Chapter 8: Vei-ry Good Fashion with a Trash Panda
(You are welcome for the Image, I just pray to god I don't get flagged for it. I also just decided to say screw it and do Snuffy's chapter early and combine it with Vei's, I saw an image of her earlier and nearly lost my damn mind. You know what screw it, here's the image.)
(Alright no more simping, let's get this chapter started. Also something fucking crazy is gonna happen this chapter, GET READY FOR SOME ????? ?????? BULLSHIT.)
I woke up and still felt a weight on my chest, I looked down to see Nyanners using my upper chest as a pillow, I pulled up the covers to see we were both still naked.... Right I lost my virginity last night, the one thing my ex-girlfriend couldn't have from me, I then heard yelling from downstairs realizing it was the other girls. Nyanners began to stir in her sleep, I gave her a reassuring kiss on the forehead and then gently got out of her grasp before writing down a note, For the first time in my life, I felt loved, last night really opened my eyes, I was in love with every single one of the girls, they were the first people besides Yor to show me any kind of true love and affection after my mom's death and me getting cheated on, I just had to find a way to tell all the girls that I loved them, and hopefully they would all accept me. I've also noticed my personality has been changing, I use to be an introvert, but ever since moving in and becoming a vtuber, I've realized I'm happier being an extrovert. I quickly ran to my room still naked and took a shower before changing into a new attire for the day.
Y/n: Looking handsome as always Y/n.
I then finally made my way downstairs.
Silver: I'm not going with you! I told you I'm going to visit my mom today!
Vei: Please!
Hime: I can't go either, I have that collab with Gigguk
(Hime and Sydney are two different people in this story, they just happen to sound the same.)
Mousey: Nyanners can't go either, you know why too.
Vei: Yeah, we all heard what happened last night, Maybe I can ask Y/n.
Y/n: Ask me what?
Froot: Vei wants to go shopping again.
Y/n: Didn't she just go a bit ago?
Mel: She did and bought, what was it again Zen?
Zen: *sighs* 50 pairs of clothes.
Vei: But those are old now.
Y/n: So that's the problem?
Vei: Someone has to come with me! I'm not going to carry all of these bags of clothes by myself!
I then decided to take one for the team.
Y/n: I'll do it.
I then suddenly heard bagpipes playing.
Y/n: What the hell?!
Zen: Thank you all for coming, today we mourn the loss of Y/n "Bunny" L/n
Mousey: He was such a good man too.
Froot: He was the greatest man.
Mel: I'm going to miss him so much.
Silver: May he rest in peace.
Hime: I never even got the chance to feel his abs...
Y/n: What was that last part?
Vei: Don't worry about them Y/n. Let's go shopping, I'll even invite someone who's been wanting to meet you.
Y/n: Oh who?
Vei: Why would I reveal the surprise, now I'm going to go get ready, you just wait here.
Y/n: Vei?! You coming?!
Vei: Yep!
I heard voice and saw her coming down the stairs. Sweet mary mother of joseph, she looked like an angel, she might act like a devil sometimes, but right now It was like an angel descended from heaven to meet me.
Vei: Ready!
Y/n: Jesus Christ, you look amazing Vei.
Vei: Awww thanks N/n, you look pretty darn handsome right now.
Y/n: Your welco- Hold on a damn second, are you not wearing a bra?!
Vei: What? Are you getting excited from that~?
Y/n: Don't say Yes.
Y/n: (Outloud)
Vei: That's what I like about you Y/n, your honesty. I'll have to reward you later~
Silver: Alright, that's enough flirting, now get out of here you crazy kids.
Y/n: Arn't we the same age?
Froot: Oh you poor soul.
Nyan: You are actually the youngest out of all us.
Y/n: Eh?!
Vei: Yeah, remember most of us are ancient beings that stopped aging around our early 20's, you will eventually stop aging too.
Y/n: Wait what?
Mel: You remember that shot you had to get at the doctor's when you first moved in?
Y/n: Yeah...
Mousey: It was actually an age halting serum, which means you are now 20 forever and can't die of natural causes.
Y/n: Huh, Cool.
Hime: You are taking this a lot better then we expected?
Y/n: Heh, I might already be technically an immortal?!
Girls: HUH?!
Y/n: Oh yeah, yall don't know my power do you?
Vei: I always thought your power was your bunny side?
Y/n: Nah, that's just a style I was born with, my mom was bunny girl, now I've got the perfect person to explain my power. HIT IT PRESENT MIC!
Power: Copy!
Y/n has the ability to copy any power he sees, whether it be from a movie, comics, anime, manga, or even a video game. If he sees it, he can copy it if he wants, he even has perfect mastery of it when he does, He can also copy the powers of real people. HE'S PRETTY OVERPOWERED!
Present Mic's voice then disappears.
Y/n: So what do yall think?
Girls: Pretty damn OP!
Y/n: Yeah I know, alright let's get going Vei.
Vei: Bye Guys!
Girls: Bye you two!
Me and Vei stepped off of the train and looked around the station.
Y/n: So where's this friend of yours?
Vei: She should be he-
Both Vei and I look over to see.....
Fucking Snuffy, she invited one of the horniest vtubers besides herself to go shopping with us, I quickly then realize... Snuffy simped for me on that first stream, OH MY GO-
I was then quickly tackled to the ground by Snuffy who was now sitting on top of me.
Snuffy: Well hello there Y/n, I've heard a lot about you from Vei and the other girls, I also was there at your debut stream, and I have to admit.
She then put her hands underneath my shirt and began to feel my six pack causing me to blush like a mad man, I wouldn't lie if I wasn't secretly turned on right now.
Snuffy: You are everything I hoped you would be and more~
Snuffy was then pulled off of me by Vei.
Vei: Alright you horny racoon, remeber what we talked about.
I then saw Vei whisper into her ear and they both smiled widely. I then gulped. They both then pulled me off the ground and each of them grabbed an arm, Snuffy on my Right and Vei on my left.
Snuffy: Let's go Cottontail.
Vei: We have a lot of shopping to do, Rabbit.
Somebody help me!
(10 Minutes Later)
Me, Snuffy, and Vei were walking around for a good shop. It was mainly those 2 looking for a shop, I was just being forcefully dragged along.
Vei: Hmm. Where should we go?
Snuffy: You got any ideas Cottontail?
Y/n: I have no idea. You two are the ones shopping.
Snuffy/Vei: Hmph! Your no fun.
Y/n: Oh come on! Don't be like that.
We eventually walked into the mall until.
Snuffy: Oh Vei! What about that shop?
Vei: Oh that one is perfect.
Y/n: Alright, let's just get this over wi-
Vei: What? This is the shop
Snuffy: Yeah, there's nothing wrong this shop.
I then point to myself and then to the shop.
Y/n: I am not going in there!
Vei: You promised though!
Snuffy: You don't wanna break a promise, do ya Cottontail? Cause trust me.
I can punish you real good~
I am very Scaroused right now.
Vei: Ok look, if we promise to just buy 1 thing each, will you come with us?
Damn, that's a fucking steal of a deal. Do I want to be somewhere strange and uncomfortable and only have to carry 2 bags of clothing or somewhere normal and have to carry 80?
I'm going to sacrifice my pride for my happiness
Y/n: Fine you two win.
Snuffy: Yes!
Vei: Yay!
We entered the shop and god I felt uncomfortable, everyone was looking at me, some of the girls tried to flirt with me, only to get death glares from Snuffy and Vei. The two of them kept looking for outfits for a while.
Vei: So many outfits we can choose Snuffy
Snuffy: Yeah, I'm having a hard time choosing.
(I would show yall examples, but my search history is already cursed enough)
Vei: Hmmmm~ Which one should I pick?
Snuffy: What abou-
Y/n: Can you two please hurry up?
Vei: Give us like 10 mins.
Snuffy: That's all we need.
Y/n: Fine.
I gave them their 10 minutes and saw they had each picked out an outfit.
Y/n: Alright, now can you two please buy them so we can leave?
Vei: We need to try them on first.
Snuffy: Just so we can see if they fit.
Vei/Snuffy: Why don't come to the changing room with us~
Y/n: No.
???: Well if he won't I will.
The three of us turn around to see some random guy dressed very poorly looking at Vei and Snuffy.
Vei: Uh no thanks.
Snuffy: It was a joke anyway.
Random Guy: Whatever, who would even want to see a slut with white hair and horns and a whore with a weird tail and weird eyes naked anyway? I can see why this loser is hanging out with you, losers attract losers.
I saw both Vei and Snuffy get shocked looks on their faces and then they turned into frowns, I then knew what I had to do.
I coated my fist in Haki from One Piece and punched the guy as hard as I could in the jaw easily breaking his jaw. I then grabbed him by the collar and looked him dead in the eyes.
I gave him one more punch knocking him out, I then looked at Snuffy and Vei who still had shocked looks on their faces, I then grabbed both of their hands gently and walked out of the store, I handed the cashier some money for the outfits.
After a while of walking we eventually made it to the food court, Snuffy and Vei then stopped in their tracks and looked at me.
Vei: Y/n can we ask you a question?
Y/n: I'm sorry about what-
Snuffy: That's not the question.
Vei: Do you think I'm a slut?
Snuffy: Do you think I'm a whore?
Y/n: Not in the slightest, while you two might be two of the horniest people I know, you two have literally some of the most infectious personalities I've ever seen, being around you two makes my life better, Vei, I've been living with you for what about a month now? I find you to be a very sweet girl, you brighten up my life so much. Your white hair and horns make you beautiful. Snuffy, while we may have just met in person today, I've been watching you for a long time, your voice is one of the smoothest voices I've ever heard, hell I've even used some of your streams as ASMR to get to sleep. I can with 10 billion percent confidence say you two are wonderful, don't let anyone else ever say you aren't.
I then noticed a piano in the middle of the food court.
Y/n: Infact I might have something to cheer you up.
I walked over to the piano and sat down, I knew what song to play, so I played it.
Sky blue eyes
I see a world behind them
No more time
Sinking into the silence
Reaching out for something
You may never find
Looking for a reason
Not to lose your mind
Feel like you're caught in a world you don't belong to
Praying that you'll make it home
I know you're scared that the place you love is gone
Don't fear what you do not know
Neon signs
Flicker away forever
Cross state lines
We could be lost together
Reaching out for something
You may never find
Looking for a reason
Not to lose your mind
Feel like you're caught in a world you don't belong to
Praying that you'll make it home
I know you're scared that the place you love is gone
Don't fear what you do not know
Feel like you're caught in a world you don't belong to
Praying that you'll make it home
I know you're scared that the place you love is gone
Don't fear what you do not know
After the song and getting cheered by the food court, I could see the two of them look at me with hearts in their eyes, the two then grabbed me and carried me out, they literally picked me up like a ragdoll and I was thrown over Snuffy's shoulder and was carried out of the mall, after a while of walking, Snuffy finally put me down and I looked to see where we were. It was a really nice hotel, we walked inside and Snuffy and Vei confirmed a reservation, we went into the elevator and emerged on the top floor. IT WAS THE DAMN PENTHOUSE SUITE.
Y/n: What the? What are we doing here?
I was then pushed onto the couch by Snuffy and Vei.
Snuffy: You really made us happy Y/n.
Vei: And now it's time for your reward. Come on Snuffers, let's go get changed~
I watched them walk away a sway in their hips. After a while, they emerged from a nearby bedroom. What I saw gave me the biggest bloodynose and
Y/n JR:
They were both dressed in... Very... TURN ON CLOTHING
Snuffy: Like what you see big boy~.
Vei: We are going to reward you so hard, you won't be able to walk~.
I gulped and then looked down at Y/n JR.
Y/n: Alright buddy, if we die tonight, it was a pleasure going out this way. DEATH BY SNU SNU!
I was then tackled by Snuffy and Vei and... Well it was the longest night of my life, I thought Nyanners was rough in her heat, well these two were normal and not in heat, Only god can help me now.
Me working to get the last 2 chapters of the VShojo Arc out after this:
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