Episode 6

A/N OC's revealed! I know a couple of you who are gonna start hyperventilating when you find out that you were picked...

I ran past many trees, and soon enough, I found a lake with a willow tree hanging over it. A wooden hut sat hidden by the long leaves that hung from the willow's branches. I knocked on the door frantically.

"Hide! It might be the O'kasis guards!" Whispered a familiar voice. I smiled widely when I heard it.

"Amber!?" I yelled, knocking again. The door swung open and I was engolfed into a hug.

"Omigosh, Melanie!" I took in Amber's appearance. Same old brown hair, same old teal eyes, same old tall Amber.

"How... How are you still so young? Hasn't it been fifteen years?" I asked. She smiled, her dimples forming.

"I'm a magicks user, but I've got some elvish in me. While I do age, it doesn't show. I'm like a younger Zoey. She's 900, I'm only 600."

"Yeah, only six hundred." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Come in!" Amber said, letting me in.

"Wow, you're living your peaceful life you wanted, huh?" I asked. There was a small chimney with a rack to hang pots on, and a couple of armchairs. A kitchen was in the back, and many doors were planted into the wall, which I'm guessing is where all the rooms are.

"Forget about that, where have you been!?" She asked. I sighed.

"You better sit down... It's a long story."

"I'm so sorry about Garroth, Melanie." Said Amber, rubbing my back. I had just gone through ten minutes of telling her the story, and another two minutes of crying over Garroth and Laurence. I sniffed my nose.

"I'm ok, really. I just needed to let it out a bit." I said, wiping my tears. Then, Amber's eyes widened.

"Oh my goodness... I forgot all about Jadyn!" She cried, running into a door. My eyebrows furrowed together.

"Jadyn?" I mumbled to myself.

Amber came back out, and a girl was standing behind her. She had long, brown hair with a purple streak in it. The girl had black leggings and a pink flannel shirt, with leather boots. A rose quartz stone lay on her chest with a black string tied to it. It was an amazing necklace. Her hazel eyes clashed with her hair. And, she looked really young. 

"Amber, who is that!?" Asked the girl, ducking behind Amber.

"I was her magicks teacher about fifteen years ago. She accidentally took a trip to Lady Irene's dimension and.... Well, you get the idea." I assumed the girl knew about the dimension, because her eyes sparkled with pity.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry. Your family must be so worried about you." Said the girl, still hiding behind Amber. I felt a lump arise in my throat.

"The only family I have is still stuck in there." I mumbled.

"Huh?" Asked the girl. I smiled weakly, trying to hide my sorrow.

"Oh, nothing... What's your name?" I asked, trying to change the subject. The girl jumped when I asked her the question, and she rushed through her words.

"MynameisJadyn." She said. Luckily, I grew up with Garroth, who was always either quiet or shy or fast at talking.

"What a beautiful name." I said smiling. She blushed.

"I'll leave you two to get to know each other." Said Amber, turning to leave. Jadyn froze.

"Wait!" She cried. Amber rose an eyebrow.

"Um... Jack just communicated with me over the communication amulet... He'll be here soon. Killed a chicken." Said Jadyn, pointing to her quartz necklace. Amber nodded, going to her room.

"So, how old are you?" I asked, sitting back down. Jadyn slowly sat down as well, shaking slightly.

"Oh, I-I'm sixteen." She said. I nodded.

"How come your here with Amber? Are you her kid, or-"

"No. M-my mom was a b-bandit and... Well, maybe I'll tell you later if I get to know you more." Said Jadyn, looking at her feet. I nodded, understanding.

"It's ok. How about I tell you about myself, so you can get to trust me? I'm going to ask Amber if I can stay here with you two. Is that ok?" I asked. Jadyn looked alarmed.

"That's fine with me, but Jack... Well, he has trouble letting people in." Said Jadyn, scratching her head. I nodded, knowing I was going to have to meet this Jack.

"Ok, so... Let's begin."

I told her my story, about how I ran away from O'kasis with Garroth to Phoenix Drop. I didn't tell her who Zane was, or that I was supposed to become the first female high priest. Then, I explained that I was in Lady Irene's dimension and Garroth stayed behind to save us. I also told her about Laurence. But I never mentioned Zane. I was able to avoid punching the wall with my anger for him.

"T-that's so sad!" Jadyn exclaimed, tears bordering her eyes. I bit my lip.

"Yeah, I miss my brother horribly, and I miss having someone love me, too." I said. She sniffed, rubbing her nose.

"I don't have siblings. My mom was a bandit, and she got caught in O'kasis. I was-"

The door swung open, causing Jadyn and I to jump. I looked up at the door.

A young man stood there, his black hair swooping slightly over his dark, green eyes. He wore a black hoodie, with the hood off, exposing his hair. He also wore jeans and black shoes with laces on them.A blue bow was slung over his shoulders, arrows stocked in it.

His eyes went directly from Jadyn, to Amber whom had just rushed in, to me. Shivers went down me spine when his green eyes connected with mine.

"Who are you? Who is she?" Asked the young man.

"She's a friend. I've known her for fifteen years. She got stuck in Lady Irene's dimension for fifteen minutes, and-"

"Lady Irene's dimension? I heard only people with pure hearts can enter. Of course, it was a myth. I'm Jack, and you are?" Asked Jack.

Obviously, it's not true because Zane went in there, with Lillian, and at the time, a traitor, Garroth.

"I'm Melanie, a friend of Amber's." I said.

"Amber said you were in Lady Irene's dimension. How'd you get stuck in that death trap?" Asked Jack. I fiddled around with my hands.

"It's a long story..." I said.

"We've got time. You want me to trust you? Then sit down and tell me." Said Jack, collapsing on the armchair after handing Amber a bag. I presumed the chicken was in there.

"Jadyn, come with me. I want to teach you how to bake the chicken." Said Amber, leading Jadyn to the kitchen. Jack and I stared at each other before I took a deep breath, and told the story for the fourth time that day. But... Twice have I not told anyone about Zane being my brother or Garroth being future Lord of O'kasis.

"You've been through a lot, haven't you?" Asked Jack. I nodded.

"Well, you're welcome to stay. We've each got our reasons for being here, and they all have to do with Zane." Said Jack, getting up.

"I'm hungry. Let's see if the girls are done with dinner, shall we?" Asked Jack.

"Yeah, sure." I said, walking into the kitchen.

The kitchen was really pretty, and big. Come to think of it, the whole hut was huge. Bigger then it looked on the outside. I looked at Amber's eyes, confused. She mouthed the word magicks and I nodded, understanding that she must've used magicks to make the house seem smaller.

"Dinner is ready." Said Amber, placing the chicken on the table. Jadyn smiled at herself, and I assumed she made it.

"Wow. Jadyn, did you make this?" Asked Jack, sitting down as he picked the chicken. Jadyn shyly nodded as she sat down.

"Well, we don't know how good it is until we try it, now do we?" Asked Jack as he bit into a piece. Hie eyes widened as he went for more.

"I don't know, Jadyn... Are you sure you made this? There's no feathers in it." Jack said, eating more chicken. Jadyn rolled her eyes.

"That was one time..." She said sitting down. Amber and I joined them, and soon enough, there was a silence, where all you could here were the forks clinking with the plates.

"So... I've told you all my story, and know it's your turn. Why do you all hate Zane?" I asked, curious about what my brother had done this time to get so many people to hate him.

No one answered.

I felt a bit untrustworthy, like no one wanted to tell me anything, in fear I would betray them. I've told them more then they will probably ever tell me, but I respected them. They would tell me when the time comes. I already knew Amber's story. She told me when I told her my story.

After she left, Amber started out for her home, the Yaggrisil forest. Unluckily, she ran into Zane on her way. Zane demanded that she tell him where all the women and children of Phoenix Drop were sent. Amber didn't know. When she failed to give the information, Zane became furious. He stripped her of all her magicks with a potion, and all she had was her elvish side. So now, Amber had no magicks, and she could no longer be my teacher.

I felt horrible for Amber. I know I hadn't really been using my magicks, but without them I'd be incomplete. So now, I was putting my plate in the wash bin, scrubbing the food off of it.

"Um, I'm going to unpack... Which room...?" I asked awkwardly. Amber walked over to me smiling, and pointed to a white door. I walked in, looking around.

The room was painted a basic light blue, with white lacy curtains, a bed with white sheets, two chairs, a desk, all painted white, and a small white wardrobe. I took off my backpack and started to take all the stuff out of it.

A top from Cadenza...

Garroth's old helm, which I took from the new guard tree before I left...

My cape...

The picture I found abandoned at my house of Garroth, Zenix and I...

I looked at that picture, and frantically started looking for a frame. Then, I decided to make one. Quickly, I opened the window, and used my magicks to get twigs, vines and leaves to float towards me. I used my magicks and formed the twigs into the shape of a window frame. Then, I fashioned the vines and leaves to wrap around the wood, making it beautiful.

It's missing something... I thought, staring at it. Then, something snapped in my mind, and I used my magicks. Soon enough, lilacs were scattered on it.

Only the best for Garroth... I thought, placing the picture in it. Then, I remembered I had brought the other picture as well. The one of me, Garroth, Dante and Laurence. I pulled it out. I made another picture frame that was identical to the previous one, except instead of lilacs, they were jasmine flowers. A/N I once had a friend named Jasmin... We were besties, but then I moved. :(

A pang of sadness overcame me when I took a step back and saw the picture. Seeing Laurence's smile reminded me of how I used to love him... And how he broke my heart. Then, I did something I knew I could never undo. I used my magicks, and burned him fade out of the picture, making it seem like it was just Garroth, Dante and I with a burnt off space to the left. I bit my lip, knowing I wouldn't cry when I looked at the picture anymore.

"I'm guessing you have a bad experience with that guy, huh?" I jumped, turning around.

Jack was there, his arms crossed and his mouth formed into a smirk.

"Um... yeah, he... did... something..." I stuttered. It seemed like this whole week, I was going to be thinking and acting like Garroth.

"What did he do?" Asked Jack, eyeing the picture with Garroth, Zenix and I.

"Another long story. Each of these two pictures have their own little stories behind them, and I will eventually tell them to you, but over time. Just like you and Jadyn chose to do with me." I concluded. Jack nodded in understanding.

"Just... One question." He said. I nodded, waiting for his question.

"Is that Garroth, the son of the Lord of O'kasis?" He asked. I was startled. You see, I hadn't told anyone except Amber and Cadenza about Zane, or Garroth being the Lord of O'kasis. Heck, I never mentioned his name.

"Yeah, it is. He's my twin. How do you know-" He interrupted me.

"You're Garroth's twin." Asked Jack with disbelief.

"Look, I already told you the story, didn't I?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"I know you didn't tell me the whole story. Now, tell me, and if you do, I'll tell you my story." He said. I wanted to know his story, so I gave in.

"Fine. But you better get real comfortable on that chair." I said, sitting down on the white bed. Jack smirked, knowing he won.

I told him about Garroth, Zenix, Laurence, and finally... Zane.

"You're Zane's sister?" Asked Jack, staring me down.

"Uh huh." I said.

"Then, I'm afraid I must kill you. I made a vow to kill anything Zane loves, and I intend to keep it." Said Jack, standing up. I snapped, and vines tied him against a chair.

"Well, then it's your lucky day, because Zane happens to not love me." I said, sighing.

I didn't care that Zane didn't love me as a true brother, I just wished he would change into the little brother Garroth once knew. The kind, caring, less bloodthirsty brother. I knew it would never happen, though. If he was raised by Garroth's dad... Who I'm now guessing is my dad... It's bound never to happen.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't siblings love each other like siblings do?" Asked Jack.

"Yeah, well... We both know Zane is no person to go around giving hugs." I said, smiling at the thought of it.

I know I just killed your mom... But want a hug?

"True." Jack gave in.

"Now, it's your turn." I said, waiting for his story.

"I'll tell you everything. If, you let me go."

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked, mimicking him. Jack bit his lip.

"Do you have a choice?" Asked Jack. I knew I wasn't about to keep him here.

"Fine." I said, snapping my fingers. The vines went loose, letting him wiggle free.

"Tell me your story." I said. Jack sighed.

"All right, all right... Here it goes."

"When I turned 18, I decided I wanted to be a guard. So, living in O'kasis at the time, I went to O'kasis guard school, leaving behind my parents, my sister, Lily, and my fox, Flare. One day, I came home from guard school on a vacation, and saw Lily at sword point from an O'kasis guard. I didn't know why, though. Even worse, I could see my parents, dead on the floor. They had been killed, by the order of the high priest, Zane. He was collecting taxes for Zane's ship to Phoenix Drop. Something about a wedding. My parents refused, and Lily was left an eye witness of the murder." He had tears in his eyes and I bit my lip, hating Zane more then ever.

"I went up from behind and shoved the guard off, telling Lily sister to run. She was only 18 at the time. I was 21. The guards stabbed me, right here." He pointed to the left side of his stomach.

"I was wounded, I was dying. I was able to kill him off before running into the woods to find Lily. Before I passed out, I saw someone trying to help me. I woke up in the middle of the forest, alone, but thankfully, healed. A bag of supplies sat to my left." Explained Jack. I nodded.

"I can't imagine living without Garroth. This is my first ever week without him."

"He's stuck there." I said. Jack had a look of pity for me in his eyes, but I ignored it.

"That's why I'm here. I used to have a lover that kept me going, but now, I'm going to find my brother." I said with a sound of confidence that I hadn't had in a while.

"You and me both." Jack said. I looked up at him.

"When I told Lily to run, she took Flare and ran into the forest. After the anonymous person fixed me up, I set out to find her. I couldn't. I traveled from Pikoro Village, to the Eastern Wolf Tribe in case they kidnapped her for her ability with animals, all the way to this here village, Phoenix Drop. I can't find her. All I found was a wandering Jadyn, who was very close to shooting me when she saw me. I convinced her that I was good, and she took me with Amber. I've been staying here ever since." Said Jack, sighing. I bit my lip.

"I'll help you, if you help me." I said. Jack smirked.

"You got yourself a deal."

A/N Thanks to Jadyn_Krouse and to MiaArtFate for the OC's! I enjoyed them very much, and all the other entries were wonderful as well!

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