending from the sky he lands on the ground and walks towards the wall of the school and leans against it while folding his arms and closing his eyes waiting for the bell to ring


Seconds after the bell had rung tons of elementary school kids start running from the doors and screaming after the final sports games was jaw dropping then a small boy with spiky hair with bangs wearing a white t shirt that had a lizard on it along with tan shorts with a small monkey tail walked out of the doors with two other kids

Cody: Tarble are able to come to my house and play later with me and Karmaro?

Tarble: I don't know I probably have to ask my mom first Cody

Karmaro: ok have your mom call my mom that your coming also is that muscular guy with the white long sleeve shirt and blue sweatpants that has a scary face your brother?

Table: it is my big brother!

Cody: oh yeah I saw him in the Sports festival on tv he's super strong he beat everyone there but he looks super scary

Tarble: he's not scary once you know him better but imma go see you guys later! (waves and runs towards vegeta)

Cody/Karmaro: bye!

Table: hey big brother!

Vegeta: oh you're here well come on let's go

Tarble: ok

The two saiyans start to take flight while vegeta covers Tarble until there's no one to be seen since he isn't allowed to fly due to the use of "quirks" are illegal with a license. While they were flying...

Tarble: hey vegeta I got something to show you!

Vegeta: the hell is it it better amaze me

Tarble: oooo yeah yeah it will HYAAHHH

Vegeta: W-WHAT?!

Tarble: see I can turn gold like you know

Vegeta: ( I don't believe it he turned into a super saiyan in less time than me and Yamoshi and he's only 5 how can this be) Tarble

Tarble: yeah?

Vegeta: since when can you transform

Tarble: umm earlier today I was playing a game of dodgeball in the sports day at school and so worked up that I flowed yellow

Vegeta: did you win at least?

Tarble: yeah I was the only one on the team and the other had 6 members and I crushed them all

Vegeta: good that's my little brother also you can probably train with me now I could use a sparring partner

Tarble: Really! Do you really mean it!

Vegeta: if you can handle it I mean 150 times gravity is a man's training level and you're just a child

Tarble: no way I want to get strong just like you and Yamoshi


Tarble: o...o..oh ok (in a terrified manner)

Vegeta: now that is settled like go home I want to see what you're capable of

Timeskip few hours later Yamoshi's POV)

*Somewhere in Musutafu, japan*

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Butcher: ah Yamoshi welcome back how's my number 1 customer doing

Yamoshi: I'm doing well just here for the usual

Butcher: ok 15 pounds of beef and pork that will be 950 yen

Yamoshi: uhhhh let's see mmmmm there you go

Butcher: thank you and stop by soon!

Yamoshi: will do bye (walls out of the store and hears a rumbling sound)

Yamoshi: oh man I'm kinda hungry a little snack wouldn't hurt, ice cream sounds good

As yamoshi walks in the city for a ice cream stand he over hears a group of girls he passes by

Girl1: that guy is super hot

Girl2: you can see his big muscles through his white shirt

Girl3: wonder what school is he from

Girl4: he's a got a cute tail wonder what his other tail looks like

Yamoshi:( that was weird they're probably remembering lines for a play or something)

Yamoshi: oh yeah I found it the ice cream stand (starts to walk to the stand)

I.cream man: what can I get ya kid

Yamoshi: (hmmm I want to buy 6 but I won't be able to hold the bags of meat al just get one for me and grandma al eat more when I get home) I'll have one chocolate ice cream and a ice cream sandwich

I.cream man: alrighty that will be 10 yen

Yamoshi: here you go (passes the money too the man)

I.cream man: alright coming right up

Yamoshi: (standing while his ice cream is being made) man maybe after this I should catch a fish and study more in case there's a surprise test gotta be prepared unlike my uncle who found out he had kid

I.cream man: alright man here's your ice cream

Yamoshi grabed the ice cream from the man and ate the cone within two bites which left the man in shock. He then bowed and thanked the man for the treat and turned around and started to fly away

Yamoshi: (ahhh that Ice cream was good but it wasn't enough to fill me up can't wait to eat grandma Pan's cooking (starts to fly faster)

Moments later

Yamoshi: (Landing on the ground and enter the house) hey grandma I'm home

Pan: welcome back what's you got there?

Yamoshi: oh I got an ice cream sandwich (gives it to her)

Pan: oh you shouldn't have also food is on the table if you're hungry

Yamoshi: thanks grandma you're the best

Pan: also before I forget there's a letter that came for you

Yamoshi: for me? Really?

Pan: yes here read it (passes the letter)

Yamoshi: huh well imma read it after I eat I'm starving

(Moments later)

Yamoshi: oh yeah that hit the spot that was some good food ( places his 20th plate on the dishes) don't worry I'll was these

Pan: ok I was about to scold you if you just left to your room and open your letter it could be important

Yamoshi: right (opens and starts to read the letter) to the parent or guardian of Son Yamoshi please let your child know that there will be only be school until Wednesday of this coming week. This coming Thursday Friday, and next weekend and next Monday and Tuesday are preparation of class 1A of UA vs Shiketsu high tournament we want all students to train during these days off to come prepared to show the staff of both schools what they are made of and if they got what it takes to become a pro hero sincerely principal Nezu of UA High

Yamoshi: ...........

Pan: what is is something bad

Yamoshi: a tournament between the top first year classes of UA and Shiketsu high OH HELL YEAH IM PUMPED!

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Yamoshi: I can't wait to find those UA guys I bet they have all kinds of abilities

Pan:(yep exactly like his grandpa always ready for a fight) (smiling) so better get your but moving and train

Yamoshi: you bet I am I'm gonna train extra hard so I am ready for the tournament I'm most excited to fight vegeta wonder how strong he's become since he joined UA welp Imma go sleep early gotta train tomorrow better start early I'm I right goodnight

Pan: hold it right there mister you forgot something

Yamoshi: (looks at the mountain of plates he left) oh man

Pan: if you don't clean those up before bed you won't be eating all day Tomorrow
Yamoshi: WAIT NO DON'T DO THAT, I'll do it real fast you'll see


(Ending theme)

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Well that concludes technically the first chapter of this story sorry if it took so long to update I've been busy with school but now I'm finished so I can update faster also for those who are confused to where this story takes place it's a little after the provisional license exam arc and all the arcs before it happened off screen so I'm gonna somewhat follow the story line but there's goin to be some twists here and there like this tournament anyway that's all I got and I'll catch y'all next time

Narrator: Next time on The Warrior of Hope: Preparation for the tournament!

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