Sam's Story (In Between Episodes 28 & 29) Part 1

A/N Lots of people have been asking me,

"How exactly did Sam fall in love with someone like Zane?!"

And I would love to tell you how.

But instead, I'm gonna let Sam tell you how!

Not the real Sam... She prefers Dante, even though she doesn't bother to watch MD. It's mostly because she's always wanted to dye her hair blue. (Don't tell her I shipped her with Zane!)

The story Sam.

If you don't understand, you'll see. I've also decided to use this opportunity and show you what went on when Zenix attacked the Kingdom of Corona, and how Sam and Ales met.

Sam's POV

I lay in bed, tossing and turning. Ales lay in bed next to me, sleeping peacefully. How she didn't toss and turn herself in her sleep was besides me.

I stared at the celing. Melanie was busy with Aphmau looking for something to take her twin out of Lady Irene's Dimension.

I couldn't believe Melanie was Zane's brother.

To be honest, I couldn't believe Zane was evil all those years ago. I remember meeting him, falling for him, figuring out his secret...

And having to leave him without saying goodbye.


Ales and I walk through the big gates of a village.

"I really liked dying the new pink highlights!" Ales cries. I smile. I had Ales dye her hair with pink highlights while I dyed mine blue so we wouldn't get noticed.

A man walks up to us with a smirk on his face. He has bark, brown hair and dark, blue eyes.

"Hello! Welcome to O'Khasis. I'm Drake, and I work in that bakery over there as an apprentice under my father." He points to a bakery.

"You seem new. Would you like a tour?" Asked Drake. Ales nods, smiling.

"Yeah! We're looking for a place to stay. I'm Al--"

"Ali. She's Ali and I'm Sabrina." I interrupt. Ales raises an eyebrow and I hint to stay quiet. We couldn't have anyone knowing who we really were.

"Ali, huh? What a lovely name." Drake says. Ales blushes, causing me to smirk.

"Yeah... Anyways, we would like to know if we could stay!" Ales says.

"Of course! If you would like full permission, you must speak to our High Priest." Says Drake, leading us through the village.


"Welcome to the high church of Lady Irene! You'll find the High Priest in here." Drake says. Ales and I start to walk in, but Drake stops us.

"Sabrina, do you mind if I show Ali around the village? Y-You know, in case you are allowed to stay..." Drake says. I lock eyes with Ales.

Her parents told me to watch her, and to never stop guarding her. But... Just this once won't hurt, right?

"O-Of course! Go ahead, Ali." I said. Ales mouths a thank you and skips along with Drake as he leads her around the village.

I stare up at the church again. It gives me an ominous feeling, but I ignore it and walk through.

"Uh... Hello?" I say, looking around. The church is empty, except for one man standing in the front. I can't see his face, because his back is turned on me.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Asks the man. I swallow nervously.

"I'm Sabrina, and I traveled here from Pikoro Village with my best friend Ali. I'm looking for the High Priest. Do you know where he is?" I ask.

The man turns around and I can see his true self. He has black hair that swept over one of his light, blue eyes, which widen when he sees me.

"A-Ah, yes. W-Well, the High Preist is currently not around, b-but I am given p-permission to a-allow people into our v-village. But, I-I have t-to make s-sure you're suitable t-to stay. F-First off... What is your n-name?" He asks.

"I'm Sabrina." I say with ease. I've already planned every single question, and I know what to answer.

"Hmm... You c-come from Pikoro V-Village, you say?" He asks. I nod rapidly.

"Yes." I answer.

"A-And what is your occupation?" Asks the man.

"We haven't thought about it yet... I'm interested in guarding, and I'm sure Ali will do something less dangerous." I say.

"Well then, you're allowed to stay." He says, smiling. I smile back.

"Alright, now I have to find a place to live." I say.

"U-Uh I could help you with that. W-we have a selection of homes here in O'Khasis, and while you look for a home you could stay in the castle." The man says. A/N Wow I just made him sound like a real estate agent. XD

"It's fine, really. My friend and I will just camp out on the edge of town until we find a place of our own." I assure him.

"A-Are you sure?" He asks. I nod, smiling.

"Yep. Speaking of my friend, I have to go find her. I'll see you around." I say, waving goodbye as I leave.

"O-Ok... See you around." He says as I leave the church.

I don't even realize I never got to learn this guy's name.


Ales bounces around excited as she tells me the story of how Drake asked her on an outing. We were on the edge of town, in the forest, looking for somewhere to make camp in the meanwhile.

"He's a really nice person. Hopefully, he isn't secretly evil!" Ales jokes. I chuckle.

"Yeah, hopefully." I play along. Then, Ales stops bouncing.

"By the way Sam... Why did you lie about our names?" Asks Ales.

"We can't have anyone knowing who we really are, Ales. That's why I told you to dye your hair, and why I lied about our names. As long as we live here, our names are Ali and Sabrina." I say. Ales nods, and a smirk creeps onto her face.

"Sabrina makes you sound girly compared to your old name." She says. I groan, face palming.

"Listen, it was all I could come up with on short notice. And, don't ever call me girly or Sabrina in private again or I'll kill you." I warn, frowning. Ales rolls her eyes.

"Ok ok... Sabrina." She says, laughing as she runs away.

"HEY!" I yell, running after her.

I chase her through the incredibly huge village. She must know her way around because of the tour with Drake, and here I was completely lost. I ran past the entrance gates, past the bakery, and past the church. I kept running, until--

I ran straight into someone.

Crap Sam. Why you gotta do this to yourself?!

I stand up, trying to apologize.


Guards surrounded me and pointed their swords at my throat. The person I ran over hadn't seen the situation, and was still on the ground.

Great Sam. You ran over someone of IMPORTANT POWER!!!

"Kneel to the High Preist, Zane!"  Yells one of the guards. Afraid for my life, I slowly kneel. The guards move out of the way as the High Priest makes his way into the circle.

I realize it's the man from the church. The same moppy black hair that fell over the same light blue eyes. My jaw drops.

"What's going on here-- S-SABRINA!!! G-GUARDS, TAKE YOUR LEAVE!" Yells Zane.

"But sir--"

"You heard me. Take. Your. Leave." Zane orders. The guards withdraw their swords and leave. Zane helps me up.

"N-No need to kneel. I'm s-sorry about my guard's rash actions. B-By the way, I never got to introduce m-myself. I'm Zane, the High Priest." He says, lending me his hand to shake.

My mouth is still open.

"Wh-Why did you lie about not being the High Priest?" I ask. He blushes.

"W-Well, I wanted to g-get to know y-you without all the formalities." Zane explains. A/N Hey, that rhymes! Somewhat...

"I see. Well then, let's start over. I'm Sabrina." I say, shaking his hand.

"Welcome to O'Khasis."

<><><>MEMORY OVER<><><>

"Sam? Are you ok?" I was so busy meddling in the past, I didn't even notice Ales was awake and snapping her fingers in front of me. I yawned, nodding.

"I'm fine, Ales. Just... Just thinking." I said. She nodded.

"Of Zane." She guessed. I nodded.

"Yes, of Zane." I said. Ales smiled, crossing her legs and moving so she sat in front of me.

"You never told me how you fell in love with him." She said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, come on! I told you all about Drake, and yet you don't bother to say anything about your love life." Ales whispered. I sighed.

"Fine. If it's a story you want, it's a story you get." I said, thinking of when I fell for Zane.

A/N So, that's part one of Sam's memories! I might post more later today or tomorrow, but tell me what you think so far! Is it believable? Is it too fake? Am I a horrible writer? 

Bye! Love you all!

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