(Nijisanji EN Arc) Chapter 11: The Truth Behind Mika's Obsession
(I want to explain that the Nijisanji EN Arc will be completly different compared to the VShojo Arc, the VShojo Arc was the introduction arc to the story, the Nijisanji EN Arc will focus more on building up Y/n as a character and him finally coming to terms with his past, whether it be the death of his mother or his evil ex-girlfriend, this arc will finally let Y/n become who he was meant to be, but first he needs to deal with a very obsessed goth gamer ghost waifu. Credit for this chapter goes to SinOfWrath5. It isn't the exact same idea they had, but it was an influence for the chapter.)
Alright so it's been about 2 weeks since I joined Nijisanji EN, I've gotten to know everyone a lot better, At this point I can consider Vox, Mysta, Ike, Shu, Luca, Sonny, Alban, Uki, Yugo, Fulgur, Kyo, Aster, and Ren, my brothers in arms, It's nice to have them around, it was only me, my mom, and Yor growing up. When it comes to the girls, well when you have 9 girls, all of which are not shy when it comes to showing their love to you, well you tend to go from a dense idiot to a massive playboy, I can tell most of the girls have a thing for me, Nina however is different story, she's starting to fill a hole in my heart I've been missing since my mom died and it's been the greatest feeling in my life, I have to wonder how Yor would react to this, however there is one girl that I've been having a slight problem with. Mika is very, how do I put this nicely? Ah, let me just show you.
(Flashback to 8 Days Ago)
I was doing some practicing in my room, what could I be practicing? Well something of a gift for Pomu, Elira, and Finana just to be nice, I was working on a dance routine for the most twerkable song in human history, DIAMOND CITY LIGHTS.
(This video is awesome and you should go watch it, a fitting tribute to an amazing song.)
After I finished the routine, I heard clapping behind me, I turned pale and slowly turned around, it was only Mika... Wait a second... How did she get in? I looked over to her and I swear I saw her hide something behind her back, I could have sworn it looked like a lock picking kit, I mentally sighed. I also noticed she was blushing and breathing heavily.
Mika: That was so fucking hot...
Y/n: What do you want Mika?
Mika: It would be a shame if Elira, Pomu, and Finana, found out about their secret gift early.
It was then I realized, she had a camera with her and I could see the red recording light on.
Y/n: You wouldn't fucking dare...
Mika: Oh I would, on one condition.
Mika: Hang out with me.
Y/n: Huh?
Mika: Why are you surpised?
Mika then walked up to me and put her hands on my chest... she tried to, she could only reach my upper stomach area.
Mika: Were you expecting sex~
Y/n: Maybe I was~
The two of us stare into each others eyes. A few seconds we both break out into laughter.
Mika: Alright I'm gonna go get ready, no peeking~
Y/n: I should be saying the same thing to you~
I watched her leave the room, a sway in her tiny yet firm hips, got sometimes I love to make women leave on purpose, just to watch them leave, as they say "You hate to watch her go, but you love to watch her leave".
A while later, Me and Mika were walking around Akihabara. (SURPRISE, THE NIJISANJI EN ARC TAKES PLACE IN JAPAN). After a while we arrived at a game store called Super Potato.
Y/n: So what are we doing here Mika?
Mika: I wanted to get some retro RPG's for a Retro Stream I had, I remember you saying on one of your streams that you enjoyed retro games.
Y/n: Wait you watch my streams, how come you've never typed in chat?
Mika: We gamer ghosts are supreme lurkers, when we don't want to be found, we won't be found.
Y/n: Fair enough, let's head inside.
Me and Mika decided to look around separately and would meet again in an about an hour. As I looked around I found a lot of stuff from my childhood, so I decided this would be a good stream idea for say a marathon stream. The list of I got was
2 Famicom Controllers
Super Famicom
4 Super Famicom Controllers
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
(If I had to pick my favorite of the classic Final Fantasy it would be a tie between IV and VI. IV just has the best story ever and you can fucking suplex a train in VI.)
After I finished grabbing my gear, I payed the cashier, but right as I finished I heard Mika's voice.
Mika: Hey! What was that for?!
I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran towards the sound of her voice. When I arrived, I saw a random girl who looked exactly like Heather from Mean Girls. She was standing over Mika who was the ground curled up into a ball shaking.
RG: Man, what a freak you are!
Mika: Stop! Please Stop!
RG: Awww, she's begging for help, that's adorable.
In a fraction of a second, I sped towards Mika and picked her up bridal style.
RG: Who are you?
I didn't even face her, I didn't even want to look at this bitch.
Y/n: I suggest you leave, before I hurt you.
RG: Yeah right, everyone knows you can't hurt a girl. Even if you could, it wouldn't be very manly.
I gently set Mika down who looked at me with tears and stars in her eyes. My eyes were covered by my hair, I knew this day would come and I was ready.
Y/n: I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone "not being a man" when it's convenient.
RG: What the hell are you saying? Why are you protecting that goth freak?
Y/n: Mika is far from being a freak, she's one of the most caring people I know, she would do anything for her friends and they would do anything for her. She might have her quirks, but they make her the best version of herself, I'm not going to let some dumb tramp tell her otherwise!
RG: Do you know who I am?
Y/n: I don't care what your fucking name is, In the name of true gender equality, I will dropkick any rotten woman who deserves it!
RG: Wh-
Before she could even finish her sentence, I rushed towards her and delivered the hardest dropkick I could, sending her flying into a wall, thankfully there was no merchandise on the wall. She left a huge crack in it, I even had to hold back so I wouldn't kill her.
Mika looked on in shock and amazement, I then dusted myself off and went over to the cashier and slapped a fat stack of cash onto the counter.
Y/n: That should pay for the damages. Let's go, Mika.
I looked over to see Mika, she wasn't in any condition to walk, I picked up all the stuff she and dropped and placed it back into the bags, I then picked up her bridal style. She looked up me with a huge blush, before burying her head into the crook of my neck, I could feel her gentle breathing on my neck. I then carried her all the way back to the train station, after we got back to our home station, I realized that she had fallen asleep in my arms, We eventually walked back into the Nijisanji HQ, luckily, most people were either streaming or not currently at the HQ. I carried Mika all the way back to her room and set her down in bed, I gave her a small kiss on the forehead, but as I was about to leave, in her sleep she reached out for my arm and grabbed it.
Mika: Don't... Leave....
I smiled, she was actually adorable when she was sleeping, she then used somehow reserved gorilla strength to drag me into bed with her.
Mika: Mmmm.... Babe....
I gave a small silent chuckle and pulled the covers over us and she snuggled into my chest, I wrapped my arms around her and we both fell into a warm and comfy sleep.
(Back to the Present)
And ever since, Mika has found a way into my room every night, At this point I stopped caring, she says it's because she gets nightmares after what happened, I believe her on that, but I honestly think it's something more.
Tonight was a pretty stormy night, I was just laying in bed, under the covers, reading some a Fanfic called "The Third Sparda of Fairy Tail".
(This is a really great fanfic by MarioCruz23 you all should go give it a read when you can.)
As I was finishing up a chapter, I heard a knock at my door.
Y/n: Come in.
THe door opened to reveal Mika in some nighttime attire.
(Ignore Enna in this picture, for now. I'll be using this picture most likely again in her chapter)
Y/n: You alright Mika.
Mika: N-Not really...
Y/n: What's wro-
Suddenly, a huge flash of lightning followed by a large clap of thunder filled the room, Mika immetitaly jumped towards me and got under the covers with me, hiding underneath them, I think I understand why she's sleeping with me tonight. I pulled up the covers to see her green eyes glowing in the dark.
Y/n: You're scared of thunder arn't you?
She nodded and I kissed her forehead, I then placed her in my lap so we could face each other.
Y/n: Tell ya what, I got a song that might cheer you up. Would you like to listen to it?
(I'm not going to post lyrics for songs anymore, it honestly was an excuse to get more words in a chapter.)
After the song, I could see her with tears in her eyes. I smiled at her and she cried into my chest. I rubbed her back and patted her head.
Y/n: Go ahead and let it out all Mika, I've got all the time you need.
After about 10 minutues, Mika finally looked up at me again.
Y/n: You ready to tell me why you've been so obsessed with me recently?
Mika: I-It's because I'm scared.
Y/n: Scared of what?
Mika: Losing you?
Y/n: Losing me? Why?
Mika: I'm a ghost N/n, I've lived for so long, seen so many people I care about come and go, that's why I act the way that I act, I want to show them that I care about them as much as I can, I just have a hard time doing it, I really do care about it, even though I might be a bit crazy about showing you, I truly do care about you N/n, I just don't know the right way to show it to you.
Y/n: There is no right way to tell someone or show someone that you care about them, sure there are some wrong ways about going about, but your way isn't that way, it's just how you are wired to show your emotions, don't listen to what anyone else says about your emotions and how you show them, it's what makes you unique, it's what I find cute about you.
Mika: You find me cute?
Y/n: I find all of the girls in Nijisanji EN cute, but it's never been what's on the outside that has ever mattered to me, a girl might look nice on the outside, but on the inside they could be a total piece of shit, you are both cute inside and outside, now tell me something. Were the nightmares the real reason you've been sleeping with me for the last week?
Mika: At first yes, but after that first night, it stopped, I just felt so safe in your arms, it was an addiction, an addiction I couldn't get enough of, I wanted that feeling all to myself, it's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time, I just wanted you to care about me, I haven't felt a feeling romantic caring in so long and I really needed it, you remember when we hung out 2 days ago and that girl tried to flirt with you and offered to pay you?
Y/n: Yeah, she was really weird.
Mika: I gave her the meanest death glare I could and whispered the words "I am the only one who can simp for him!" into her ear.
Y/n: I should have figured, you do know I have hypersensitive hearing and somehow heard that?
Mika: You must think I'm awful.
Y/n: You arn't awful, like you said, you were just in the moment, do you think it's going to happen again.
She then snuggled into my chest more and looked up at me, and I stared back at her, we slowly moved towards each, we both then touched our foreheads together and smiled at each other.
Mika: If I can get this as often as you are willing, I'll try to act less obessive.
Y/n: *chuckles* That's all I can ask.
Mika: Can we go to sleep? I got a big collab in the morning.
Y/n: Yeah, we can.
Eventually we both went off to the land of slumber, I guess if I had to describe Mika in a sentence, it would be. The obsessive girl who just wants to be loved.
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