Episode 31
A/N If you haven't yet, go to MC_DeadGamerGirl's story to catch up on what happened to Melanie.
Y/N: Your name
H/C: Hair color
E/C: Eye color
Melanie's POV
When Lexi asked me for some armor, I immediately requested for chainmail armor. It helped me feel connected to Garroth in a way.
"Melanie?" I looked up and saw [Y/N] standing at the doorway. I smiled.
"Hey [Y/N]. What's wrong?" I asked. She smiled.
"I wanted to know how you are coping with being in a different dimension and all." She said. I sighed.
"To be honest, I know my dark side is evil and all, but I don't think it'd lie to me about something this big of a deal, you know?" I asked. [Y/N] had a glimpse of guilt pass over her [E/C] eyes for a second.
"Well I'm sorry your brother isn't here." She said. I frowned.
"Yeah... But maybe if this is a different dimension, he accepted the marriage and he's at O'Khasis!" I cried. [Y/N] scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.
"Wedding...?" She thought. Then, she shook her head and dismissed he thought.
"N-Never mind. Th-The point is I don't think it would be a good idea for you to wander around this dimension of you never even existed in it." [Y/N] said.
She's hiding something... Find out.
You are really getting on my nerves.
"I promise you I'm not hiding anything." [Y/N] responded quickly.
Right... She can read your thoughts.
Maybe that's a good thing.
Maybe she's hiding something about Garroth. Maybe she's hurting him.
"Your brother isn't here. I promise you that." [Y/N] said smoothly before turning on her heel and walking away.
Ales' POV
I turned to face Sam, who was mumbling something under her breath. I sighed.
"Hey Sam... Do you trust Travis?" I asked, glancing at the white headed man who was currently busy in his desk. Sam frowned.
"NO! HE TRIED TO KISS YOU! MY SOUL PURPOSE IN LIFE IS TO PROTECT YOU!" Sam said harshly. I rolled my eyes.
"That's not true. You're here to be my best friend too." I reminded her. She frowned.
"Yeah, well... I'm not about to let you leave me for anyone just yet." She scoffed. I smiled.
"Aw, you thought I was going to abandon you?" I asked. Sam narrowed her eyes.
"Am I not allowed to think that way?" She asked. Aphmau, who had been quiet, spoke up.
"Well, don't you trust your best friend not to ditch you like that?" Aphmau asked. I nodded, then decided to joke with Sam.
"Besides, what if I wanted to kiss him?" I asked. Sam began to shake.
"Wh-Why would you want to?" She asked. I smirked.
"He's pretty hot if I say so myself." I said. Sam frowned as if she knew what I had done.
"I'll go after her." Aphmau offered, running after Sam.
"So your sister... Overprotective much?" I turned and faced Travis. I smiled.
"I really should go apologize to her. A joke went wrong." I explained. He nodded.
"Let me guess: She's worried you're going to abandon her for love, or visa-versa?" Travis asked. I sighed.
"Well, something like that-- wait... Why do you care?" I asked. He shrugged.
"Just curious. You're the first human I've spoken to in a while, aside from imps pretending to be humans, or imps trying to lead normal human lives." He explained. I nodded, but was confused.
"She just needs to cool off." Aphmau said as she came back inside the house.
"Alright then. But Travis... What are imps?" I asked.
Travis then explained what imps were, and how his mother had trained him to fend off the Demon Warlock from the villagers.
"If anything, it shows I'm a committed man." Trevor finished, taking my cold hand in his warm one.
Wait... What?!
I chuckled nervously, unable to say a thing. Luckily, Aphmau was quick to help me.
"Travis, you and Ales would never work. She's from the T'ula Region and since you're so committed to this island, it just wouldn't be able to work." Aphmau said.
"Wait..." He dropped my hand, and immediately I missed the warmth.
"You're from the R'uan Region... And you have healing powers... Are you in anyway connected to Lady Irene?!" He asked, turning to Aphmau. She frowned.
"Why?" She asked, slightly annoyed.
Travis explained about Enki, and how his ruins might hold some answers.
"Listen Travis, we really need to get off this island. Besides, Aphmau can't be risking her life." I said when he offered to go find the Enki Ruins with Aphmau. Then, Travis shrugged.
"No problem. You can go with me, and I'm sure your answer will be there." He said. I widened my eyes.
What did I just get myself into?
"But don't you need Aphmau's magicks?" I asked. Travis smiled.
"That's where you come in. Your potion skills are incredible from what I've seen, and you could bottle up some of her magicks and take it with us. So what do you say? Wanna go on an adventure with me?" He asked. I bit my lip, knowing I couldn't get out of this one.
Besides, it won't be so bad as long as I keep Aphmau out of danger.
"Sure. What do I have to lose?" I said, smirking. Travis grinned for a split second before clearing his throat.
"Uh– Here's a necklace. It'll let the imps know you're a friend of mine. Here... Let me put it on you." He said, holding out a small dark blue pendant with a silver chain. I blushed slightly and turned around.
"O-Ok." I said, turning so he could tie it on. When I turned, I saw Aphmau wiggling her eyebrows. I glared at her.
As Travis placed the chain around my neck, I saw Sam through the door, watching me. She entered the house with a frown on her face.
This must look really wrong on her end...
"S-Sam, it's not what it looks like!" I cried, running up to her.
I quickly pulled out two more potions of warmth, and handed one to Travis
"Here. These are my last ones." I said, swallowing one down. Travis smirked at the object and drank it quickly. The color came back to his skin and he led me through the forest.
"I'm glad you were able to clear kings up with Sam back there." He said. I sighed.
"Yeah... She's been acting really protective, especially when I'm around guys." I explained.
"So Ales... What's your story?" He asked. I let out a fake laugh.
"Ha! Yeah you're not finding out that easily. Just know that I've been on the run for quite a while." I said. Travis nodded.
"Cool." He said, making his way through some trees. I rolled my eyes.
"It really isn't." I said. Travis bit his lip.
"Sure it is... For someone who's been living alone all his life." He said.
A pang of sadness fell in my heart.
"Here, the ruins of Enki should be around here somewhere." Travis said, stopping my thoughts. I looked around, but only saw snow, ice, and trees.
"Where?" I asked.
"Just look for something that looks like a door." Travis said, searching the trees. I looked around the snow.
"Shouldn't you know where the ruins are?" I asked. "You've lived here for so long."
"Nah, I don't like to hang around sacred places too often. It's a bad omen if you ask me." Travis explained, pointing me in the direction of an icy and snowy cavern.
I looked around, the cold breeze hitting my skin once again.
Should've asked Aphmau for a jacket-- wait... What's that?
I looked at a stone wall, with carvings on it. Travis ran to my side, and I knew what to do.
I grabbed one of the three potions with Aphmau's magicks and threw it at the wall. It opened, revealing a short corridor with torches hung up every few feet.
"NO WAY! THAT LADY IS CONNECTED TO IRENE?!" Travis exclaimed. I frowned, smacking the back of his head.
"That lady's name is Aphmau, and I guess... But what does it matter?" I asked. Travis grabbed my shoulders, an excited grin on his face.
"PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO OPEN THIS FOR CENTURIES! LETS GO SEE WHATS INSIDE!" He cried, running in. I bit my lip and followed worriedly.
"Trevor be careful... It could be a trap." I said.
I stopped next to him in front of a small pool of water. In the very center was a quartz pillar that held an item of a sort. A small bridge led the way to the object.
"Not as exciting as I would've hoped... But this thing here keeps making a pinging noise." Travis said, frowning slightly.
"I'll go look at it." I said, walking on the bridge to the object.
As I got closer, the object turned out to be a stand with a book on it. I couldn't read the writing, so I decided to try Aphmau's magicks. I poured some of the potion on it, and a voice filled my head.
Irene... Is that you...?
I didn't think that you would ever come back to my island. In fact I didn't think I'd ever see you again. However if you're here, then I guess it's time we settled things.
I wanted to leave this for you because I didn't want to have to say it to your face.
Irene... I loved you. I always did.
I know you and I were great friends... But I wanted more.
Woah... That's deep.
A/N I don't want to write the rest of the message cause it's too long... AND IM LAZY! So, excuse me for it not being there.
I continued reading, the message that the book spoke to me entrancing me.
Until someone shoved me to the ground.
"ALES!" I looked up and saw Travis helping me to my feet.
"What was that for?" I asked. He wore a worried expression.
"I've been calling and poking you go no end, and you were just zoned out!" He cried.
"I-I was?" I asked. Travis gently swiped some of my brown hair out of my eyes.
"You sure did... You ok?" He asked. I swallowed, nodding.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I confirmed.
"Good... Let's get out of here... There's no treasure or anything." He assured. I nodded, crossing the bridge as I tried to memorize everything in that book so I could tell it all to Aphmau. It probably had more meaning to her then it did to me.
I wonder what happened between the Divine Warriors anyways?
I'm going to find out.
A/N Sorry if it's crappy and took so long, but I had to write it all on my phone because my iPad's screen is frozen and my sister won't let me use hers, so it's either try and do it all on your phone, or no chapter.
Sorry... I'm just so happy I found a ship for Ales!
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