Chapter 17
(Kami's Lookout)
(Pretend he looks older)
Dende was standing on the edge of the lookout feeling the energy currents from around the earth as he was starting to have a concerned look on his face
???: so you can sense too huh
Dende: Master Korin it's always a pleasure to see you
Korin: I've been living here for more than a 100 years you're bound to see me every once in a while. Say where's Mr. Popo?
Dende: he's inside the lookout crying
Korin: what for?
Dende: he remembered that he couldn't figure out why the squares of the lookout formed a circle
Korin: Oh Popo the cell games really did a number on him with that one
Dende: at least it makes the lookout a bit livelier, anyway what brings you here
Korin: I'm here to talk about this faint energy source that has appeared
Dende: so you felt it too
Korin: (nods) you think it could be them after all these years
Dende: can't say it's not them that's for sure but as faint as it is it's somewhat similar, I get the hunch that somethings looming near
Korin: in that case we have to get the boys ready, we need to prepare before hand in order to prevent the tragedy that happened 6 years ago
Dende: right I'll set the arrangements
Korin: good I will look further to see what we're dealing with
(UA High)
Yamoshi and Inasa finally arrive after a long drive to UA High School since Yamoshi's house was a billion miles away. They take a glimpse at their new school for the time being All Might lead them inside as they were looking around the hallways, the lockers and classrooms as they admit it was a nice looking school but still doesn't doesn't compare to Shiketsu in their minds.
They reach to a halt as they arrived to their new home room Class 1-A with All Might leaving so he can attend to a meeting they waved him good bye as they opened the door With Aizawa gesturing them to stay right there until told so
Aizawa: before we go any further I forgot to mention we have two new transfer students joining us and today is their very day at UA High. Come on don't be shy you two
Izuku: wait two new transfer students?
The class begin to chatter with Yamoshi and Inasa still in the hallways
Yamoshi: (whispers) remember about the plan we can't tell anyone
Inasa: (whispers) right
They walk in as they greeted themselves to the class
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Yamoshi: (awkwardly) uh hello there, pleasure to see you guys again
Inasa: Likewise
Class 1-A: WHAT?!
Kirishima: I don't get why did you two changed schools?
Aizawa: Shiketsu is doing a exchange program for their students to have more hands on experience to what other schools are doing for their hero and support courses and these two are among the first to do it
Mina: Wow sounds so cool!
Aizawa: Midoriya if you don't mind I want to show Son and Inasa around the school during lunch
Izuku: N-no not at all I'll be glad too
Aizawa: Good With that out of the bag Son go sit in the empty seat by Vegeta and Inasa the empty seat by Todoroki
Yamoshi walked to his seat while Vegeta was staring at him like he was gonna kill him. Inasa was hesitant to be by Shoto but he soon followed Aizawa's instructions
Yamoshi: Sup Vegeta I can't believe we're classmates now
Vegeta: How much did you pay them clown
Yamoshi: huh? What do you mean?
Aizawa: oh and you two I heard from your mother and Grandmother that you two tend to get noisy when you're around each other so you better be on your best behavior I'm not intending to run a zoo got it
Yamoshi/Vegeta: Yes sir/ whatever
Bakugo: HA! I got it cuz they're monk-
Todoroki: (cutting Bakugo) that's not what he meant
Yamoshi was sitting in his seat as he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turns his head and sees a familiar face with her rosy red cheeks
Ochako: Hi Yamoshi!! Can't believe you're attending our school it's gonna be a party!!
Yamoshi: I can't wait then!
Aizawa: now then Let's on with today's lesson
The lesson went on as normal, lunch arrived pretty fast with Yamoshi and Inasa standing in line waiting as they talk
Inasa: you want to know what's crazy
Yamoshi: what is?
Inasa: that I was supposed to be at this school instead of Shiketsu
Yamoshi: wait really?!
Inasa: yep I did my tryouts here and passed with flying colors but due to reasons I don't want to say I decided last minute to go to Shiketsu
Yamoshi: it all makes sense now I was wondering why I never saw you during tryouts day
Inasa's phone rang as it was Mr. Hasashi he answers the phone to see what's up with Yamoshi listening in the meantime
Inasa: what's going on sir
Hanzo: how are things going over there
Inasa: everything's good sir me and Yamoshi are standing in the lunch line
Hanzo: anything strange happening there
Inasa: not really everything seems normal for now at least
Hanzo: sounds good call me back if you find anything
He hangs up as they grab their lunch as they sit at empty table
Yamoshi: (cracks knuckles) ok my final judgment of this school will determine how this food tastes
Inasa: why are you looking at it like you're gonna emotionally abuse it
Yamoshi was about to dig in until they heard a voice behind them
Izuku: mind if we sit by you guys
Yamoshi: huh?
behind them was Izuku, Iida, Ochako with they're lunches. Yamoshi grinned and said yes as they sat down
Iida: Yamoshi, what Mr. Aizawa said is true did you Aced all your emissions tests?
Yamoshi: oh yeah it was very easy
Inasa: I'm not surprised I passed with a B-
Izuku: Easy?! But that's one of the hardest tests in all of Japan only 1% of students pass
Iida stands up and Bows down at Yamoshi as he looks at him with a confused look on his face
Iida: how do you do it
Yamoshi: (scratching head) well when I was home schooled my grandma made me read 3 whole textbooks a day about Math, Chemistry, Physics, history, literature, and foreign language so I guess that has something to do with it
Everyone at the table looked at him strangely not believing what they just heard
Yamoshi: uh did I say something wrong?
Inasa: That's Yamoshi for ya he may not look like it but he's one smart
Yamoshi: what does that mean?
Yamoshi gave Inasa a weird looking face that caused him to snicker a bit
Yamoshi: what?
Inasa bursted out laughing which made Yamoshi laugh soon everyone at the table was laughing as lunch was filled with laughter and eating which Yamoshi almost chocked. Midoriya then showed them around the school
The support area, ground beta etc.
An hour later they go back to class Aizawa explains most Important topic of the day Hero Work-Studies. He explains that they will choose a Hero agency they will we be mentored in to gain personal experience of be a real hero everyone in the class gets excited except the ones that didn't pass their provisional exams since they will have to take the retake in the coming days. As Everyone was talking about which hero they would go to Aizawa calls Yamoshi and Vegeta over to his desk
Aizawa: Son, Vegeta come over to my desk for a sec
They walk over as they look at each other wondering why the sudden come up
Aizawa: Unfortunately for you your Work study has already been chosen by a unknown agency they wouldn't stop bothering us to have you two work for them. Here's the paper that they gave us for you to have
He hands them the papers as they were confused to the name of the agency
Yamoshi: Little Green Incorporated what type of hero agency is this?!
Vegeta: this gotta be a sick joke
Yamoshi: wait vegeta look at the bottom of the flier
He looks at the bottom in small text there was coordinates to a location
Vegeta: wait a minute I know this place it's....
Yamoshi/Vegeta: (in their heads)The Lookout
Timeskip night time
School finally finished as Yamoshi and Vegeta were walking to the dorms
Yamoshi: how long have you been living in the dorms vegeta
Vegeta: tch i don't know even since the camp incident
Yamoshi: that's good you gotta show me the ropes cuz I have no idea where my room is at
Vegeta: im not gonna you're tour guide go ask midoriya since you two are buddy buddy
Yamoshi: oh that reminds me look what I pulled on a single
He pulls out his phones opens his gatcha game and shows him his summon
Vegeta: you little bastard im gonna kill you for that
Inasa: there you are Yamoshi come inside I found our dorms
Yamoshi: really sweet welp imma check it out thanks for nothing Vegeta
Vegeta: i didn't do anything you dumbass
Yamoshi follows Inasa as they walk around the dormitory. Yamoshi was amazed to see how nice it looked as they arrived at their doors
Izuku: hey Yamoshi this your room?
Yamoshi: I think so I haven't opened the door yet but I think it is
Izuku: Cool guess that means we're neighbors
Yamoshi: Awesome us nerds gotta stick together
He gives him a fist pump with Izuku felt a bit weird at first being called a nerd but he was fine with it since Yamoshi calls himself a nerd and doesn't seem to be affected when Vegeta or Bakugo call him that so why should he
Izuku: say what does your room look like?
Yamoshi: well take a look
He opens the door since it was his first time seeing his room also. It was standard room with a bed, a desk with a computer on one side then on the other a TV stand that had Yamoshi's game consoles on the bottom, posters of game series and shows on the walls
And on the far right was a large shelf that had his books and figures on top
Yamoshi: wow they even unpacked it for me
Izuku: you have a ton of collectibles incredible
Yamoshi: that's not all I've been collecting Pokémon cards lately my grandma says it's an addiction but I say it's a passion
Izuku: I collect Pokémon cards too wanna see my collection
Yamoshi: sure after that we can do a pack battle I got a Neo Genesis booster box that I bought a while ago on my birthday we can open
Izuku: really let's do it in the living room I'll go get Kirishima he's been trying to get into collecting
Yamoshi: sounds good I'll meet you there
Izuku leaves with Yamoshi entering him room grabbing the box as he settles in his new room and begins to think to himself
Yamoshi:( this place isn't so bad)
Chapter 17 end
Ending theme
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
That's wraps up this chapter I've been doing some drawings lately for the story To spice tings ups hence the reason why my posting schedule is wack. I also drew Yamoshi and Ochako in Christmas attire but I forgot to post about it on Christmas so imma post them here
Anyway let me know what you think of the chapter thank you for reading hope y'all had a great Christmas. Happy new year and I'll catch y'all next time
Next time on the Warrior of Hope: Sparks of battle
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