Chapter 11

(This chapter gonna be a little longer than usual hope y'all don't mind)

Chapter 11: Who has the Bigger Pride: Vegeta vs Bakugo

After the match of Yamoshi and Midoriya the crowd took a little breather with how intense the battle was, moments later Present Mic broke the silence as he began to announce the next match

Present mic: well folks we're almost at the end of the tournament but it doesn't end here as the second match of the semifinals is about to begin its Vegeta jr vs Katsuki Bakugo!!!

Upon hearing this vegeta got off the wall he was leaning against, opened his eyes and smirked and started to head to the ring. While walking vegeta stared at Yamoshi while giving him a smirk with Yamoshi understanding what he was saying without the words coming out his mouth "be ready cause you're next."

Kirishima: woah Vegeta is putting off a creepy vibe

Bakugo: out of my way Kirishima I have a thing to settle

Kirishima moved as he saw Bakugo give a sadistic smile as he walked toward the ring

Kirishima: geez he's also giving a creepy vibe too, I swear those two are strangely similar even though they appear to hate each other

Mina: battle of the hotheads wonder who's gonna win

Kaminari: I was always wondering who would win in a fight guess this will answer my question

Bakugo: Vegeta you better come at me with everything you got I'm not like those other extras you fought against

Vegeta: (smirking) oh I will once you show me that you're worthy enough to handle it

Bakugo: you're underestimating me aren't you well it's going to be satisfying when I wipe that damn smile off your face

Vegeta: go ahead and try but I promise you (in an intimidating tone) it won't be easy

Jimmy: my these two are ready to go at it, well without any further stalling YOU MAY BEGIN!!!!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Bakugo starts off by using his explosion quirk to maneuver himself in the air and rushing at Vegeta


He then extends his arm forward and blasts Vegeta point blank range as a massive explosion came out of his palms. As for vegeta seeing through his attack from a mile away used his tremendous speed to get out of the way without Bakugo noticing he was behind him

Vegeta: wow you're much slower in person that's really sad you looked faster in your other matches

Bakugo: SHUT UP

He then starts throwing punches furiously with his explosions erupting with each punch thrown with vegeta effortlessly dodging and blocking the hits

This went on for almost a minute with Bakugo getting angry for not hitting Vegeta while vegeta got bored with the blocking and punished Bakugo with a right hook to the gut followed by a kick sending Him flying to the other side of the ring

Bakugo: grrahh

(He had no aura)

As he was being sent flying Vegeta dashed forward and delivered a massive punch to the face at bakugo followed by kicking his back which sent Bakugo to the air. Vegeta was now above Bakugo but from the crowd's perspective it looked like he teleported above him which they all looked in awe. As he was above Bakugo like Yamoshi, Vegeta landed an axe kick to Bakugo' a chest which gave the ash blonde teen an insane amount of pain as he fell straight to ground breaking one of his gauntlets of his hero suit while creating a massive crater on the ring which was previously fixed by Cementoss due the previous match

Vegeta was floating in the air and starts to descend back to the ground as he lands in front of the crater he folds his arms and smirks

Upon seeing this Bakugo gets even angrier from Vegeta making a fool out of him, rushes forward and tries to punch vegeta but disappears before he could land a hit. Bakugo looks around to try to find the heir of the saiyan prince

Bakugo: where did that bastard go, QUIT YOUR HIDING

Vegeta: over here

Bakugo: huh?!

Bakugo turns around as he sees a fist in front of him which made him jump back just in time to give himself some distance with his face showing the look of uncertainty

Bakugo: (just who is this guy he was always in the back of things like an extra ever since the beginning yet I'm trembling damnit)

Bakugo felt a bit of blood trickle down his mouth as he wipes it off as he sees vegeta jumping as if he was just warming up

Vegeta: what's wrong? You got quiet . Or were you always this quiet?

Bakugo: Grrrrrrrr....

Kirishima: man I've never seen this side of Vegeta before, im confident to say that him and Bakugo strangely act the same. Vegeta is sorta making Bakugo act like Midoriya does when he bullies him, no offense Midoriya

Izuku: none taken

Iida: just how much strength is Vegeta hiding I mean he barely shows his quirk yet we can tell he possesses an immense amount of pride in his strength that he wants to express but he couldn't for some odd reason

Inasa: you know now that you mention that same goes for Yamoshi yeah he's out going and stuff but I get the feeling that there's more to it than that and I saw a glimpse of it in the ring with that green hair guy

Iida: seems the mystery behind those two deepens every second


Bakugo: how I don't understand you're just an extra you were always in the back how are you this strong

Vegeta: from what I understand is that I'm pounding you so hard that your mother is going to be jealous that she isn't getting some of the action

Bakugo: (angry) you think you're cute

Vegeta: Bitch im adorable

Bakugo: DAMNIT I won't let this happen I won't get surpassed, not by you, Deku, icy Hot, or that Red bandana wearing bastard I'll be the one who comes out on top.

Vegeta: (that pride)


Bakugo released a massive explosion covering the entire ring almost hitting the crowd as they look in shock to how angry the blonde teen got. Vegeta who was surprised to the massive explosion crossed his arms and blocked the attack but it was pushing him back as his feet were skidding to the edge of the ring.

As the smoke cleared Vegeta saw bakugo coming toward him in the air like he did with Todoroki as he chuckles

Vegeta: you must be a dumbass if you think that trick would work on me

Vegeta launched at him as the two got closer vegeta was preparing a counter attack, waiting for Bakugo to make his move, Bakugo saw this was coming and dodged in a unusual way with incredible speed shocking Vegeta

Vegeta: he's fast guess pissing him off must've sharpened his moves

Bakugo was now behind vegeta in the air as he prepares for an attack

Bakugo: AP SHOT

The attack hit Vegeta's back causing him to fall straight to down to the ring landing on his knees

Present mic: What's this Bakugo managed to land a blow to Vegeta talk about an explosive come back!

Vegeta: tch that actually stung a bit


Bakugo launches at Vegeta with speeds that were even faster than before unleashing multiple explosive attacks at the prideful saiyan pushing him back. Bakugo filled with rage hits vegeta with a kick to the shin and a punch to the chest with help of his explosion quirk sends vegeta flying a little with vegeta catching his balance and reappears in front of Bakugo throwing a right hook with bakugo barley blocking the punch with the impact of it cause his hands to vibrate violently.

Vegeta: well seems you can pack a punch how about we take this up a notch

Bakugo: heh now you're speaking my language


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both were on different ends of the ring as they both rush each other at the same time

(Doesn't have an aura)

The two clashed causing a gust of wind to erupt across the stadium, both Vegeta and bakugo were trading blows with bakugo's attacks ending with explosions which were even bigger than before due to bakugo sweating an insane amount with the crowd cheering in excitement some even say that this fight is ever wilder than the match before

Man: so many explosions I can't keep up

Woman: you said it

Izuku: incredible, I've never seen Kacchan like this before he's amazing

Kirishima: yeah he's actually keeping up with vegeta now I'm actually curious to who's actually gonna win this

Inasa: what do you think of this match Yamoshi?

Yamoshi: heheh

Inasa: Yamoshi?

Yamoshi had a confident smile on his face as he clenched one of his fists, as his saiyan instincts were fuming with excitement

Yamoshi: (vegeta I can definitely tell you got way stronger since We last saw each other can't wait to fight you again)

Inasa: you good Yamoshi?

Yamoshi: yeah, just a little pumped up that's all

Inasa: alright then (I've never seen him act like this before all battle hungry)

Bakugo and Vegeta were still going at with Bakugo creating smoke screens to disable Vegeta's eyesight, knowing vegeta he thought it was a dumb due to him having the ability to sense energy.

Bakugo: Now I've got you!

He prepares another massive explosion from his hand until he felt a sharp pain from his face which was vegeta delivering a massive right hook

Vegeta: if you think I'm just relying on my eyesight then you're sadly mistaken

Bakugo: that might've sorta backfired but I got you where I want you

Vegeta: what?


Bakugo then cupped his hands side ways as Vegeta comically opened his eyes and gets angry

Vegeta: oh you damn copy ca-

Bakugo unleashed a massive explosion that covered Vegeta and half of the ring which erupted on impact. Bakugo begins to breathe heavily as he's starting to be at his limit.

Bakugo: how.....was haired....bastard

Vegeta: not bad I'd give that a 4 at best

Bakugo: there's no way

Vegeta: did you really think I'd lose to a puny blast like that

Bakugo: ( he's not even breaking a sweat, I have to end this I'm almost at my limit... damnit I can't lose like this)

Vegeta starts with a fury attacks which bakugo tries to dodge and block. Bakugo ends up getting kicked in the gut as he grunts in pain and in anger

(Not in ssb)


Bakugo gets back up and with everything he's got rushes at Vegeta and lands a combo of punches and kicks with the last punch was powered up with his quirk to push Vegeta back

Bakugo then goes up into the air as he prepares his final attack

Bakugo: this will finish you off NOW DIE

The palm of his hand now glows red as he speeds toward Vegeta spinning himself


Vegeta: what?!

Bakugo extends him arm and blasts vegeta with his final attack at point blank range using everything he's got the blast went up in the air as it exploded on top of the stadium where it looked like a firework show as there was a massive amount of smoke on the ring

Bakugo:(breathing even heavier) I'm the best around here

The smoke was there for about a minute as it cleared Vegeta was just standing unfazed with only his clothes slightly torn but nothing major

Bakugo: you're kidding I put everything I had into that

Vegeta: ......

Momo: what's vegeta doing is he not gonna ring Bakugo out he clearly won

Kirshima: yeah? Wonder what's going through his head

Vegeta walks toward Bakugo as couldn't believe what happened as he looks down and says something that's way of out of his character

Bakugo: tch what are you waiting for hurry and do it, it's not like I got any fight left

Upon hearing this Vegeta gets annoyed as he starts to speak

Vegeta: the hell are you talking about knowing you this is the worst possible way to lose


Vegeta: you make me sick you're doing the same mistake Tokoyami did

Bakugo's eyes widen a little as he got angry to be compared to a cowardly act like Tokoyami's

Vegeta: look I commend your strength heck you've been the only real challenge so far in this damn thing

Bakugo: what the hell is that supposed to do make me feel better

Vegeta: no but giving up like that is plain stupid where the hell did your pride go from earlier

Bakugo then thinks about how midoriya improved so much ever since he got OFA from All Might and the possibility that he surpassed him which triggers him

Bakugo: shut up you don't know how it feels to be bested by someone you thought was under you

This caught Vegeta's attention as that reminds him of Yamoshi when he surpassed him when they first started to attend UA and Shiketsu which made him feel a bit empathy for Bakugo also angry at Yamoshi hence the reason for vegeta itching to fight Yamoshi to prove that he's once again stronger

Vegeta: as much as it pains me to say it but you and I aren't so different after all

Bakugo: what does that mean

Vegeta: we both have people that we're competing against in terms of strength yet they surpass us in more ways than one (clenching fist) that's why we both have the desire to aim to the top and claim to be the best with strength alone

Bakugo: I can somewhat agree to that

Vegeta: never forget that pride of yours it's what gives you and I strength

Bakugo: why are you telling me this

Vegeta: you're the only one who I've noticed facing similar issues I've been going through and when you and Midoriya fought that sealed the deal

Bakugo: guess we are similar after all

Vegeta: hmph also one more thing

Bakugo: what is it

Vegeta speeds up and lands a massive gut punch to Bakugo

Bakugo: gah.....ahhh

(He ain't ssb)

Vegeta: remember this defeat and let it activate you

Bakugo then falls to the ground unconscious as Vegeta folds his arms and leaves the ring

Present mic: oh uh Bakugo loses by KO making Vegeta THE WINNER

(5 min later)

Narrator: Bakugo was taken to recovery girl to be treated of his injuries as there was a short break to give cementoss time to repair the ring for it being some what destroyed from the last match

Cementoss: that will do it's all set Jimmy

Jimmy: oh it's done Mic

Present mic: ooo good timing, ALRIGHT. Folks thank you for patiently waiting now we begin the match we all have been waiting for all day long THE FINAL ROUND CAN I GET AN OH YEAH!!!

the crowd cheered as it was finally the final match of the tournament as they can't wait to see the best of the best go at it

Present mic: now before we start we gotta applaud for Shiketsu High for despite having a major disadvantage in numbers they still managed to make it to the final round goes to show that their students don't play around

Present mic: and now the final round will begin  SON YAMOSHI AND VEGETA JR. COME ON DOWN HERE  I have a gut feeling that this match you folks at home can't afford to miss


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yamoshi was done finishing last minute stretches as he pops his knuckles and smiles confidently

Yamoshi: Kay im ready

Inasa: give em hell Yamoshi win it for all of us at Shiketsu

Yamoshi: (thumbs up) will do Inasa

Izuku: we'll be rooting for you Vegeta good luck

Vegeta: hmph (walks away)

Izuku: uhhh

Kirishima: don't worry about him it is the finals after all

Izuku: right

Yamoshi was already in the ring waiting as vegeta enters they have a major stare down

Everyone in the whole stadium can feel the intensity coming from the two as this match was gonna be even wilder than any match in the whole tournament.

Vegeta: well well the time has finally come

Yamoshi: yeah I guess so

Vegeta: so are you ready to say your prayers Yamoshi

Yamoshi: I ain't planning on losing Vegeta so it's not going to be easy

Vegeta: well we'll see about that

Which of these mighty warriors will be the victor of the tournament as the final match begins next time

Chapter 11 end

(Ending theme)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And that ends this chapter sorry it took so long Since school started I've been pretty busy with homework and other stuff so I don't have as much time as I used to so expect updates to take a while also what y'all think of the drawing of Yamoshi and Vegeta it's a simple one I drew but it works, anyway what y'all think of this chapter thanks for reading and I'll catch y'all next time stay safe

Next time on the warrior of hope: Rivalry that transcends Generations: the fated battle of the Warrior race

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