Chapter 13

(This one is a long one hope y'all don't mind!)

Chapter 13: Battle to the max!: The winner of the Tournament is...

Yamoshi: well happy now

Vegeta: still mad about that, heh don't worry you'll be back to your old dumb self soon enough

Cloaked figure: hmmm now things are truly going to be interesting

Jimmy: I don't believe it folks it seems that they went under some sort of transformation, just what type of quirk do these two behemoths have?!

Yamoshi: man, so much for covering my identity back in the bank incident a week ago

Vegeta: does it matter it was bound to happen sooner or later

Yamoshi: (cracks knuckles) well what's done is done I guess, but you're right it's best if I focus on the here and now

Vegeta: hmph took you long enough to realize


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The two young saiyans go into their stances their golden auras grew in size as they jump at each other in the air doing after images

Their speed left everyone speechless with some of them having their eyes bulging out while others had their jaws dropped to the floor

Vegeta was the first to make a move as he goes for a right hook. Yamoshi catches the punch with his hand with him going to the offense as well throwing a punch of his own. Vegeta catches it, yamoshi goes for another with his other hand. Vegeta blocks it again which gave Yamoshi an advantage kneeing vegeta in the chin with one leg followed by another knee to chest with finally a massive kick to the face sending vegeta flying

Vegeta stopped himself as he shrugged it off when he felt something trickle down from his mouth. He wiped it off with his hand seeing that it was a bit of blood, Vegeta then looked back at Yamoshi as he came at with incredible speed. He head butted Yamoshi which made him loose is guard a little which gave Vegeta an opening. He began to start giving Yamoshi multiple heavy punches to the gut with every punch making him grunt in pain a little

Jimmy: Mother of pearl thank god he isn't a pregnant woman, huh Mic

Present mic: you really didn't need to go there

Vegeta finished the assault by hitting Yamoshi in the back of the neck with his elbow then a sledgehammer to his back sending him straight down the ring causing it to break even more while dealing a great deal of damage. Vegeta flies back down to land another blow he arrived to where Yamoshi made a crater as he then felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

Yamoshi appeared out of no where who successfully landed a kick to the gut and punched Vegeta square in the face making his feet skid across the ring

Yamoshi stood there as he popped his neck and did a few stretches with his gi being a bit more torn up than before as Vegeta brushed Himself off with Yamoahi thinking to himself

Yamoshi:( I don't know why but I was mad a few minutes ago but now I'm getting more pumped by the second!)

Vegeta: hmph I thought you said you were put all the stops in this

Yamoshi:(smiling) heh I'm a bit of a slow starter Now the real "real" fight begins Vegeta!

Vegeta: (smiles) good you're finally back now we'll see which of us is truly the best!

Inasa: Yamoshi, you couldn't be any more awesome bro! That burning passion you have for a fight, I can tell this is the real you the side of you that you wanted to hide NOW LET EM HAVE IT!!

Ochako: ( Yamoshi, you're always filled with surprises aren't you)

kirishima: I'm liking this new side of vegeta, he's not as rough around the edges as before and not to mention that immense pride and that cool transformation those two went through it's MANLY

As kirshima said this the rest of Class 1-A also agreed with Momo saying something

Momo: you're right let cheer him on everyone!


vegeta heard this as he closed his eyes as Yamoshi notices

Yamoshi: I thought you said you couldn't care less about your classmates?

Vegeta: yea I don't

Yamoshi: whatever you say best buddy

Vegeta: I told you not to call me that

Both begin to power up with their golden auras returning as they both let out a loud scream as they powered up

Present mic: I'll tell you what folks these two have vocal cords

They begin to charge at each other trading blows and blocking their attack with every impact causing the whole arena to shake

Yamoshi dodged a right hook from vegeta and punishes him with a left hook to the face followed by an uppercut which caused Vegeta to spit out a decent amount of blood and make it go up in the air doing backflips

Vegeta: good one but can you handle my GALICK GUUUNNNN!!!

Vegeta unleashed a massive purple beam straight down at Yamoshi with people looking in awe. Yamoshi looks up at the big blast that was covering the ring as he prepares a blast of his own

Yamoshi: well if you're gonna play that game then MASENKO HAAAAAAAA!!!

(Imagine the beam was yellow)

Yamoshi's yellow beam clashed with Vegeta's as they were pushing their beams at one another. The kids in the crowd were yelling "wow" as they were seeing the light show

Both of them continue to concentrate to our match the other with vegeta starting lose the struggle.

Vegeta: a little more

Yamoshi pushes his blast a little more til vegeta finds his opportunity to perform his plan he had in mind

Vegeta: Now!

Vegeta disappeared without Yamoshi noticing with his galick gun and masenko clashing.

Vegeta: gotcha!

Yamoshi: what?!

Vegeta fired a ki blast on yamoshi's back, the blast took yamoshi as it forced him to collide with the galick gun and masenko exploding on impact.

The explosion created a massive gust of wind and smoke around the area. Everyone was stunned to what happened more importantly if Yamoshi even survived a massive explosion from point blank range. The smoked cleared as it revealed Yamoshi who blocking and glowing. The right half of his gi was completely destroyed revealing one side of his muscular body along being covered with scratches and blood.

He descends back down to the ring with a smile on his face. He landed and spat out a bit of blood like it was a piece of gum as he stared at vegeta.

Yamoshi: I'm impressed Vegeta you learned a couple of neat tricks at your time at UA. Guess you've been training a lot harder than I have

Vegeta: that May be true but ever since that day I've was always a step behind you cause of your natural talent, tch pisses me off when I think about it but this time I'll be the one that will surpass and humiliate you the same way you did to me all those years ago.

Yamoshi: (eyes widen) Vegeta....

Iida: hey midoriya look at Yamoshi's back

Izuku and the rest look as they see that Yamoshi has a massive scar on his back that looks like he had it for quite some time

Izuku: woah were did he get that from?

Kirshima: guess Yamoshi is one tough log if he has a scar that big dude must've been through a lot things

Hagakure: ooooo and I thought he couldn't get any more hotter!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In an instant the fight went very fast paced when yamoshi dashed right at vegeta hitting him with the elbow while giving him a fierce looking face.

With no time wasted Yamoshi began his onslaught of attacks at Vegeta attacking his sides, pressure points and using his martial arts expertise to his advantage.

Yamoshi picked up some of the rubble from the ring started to beat vegeta with it as it the debris ripped the left side of Vegeta's outfit it sent vegeta flying across the ring. Yamoshi then fired a ki blast to pursuit vegeta. Vegeta got angry as he stopped himself and launched forward and went through the blast straight to Yamoshi.

Yamoshi was getting ready to block but vegeta came in fast as he punches him in the face as the battle started to become more personal, brutal, and bloodier than it originally intended. Yamoshi got a bit mad as he punches vegeta but with even more force and the two began going at it

As Yamoshi and Vegeta were duking it out the cloaked figure was in the back as he was carefully studying their battle as well as taking some notes

Cloaked figure: fascinating these two are incredible guess saiyans do live up to their name well this showing was very educational though I gotta study more about them so I can know what to do with my experiments. I'd should probably leave so I can get started, Oh yeah almost forgot I'd better have a talk with those league of villain guys too they will be helpful with my plan

He then lifts his cloak and takes out a thin sword that has an unusual black aura around it and slices the air as it created some sort of portal

Cloaked figure: (entering portal) we'll meet again soon Son Yamoshi and Vegeta Jr. And this time it will be really fun

He goes through the portal as the portal shrunk and disappears out of thin air

The young saiyans were fighting like this for about a minute as Yamoshi tries to kick Vegeta. He catches the kick and grabs Yamoshi's leg and slams him face first on the ground with Yamoshi letting out a yell in pain.

Yamoshi quickly recovers as he grabs vegeta in the face and slams his head on the ground and slams it again and again making another crater

The crowd watches in shock and disbelief as they are seeing the brutality these two are giving to each other with their reactions being "ooooo", "Ouch", with one man saying is this even allowed

Vegeta powers up causing Yamoshi to jump back with vegeta charging at him in rage. They both grab each other hands and start to head butt each other with a immense amount of force

Jimmy: well folks here in ZTV don't condone child violence but we will broadcast it live in high definition thanks to our sponsor Hetap "if you're feeling zapped bring on the tap!"

Izuku: this is a bit too much they're gonna end up killing each other

Yamoshi and vegeta jump back and lunge at one another once more as yamoshi trips vegeta. He goes in a hand stand position and attempts to donkey kick Yamoshi. He barely dodges and knees vegeta in the gut as he groans in pain, vegeta then jumps and eagle kicks with yamoshi doing a roundhouse kick. The kicks collided and sparked as it forced them to jump back giving them distance.

Both of them were breathing hard as they had the taste of blood in their mouths.they ran to each other at full force



Vegeta landed a massive gut punch. Yamoshi did the same as they both begin to trade gut punches to see which one would give up first

Inasa and the rest of class can't help but stare as they look at their classmates Beating each other senseless

Kaminari: Im gonna guess and say that this is fight is more personal than just a competition

Mineta: I...I can't watch anymore this is too brutal

They grew tired of doing gut punches as non of them had no intention of giving up. Yamoshi then stops Vegeta from attacking as he begins to talk

Yamoshi: vegeta this isn't getting any where how about we really settle things and end this

Vegeta: hmph you bastard took the words right out of my mouth

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yamoshi: Alright then LETS GO!!!

Yamoshi strikes a new pose as his aura and energy erupt everywhere

( Yamoshi's pose he's SSJ not SSB)

Vegeta: Don't have to tell me twice!!!

(Vegeta's pose)

With their golden energies expanding the whole arena begin shake violently again as people begin to scream as jimmy was crying to Mic

Present mic: what's gotten in to you Jimmy why are you crying?

Jimmy: it's just that we're gonna be killed by these two freaks of nature and I haven't even said bye to the children in my basement

Present mic: children in your what?!

Jimmy: (crying) mike say the thing you always say for old times sake

Mike: (sniffing) when there's smoke there's firecracker sir!

Jimmy: (balling tears) YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT

Yamoshi and vegeta charge up as the vibrations of their battle cry begin to crack the arena with millions of debris flying everywhere with the crowd on the edge of their seats watching to the meat end. Once they had enough power they begin to charge at each other with all they got while their fists were glowing with energy



Both of them hit their faces at the same time with a massive boom occurred upon impact everyone in the stadium had to cover their eyes and take cover since the explosion was so large is made a nuke cloud. Once the massive cloud dispersed and it was safe to not take cover anymore, everyone was completely shocked to see in front of them.

There was a massive hole where the ring used to be as bits of the ring were falling down from the sky. There was rubble everywhere Yamoshi and vegeta were laying on rubble opposite sides of the stadium. They reverted back to their base forms black hair, black eyes not a single glow in sight and they were unconscious. The crowd including both scores where sure what to say

Man: what now?

Woman: I'm not sure they're both out of bounds

Inasa: so who won?

Izuku: I don't even know

(30 min later)

With both contestants out of bounds at the same time it was considered a draw but the rules of the tournament states there has to be a winner so the pro heroes and Jimmy gather to come up with a alternative way to declare the winner. Yamoshi and vegeta woke from being knocked out for half and hour were taken to recovery girl to treat their wounds. When they were healed enough to walk around Yamoshi and vegeta walked back to their respective areas where their schools were sitting while wearing their destroyed outfits that was only covering one side of their upper body

Seiji: Yamoshi that was a remarkable display you put out there you really are amazing

Camie: yeah not to mention you looked like a total meal when your hair turned blonde

Inasa: I thought I was getting close to match you in power but man I was wrong you really incredible dude.

Yamoshi: thanks you guys but we don't know if we won or not

Seiji: if we win or not you still made our school proud you and Inasa shown the world that we as Shiketsu students don't go down easily from a fight. I know that if you two keep this up you'll be great heroes in no time

Inasa/Yamoshi: Right!

Present mic: all representatives and participants of both schools please head to the main building

Yamoshi: oh guess they found a solution

Yamoshi and the rest of his school headed to main building where all the pros and workers for the tournament were all gathered at, as UA arrived not soon after

Present mic: Thank you for coming as you all know that we can't decide for a Winner due to the fact Yamoshi and vegeta's last attack broke all the Cameras which costed a total fortune so thanks a lot boys

Yamoshi rubbed his head and laughed nervously as vegeta closed his eyes and folded his arms

Yamoshi: sorry about that hehehe

Vegeta: tch should've gotten better equipment

Present mic: well we all came to the conclusion that the winner will determined by having a rock paper scissors contest

All: WHAT?!

Yamoshi: so me and vegeta are gonna settle it in a game of Rock Paper Scissors?

present mic: well no we will randomly select one person from both schools staff included and it's happening now!

The computer started to beep as it chose Minoru Mineta and Camie Utsushimi

Yamoshi: well Camie looks like it's up to you!

Camie: Um yeah one question how do you play Rock Paper Scissors?

Inasa: (face palms) yep we're done for

Camie: I'm just kidding I know how play silly

Inasa: I still don't have a good feeling about this

Yamoshi: don't worry sure Camie is a bit on the unexpected side but I'm sure she'll come in clutch For us!

Inasa: either you're too nice for your own good Yamoshi or Vegeta hit you in the head too many times

Kaminari: this is your chance Mineta your time to get the limelight

Mineta: i don't know if I can do it man I'm going against her I don't think my body can take it

Kaminari: just fight it don't let your urges control you

Kirshima: yeah don't let the simp in you come out ok

Mineta: I am not a simp!!

Present mic: uh mineta you ready?

Mineta:(gulp) yes sir

Mineta walks up in front where Camie was as he was shaking and sweating like crazy being at Camie's presence

Mineta: (oh god she's hot cmon Mineta you got this don't let the tiger out the cage)

Present mic: alright you two may start

Mineta: (shaking eyes closed) r-rock

Camie: paper

Mineta/Camie: SCISSORS

Both of them extended their arms with Mineta choosing rock and camie scissors. Mineta opens his eyes as he looks in complete shock

Present mic: well rock beats scissors UA Wins!

Mineta: I won holy crap I won IM USEFUL FOR ONCE!!!!

Everyone at UA cheered except for vegeta, tokoyami, bakugo, and todoroki while Camie walked back to wear her classmates were

Camie: oppsie I lost

Yamoshi: (laughing) well can't win them all huh

Inasa: how are you still cheerful when we just lost the easiest game on earth

(20 minutes later)

The sun was setting as the sky had a orange reddish color with pink hues as present mic announced UA the winner of the tournament with the crowd cheering as they begin to leave with yamoshi and vegeta outside of the stadium talking while still wearing their torn up outfits

Vegeta: this isn't over between us my school might've won but that doesn't count

Yamoshi:(arms behind his head) yeah I know but we gotta fight somewhere less populated we made too many close calls in that match

Vegeta: it doesn't matter where it's at, the end result will be the same, me kicking your ass

Yamoshi: well imma keep training and I'm going to be 2x as strong as I'm now

Vegeta: well if you're getting 2x as strong then I'll go 4x as strong!

Yamoshi: oh yea then I'll g-

Bulma: there you are boys

Yamoshi: hey Grandma, hey Bulma! Where's Ruco and Tarble?

Bulma: oh we put them to sleep since they were jumping around excitedly during your fight

Pan: yeah speaking of your fight

Pan walked toward them as she pulled both Yamoshi and vegeta by the ear as they were screaming in pain

Pan: are you two crazy! Turning super saiyan in public we specifically told you two not to do that!

Yamoshi: hey it was vegeta's fault he made me do it

Vegeta: not true he did

Yamoshi: WHAT?! you're lying now I'm starting to believe that your Grandpa Vegeta is disappointed in you

Vegeta: you take that back you country bumpkin Or I will tor-

Kirshima: hey there you are vegeta!

Vegeta turns around as he sees Izuku, Bakugo, kirshima, ochako, and Tsuyu walking toward them

Vegeta: yeah what do you guys want

Izuku: we came here to let you know that we don't have school next week since well you guys basically destroyed this place

Kirshima: by the way you two were awesome out there that fight got to be the most manly thing I've ever seen even though you almost made us wet ourselves

Tsuyu: yeah you guys are from another planet or something *ribbit*

Yamoshi: oh you have no idea (starts to whistle)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Izuku: who knew that you two had that much power I wrote everything that happened in my notebook

Bakugo: quit it with the nerd stuff Deku you're boring them

Yamoshi: no it's alright I don't mind. Say let me check this notebook must be filled with all sorts of good info

Izuku's eyes brighten as he was excited to show Yamoshi his new friend his hero notebook but Pan sadly stopped it

Pan: sorry Yamoshi but it's getting late we should probably head home it's a long drive and I want to put your little brother to bed

Yamoshi: yeah it is getting late maybe another time Midoriya anyways kirshima, Asui, and Bakugo was it we'll keep in touch ok I'll be sure to add you guys and the rest of your class on Instagram when I get home!

Kirishima: totally dude we should hang out sometime

Tsuyu: it was great meeting you Yamoshi talk to you soon

Ochako felt a bit left out but Yamoshi smiled at her, gave her a wink and make an "ok" sign with his hand which was Their way of saying " talk to you later" when they were little. She smiled and did the same

Bakugo: you better follow me Bandana Bastard I'm not letting Deku surpass me in followers

Izuku: kacchan this isn't a competition

Bakugo: oh so you're telling that you do have more followers than me

Izuku: no it's just that-

Bakugo: oh I see how it is you bastard you think your better than me

The two begin to argue as yamoshi and vegeta stare at them in confusion

Yamoshi: geez good thing we don't fight huh Vegeta.

Vegeta: can't believe you threw me under the bus you ass

Yamoshi: hey I was doing the right thing I wasn't taking the blame for you

Vegeta: well you could've thought of an excuse with that melon of yours

Now they began to argue with all four of them yelling at each other with the rest just looking at them, pan had enough and smacks all their heads


Yamoshi/Izuku/Vegeta/Bakugo: (rubbing their heads) yes ma'am

Ochako, Kirshima, Tsuyu and Bulma laughed while they were being punished 

Pan: shall we get going yamoshi

Yamoshi: yep, talk to you guys soon bye guys!

All of them said goodbye expect Bakugo and vegeta who just crossed his arms and left with Bulma

(Somewhere in the city in a run down building)

Cloaked figure: (lifts glasses up) nice! Everything is going as smooth as butter now I just gotta have a word with the league of Villians And the other peice of the puzzle the leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Kai chisaki

Chapter 13 end

(Tournament arc fin)

(Ending theme)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alright that concludes this chapter and the tournament arc of the story guys it was pretty fun making this arc cuz I had to make everything up on my own but it was challenging too, the overhaul arc is next so hopefully its a bit easier for me to write faster since I just gotta follow the story from the show and do my own twist to it. Also y'all enjoyed the drawings I made I had really fun drawing it and i hope y'all like them anyways that's all i have sorry for the long chapter I'll Try to make em shorter but if you read all of it through I appreciate you, lemme know what you think of the chapter, thank you for reading and I'll catch y'all next time peace

Next time on the warrior of hope: The Party

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