Chapter 16
Chapter 16 : onward
(5:30pm Yamoshi's house)
After a long but unusual day at school Yamoshi was thinking long and hard to figure what he and Inasa could to further help Mr. Hasashi find their missing classmates. The only thing he really thought was to train even more to aid his teacher and the other pro heroes through battle. With that him and Ruco went in the forest in their backyard to spar in their super saiyan state so Yamoshi could think of more ideas as well as spending time with his brother.
Yamoshi: good Ruco keep em coming!
Yamoshi was blocking Ruco's hits as this was actually really good training for him since Ruco's punches were unpredictable and unrefined but still packed quite the force.
Yamoshi was jumping on rocks, boulders, trees as Ruco was destroying them with the punches that missed. Yamoshi smiled due to the fact he was amazed and proud to see how much Ruco improved on handling his super saiyan form since he couldn't control it before. Yamoshi strikes Ruco with a kick making Ruco fall to the ground hard but not hard enough to hurt him. The kick knocks him out of super saiyan as he lays on the grass breathing heavily with Yamoshi walking toward him.
Yamoshi: (powers down to base) I'm impressed little bro grandma's training really has been paying off you're amazing
Ruco: (frowning) man I thought I had it, You're too strong Yamoshi
Yamoshi: hey don't be like that you did great and besides If you keep this up you'll get even stronger in no time!
Ruco: really!
Yamoshi: I know so. I think we can call it a day how about we head back home Grandma would get worried if we stay here any longer
Ruco: Yeah!
Yamoshi: alright let go.
The two left as they ran back to their house. They entered the house as they go to the kitchen for a water
Yamoshi: Grandma we're back!
Pan: oh how was training you two
Ruco: it was fun! I learned a lot!
Pan: glad you two had a great time if I wasn't old I would've joined you
Yamoshi laughs as he rubs his head until they hear a knock on the door.
Pan: hm? Wonder who could it be.
She walks and opens the door and sees two men at the front door. One with blonde hair who looked very scrawny with very dark circles around his eyes. The other man had long black hair that was tied to a bun his face looked like he never slept in over a month
All Might: afternoon Miss Pan sorry to interrupt
Pan: oh my this a surprise, it's been a while Toshinori or I should say All Might
Narrator: (Pan had knew all might ever since he began his hero career at her prime she helped Nana Shimura All might's teacher train him as well as Her son who was all might's best friend and Yamoshi's father)
All might: it really has and I'm sure you know why we're here
Pan: yes I'm aware Yamoshi told me when he got home please come inside
They entered the home as pan lead them to the living room to sit. The both look around the home seeing it was small yet comfy as they see photo family photos and other neat nick knacks laying around the house
Yamoshi: hey grandma who's at the do— woah All Might and Eraserhead?!
All might: (his face looks like him) afternoon Young Yamoshi
Yamoshi: (bows down) afternoon
Aizawa: please have a seat you might want to hear this information
Yamoshi: (confused) okay
He sat on the sofa next Pan as they began to speak
Aizawa: Us teachers at UA are all aware of the situation that's been laid upon with what's happening down at Shiketsu, we can't imagine the feeling of having our students go missing without a trace as well as their parents who are people that we heroes have to protect.
Aizawa: earlier today we received word from your teacher Mr. Hasashi that he will be transferring you and Inasa Yoarashi to our school for the time being to aid us in this crisis
Yamoshi: yup, we're gonna try to help however we can
Aizawa: glad to hear, we welcome you with open arms but we have one condition for you to complete for us
Pan: what is that condition you speak of Mr. Aizawa
All might: after the attacks at our camp awhile back all UA students must live in the dorms we provided
Yamoshi: w-what dorms? Wait I can't do that
All might and Aizawa looked at him in confusion as Pan was surprised at his answer
All might: why can't you?
Yamoshi: (calmly) because I made an oath to myself when I was little to be by my family's side as much as I can to protect them (especially after that event couple years back when I met Grandpa Goku's spirit for the first time)
The room grew silent with Yamoshi closing his eyes and griming softly as he remembers meeting Goku for the first time
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
( watch this just imagine this is Yamoshi instead of goku jr.)
End of flashback
Yamoshi: (Grandpa)
Pan: Yamoshi you all right there?
yamoshi: huh? Oh yeah sorry
Pan: look Yamoshi I you just want to protect us but aren't you forget what family we come from
Yamoshi: well no I just-
Pan smacks him in the head as he rubs his head in pain with All might and Aizawa who could not help but stare
Yamoshi: OW what was that for?!
Pan: see I'm still kicking and there's nothing in this universe that can take out this old gal.Also stop acting like a chump we're apart of the Son family the bravest to ever exists! And Besides there's other people in this world that need more help than us honey and you know that more than anybody.
Yamoshi smiles since Pan was completely right why would he worry for his grandma since she's the granddaughter of the great Goku
Yamoshi: (looks at Aizawa and all might with a confident smile) well in that case I'll do it!
Aizawa: (smirking) great we're honored to have you as one of our students, in that case start packing your first day is tomorrow we'll take your things to your room in the morning
All might: we'll be expecting great things from you Young Yamoshi ( just like his father)
Yamoshi nods as all might hands him a bag that had the UA uniform as they took their leave
The next morning
Yamoshi finishes giving the last of his stuff to the moving man as he walks in his house with pan washing dishes
Pan: oh look at you that uniform suits you!
Yamoshi: I'm so used to my Shiketsu uniform that this feels so weird
Pan: give it some time anyway you ready to go?
Yamoshi: yep I'm all set just gave the moving dude all my figures and collectibles
Pan: *sigh* you're such a nerd
Yamoshi: it's a lifestyle grandma
All might: (at the front door) you ready young Yamoshi
Yamoshi: all might? What are you doing here again?
All might: to give you a ride to school of course
Yamoshi: ain't that a bit too much for a guy like me?
All might: yes but we want you to feel welcomed at our school with all this happening also you're not the only on riding
Inasa: Yamoshi what's up! Isn't this cool or what!
Yamoshi: hey Inasa's here too!
Yamoshi walked toward Inasa to talk as all might talks to Pan
Pan: (tearing up) Toshinori please take good care of him he doesn't realize how much I worry for him, him and Ruco are all that I have left
All Might: we will Pan at all cost (looks at yamoshi) Young Yamoshi it's time to go
Yamoshi: (walks to them) all right
Pan: (in tears) remember to be respectful dear and please stay safe
(Play for the feels)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Yamoshi: I will grandma
She hugs him tightly as he does the same with
Him smiling along with Pan's tears wetting his uniform.
Pan: all right off you go dear
Yamoshi: right! Time to go I guess
Ruco: wait um
Yamoshi: huh? What is it Ruco
Pan: oh I get it you want one last hug from your brother huh
Ruco gets a little embarrassed as he looks down trying to look strong
Yamoshi: is that all why didn't you say so there's nothing to be ashamed of it's ok
Yamoshi picks him up seeing that Ruco was trying not to cry as he hugs him with All might, Inasa and pan looking in awe
Yamoshi: looks like you're the man of the house now big guy, you gonna take care of Grandma for me?
Ruco: (sniffing) uh huh
Yamoshi: Me, Grandpa and everyone in our family will always be by your side Ruco always remember that
He puts him down as he rubs his hair and says one last thing to his brother as he smiles big
Yamoshi: I'm proud of you little bro
All might: ok let's go
Yamoshi: right!
He runs to the front door as he turns around one last time at his family
Yamoshi: (in a cheerful goku way)Goodbye Grandma, goodbye Ruco I'll be back soon ok!
Pan: (crying) make sure give us a hear and there ok!
Pan:(my little Yamoshi is growing up so fast if only your mother and father can see you now dear)
Yamoshi gives a thumbs up as he closes the door. He then looks at the car with his eyes grow big
Yamoshi: WOAH A LIMO?! Man this too fancy for me
They enter the lino as they take their leave to UA
All Might: you sure you're alright with this Yamoshi go to our school
Yamoshi: as sure as I'll ever be, yeah it sucks that I won't be with my family for while but our top priority is to bring back our classmates back safe and sound along with protecting others cuz that what heroes do right?
All might: (nods and smiles) yes
Yamoshi: and besides I know my family can take care of themselves which is why gotta get stronger to help others in need and if there's one thing my grandma taught me it's that you just gotta keep going onward because there's always an adventure that awaits!
Chapter 16 end
Ending theme
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Well that wraps up this chapter again sorry for the inconsistent post I'll try to do better but don't worry Imma be doin a special Christmas chapter so be sure to look forward for that anyways let me know what you think of the chapter thank you for reading and I'll catch y'all next time peace
Next time on the Warrior of Hope: work studies
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