Chapter 9: Hime Hime and the Harem Begins!

(The Last VShojo Girl Chapter and the last chapter of the VShojo Arc, I decided to combine Chapters 9 and 10 so I could get them out, WHICH MEANS NEXT CHAPTER BEGINS THE NIJISANJI EN ARC and the debut of ????? Y/n, His Nijisanji EN Personality.)

Y/N Pov

I woke up from a nap I decided to take, ever since my night with Vei and Snuffy, I've been feeling exhausted, but this was the first day where I didn't feel drained. I looked over to see the alarm clock said 4pm, my sleep schedule was now officially fucked, I slowly got up to go to my closet and looked inside, I grabbed an outfit and put it on. I walked downstairs to see Zen, Silver, Froot, Mousey, and Mel, all sitting on the couch.

Y/n: Hey guys, where are Vei and Nyanners?

Mousey: Good morning sleepy head, Vei and Nyanners just started their collab.

Silver: Good morning Y/n

Froot: Morning Y/n

Mel: Bout time you woke up.

Zen: Good morning, Y/n.

Y/n: Listen can we talk?

Girls: What do you want to talk about?

Y/n: I had-

Girls: Sex with Veibae and Snuffy, we know. She told us.

Y/n: Huh?

Silver: Yeah we also know you had sex with Nyanners, who do you think gave her permission.

Y/n: I am so confused right now.

Zen: It's quite simple really

Mel: Don't know how you didn't figure it out earlier N/n.

Mousey: All of Us

Froot: Are actually

Girls: In Love with You.


Y/n: All of you are in love with me?

Girls: Yes!

I didn't know what to say, I thought they would be at mad for already sleeping for two members of VShojo, but they weren't, they just confessed they were in love with me. I had no idea how to response to any of this, so I just said the first thing that came to me.

Y/n: Why Me? Aren't there any better choices?

Girls: There really isn't to us.

Zen: You don't think my voice is weird, you treat me like I matter, you understand me better then most people, and I love that about you.

Silver: Even though I can be cringe at times, you still like me, you said you would be the cringest person on earth for liking me.

Mousey: You don't care that I'm the Satana, you like me for me, and that's not something a lot of people except for my fans can do, you also comfort me better then anyone.

Froot: You treat me like a normal girl, something I've wanted my entire life, you've always proved that you are willing to protect me from danger.

Mel: You don't care about how hyper I am, you still want to hang out with me no matter what, you are someone I can talk to.

Girls: And that's why we love you.

Y/n: I don't know what to say.

Girls: Then don't say anything.

I then widened my eyes as Froot, out of all of them, pulled me into a passionate kiss, I melted into it, after we seperated, I was given a few seconds to regain my breath, before Mel kissed me passionality, after that it was Zen who then kissed me, followed by Silver, and then finally Mousey. This was a crazy dream, no this was real.

Y/n: So you girls are willing to share me?

Silver: We are, we already talked with Nyanners and Vei and they are also willing to share you.

Y/n: So all that leaves is....

Mousey: Hime yes, she loved you at first sight, but she wants to confirm it.

Y/n: Speaking of Hime where is she?

Mel: She's getting ready to go outside

Y/n: Why would she be going outside?

Silver: She wants to buy some books.

Y/n: Aren't you guys gonna go with her.

Froot: I'm the only other one that likes books, but I've already got so many, so she just usually goes by herself.

She goes by herself? I like books alot, I might go with her.

Y/n: I think I'll go with her, been looking for an excuse to go get some new books for a while.

Mousey: Oh, well I hope you have fun, but make sure not to use too much energy, you'll need it for later.

Y/n: Okay then, I'm gonna go check on Hime.

I then went upstairs and knocked on Hime's Door.


Y/n: Hime?

Hime: Yes?

Y/n: May I come in?

Hime: Sure N/n, you can come in.

I opened the door-

I could see her getting ready and wearing a very nice looking outfit.

Hime: Hey N/n.

Y/n: Sup.

Hime: Sorry if you need anything, but I'm going out. I won't be back for a few hours.

Y/n: That's fine, I actually wanted to ask you if I could go with you.


Y/n: Yeah are you surprised?

Hime: A little bit, no-one really ever comes with me to buy my stuff.

Y/n: Well I heard you wanted to go buy books, and I have been looking for an excuse to get some new reading material.

Hime: You like reading?

Y/n: Yep.

Hime: That's cool.

Y/n: So you wanna head out?

Hime: Yeah let's go.

(Insert typical timeskip here)

Me and Hime were walking towards the library.

Y/n: Man it really is a nice today isn't it?

Hime: Yeah it really is.

Y/n: So, what are you looking from the library?

Hime: I want to look for a few books. I'm still relatively new to Earth and I want to some more research.

Y/n: Ah right, I forgot you arn't from Earth, so how are you enjoying Earth?

Hime: I quite enjoy it, lot's of nice people, and

She then grabs my chin and looks me in my eyes.

Hime: and cute boys~

Y/n: Heh, nice flirting there Hime.

Hime: Who said I was flirting~?

This girl knew how to get me flustered, but I wasn't going to go down so easily.

Y/n: Alright then, oh we are here.

We arrivied to the entrance of the library, I then opened the door for Hime.

Hime: Hmmm?

Y/n: Ladies first.

Hime: Why thank you, good sir.

Y/n: But of course, Miss.

Man I'm so smooth. We walked inside and I noticed it was pretty empty, I had to admit, I quite enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Hime: Ahh, I love the smells of books.

Y/n: I cannot tell a lie, but books really do have a wonderful smell... sometimes....

Hime: Ah, I understand.

Y/n: Thanks, anyway, I'm gonna head over to the section that I think is gonna have my books. You gonna be alright by yourself?

Hime: Yeah, I usually am, but hey, thanks for coming, it means a lot.

Y/n: No problem, anytime Hime.

Hime: *sighs* Most people think I'm too loud to be in a place like this, also most people think I'm boring for liking books.

Y/n: Hey, there is nothing wrong with liking books at all, we all like our own things, if people can't understand that, then they arn't worth it at all Hime. Also your loudness makes you unique, it shows that you arn't afraid to be yourself and that's something I find incredibly important.

I swear I saw Hime blush red.

Hime: T-Thanks N/n, I'll take your advice to heart.

Y/n: *chuckles and pats her head* I'm sure you will, you wanna meet back here in 2 hours?

Hime: *giggles and blushes* Of course.

I then watched her leave, a bit of sway in her hips as she turned her head and winked at me before blowing me a kiss, looks I got another one. Anyway time to get finally finish A Series of Unfortunate Events.

(2 Hours Later)

Alright, after 2 hours, I managed to track down all the books in the Series of Unfortunate Events, I also managed to grab some of the Divergent books and even The Lord of The Rings books, I also managed to find the hentai/doujinshi section, which I might have sneaked in one or two of those books in here. I eventually found Hime in one of the isles.

Y/n: Hey Hime.

Hime: Oh hey N/n, I'm just finshing up. Did you get all the books you wanted?

Y/n: Yep, I even-

I ended up dropping one of the books.

Hime: Oh let me get that for you.

Y/n: Oh Thank Y-


Hime: Oh my N/n, I didn't know you where into stuff like this.

She then got close to my ear and then whispered into it.

Hime: If you want to, we can always recreate some of these~

Y/n: Uhhhh... Okay.....

Hime then giggled and we checked out with our books. We eventually got to a very nice looking park.

Hime: I really love this park.

Y/n: How so?

Hime: It reminds me of a time, when I first came here, and this is actually where I met the others.

Y/n: Really?

Hime: Yeah, sometimes I wonder what's going back on my home planet.

I then noticed her tearing up a bit.

Y/n: Are you alright Hime?

Hime: Yeah, I'm fine N/n.

Y/n: I know something that might cheer you up.

I then opened a pocket dimension right next to me and pulled out my acousic guitar, I then guided Hime over to a nearby bench and sat down with her.

Y/n: I think this song will help you.


When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep
Dreamed of para-para-paradise
Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
Every time she closed her eyes


When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
And the bullets catch in her teeth
Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly
Every tear a waterfall
In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
In the night the stormy night away she'd fly


Dream of para-para-paradise


She'd dream of para-para-paradise


Sing, la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
And so lying underneath those stormy skies
She'd say, "oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I know the sun must set to rise"


This could be para-para-paradise


This could be para-para-paradise
(Oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh)


This could be para-para-paradise


This could be para-para-paradise
Oh oh oh oh oh oh, oh, oh


This could be para-para-paradise


This could be para-para-paradise
(Oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh)


This could be para, be paradise


This could be para, be paradise

After the song, Hime and I just looked at each other and started into each others eyes before she spoke up.

Hime: N/n, do you remember the first thing I said to you when you moved in with us?

Y/n: It was, "Hello Future Husband", what about it.

Hime: I think-

She then kissed me, there was no agression behind the kiss, just passions, I melted into the kiss, after a while we seperated and looked at each other.

Hime: I was right, you are my future husband.

Y/n: Heh, I guess that makes all 8 of you.

Hime: Are you sure you didn't copy the powers of a harem protag?

Y/n: Wait you know about the copy power?

Hime: Yep, my species can see people's power. 

Y/n: Huh neat.

We then heard the sound of a bell.

Hime: Ice cream! N/n can we buy some ice cream and then eat it? I can't resist Ice Cream!

Y/n: Of course we can my beautiful alien.

Hime: Already with the nicknames.

Y/n: Each of you has one.

(Time for Y/n's Nickname for each girl)

Froot: My Little Lich

Mel: My Fantastic AI

Silver: My Goddess Sakurai

Zen: My Badass Android

Mousey: My Demon Queen

Nyan: My Eldritch Princess

Vei: My Wonderful Goddess

Hime: My Beautiful Alien

(End of Nicknames)

We then went and bought some Ice Cream. Hime bought a double neopolitain scoop on a cone and I ended up getting some Cookie Dough Dippin Dots.

Hime: Delicious!

Y/n: I betcha I could make better.

Hime: I'll be waiting for that day.

Eventually as we were walking along, I felt something cold hit my leg, I looked down to see a girl no older then 5 look up to me. I saw her father behind her.

Father: I'm sorry, My daughter wasn't looking where she was going.

I then bent down to the girl who looked like she was about to cry. I then patted her on the head.

Y/n: I'm sorry, my silly pants, have eaten all your ice cream.

I then handed her some money.

Y/n: Go buy yourself 5 scoops.

Me and Hime then started to walk off.

Girl: Thank you!

Father: Thank you sir!

I then waved at them without turning around.

Hime: That was really sweet of you.

Y/n: I'm not gonna get mad at some 5 year old Hime, it was an honest accident.

Hime: I think you are gonna make a really good dad.

Y/n: Heh maybe your right. Let's head home.

Hime: Yeah. Little does he know, he's in for the biggest surprise of his life.


After we arrived home, I noticed Hime run straight upstairs, she must be really excited to read those books. I looked around and didn't notice any of the girls, I also noticed that Hime had been on her phone pretty much the whole walk home, she was probably just planning a surprise collab for tonight with the girls. I decided to grab myself a snack and head up to my room. I opened up my door to see my room in pitch black darkness.

Y/n: Could have sworn I left the lights on.

I then walked into my room and stood in the middle of it, I then heard my door slam shut and lock behind me.

Y/n: Alright so the house is haunted.

I then heard what sounded like girls giggling. I was started to get real freaked out. I then was picked up by what felt like at least 4 people and thrown onto my bed, I then heard music playing.

It was then my lights turned on....

Jesus Christ


I saw all 8 of the girls in front of me, all of them wearing very revealing outfits.

Froot: Hello Y/n

Mel: Sup Rabbit

Zen: Grettings Y/n

Mousey: Hiya Y/n

Nyan: Sup Y/n

Silver: Hello N/n

Vei: Hello Y.n

Hime: Long no time see.

Y/n: What's going on?!

Girls: It's time for your special prize, Our Harem King~

I then gulped in fear, Y/n JR were about to die, by Snu Snu. But, just as they were about to pounce on me, My phone rang.

Girls: Who's that Y/n/ N/n?

Y/n: Oh shit! It's the boss!

I then quickly answered the phone.

Y/n: Hey Gun, yeah I'm here. Oh that's cool....

I then paused for a second as my eyes widened.


(End of the VShojo Arc)

(Next Chapter: Revealing the Characters for the Nijisanji EN Arc)

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