Chapter 14

Chapter 14: The Party

(Saturday 7:40 am)

Several days after the tournament, things begin to settle down after Yamoshi's and Vegeta's battle. The first half of their fight spread like wildfire as multiple news outlets and articles were talking about it nonstop. Videos of the fight gotten millions of views as people were describing the fight as " A sight to be hold". Luckly when they transformed all the cameras broke before the whole world could see that Yamoshi was the Golden Warrior from before. Though people in the stadium were in fact wondering if he was the young vigilante.

With this new found popularity Yamoshi was concerned at first but Pan tells him to just stay way from a huge crowd as possible with Vegeta not caring at all. With that aside life was normal as Yamoshi was at his house in the mountains working in Grandma Pan's farm for harvesting season

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yamoshi: Wow this years harvest is gonna be the best one yet! Huh Ruco

Ruco: Yeah! Grandma is gonna be so proud of us when she sees this!

Yamoshi, who is currently wearing his grandpa Goku's farming attire which was a black tank top, a tanish jacket and pants along with brown boots. Him and Ruco took care of the crops on the weekends while pan took care of them on weekdays while they were in school. Ever since she was little Pan always wanted to make a farm of her own after spending days with Goku on his tractor when he was planting crops.

Yamoshi: yep, this should be enough to last a while plus we can make a decent amount of money at the farmers market too

Ruco: don't we enough money from great great grandpa Hercule?

Yamoshi: well yeah but it's way cooler to earn money through hard work and labor it's way more rewarding than it being handed to you

Ruco: I still don't get it

Yamoshi: (chuckles) we'll probably because you're 6 Little bro. Say let's have a little competition, you get the left side of the field and I get the right whoever picks the most crops and finishes their side the fastest gets to have the first slice of cheesecake Grandma made and the loser has to study for an extra hour

Ruco: yeah! I'm in, I'm in!

As ruco was jumping around in excitement Yamoshi stretches. Both them get into running positions with their tails wiggling in the air

Yamoshi: ready

Ruco: set

Yamoshi/Ruco: GO!

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they launched forward as they begin to pick the crops. Both are using their hands and tails to quickly grab as much crops as possible and throwing them in two giant bins one was for them while the other bin was the crops they were gonna sell at the annual farmers market in the coming weeks.

Yamoshi: not bad Ruco you gotten faster

Ruco: you think so? Grandma trains me sometimes

Yamoshi: wait really?

Ruco: uh huh while you are studying or out getting stuff for her she even showed me this

Ruco starts picking even faster which catches Yamoshi off guard

Yamoshi: woah what the heck?! This kid is trying to show me up

He goes faster too with loads of carrots, lettuce and radishes flying in the air landing in the bins. Both were half way done with their side of the field as it was neck and neck. Yamoshi was in the lead but all of a sudden his phone begins to ring as he stops and looks

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(This is his ringtone if y'all wanted to know at :17)

Yamoshi: huh unknown caller? Wonder who it could be (answers) uh hello?

Kirishima: hey Yamoshi what are you up to dude

Yamoshi: wait?! Kirishima?! How'd you get my number?

Kirsihima: got it from Vegeta though I got gut punched for it

Yamoshi: ouch sounds like a Vegeta thing to do. So why'd you call me for?

Kirishima: well Yaoyorozu is throwing a party at her place since we won the tournament and we were wondering if you wanted to come. We told Vegeta but he wasn't interested.

Yamoshi: sorry if this sounds mean but I'm not interested either, I'm not really good at parties plus I'm really busy with house work today

Kirishima: oh really?, you sure you want to reconsider?

Yamoshi: no not really but you guys go on ahead and have fun without me thanks for the offer though

Kirishima: well alright then see you arou-

Before Kirishima can finish the call Ochako and Iida came to see the outcome

Iida: what did he say?

Kirishima: no good he's not interested either

Iida: really, that's a shame but it's his choice so what more can you do

Kirishima: yeah guess we'll have to start it without them

Ochako: wait, Kirishma I have an idea to get him to come

Kirishima: really? What is it

Ochako: tell him he's gonna miss the big buffet of food

Kirishima: buffet of food? But we only have snacks

Ochako: trust me it'll work

Kirishima: strange but alright.(puts phone in his ear) Well alright Yamoshi it's a real shame you can't come you'll miss the big buffet

Yamoshi: wait buffet

Kirishima: yeah Yaoyorozu's family is pretty wealthy and she told her chefs to make a lot of food for the party

Yamoshi stays silent for a moment with Kirishima gets confused to what's happening to With him

Kirishima: Hello? Yamoshi?


Yamoshi shouted that so load that it hurt Kirishima's ears with ochako jumping in the air knowing that would work with Iida smiling in satisfaction

Kirishima: so you're coming?

Yamoshi: you bet! I can't let that poor food go to waste let me finish my chores and studying  first and ask my grandma for permission

Kirishima: wait don't you want the address?

Yamoshi: nah I'll find it hopefully but I'll let you know when I'm coming

Kirishima: Awsome! See you til then

Yamoshi: (hangs up) alright gonna finish these chores and study for a bit I'll do the rest of my studying after the party yeah seems like a good plan

Ruco: I win, I win!!

Yamoshi looks and see that Ruco finished his side of the field while he was only over half way done

Yamoshi: ah crap that phone call took longer than I thought, now I gotta wait longer for cheesecake

He then quickly finishes picking the crops as they had more chores to do in the fields

(4 hours of working and studying later)

The two saiyan boys finished their chores for the day faster than usual and headed back to their house. Yamoshi asked Pan for permission to go to the party She said yes with her only condition being is to have good manners which wasn't a problem to him since he's been taught to do that ever since he was little.

He says bye to his family as he heads off. Yamoshi goes back to the field since he wanted to bring a thank you gift to Momo for the invitation

Yamoshi: hmm I don't know what girls like so I hope she likes lettuce

Yamoshi: come to think of it my jacket is all muddy from working in the farm, eh I'll just take it off and leave it in the tractor I just gotta remember to grab when I come back

He grabs the ball of lettuce and leaves his farming jacket on the tractor with now only wearing his black tank top, farming pants and boots. He messages Kirishima that he was coming and flys off.

Yamoshi soars to the clouds as he flies to the blue skies, the sun's light hitting the water making it sparkle. The mountains looking as tall as ever with so many trees and animal life thriving as Yamoshi passes by.

Yamoshi: it's a really good day today Might ask Ruco if he wants to go fishing later if the suns still out maybe he can catch his first pterodactyl

Yamoshi: (closes his eyes) Ok where are they at

He concentrates to locate their energy as he didn't know where the place was located. He quickly locates them clear in the north

Yamoshi: oh they're in that direction, alright time to speed things up

He surrounds himself in a white aura as he zooms in the air going faster

(10 minutes later)

Yamoshi arrives in Musutafu city as he lands in a spot where it was closer to his destination while also not having that many people around

Yamoshi: this should be a good spot it's walking distance from here gotta be extra careful now since people know who I am

Yamoshi walks in the sidewalk as he entered a very wealthy neighborhood. He arrives to where the energy he felt was real close as he sees a massive gate that belonged to a massive house

Yamoshi: man I've been out of the city for a really long time this Gate it tall!

He looks at it in awe until he sees a button which he decides to press on it

Yamoshi: well hope it doesn't explode on me

When he was about to press it a voice came out of the gate which to Yamoshi by surprise it was a voice of a girl.

Momo: Yamoshi! You're here glad you can make it!

Yamoshi: Woah the gate talks too?! Talk about fancy, wait how did it know my name?

Momo: no silly it's me Yaoyorozu I'm talking to you through the intercom

Yamoshi: oh

Momo: please come in everyone is inside

A loud sound was made as the massive gates opened with Yamoshi had his eyes wide open like he was a child on Christmas

He enters the yard with showed a long pathway to the home. Yamoshi looks around while he sees the massive lawn with freshly cut grass, bushes shaped like objects, statues and water fountains that looked really expensive

Yamoshi: this place is crazy The only place that can rival this would be Vegeta's house at Capsule Corp I still get shocked everytime i go there too

The pathway ended which showed some steps as Yamoshi looks up, his eyes popped when he saw the massive mansion

Yamoshi: holy bologna this house is ginormous makes my house look like a small tool shed. What the heck does her parents do for a living

The two doors of the house opened revealing Momo wearing a red dress pushing a cart that had tea and other fine China and food

Momo: Afternoon Yamoshi it seems you're doing good

Yamoshi: (bows down) oh afternoon to you too

Momo: (chuckles) you don't have to be too formal

Yamoshi: (cheerful goku voice) well I barley know you so I gotta be respectful

Momo laughed at his comment as she smiled at how pure the Saiyan teen was.

Momo: well shall we head inside

Yamoshi: yep!

Yamoshi walks up the steps as they both enter the house with Momo leading the way. Once again Yamoshi was astonished to see how expensive the place looked as they were walking

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yamoshi: you got a really nice place Yaoyorozu I get goosebumps just being here

Momo: aw thanks Yamoshi

Yamoshi: (rubbing back of head) though I feel out of place in here, should've brought better clothes instead of these (laughs)

Momo: (looks at him) don't worry about it I think that outfit suits you

Yamoshi: you think so?, I just thought they're really comfortable n stuff

Momo: well anyway Ochako told us a lot about you, we were surprised to know that you two had known each other for that long

Yamoshi: Really she talked about me?

They two continued to talk as they arrived to another set of doors where the others were at

Momo: oh Yamoshi mind if I ask you something before we enter?

Yamoshi: sure let it rip

Momo: why are you carrying a big ball of lettuce?

Yamoshi: oh it's a thank you gift for inviting me

Momo: oh...for me?

Yamoshi: uh huh freshly picked from our farm here take it it won't bite

She blushed a little as she saw him handing it to her with a smile his face

The door opened in front them as they look to see who it is

Ochako: Yamoshi! I'm glad you can came!!!

Yamoshi: oh hey Ochako this house is crazy huge huh!

Ochako: sure is I get lost just by thinking about it!

Yamoshi nodded in agreement as all 3 walked to meet with the others

Mineta: Yamoshi's here!

Yamoshi: Yo

Midoriya: how have you been Yamoshi!

Yamoshi: pretty good been doing a lot of work though

The rest of 1-A went to greet him as they give him a proper greeting since their interaction was very brief in the tournament. Lastly Bakugo walked toward as he was examining him

Bakugo: why are you dressed as a wife beater

Iida: Bakugo you can't judge people based on their style of clothing!

Bakugo: whatever 4 eyes

Yamoshi: (laughing) well I won't blame you for thinking that since I live far in the country side

Bakugo: by the way where's that bastard Vegeta

Yamoshi: not sure he's probably at his house doing stuff

Bakugo: is that so (I knew it he's scared)

Kirishima: Yamoshi are you down for a couple rounds of arm wrestling

Yamoshi: yea I'm down but I'm actually really hungry, I was wondering where the buffet is at

Mineta: huh buffet? there's no buf-

Kirishima quickly tackled Mineta as he covered his mouth and chokes him leaving Yamoshi widely confused

Kirishima: Mineta can't you be quiet Yamoshi doesn't know we don't have a buffet yet Yaoyorozu still needs time time prepare it

Mineta: how I'm i supposed know I wasn't told this

Kirishima: guess you're right but keep it under wraps til then ok

Mineta: yeah, yeah just don't tackle me again I have feelings you know

Kirishima: Yamoshi actually the food won't come til later why don't you play the party games we brought in the meantime

Yamoshi: seems reasonable to me alright let's do this!

With that Yamoshi and the others play various of party games like Limbo which Yamoshi was terrible at, Uno, Just dance with everyone surprised to how good Ashido was at it and many more with all them having a good time.

An hour later Yamoshi was starting to get really hungry as he was sitting on the couch patiently waiting for the food to come while the others where talking to each other

Yamoshi: man Im really getting hungry I don't want to wait al just get myself some grub at the nearest food stand

Yamoshi: hey Momo where's your bathroom?

Momo: it's down that hallway 5 door to your left

Yamoshi: gotcha thank you

Yamoshi walks away, enters the bathroom and sees a massive window which he carefully opened and jumped off

Yamoshi starts to think which food he should eat until he senses a familiar energy source near by

Yamoshi: wait I know that Ki signature that's Vegeta and he's moving fast better see what he's doing

Yamoshi goes airborne as he flys to catch up to Vegeta's location. He goes extremely fast as he sees the young saiyan prodigy who was wearing a blue long sleeve shirt, a belt and yellow pants

Yamoshi: Yo Vegeta what's up!

Vegeta: Yamoshi what the hell are you doing here

Yamoshi: I should be asking you the same thing what are you doing all the way over here in this city

Vegeta: unlike you wasting time at parties I have actual business to attend to

Yamoshi: ah cmon the party is really fun you should come plus what type of business are you even doing

Vegeta: isn't it obvious don't you sense that unusual energy

Yamoshi: now that you mention it I do and it's coming from behind that building

Vegeta: yeah so step aside I found it first so I'm getting to the bottom of this

Yamoshi: nah I'm coming with this got really interesting I want to see what it is

Vegeta: tch fine just don't get in my way

The two saiyans fly to the unknown power source as it begins to move swiftly with it moving towards a forest that the city was near by. Yamoshi and Vegeta chase it down faster as they got real close and land on the ground walking on the forest floor.

Yamoshi: it should be close by keep your eyes peeled

Vegeta: don't order me around

The two move branches, leaves, look in bushes and moving dead logs until Yamoshi finds the culprit.

Yamoshi: Vegeta I think I found it and it's a WHAT?!

Yamoshi couldn't believe his eyes the thing that was giving off an unusual energy was a mere bunny rabbit

Vegeta: something doesn't add up why would this thing have such large amount of energy

Yamoshi: beats me oh look another rabbit is coming and this ones got a normal ki signature

The other rabbit stopped by the strange rabbit as it wanted to play with it. Another rabbit came to play also with two rabbits running round it.

Yamoshi: hey this is pretty cool to see

Vegeta: this is really dumb

It was all fun and games until the strange rabbit began to glow red and violently bit one of the rabbits neck and snapping it killing it, the other rabbit ran away but the killer rabbit ran after it catching up to it and killing it by ripping its guts out with its teeth. Yamoshi and Vegeta look at it with their mouths wide open

Yamoshi: that's no bunny that a demon!

Vegeta: stand aside I'm taking it down

Yamoshi: Vegeta wait!

Vegeta rushes to the to the bunny with vegeta preparing to kick it like a football but before he can connect the hit the rabbit disappeared and ran

Vegeta: damnit all come back here you little

He runs and chases after it like a game of cat and mouse the rabbit jukes Vegeta countless times making him trip a lot making his clothes dirty.

Vegeta:this is starting to piss me off

Vegeta fired a ki blast at it hitting the rabbit flew through trees as it lands by the side of the road with vegeta right after it. He grabs the rabbit and starts punching it but it didn't seem to faze the rabbit. With rabbit sneezing blowing Vegeta away.

Yamoshi: Vegeta! Alright rabbit I don't usually fight animals that look harmless but you're an exception

Yamoshi rushes at the rabbit with it the looking like it was being controlled, it dashed at Yamoshi giving him a head butt and making him fall on the ground

Yamoshi: ouch ouch ouch you pack quite the punch for a rabbit with strange energy now it's my turn!

Yamoshi vanished and appeared behind the rabbit and grabbed on of its leg and slammed it breaking the ground and threw it like it was a frisbee. Vegeta then got up and gut punched the rabbit and finished it off by blasting it with a massive ki wave

Vegeta: damn rodent think it can embarrass me like that

Yamoshi: well at least we got em before it could harm people but I wonder why it had such massive amount of energy

Vegeta: doesn't matter to me now

Yamoshi: man it really got us really dirty we should head back to Momo's house they're probably wondering where I went off too

Vegeta: hmph fine they better have something to eat then

They flew off and left the forest as the bushes strangely move which revealed a figure

Hooded figure: nice the experiment was a total success! Next stop the league of Villains

(1 hour later)

Yamoshi: hey guys I'm back

Ochako: There you are Yamoshi where did you go you disappeared out of nowhere

Kaminari: yeah Mineta and I thought you fell in the Yaoyorozou's toilet since it s so big

Jiro: also why are you covered in dirt

Yamoshi: yeah sorry about that something strange came up and I went to check it out and look who showed up

Vegeta walks behind him as he has his arms folded

Kirishima: Vegeta my man you finally decided to come!

Vegeta: Yamoshi said there was a buffet so where is it

Momo: well look no further our chefs finished and the food's over at that table

They both look and see massive amounts of food on 4 tables

Yamoshi: oh yeah! Guess the wait was worth it after all thanks for convincing me Ochako

Ochako:What do you mean Yamoshi?

Yamoshi: I knew since the beginning there was no buffet to begin with

Ochako: wait you knew it was fake?!

Yamoshi: well duh I'm not that dumb (I think) even if it was fake you went out of your way to try make me come but even without the buffet I had an amazing time hanging out and getting to know everyone!

Ochako: that's what friends are for and I'm glad you had a good time!

Yamoshi: yep I couldn't asked for a friend that's as amazing as you

That comment left Ochako a bit flustered as it made her really happy that Yamoshi was content

Yamoshi: welp what are we waiting for let's eat!

Ochako: Alright!!

(Chapter 14 end)

Ending theme

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And that wraps this chapter sorry this took wayyy to long to post school be taking my free time like crazy but now I'm on thanksgiving break and now I can post constantly again once again thank you so much for reading let me know what you think of the chapter and I'll catch y'all next time and peace

A new arc begins next time......(new cover art)

Next time on the Warrior of Hope: Shrouded in Mystery

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