Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Destinies clash Yamoshi vs Deku
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Present mic: looks like these two are fired up to battle if that's the case YOU TWO MAY START!!! ( scaring jimmy)
Jimmy: damnit Mic you made me spill my hetap you paint brush hair freak
A small breeze blew through the ring as Midoriya and Yamoshi were having a stare down in their stances with Midoriya having a face as if he was thinking of a plan while yamoshi was calm and collected
All might: cmon Young Midoriya you can do this
Kaminari: do you think Midoriya's got this?
Shoji: can't say that Shiketsu guy is pretty formidable but I think he'll do fine
Sato: all we can do is watch for now
Izuku: (from what I've gathered in my notebook about him he has incredible strength and speed along with a flying quirk but I get the feeling there more to it than that)
Following that, midoriya then activates OFA as red vein like light surrounds his body. He then puts one leg back and starts zooming around the ring rushing at Yamoshi. He prepares a punch as Yamoshi already seeing through his intentions makes one step to the left with little to no effort dodges the attack despite Deku coming at him with great speed.
Midoriya skids across the ring and once again lunges at Yamoshi and this time jumps over him and tries to attack him from behind.Yamoshi one again a step ahead punches him Straight in the face without turning around
Jimmy: my god the savagery he didn't even turn around
Kirishima: (taking to Iida) I know we want Midoriya to win but that punch was so manly
Izuku fell back while his face was throbbing in pain as he felt like that punch was like taking a semi truck head on even though it was a very light punch from Yamoshi
Izuku: this is crazy he only landed one hit on me and I already took this much damage but I have to keep the pressure going
Midoriya then goes ahead and starts attacking with series of punches and kicks as Yamoshi Dodges and blocks with ease while still having his calm demeanor
Yamoshi: ( hmmm... ok I'm starting to get the whole picture now this is all I need to see)
Izuku: he's just avoiding my attacks I'm not getting anywhere I need to change strategies
Before he could think of anything Yamoshi appeared right him forcing him to stop thinking about a strategy and stepped back to give himself some distance as he forms a fist and goes for a punch
Izuku: SMASH
His fist was covered in in the red vein like light like before with green lighting surrounding it as Yamoshi gently raise his hand and grabs the punch like it was child's play. The impact of the punch caused a massive wind which didn't even faze Yamoshi as the wind went passed him hitting the crowd
Izuku: w-what?!
Aizawa: looks like Midoriya is in trouble you can clearly tell the gap between them is great but...
All might: glad I'm not the only one thinking that too
Aizawa: if that's the case then things should get interesting
Iida: what's he doing, is he just toying with him?
Momo: seems like it who knew that guy would end up being a jerk
As the rest of class 1-A starts to get angry with Yamoshi except Ochako (who was invested in the battle) for not taking it seriously a certain ashy blonde stepped up to say something
Bakugo: don't get the wrong Idea
Iida: bakugo...
Vegeta: grenade boy is right just shut up and pay more attention
Momo: vegeta....what do you me-
Vegeta and Bakugo both turn their attention back to match as everyone else was wondering what they meant by looking closely they then go back to the match trying to fully understand what really was going on
Vegeta:(hmph I know you too well Yamoshi, you can't make a fool out of me from the way the match began I knew what you were doing from the start never cease to annoy me with your good acts)
Yamoshi: you're struggling aren't you
Izuku: huh?
Yamoshi: you're not using the full extent of your power like you want right
Izuku: how'd you know?
Yamoshi: I can tell by the way you fight you want to use more of your quirk but something is holding you back
Izuku: yeah.... you're right it's just that I don't have that much control over my quirk which enhances my strength and speed but if I go over what I can control I break my bones so I'm a bit reluctant when it comes to increasing my power
Yamoshi: I get ya ( his explanation sorta reminds me of the Kaioken but a baby version for humans then again the kaioken is way harder to control and master than his quirk )
Yamoshi: say how much can you control as of now
Izuku: only about 5%
Yamoshi: really I can sense that you can handle a bit more than that how about you show me how you power up I can probably help you a bit
Izuku: (excitedly) really you would do that!
Yamoshi: Yep
Tsuyu: I don't get it what are they talking about?
Tokoyami: yeah, and why did they stop fighting?
Midoriya then powers up as Yamoshi sees a major issue that the green hair teen was doing
Yamoshi: (there's the problem he's focusing the power on one part of his body instead of letting it all flow equally no wonder if felt unstable everytime he attacked)
Midoriya then powers down due the amount of stress it gave to his body
Yamoshi: ok your big problem is that you're not equally distributing all your power in within your body
Izuku: really?
Yamoshi: (nods) you're only focusing on one part. I'm guessing you concentrate the power on the limb you're attacking with which is pretty bad due to the fact you got a pretty decent amount of power within you and concentrating all that power to a small area can lead to bad stuff happening for example your bones breaking like you told me before or worse paralyzing your body due to the amount of damage they endure from it
Izuku was amazed on how knowledgeable Yamoshi was about his quirk despite him not even knowing him for not even a whole day or got the slightest clue to what his quirk even is as he looks at his scars on his hands as he was correct about the permanent damage his quirk can do for not using it correctly
Yamoshi: now try again but this time don't force it relax your body and let it flow like a river also keep your mind focused
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Izuku closes his eyes and calmly channels OFA like Yamoshi said to and starts glowing green and the red vein light surrounds him. He was struggling to not tense up and letting the power flow properly but he takes a deep breath and relaxes a bit more. His hair starts to lift up a little as green lighting start sparking on the ring
Yamoshi: (folding arms) good he's doing it
Yamoshi then smiles as Izuku finishes as he looks at his hands in disbelief to the amount of power he accumulated
Izuku: is this really me I'm I actually using 12% of one for all, t-this is insane
Yamoshi: (laughs) you had in you this whole time it's just you needed a bit of work that's all
Yamoshi: (smirks) now then let's continue the our match Midoriya!
Izuku: right!
Both go to their stances as izuku then activates his is full cowl shoot style and launches forward and kicks at Yamoshi. Yamoshi crosses his arms and blocks the kick the impact of it pushes Yamoshi a bit back and looks at his arm which was vibrating
Yamoshi: holy crap
With him distracted at his arm Midoriya took the opportunity and lands a punch to Yamoshi's which sends him flying to the edge of the ring
Izuku: SMASH!!!!
Everyone in class 1-A was shocked that he managed to land a blow since Yamoshi was pretty much dominating the match.Yamoshi soon then gets back up unharmed but excited
Yamoshi: phew who knew 7% can make a difference but that feeling, that's all might's power alright now the real fun begins
He brushes his pants off and then gives Izuku a confident smile and goes into his stance with Midoriya doing the same
Midoriya was the one to make the first move by flicking his fingers as a gust a wind which he was surprised that it didn't break his finger but it was only a bit of pain which he could handle
Yamoshi Dodged the attack with the wind blowing through his hair. Right after that Yamoshi then runs at Midoriya but right when he got close to him he disappeared
He reappeared and uses the force of his punch to push Izuku back making him fall and proceeds to use one of his favorite techniques the after image technique
Izuku and the crowd looked in awe when they were seeing multiple Yamoshis at the same time
Midoriya then goes toward the many yamoshis and goes and kicks them
He was in shock that it went through them all and they faded away not soon after then he heard a distant yell as it was Yamoshi falling from the sky in great speed with his feet together
Izuku: how'd he get th-
He couldn't finish his sentence with Yamoshi kicking him square in the face causing a crater on the ring
Yamoshi who is now using a bit more power than he did before but still holding back a considerable amount due to him even using slightly more than he did could've killed Midoriya with that kick
Midoriya got up but looked hurt, his hero costume a bit ripped but still intact and a determined look on his face
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Izuku: I'm in pretty bad shape after that one attack but I'm not willing to give up just yet I have to win so I can prove to All might that I've improved I'm gonna use everything I can muster with one for all 12%
Green lighting erupts from izuku as he then starts moving in a zig zag motion at Yamoshi with him using his leg to sweep him off the ground. Midoriya then starts a fury of punches at yamoshi which by the looks of it he was feeling the effect of them. Izuku then finishes it off by a big right hook that sends Yamoshi Flying making it seem the match concluded but yamoshi stops himself by flying.
Yamoshi then immediately rushes Izuku and headbutts him and hits him with a left and right hook in the face. Izuku stubbles and is in even more pain but pulls through as he attempts to throw even more punches and kicks at him. Yamoshi does the same as they both start moving around the ring trading blows
Everyone was looking in awe as the fight was so fast paced that this was the most fierce fight so far in the tournament
Kirshima: I've never seen Midoriya move this fast and his punches seem even stronger than before
Iida: vegeta, Bakugo is that what you mean but paying more attention to the fight?
Vegeta and Bakugo ignore him as they were too into the fight of their rivals
Momo: so could it be....
Tokoyami: what is it momo
Momo: I'm no fighting expert but from how Yamoshi started the battle he was testing Midoriya on his abilities saw that he couldn't control and from that talk they had and that power boost he had, he helped midoriya control his quirk better
Inasa: you couldn't be any more correct
Everyone from 1-A turns to see Inasa who was right next to them in their circle
Inasa: plus Yamoshi is a pretty honorable guy he wouldn't want to win very easily he would do anything to help someone so they can fight their very best and have the most fair fight
Tsuyu: wow guess we were wrong he really is a nice guy
(Now back to the fight)
While Yamoshi and izuku were trading blows Yamoshi then punches Izuku in the chest as it sent him flying back as Yamoshi jumps back to give the two distance
Izuku was panting and looked like his body was in pain while Yamoshi was fine with a little scratches on him but his gi was a little torn and his pants was torn a little too but overall it was a little bit damaged
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Yamoshi:( we gotta end this quickly I might've helped him power up but his body is about to collapse)
Yamoshi: hey Midoriya how about we finish things
Midoriya: yes, I'm ready
Jimmy: well would look at that folks looks like things are going to finish in style who will win this fantastic match!
The crowd cheers furiously as the fight as been really exciting to watch and wonder who will win the match
Yamoshi rushes first as he punches Midoriya into the air. Midoriya then kicks Yamoshi in the gut which made him grunt a little. Yamoshi then uppercuts Izuku and and elbows him in the gut then windmill kicks him in the face and falls back down to the ring creating a bigger crater on the ring than he did before
(Kinda like this and he's not ssj)
Yamoshi decends down to see the crater but izuku was gone and hits him with two punches and A kick powered up by full cowl shoot style but Yamoshi blocking the kick. Yamoshi then pushed Izuku back with the force of his hand
Izuku: Yamoshi Lets go!!
Yamoshi: alright then let's finish it!
The two leaped forward to go for one final attack
As the two got close Izuku threw his punch with Yamoshi dodging it and said something in his mind before he gave the final blow
Yamoshi:( you're a pretty cool dude... Izuku Midoriya)
Yamoshi then hits Izuku right in the face forcing him to ring out
The crowd grew silent for a moment but then started to cheer very loud as the battle was very pleasing to watch
Present mic: Midoriya is out of bounds Son advance to the final round!!!
Yamoshi puts his hands together and bows down and then he hovers toward Midoriya is
Yamoshi: that was a great match you really kept me on my toes
Izuku: thank you but I still feel like you were holding back
Yamoshi: heheheh ( yikes can't let him know that)
Izuku: anyway can I ask you something if you don't mind me asking
Yamoshi: sure go ahead
Izuku: why did you help me with my quirk if you knew I couldn't control it you could've won sooner
Yamoshi: it wouldn't be fair
Izuku: what?
Yamoshi: it wouldn't be fair to you plus I don't really like winning fairly easily. When I was watching your previous fights I was wondering why you weren't going all out til I noticed that you tense up a lot like you were forcing yourself to hold back so I decided that I should help you so you can have fight that you had more control of your power and really show these people what you're made of
Izuku: I see thank you so much I don't know how to repay you
Yamoshi: you can repay me by teaching me something
Izuku: doubt I can teach you anything you pretty much know everything from the looks of it
Yamoshi: nah there's still so much To learn in this world I bet you got a few cool things you can show me plus fighting you made me realize that, you and I have more things in common than I initially thought
Izuku was surprised to hear what Yamoshi said but was still listening
Yamoshi: so in that case the both of us let's get stronger!
Yamoshi then extends his arm and tries to give Izuku a fist bump
(He in base form)
Izuku: yeah!
He fist bumps as yamoshi turns around as he starts heading back to the waiting room
Yamoshi: oh yeah one more thing tell All Might I said hi when he trains you to master his quirk (walks away)
Izuku: I will.....wait what?!
Narrator: and so a great friendship and rivalry had begun
Chapter 10 end
(Ending theme)
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That concludes this long chapter sorry it took so long I've been busy with life you know the usual anyways let me know what y'all think of the chapter thank you for reading and I'll catch y'all next time
Next time on the warrior of hope: Who has the Bigger Pride Vegeta vs Bakugo
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