
Absolutely shocked is the look on Sam's face. Her lips part hesitantly, as though she wants to say something, but nothing comes out. I believe she's finally grasped the situation—I can clearly see it from the way she stares at me, hoping for some kind of explanation or something.

"Sam, listen." I take a deep breath. We've stepped outside for a while so it's just the two of us. "When we were ten, you wanted a big Barbie doll with a pink Cinderella dress; the type we couldn't afford even after saving our little coins for three months."

I smile nostalgically when I mentally revisit the large shop in San Francisco in which a pink dressed doll was awesomely displayed. We'd always pass through it on our way to school.

"I remember," Sam whispers. Using the back of her hand, she wipes the dampness in her eyes. "We raised only a half of the amount by taking care of Mrs. Wong's bulldog."

We laugh slightly, for the dog had a scary face and Sam disliked it plainly.

"In the end we couldn't buy the doll," I tell her as we sit down on the white bench, facing a small garden of green grass. "And then, during your sweet sixteen you wanted to have a party in the yacht." Now we laugh loudly, the memory too funny and fond. "Still we had no means to make it happen, so we had to postpone it."

"Where are you heading at, you crazy bitch?" Sam can no longer hold her tears, and I'm not doing well myself as I chuckle softly. "What are—"

"And as we turned into big ladies we are today, you always had this one crazy dream," I say stoutly, interrupting her question. "Do you know what I'm talking about?" I stare at her deeply in the eyes, and a soft nod is her immediate response.

"To get married in Las Vegas?" she says in a low voice, emotions apparently overwhelming.

"Yes, Sam. A crazy wedding without preparations." I chuckle again. An easy silence envelopes us, eyes fixed tenderly at one another. "But this time I can afford making your dream come true, Samantha. Everyone's agreed to make it happen—including Jonathan, who's the main proprietor of this shenanigan."

"I knew it. But I still can't believe you've all tricked me," Sam breathes, looking flustered as she smirks.

But she's not mad, thankfully.

"Look, Sam." I sit straight, taking her hands in mine. She gazes softly at me. "You won't do anything you don't want to do. This craziness we've pulled today . . . can all stop if you say so. I told you that the choice is utterly yours, and I mean it. No one will obligate you into accepting this wedding."

In the end it's her happiness that counts. I know perfectly well that she's nuts in love with Jonathan, but having a baby with him and getting married to him are two different things.

"Well, I—" Her lips tremble, and she fails to give out a definitive answer.

"If you are not ready, we're calling it off," I say matter-of-factly as I notice hesitation filled in her eyes. "It's what Jonathan said, too, and he's willing to wait until you're ready."

"Ah, fuck." Sam huffs incredulously. She delicately wipes off her tears and says, "I just wonder who's crazier between us." A smile crosses her lips.

"Um . . . me?" I utter, hardly concealing my smile.

"Yes, you. But you know what? Let's do it." Sam decides after a long sigh, a bright smile curving her pink lips.

"Seriously, Sam?" I get up right away. Sam nods up at me. "Are you certainly sure?" I'm awed.

"More than I've ever been before. I love him. And like you said, this is my dream!" Sam's enthusiasm seems to be back, her cheeks redeeming their color. "I'm going to marry him!" she adds.

Yes! My subconscious jumps up and down, reeling at her victory dance.

"In that case . . ." Another voice interrupts us, "let's get this show started!"

Turning around toward the church's entrance, I see Natasha approaching, followed by Roshni who's tiredly holding a flower bouquet. They are both dressed beautifully, and their faces are glowing brighter.

"I see all traitors are here," Sam muses, trying to fix her composure for good.

"Ouch! We're so busted, huh?" says Natasha, laughing.

"And I believe this is yours." Roshni hands Sam a beautiful bouquet of pink roses that match the color of her lipstick. "I got tired holding what's not mine." She pouts.

"You girls are savages!" Sam purrs and we all share loud laugh, satisfied with the progress of our mission. Suddenly she pulls us all into a hug, literally crying a river for a reason only she understands. "Crazy bitches!"

"Oh wow. That's a yes, huh?" Roshni jokes, but this moment is more precious that I thought.

We all get emotional and somehow I wish this friendship has come to stay between the four of us.

"How do I look? Is my makeup okay?" Sam urges as we break free.

"Hold on." Natasha grabs a tissue from her purse and begins fixing Sam's eyes. "Good thing the mascara is a waterproof. Otherwise you'd be like Anabelle right now."

"Creepy." Sam chuckles. After a small retouch, at last she looks presentable.

"We're good to go. The groom must be having an upset stomach by now," I say musingly, but I'm sure Jonathan is having anxiety attack right now. 

At last Sam enters inside, walking slowly and elegantly, her flower bouquet held so firmly as though her balance depends on it. In the background there's a piano melody of wedding march, and the fresh fragrance of flowers and candles fill the space with cupids at every angle.

Watching her makes my eyes watery, the feeling understandable.

She finally reaches Jonathan, and his eyes ogle her as if she's the only woman left in the world. He seems to be in incredulity, probably unsure whether this is real or an illusion; but his doubts are soon cleared when Sam gives him her hand, and he takes it with a lovely smile.

Aw, they're so beautiful together.

Everyone takes a seat in a hurry so as to keep up with the time left. I join Liam on the front row. He gives me a warm smile and I sit right beside him. I can't believe it's finally taking place: my best friend is getting married and I'm here to witness every second of it. I'm just so happy for her.

"They're so sweet, right?" I lay my head on Liam's shoulder, watching a small interraction between Sam and Jonathan as we wait for the officiant to begin the ceremony.

"They are." Liam holds my hand and places a tiny kiss at the top of my head.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're gathered here today to witness this beautiful union between these two loving souls." The wedding officiant starts his speech, making the couple stare at each other with a smile from time to time.

A few sentences go by, mainly about love and marriage, before the wedding rings are presented. Both Sam and Jonathan are asked, in turns, if they're willing to take each other as their lawful spouse, and be there for each other, for better and for worse, fit and fat, till death do them apart.

They both answer, "Yes, I do."

"By the power vested in me by the State of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The officiant finishes, follows by a loud applause when Jonathan officially takes possession of his wife's lips.

Samantha and Jonathan are finally married, and many congratulations follow. We all wish them nothing but the best. Jubilantly, we take many picture in the chapel, to commemorate this day, before heading for the small party we've prepared for them.

"I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me," Jonathan tells me when we return to Bellagio.

"It's nothing. Just treat her well—it's all I'm asking for." I give him a tight-lipped smile, for I'm still shaken with so many emotions.

But none of them surpasses the joy I'm feeling when I look at my pledge sister.

"That I promise you," Jonathan utters, eyeing Sam who's laughing so brightly while talking to Malik and the others.

Champagne, food, music, and nice decorations are what fills the little suite where the party is being held at. With Natasha as the host, everything goes smoothly than we've originally anticipated. We toast, we laugh, we dance, and enjoy the moment in such a style, and we all look overjoyed.

Naturally, the gentlemen are alone, and we use the space to have our own feminine moment. Sam is right next to me on the sofa while sipping her drink. Across from us sit Natasha and Roshni. We've been teasing and laughing about Sam's priceless look when she learned what was happening a while ago.

"Come on! I was totally blown away," Sam says. "Can you imagine yourself getting married without knowing? It's damn crazy!"

Totally. I can't argue at all.

"I think I'd run away," Roshni says. "Because I'm such a coward to be honest."

"I don't even know what I'd do. Maybe I'd turn into a deer who's caught in the headlights," Natasha muses.

Laughing, my mood at peace, I spot Liam at the buffet table. He's alone now, and I miss him already.

"Um, excuse me. Duty calls," I tell the girls and walk away.

My fiance is too absentminded, a frown of concentration between his eyebrows. Is he unsure on which food to pick? The idea amuses me.

"You should try the chicken barbeque."Like a complete stranger, I announce my presence.

"Oh. Thank you for recommendation," Liam replies in a similar tone, playing my game. I flush. "It always confuses me on what to choose when I find myself trapped in the food puzzle."

"The food puzzle?" I free a chuckle off my lips, and he shrugs heedlessly. "Hi. I'm Kira." It's funny playing with him like this.

Smiling at me for a while, he casually replies, "Liam."

"Nice name," I remark, a part of me wondering how it'd feel if I met him under normal circumstance as this.  "Are you on the groom's side, or the bride's?"

"Um . . . the bride's?" He grins.

"Oh. What a coincidence!"

"Really now?" He chuckles.

"Hmm." I nod with perfect complacency.

"Would you like to join me? I don't think I can finish this all," Liam says, and I realize he's filled a plate with enough food for us both.

And I haven't eaten a decent meal up to now, I believe.

"Well, if you want to share with me." Coquettishly, I bite my lower lip.

"I'd love to," says Liam, beautifying the words with the tone of his British accent. "Damn, you're hot!" he adds.

"Oh, you think so?" I flush again, deep crimson.

"Are you two flirting right now?" Sam's voice interrupts. I break into giggles. "I mean, I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything, but I actually did and I swear I don't want to understand what in the name of God is happening here." She's getting herself a plate to have another round of food.

Bit appetite she has lately.

"Well, I appreciate that you don't want to know," Liam remarks, laughing a little.

"Seriously, you two are very peculiar. But anyways, have fun." Sam focuses on her quest for food, leaving us alone. 

Liam leads me onto one of the couches and start having our meal. Hmm, I was starving and I didn't even notice.

"Would you like to go on another date with me tonight?" Liam asks out of the blue.

"Tonight?" I'm surprised by this sweet proposition.

"Yes, tonight. We're leaving tomorrow, right? So, yes, let's make it tonight, as soon as we leave here." He takes the chicken drum toward his mouth, as I chew my favorite part—the chicken breast.

"Just the two of us?" I'm excited already.

I love being alone with him, and my sex goddess nods sharply in agreement.

"Just you and I," Liam returns.

"Okay. I want to go on a date with you, Mr. Darcy." I grin from ear to ear.

Around six in the evening, everyone seems to be taking things easy, for we've all come into terms that the marriage has indeed taken place. Despite all the odds, the results of every action done today is surprisingly good.

"I had so much fun," Natasha tells us after having a little exchange with her husband alone. "But we have to go now," she adds.

"So soon?" Sam asks, disappointed.

"We have a plane to catch in the morning. We are gong back to Miami," Natasha replies, her eyes mirthless somehow. "But well, I wish you all the best in your marriage, babe. Be a gorgeous and playful wife!" She hugs Sam.

"Thank you." Sam smiles. "But you said you'll be in L.A next month, right? Make sure you call me when you drop by."

"Well, that depends. If they give me a chance to host on that fashion show, do expect me," Natasha tells her.

"I hope they do," Sam whispers.

Damn, we've all bonded so much that it hurts to think of saying goodbye.

"Kira, good luck on your wedding. I know you'll make an awesome bride and I'll definitely need the pictures. How I wish I could make it there!" Natasha purses her lips at her last remark.

"Thank you, Natasha. I'll definitely send you the pictures." Hugging a bit, we smile and sigh.

"I'll be waiting." She winks before turning to Roshni. "Have I mentioned that I've fallen in love with your hair and eyelashes? I mean, damn! So silky, so long! You gotta tell me the secret," she tells the half-Indian, and again her cheerfulness doesn't leave anyone without a laughter.

"Was a pleasure meeting you, Natasha," Roshni replies with genuine content. "Have a safe trip."

With Jamal and Natasha gone, it takes a short while for the newlyweds to leave as well. Even though it's not such a grand preparation, Malik has made sure to find a nice place for their honeymoon right here in Vegas.

"Kiki." Sam nears me with another round of tearworks. I inhale sharply, for this feels like goodbye. "I love you. I love you so much, Kira Jones. That's all I want you to know."

Looking at her, I fail to say a word. Instantly I pull her into a tight hug, both of us crying like fools. The guys exchange looks but none of us pay attention to them.

They won't understand. My subconscious looks lonely.

"I love you, too. I've always have and you know that," I finally say, my chin on her shoulder. "Enjoy your honeymoon, and be the happiest bride on Earth."

"Thanks." Sam chuckles lightly.

Jonathan is grateful for the support we've given him, and it's nothing but a pleasure for me. Before leaving he exchanges contact information with the boys, mainly for business purpose.

Boys will be boys.

Sam slip into the limousine, followed by her husband. We stand outside in pairs, watching them. Waving their hands at us, the car eventually slides away from the hotel.

"What a day," Malik says with a loud sigh.

"I know, right?" Roshni breathes, standing next to him. "I just want to take a shower and sleep."

"Oh. Not a party person, are you?" Malik asks seriously, his eyes fixed on her.

Liam is  on the call and I'm busy eavesdropping at their conversation.

"Not quite. Just a little hassle drains me completely. Now I feel like I've been climbing a mountain with these monsters!" She eyes her heels as though they're her worst enemy.

Malik giggles. "Who forced you to wear them?" he asks.

"The dress!" Roshni says. "You'd never understand so shut up."

"Sure, Lightness." He rolls his eyes.

"Aren't we going back to our suite? I mean, I want to go in already—I'm so tired."

"Sure. Let's go back. I could use some rest as well," Malik agrees, yawning. "And I think you'd still look good even without the heels," he says.

"Huh?" She nearly blushes, and my smile widens.

I think there's something happening between these two. Am I wrong?

"You don't really need to wear something that tortures you. I just don't understand why—" Malik stops his sentence at the buzz of his phone. "Sorry," he tells Roshni, followed by a frown on his face at the sight of the caller's ID—I guess?

Damn, I'm nosy.

"Why aren't you picking up?" Roshni asks him.

"It's not important," Malik says with a smile. "Before we go, don't you want to watch a water show?"

"A water show?" Roshni asks, bemused.

"You love staring at the fountain, and the best part of it is the water show that's gonna blow your mind. Do you want to watch the Game of Thrones through the water?"

"Is that even possible?" Roshni frowns.

"Only one way to find out." Malik winks.

Writing about weddings is always a disaster for me. Hope it was clear enough lol.

Bellagio Fountains

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