Chapter 19

Chapter 19: go beyond our limits!!

Vegeta: tch you still doubt me fine Hyraahh

In an instant Vegeta charged at Hanzo at great speeds with Yamoshi, Dende and Popo watching from the side lines

Dende: what do you think the outcome will for this match up Yamoshi

Yamoshi: to be honest I don't know I've had my fair share of battles with Vegeta and he's someone not be messed with that's for sure but in the other hand I know too little about how Mr. Hasashi fights other than his quirk has something to do with flames best I can do is to watch how it plays out

Hanzo shoots a large fire ball at the charging Vegeta which he Dodges and continues to charge at him as he prepares to attack

Vegeta: it's gonna take more than that to stop m-

Vegeta throws a right hook at Hanzo though it looked like the punch connected his punch went through Hanzo as his body faded away

Vegeta: W-what in the

In that moment Hanzo appeared behind vegeta covered in flames. He then engulfed his fist with flames and gut punched Vegeta. Immediately after he uppercutted him with his flame fist

Yamoshi: woah he's fast

Vegeta was surprised by this due to the fact that compared to him and Yamoshi pro heroes aren't that strong but he could tell that Hanzo was an exception

Vegeta: good one, you're not bad for someone who's named after a bug

Hanzo: if you think that's all I got then you're heavily underestimating me and like a said before I know how to handle a couple of saiyans well in your case an inexperienced saiyan

Vegeta: (angered) inexperienced huh (transforms)

In a golden flash vegeta turns super saiyan as he fires a barrage of ki blasts at Hanzo. Hanzo then emits himself in a heat wave protecting himself from the blasts a smoke cloud emerges as Hanzo deactivates his heat like barrier. Hanzo looks up at the smoke cloud for a moment as he says something.

Hanzo: maybe to anyone else it'll work but not me

He then pulls his arm back and extends it forward as he opened his hand. A spear like chain comes out of his hand through the smoke screen grabbing Vegeta's shirt Barely piercing his chest leaving vegeta in shock. Hanzo then yells a phrase as he yanks vegeta to him

Vegeta: he can't sense energy how did he-


As He was being yanked down Vegeta pulls the chain off of him as he attempted to windmill kick Hanzo. He was stopped by a corpse that was engulfed in flames. Vegeta looked in annoyance followed by forcing the corpse to let go of him as he blasted it away with a energy wave

Vegeta: pant... great you can summon minions

Hanzo: more like hell spawns

Hanzo glances over where Yamoshi was at as his eyes turned white

Yamoshi: (sniffs) hey Dende do you smell something burning?

No one answers

Yamoshi: Dende? Gah!

Yamoshi looks down and sees that he was being pulled down to the ground by two other hell spawns that Hanzo summoned

Yamoshi: w-what is this?!

Yamoshi kicks one of the spawns and flys up to free himself from their grasp.

Yamoshi: phew that was a close one

Yamoshi's relief was short lived with him getting caught by Hanzo's chain like spear from out of nowhere

Hanzo: and who said you were sitting in the sidelines I told you two to come at me

Hanzo then pulls yamoshi, with great force uppercutting him dealing some damage. Yamoshi recovers as he does some flips and lands

Yamoshi: ow ow ow that was uncalled for

Hanzo: you really think this training session would be a walk in the park

Yamoshi: well no

Hanzo: then quit wasting time and transform

Yamoshi: alright but you asked for it

Yamoshi transforms then charges at Hanzo while Vegeta was blasting away the hell spawns

(Some time later in the city)

Apart of their work study Midoriya along with one of UA's big three Miro Togata were out and about patrolling

Izuku: I'm so nervous

Miro: you must've at least gone on patrol at your internship right?

Izuku: well yeah but I'm not very used it yet

Miro: well lucky for you Sir and Bubble girl are watching the target today which is why we're on patrol duty, I'll show you all kinds of stuff!

Miro's enthusiasm lightened Midoriya from his nervousness since it reminded him of his new friend Yamoshi

Izuku: you know you sorta remind of a friend I met not that long ago

Miro: really? Have I seen him around at school by chance

Izuku: probably not him and his friend transferred from Shiketsu couple days ago

Miro: oh yeah the new transfer students their names are Son Yamoshi and Inasa Yoarashi if I'm not mistaken

Izuku: yeah that's them!

Miro: me, Nejire, and sorta Tamaki wanted to meet them yesterday at the dorms but we only met Inasa he told us that him and Vegeta left super early to their work studies

Izuku: that's a shame he's a really cool guy and he's got an insanely strong quirk too!

Miro: from the tone of your voice he seems to be a pretty awesome dude you should introduce him to us sometime!

Izuku: will do I'm sure you guys will get along gre-

A little girl bumps into Midoriya while she seemingly runs away from something or someone.

Izuku: huh? It's a little girl

The little girl seemed frightened but Midoriya being himself he decides to help her

Izuku: Sorry that must've hurt here lemme help you up

As he was getting her up her face was filled with fear and her body was shivering like crazy.

Izuku: She's trembling?

???: There you are, don't you know you can't go around causing trouble for the heroes

The voice came from the ally where the girl came from with Midoriya and Mirio look as a the man appears.

Midoriya's eyes widen like a funko pop he couldn't believe what was in front of him

Izuku: (n-no way... )

Overhaul: I'm sorry about my daughter, hero. She likes to play a lot and keeps getting hurt

The face expression Izuku made troubled Miro a bit while he knew who the man was but giving away the slightest bit of suspicion will make make Overhaul go into hiding again. Miro played it off cool by putting Midoriya's the hood and mask on him to make it seem not as suspicious

Miro: (that's the man Sir was looking for) (to midoriya) your hood and mask fell off again must be the sizing is off

This puzzled Overhaul but he brushed it aside

Miro: by the way I know that mask! You must be from the hasikai you guys are pretty famous around here!

Overhaul: Yeah please don't mind the mask it keeps out the filth. But it's weird it's my first time seeing you two heroes, you guys new by chance?

Miro: yep that's right! We are new, so we're pretty nervous obviously

Overhaul: if that's the case what agency do you belong to?

Miro: we're students! But like I said before we're still so new that it would be presumptuous to identify with an agency

Overhaul: oh is that so but I digress you have my thanks for stopping my daughter from running into the road so if would kindly hand her back to me we will be on our way

The girl shivered even more she then pulls onto Midoriya's outfit as she said to him

???: Please D-Don't go...

This Fumbles Midoriya as he begins to get very suspicious of the man with a beak like mask with him beginning to speak

Izuku: Um excuse me....I'm sorry but....your daughter.....seems scared.....

Overhaul: it's because she got a scolding though I probably overdone it a bit

Midoriya doesn't seem to buy it as Overhaul notices he gets a bit aggravated 

Miro: ( No stop with the extra suspicion ) I think it's time we take our leave too

Izuku: then why does she have these bandages?

Overhaul: like said before she likes to play a lot but she can be a bit clumsy and gets herself injured from time to time

Izuku: but it doesn't make sense for such a small child to be trembling like this without making a sound.... just tell me what are you doing to this girl?

It grew silent as the suspense was at a all time high overhaul was beginning to annoyed with Midoriya and his questioning but once again he plays it cool

Miro: ( this is bad he obviously doesn't want us to pry him too much if we spook him now then He'll be less likely to show himself)

Izuku: ( I know togeta wants us to leave but we can't just leave this scared girl behind)

Overhaul: jeez, heroes can be real sensitive these days but just the subtle signs of peop-

A sudden sound came off from overhaul's pocket as he looks it's at it for a moment

Overhaul: oh well excuse me for a moment I gotta take this

He turns around takes out what appears to be a communicating device with a strange symbol on it

Overhaul: hello

Fu: Yo what gives I've been trying to contact you all day I didn't make that thing for nothing you know

Overhaul: I have important business with my daughter to attend to so of course I'm not gonna answer so what do you want

Fu: I was wondering if you could get me a few things for our guests back at the base

Overhaul: guests? Oh that's right those kids and adults you taken for your experiment I recall

Fu: Bingo! Turns out I need couple of things to make this experiment go Full circle along with Eri of course

Overhaul: I already told you, only I can properly use Eri's power to it's potential she's not for your experiments

Fu: eh mumbo jumbo it's whatever just bring me the items that I sent you to the communicator alright

Overhaul: fine I will but first let me finish this little predicament I'm in at the moment first

Fu: sounds good (ends call)

Overhaul: *sighs* can't believe that guy he's lucky that he's immensely powerful

He turns back around to the young heroes as he continues on

Overhaul: very well this conversation is rather embarrassing so I prefer it do discuss it where it won't be overheard I'm not exactly a people person

Midoriya and Miro look at each other but decide to follow him to the ally way along with Midoriya holding the frightened little girl Eri

As they were waking overhaul begins to speak to them once more

Overhaul: you know recently I've being having problems with Eri as of late, she keeps defying me not matter what I say

Izuku: (could it be...abuse?)

Miro: Man parenting sounds rough

Overhaul: it really is, yet I don't understand why because I let her play as much as she wants it such a shame

In that moment overhaul was pulling down his glove trying to grab something as he was starting to emit a faint purple aura with his eye glowing a bit red.

Yamoshi/Vegeta: Hrrahhhhhhh!!!

Yamoshi:*clicks* (in a serious tone) (that energy from the night before it came back all of a sudden)

Hanzo: don't lose focus!

Yamoshi: eeek!

Hanzo throws a firey skill at them as it almost hits them especially Yamoshi for being distracted with Vegeta noticing

Vegeta: (he senses something)

This made Eri's eye go wide open as she didn't want to get izuku and Miro hurt she let's go of Midoriya and runs back to Overhaul

Overhaul then pulls his glove back up and the glowing red and purple aura go away quickly

Overhaul: oh! Done with your tantrum already very well then

Izuku: w-wait...

Overhaul: I'm very sorry for the trouble, heroes hope you do well at work

Izuku: hold on...

Miro stops izuku from going any further as Overhaul and Eri take their leave in the ally way

Miro: we followed them far enough we'll have to tell sir what to do next

Midoriya looks in worry about the girl as he looks at them as they head further

(Some time passed, the lookout)

Yamoshi and Vegeta were panting like animals

Yamoshi: Man that was quite the session *pant*

Vegeta: *pant* I don't get it how did he gain the upper hand damnit

Hanzo: I will give you credit you two possess immense power and skill enough to destroy this whole Solar system thanks to your lineage but it won't be enough to defeat the force of the demon realm.

Yamoshi: what really man they're that strong huh?

Hanzo: indeed though your skills and fighting style are excellent to a certain degree your movements are far too linear, easy to predict

Vegeta: tch

Yamoshi: geez I thought my movements were spot on like I trained with grandma and Master Roshi

Hanzo: yes but not only that your super saiyan forms have one major weakness

Vegeta and Yamoshi looked up with their full attention since they knew the form had a flaw but never figure out what it was

Yamoshi: what is it

Hanzo: it strains your bodies draining an incredible amount of stamina not allowing you to fully captivate its full potential

Their eyes widen it all made sense now. They would've never know about it since their battles often ended far too quickly whenever they used super saiyan to ever notice

Hanzo: stamina is a crucial part of battle no matter how powerful you are if a skilled combatant exposes your weakness you will lose not matter what which is why you two need to overcome this weakness and go beyond your limits

Yamoshi: wow it's strange but you sure know a lot about us Mr. Hasashi

Vegeta: if I may ask how do you know about us saiyans?

Hanzo closed his eyes and smiled a little

Hanzo: let's just say I knew couple of saiyans a ever since I was around your age

Yamoshi: wait really there were other saiyans besides us!?

Hanzo: yes, they were strong and the best heroes I've ever met they told me a lot about their biology,how super saiyan works but most importantly along with All Might I considered them my brothers

Yamoshi: wow they must've been your best friends huh?

Hanzo indeed they were....

Hanzo was about to doze off into the past but he quickly brushes it to aside as he regains focus.

Hanzo: but that's a enough about me what's important now is for you two to get stronger in the coming days to prepare for the battles laid ahead of us as well as getting our class and their parents back

Yamoshi and vegeta we're getting excited with this amount of training they have a chance at strengthen their super saiyan forms as well attempting to break the barrier and go beyond super saiyan

Hanzo: now let's get serious

Yamoshi/Vegeta: yessir/ hmph

Hanzo: ( hope you're watching up there you two we'll finish what we started to prevent another tragedy from happening like the one before)

Chapter 19 end

Ending theme

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Welp this marks the end of this chapter. Also I am really bad at posting consistently like 14 year old girl that can't decide what type of Starbucks drink she wants. Anyways this time I'll try to be better with posting chapters for y'all to enjoy but let me know what you guys think of the chapter thanks for reading and I'll catch y'all next time

Next time on the Warrior of Hope: Fu on the move

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