| Welcome! | Kingdom Descriptions + Map + Kingdom Border Map

Welcome to the World of Rahan!

Before the story starts, I usually like to explain details of the kingdoms and the world that won't normally be said during the storyline. Some details that I think would be important.

Crerus Kingdom: (Kur-ra-eis)
Crerus Kingdom is one of the strongest kingdoms, a place with a deep rooted history and one of the last safe havens for magic users. It's royal family, the Hughes, have controlled the throne of the kingdom for generations. It is said that the true kings of Crerus are the Hughes, but that is only believed due to the reputation of the Hughes. Only Princes have been crowned, never a Princess, and that is due to its belief that only the strongest Prince or Princess may become the ruler of Crerus.

And that isn't talking about physical strength, that's referring to magic strength. The Hughes Family is a family of mages, an ancient and powerful magic that is passed through the generations empowers each and every descendent. And so far, only Princes have proved to possess the stronger magics as Princesses are usually the ones who get stuck with supportive magics. But throughout the generations, the magic has significantly weakened. Not much is known about their magic, you would either have to be part of the Azdel, Cross, or Middleton family to know how their magic works or be a Hughes yourself.

Crerus is located between Krelia Kingdm and Dasan Kingdom and is allied with Azicia and the Kingdom of the Solis. Crerus is not a place that can just be easily taken over, you would have to go through the Azdel Family first. The Azdels are a family of the some of the most powerful mages to have ever lived. Master Arnas Azdel holds the title as a legendary sorcerer while his son, Harvey Azdel, holds the title of one of the most powerful sorcerers to come out of the Azdel Family. Harvey protects Crerus, earning a position in the Royal Household as the Court Wizard. It is often said that to take down Crerus, you would first have to take down the Azdel Family which that in itself is not the least bit easy.

But nothing is impossible, unknown to the citizens, Crerus is struggling to survive. Cut off from their most powerful ally, Kingdom of Solis, Crerus has found itself pushed into a corner that they have been trying desperately to get out of ever since the creation of the Mage Disabling Device.

Next in line for the throne is Prince Mitchell Hughes, a Prince whose abilities are often doubted until they are seen for themselves. He is well respected and quite the warrior, willing to do whatever it takes to protect his family and his people, no matter the cost.

Kingdom Color(s): Red & Black
Pronunciation: (Kur-ra-eis) Kingdom

Vraican City:
A Mage City that was devastated during its occupation with Krelia Kingdom. Desperate, they convinced the Hughes Royal Family to invade their city to push back the Kreliaians. After the invasion, Crerus has worked tirelessly to rebuilt the city and the lives of the people living there while in return, Vraican helps protect Crerus.

In the present day, even though Vraican is not fully rebuilt, it is said that the city is a one of wonders of the world as every way you turn, magic is flourishing like it did before the Krelia occupation. Home to some of the top mages, Vraican a labeled as the home for magic.

But Vraican City depends on Crerus for protection and while Vraican not being connected to the Crerus territory, Crerus's military forces are stretched thin in order to protect their own homeland and the city. And so far, that has been going good, sure there was a lot of struggle that happened throughout the years. But Vraican has been occupied by Crerus for seven years and things were going great.

Azicia Kingdom:
Azicia has a rich history of great rulers and a very strong relationship with Crerus Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solis. Unfortunately, it has a rocky relationship with allowing mages within its walls. The third oldest kingdom, it's disconnected from the other kingdoms as it is on an large island off the coast of Dasan's borders. Due to its island location, it's naval force is a heavy dependence of defending it from invaders. But it's island location also makes it the kingdom that is the safest to live in.

Azicia Kingdom is a kingdom that is heavy on its religion. It's religion being that multiple gods exist to protect the world from the sins of man and that magic users are gods. You would think due to this belief that Azicia would have a strong relationship with mages, right? Well no since they believe that the magic users that walk Rahan are destined to turn on man as what would be called, Dark Magic Users. Because of this belief, people are wary of magic and the mages that live in Azicia are required to be marked to let the people around them know that they possess magic. So the magic population in Azicia is not a big one due to the laws that is has.

But other than religion, Azicia is a poor kingdom, with a strong naval military. They depend on trade of goods that are native to their island and no to the mainland for money and is often referred to as the Merchant Kingdom.

The Royal Family, The Ryne Family, is quite interesting. Losing the Queen to the birth of Princess Mallie Ryne. The Ryne family took a sharp turn after her death. Next in line for the throne is Prince Elias Ryne, a Prince whose loyalties are almost always in question making many believe that it will be Princess Mallie who will ascend to the throne instead of her older brother. 

Kingdom Color(s): Blue
Pronunciation: (Ah-shis-ea) Kingdom

Krelia Kingdom:
Krelia use to have control over Vraican City, a mage city, until Crerus Kingdom attacked and stole control of the city from them. Because of this, the grudge that Krelia held against Crerus only strengthened further. Krelia has lost a lot of its land from the Kingdom of Solis, losing countless battles against the Solis Army and losing many men to protect themselves from the monsters that cross over the border and into Krelia.

Solis's monster problem is usually dealt with within Solis. But every once in a while, a monster crosses over the border and into Krelia, because of this, a treaty was formed between Krelia and Solis about dealing with the monsters. Since Krelia is not equipped to handle such fierce beasts as Solis does, Krelia allows Solis to cross their border to only slain the monsters that cross it and must return back to Solis after the beast is slain. That being the only time that magic is freely allowed within the kingdom's borders since magic is outlawed in Krelia.

Located between Crerus and Solis and allied with Dasan, Krelia is the smallest kingdom as a result of Solis extending its border and claiming land away from Krelia. Krelia is a kingdom that specializes in mage capture, priding itself to being able to imprison Light Mage Elitist Master James Waglington for about...two hours before Master Waglington escaped. Ever since then, Krelia has taken the lead in developing advanced technology to rid the world of magic.

The Royal Family, Prince Galian Lymond, a Prince who is often compared to his father, who was killed by magic. Prince Galian is a fierce and aggressive warrior, said to be evenly matched against Prince Mitchell. The second prince, Prince Rayson Lymond is a very secretive prince, may people think he is hiding some big secret while others question whether he cares for Krelia or not.

Kingdom Colors: Green and White
Pronunciation: (Kre-e-ah) Kingdom

Dasan Kingdom:
A kingdom with a very negative outlook on magic and unlike Krelia, it has a very good reason for that negative outlook. Dasan use to be filled with magic, it took pride in the mages it once housed. But, a devastating and brutal attack by the Dark Mages left over half of the kingdom destroyed and hundreds dead. Named as the Burning of Dasan, the King outlawed magic in the aftermath and cut all ties with Solis, Crerus, and Azicia and allying itself with Krelia. In response to the new law, Sadian City was gutted of its magic users, leaving only demi-humans and humans left in the city.

For decades before the Burning of Dasan, the kingdom was known for its advancements in magical technology, known for making from the best devices used by Light Mages. But after the tragedy took place, Dasan shifted its focus into anti-magic technology. Turning its magic inventions into weapons to use against magic users. One of these anti-magic devices was used on Prince Mitchell Hughes once in the past and would have had a fatal outcome for the Prince if Lord Jerome Aceti didn't save him. Since then, Crerus is very cautious of Dasan, almost learning the hard way of just how powerful Dasan's anti-magic tools are.

Dasan was only known as the kingdom of inventors, and it still is, but if you want to invent something, it has to benefit their fight against sorcery.

The Royal Family, the Bloodborne Family, is a family of creators and warriors. Next in line for the throne is Prince Samson, whose inventions are famously used. Prince Samson is not much of a warrior, but he can be quite the leader when he has to be.

Kingdom Color(s): Black and Silver
Pronunciation: (Dis-san) Kingdom

Sadian City:
A Dasanian City, due to its location, Sadian is prone to attack from Crerus. But Dasan defends it successfully from Crerus. In the past, Sadian use to be a mage city, after the Burning of Dasan, the entire city was gutted of its magic.

And once the magic left the city, an empty hollow shell was all that the city was left as. Sadian City is not as lively as it once was, ther citizens naming it as the City of Sorrow. Mages are still residents within the city, but are on the downlow as any practice of magic is against the laws of Dasan.

The city is still recovering from having over half of its residents forcibly removed and killed.

Kingdom of Solis:
Otherwise called the Kingdom of Heroes, a lot of the heroes that have lived through the ages got their start in Solis. Solis has a fierce and powerful army that protects a vast landscape. The oldest Kingdom in Rahan, Solis is unlike any other kingdom out there. With a unique culture and religion, Solis is home to beautiful cities and landscaped as it is the biggest Kingdom...but with beauty comes a great darkness.

Solis is home to monsters, some harmless while others are too dangerous to be left unchecked and come in every size and type. Living in Solis is not for the faint of heart as the leading cause of death here is being eaten alive. Most of the citizens in Solis are mages, some are able to protect themselves, while a large majority are not. But Solis is equipped to deal with such a problem which is why Solis's military is such a terrifying force, they killed more monsters than they kill people. And often enough, they find that dark mages have a connection to the monsters that attack.

But not everything is about death and such in Solis, Solis is an ancient kingdom, with a deep rooted history. Its culture and way of life revolve heavy around magic and the heroes that have lived and died. Music and food being a biggy here as often enough, they have many festivals and parties.

The Royal Family in charge has been on the throne for generations, the Fritz family, is a warrior family. Every King is a Warrior King as well as the Princes. Fighting and leadership is in their blood, making them have the loyalty of their people until the very end. And next in line for the throne is none other than Prince Lachlan Fritz, a Warrior Prince who commands the entire Solis military force under his father. Prince Lachlan is a born leader and a born warrior. He's known as the strongest Prince in the next generation of Kings throughout Rahan as he is able to go toe-to-toe against Prince Mitchell as well as Prince Galian.

And with how good this kingdom seems...something has happened. Solis has cut itself off from the rest of the world, banning people from entering its borders with little to no explanation given. The citizens are concerned as only silence comes from the their palace while letting monsters roam free unchecked.

Kingdom Color(s): Yellow and white
Pronunciation: Kingdom of (So-lis)

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