Daryl paced as Rick, Jesus, Glenn, and Abraham killed a few walkers with grayed hair and large noses. "I don't think any of them are exact." Jesus said as he eyed the walkers laying on the ground now finally dead for the final time.
"Just punch their faces a few times." Daryl suggested as he got closer his stitches were still hurting a bit, however he was fine enough. Rick smirked at the suggestion and began to punch the walkers a few times breaking their noses. "That looks better doesn't it Jesus?"
Jesus nodded with a smile. "I do think so, you're one smart 'mega." Jesus whispered as he got closer so none of their people heard the comment. Daryl grinned proud of himself, he felt Rick wrap an arm around him pulling him closer to kiss him, the blood of the walkers covered the ground and Daryl was growing anxious wanting to get back to his pups.
"Puppies." Daryl whispered to Rick. "You think they're okay?"
"They're with Carol and the others, they're fine honey." He promised.
Daryl nodded, accepting the fact his pack would take care of Judith and the others. He thought for a moment about their plan, about getting back to his pups. He needed to get back to them, that was his one and only real plan, get back to his pups and don't get his ass caught by the saviors.
If one of them found him he knew he was in for it.
Daryl took a deep breath as they packed up and headed out to go, Daryl didn't know if this Negan person would be there or not but he sure as hell did not want to meet him. They waited till the cover of night to ensure they weren't as easily spotted, once the guards accepted the decoy head Rick quickly took out the two guards and they rushed it, Daryl was always at Rick's side no matter where they went within the outpost.
There wasn't a single omega scent, it was also clear to Daryl even with all the smells that he could pick up on the man he had met was not there. He didn't believe he had ever been there before.
They continued on killing and taking out the men that threatened their new friends, and their futures. Daryl walked into a room with photos of people's heads bashed in, Daryl gagged a bit at the images.
"You're okay," Rick promised inching closer as he pulled Daryl into his embrace.
Daryl turned his head into Rick's shoulder. "I don't.. I don't want to end up with them."
"I won't let that happen honey," Rick swore. Daryl shivered hoping that it was true, he knew Rick didn't have that choice. He knew Rick couldn't always protect him. Rick kissed his scent glands before they continued their raid.
Jesus came upon Glenn as someone raised their gun to him, Jesus took the alpha out without hesitation. The two beta took off quickly running through the halls taking out anyone that wasn't from their packs, they all knew there was more at stake here then Hill-Top. Daryl was their main priority, they needed to make sure that no one got back to Negan, if he wasn't already here. That Hill-Top knew of the omega, and that a new community, Alexandira, had one.
Daryl snarled as they worked their way through body after body, he was sprayed in their blood and he knew it was going to end up sending Rick into a possible blood rut. He was prepared enough for it just worried about popping his stitches. He knew he was told sex would be fine but he still was nervous enough about it. He also felt he needed to tell Rick about the miscarraige but was worried about his reaction.
The man was dead who had caused it, so there wasn't anything he could do about it on that end. Daryl bit his lip and ignored the continual thought as they finally finished their kills.
Rick growled feeling the rut coming on, it would only last a day if not a few hours but it was worth doing what he needed to over hurting his pack. They quickly made their way outside as daytime was just beginning.
Jesus, Glenn, and Abraham saw the stance first, heard his growling and pacing.
Daryl turned towards his mate only to be pounced on. "Fuck Rick."
A few of Hill-Top's people raised their guns to stop the alpha male but Jesus held up his hand. "We gotta let them go at it, a prime alpha in rut isn't good to stop."
"That mans a beta." One of the men barked back.
"He's his mate." Jesus snarled. "Just form a damn circle so they can do what they gotta."
Daryl groaned as he was pinned down. "Alpha." He moaned softly.
"Shh love." Rick growled as he ripped his pants around his ankles.
"Careful, stitches." Daryl whispered as he felt Rick's cock slipped inside him. Rick was careful not to pop the stitches, kind enough to let him set the pace. "Alpha.."
"Shh 'mega." He moaned as he kept his pace up. Daryl felt exposed out here in the morning air, knowing their people were waiting for them. His pups were waiting for them. "It's okay calm down." Rick swore as he kissed him roughly before rebonding their mark.
Daryl howled happily as he was bit, Rick's fangs sinking into his shoulder. "Oh!"
"It's okay, it's okay."
Daryl moaned as he was continually slammed into before he felt Rick's knot fill him. Daryl's back arched as Rick's cock pumped him full of spunk, he shivered in pleasure as Rick's knot pulsated inside him. "Ngh.. ah.. Ri-"
Rick captured him in another kiss. Daryl happily kissed him back with desperation, he wrapped his arms around his neck as Rick adjusted him to sit on top. He panted as he held his hand to his chest, no one was watching which he was thankful for. Dried blood caked his top and face but Rick had no worry about it. The blood almost fueled him, almost made the fucking more worth it.
Daryl smiled happy he was being careful with him. He knew he didn't have to be, but he was there for him. Jesus couldn't help but smile knowing the omega was being taken care of. He didn't know what they would do if Negan ever got a hold of him. They just prayed it wouldn't come to that.
Daryl hissed as Rick slammed him back into the ground not pulling out when his knot deflated, he went back to his fucking. He wasn't going to give this up, his blood rut was of course fueling the actions but knowing he could lose Daryl any moment it wasn't something he knew how to handle.
He moaned out in pleasure as he was slammed into before the next knot held them together. Rick kissed him carefully before pulling up and looking him over. "You're mine you got that?"
Daryl nodded, he wanted to only ever be Rick's, that was his goal, to stay and only be his.
He just prayed that Negan was dead, that they had killed him at this outpost, but according to Jesus that wasn't necessarily what happened. The saviors were large, and had multiple outposts, and not even Jesus knew of the true Sanctuary.
Daryl just prayed he never came across Negan.
Returning home to Alexandria things were at a calm for a few days, Denise asked Rosita and Daryl if they would take her to an apothecary she remembered seeing when she arrived at the community, and they obliged knowing the medical supplies would be good for the pack to have. Eugene and Abraham went out to check out a rig for Eugene to make and prepare bullets. The groups went separate ways once they left the front gate. Daryl made sure to give Rick a kiss, and each pup a cuddle before they headed out for the trip.
They drove on for a while until they came across a fallen tree, Daryl slipped out of the car checking the tree over.
"It looks like it was a natural fall, but I don't know if I trust it." Daryl muttered sniffing around, the stench of the dead masked any other scent.
"Then we walk," Rosita suggested.
"Railroad tracks go straight for it." Denise replied with a smile.
"No," Daryl muttered, "if there is anyone out there we go through the woods."
"I can take the tracks." Rosita replied.
"We don't split us up." He growled. "I can't lose you Espinosa."
Roista looked up surprised by the admittance, she nodded and they made their way together through the dense trees. Their scent masked by that of the dead, and the natural wood. Daryl stalked forward his bow up at all times, he didn't trust a single soul but his own pack fow now. The threat of the saviors and honestly any other pack was too high. Daryl didn't trust anyone they didn't know, and he certainly didn't trust Gregory from Hill-Top. If his true designation slipped from any of the trusted Hill-Top members his life was in more danger than he could explain.
He was thankful only Jesus knew their pack location.
They made their way forward through the trees till they came across the tracks once more and were able to see the strip where the apothecary was. Daryl smiled expressing his excitement by rushing the door, he held up his hand to Rosita and Denise who didn't make their move until he gave the okay.
He knocked on the door and waited for any movement or noise from inside of the building. He nodded once only silence returned his knocking. "We get in, we fill our packs with everything doesn't matter what it is, and we get out." He snarled. "If there is anything you really need go for it first, we may not have time to wait."
They nodded and slipped inside the building, Daryl got the metal door up and jumped over the side. He began to pile his bags full of all the pills, Rosita did the same as they went through bottles of pills.
Daryl picked up a bottle of pills and looked it over. Rosita noticed the bottle he was holding and knocked it from his hands. "Rosita I wasn't gonna."
"Don't even think about it." Rosita snarled.
"It was just a bottle alright." He snapped kicking it to the side. They were pills for omegas, specifically to stop their heat cycles. He was nervous about being taken by the saviors, fearful of being raped and impregnated, but he genuinely could never take that from Rick either.
If he was never taken by the saviors, or even if he was, he could never take the chance of having pups with Rick away. He needed to give that chance to Rick, even if he had to be with Negan to give Rick that choice.
Rosita snarled and tossed the bottle he had picked up in the trash and knocked it over so the lid of it was against the wall.
Denise was searching the other parts of the room when she heard a noise coming from another room. Daryl heard the noises too. "I got it, don't worry." He said jumping over the counter again, his bag chittering with pills. She nodded and stepped back, he kicked the door open and looked in. A walker was laying on the floor, Daryl took out it's brain quickly but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a toddler's shoe sitting in a bloody puddle.
"Oh fuck oh fuck." Daryl panicked, memories flooded back to him of his time with Joe and the claimers, the dead puppy in the crib that sent him over the edge. He turned over and threw up the little he had in his stomach.
Rosita heard him cry out and smelt his fear and distress.
She raced in and helped him up. "Daryl, breath it's okay."
"They ate their own pup." He sobbed into her arms. "Rosita oh my god. Oh god.. God.." He held onto her tighter, between the dead pup and the horrid memories of Joe hit him like a truck. "Fuck.. Rosita.. I.. I."
"It's okay. Don't worry, I'm here. We can head back home now. Let's go home."
Daryl nodded, shaking, he was on high alert now. He needed to make sure Judith was okay, and needed to know that his family was there. He needed Rick's bite, to feel his touch on his body to know that he loved him. That Joe couldn't hurt him anymore.
Denise could smell his panic. "Daryl are you okay?"
"F..fine." He muttered.
She nodded hoping he really was okay. "Daryl," Rosita said cupping his cheeks, "talk to me."
"Joe... when I.. well when I was with them.. We stayed in a house for a night. I was told to go explore. I walked into a pups room... there was a dead one in the crib." He managed out through heavy breathing and deep breaths.
Denise turned her head towards him. "Joe?"
"A group of alphas raped me." Daryl hissed. "Put me in a collar, took my mate mark from Rick." He grunted. "That's why I'm nervous of the saviors, because I've lived through it before. The only thing that saved me was they didn't have time to bite and bond me. I know... the way they talked about this other prime he will venom bond me... and I won't be able to stop it... if he venom bonds me.. Well then I'm his forever regardless of if Rick's alive... a venom bond can only be broken by a mate's death.. And I know that's what will happen to me."
Denise and Rosita stiffened. They didn't realize Daryl had such fears, they didn't have any concerns about venom bonds. Daryl took a deep breath.
"I know eventually they'll find us, and I'll give myself up to them for our pack. I would never allow anyone to die for me.. And if they threaten my pups or Rick I would rather die first."
"Daryl." Rosita hissed.
"It's true." Daryl barked. "Rosita... if you or anyone else I care about is threatened by them... I would give myself up."
"Daryl, you can't.."
"I can and I would." Daryl replied. "We need to go, let's go."
They nodded, Rosita needed to talk to Rick about Daryl's plan to give himself up. They made their way along the track, Daryl wasn't in the headspace to track them through the woods. As they walked Denise stopped to grab a cooler from a car. "Denise we gotta go," Rosita barked.
The beta rolled her eyes. "No it's okay."
"No, it isn't lets go." The omega remarked.
Denise rolled her eyes and made her way back up to them, as she sat and talked to them about wanting to get the cooler out an arrow was shot through her eye. "No! Denise! No." Daryl held her as she dropped to the floor.
Rosita held her weapon up as a group of alphas and betas appeared. Daryl panicked as he saw Dwight step out of the woods with Eugene at his side, a gun to his head.. "Well damn, seems we found him. Negan's going to be really pleased with me. Now 'mega. I know this guy's your friend, so maybe we should just skip the fighting and the gunfire and you should come over here. We want the packs too," Dwight smiled.
The alphas with Dwight were salivating at Daryl's scent.
"Fuck you," Rosita barked. "I won't let him just become that alphas."
Eugene was trying not to cry as the gun stayed close to his temple.
"Well before you do anything maybe you should worry about our companion hiding in the trees with his gun at the ready."
Daryl looked at Eugene quickly realizing he was trying to give them an out. Dwight grunted. "Find him." He said pointing the gun towards the trees, as soon as the gun was off Eugene's head he turned over and bit down on Dwight's jean clad dick. "Fuck!"
Daryl couldn't help but laugh as he raised his crossbow and attempted to shoot Dwight who dropped to his knees.
Abraham came out of the woods shooting any man who got in his way. Rosita nodded to him, the three taking out more of Negan's men, Dwight managed to scramble away tucking tail. Eugene smiled at Abraham. "I wasn't trying to give you up, but I needed to take a chance."
"I'm actually proud of you." Abraham smirked. "You okay Daryl?"
"Fine..." Daryl whispered. He had been willing to give himself up when Dwight asked him, and Rosita could see it in his face, but they needed to get back to Denise.
They could tell she was already gone, but he wasn't willing to leave her body behind. They needed to get back their pack, tell their prime what happened, and Rosita needed to have a talk with Rick, because she truly was concerned about their omega.
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