Chapter 7: The First Collab (GONE ELDRITCH and maybe Lemony)
(It's Nyanner's Chapter, shit might get lewd, maybe a lemon, SHITS GONNA GET REALLY SPICY)
I woke up to the sound of a lawnmower outside, I guess the landscaping people must be getting an early start today, it's a nice way to wake up for most people because you can smell the freshly cut grass, although for me it's awful because allergies exist. I looked at my phone calendar and saw today was the day of my first collab. I was going to be collabing with Nyanners today. One of two things is going to happen today, the collab is going to go extremly well or the option that will most likely happen, this shit is going to get LEWD, well if it does get LEWD I can just go with it, if I've learned anything from living here, I just need to go with the flow of things and it will all be okay. I got up and got dressed, I decided to wear something interesting for my first collab stream.
Not bad if I say so myself. I decided to head out of my room and saw a sight I really should have been prepared for, but I wasn't.
Vei: Good morning Y/n!
Y/n: Oh morn-
I turned my head and saw Vei once again walking around in her underwear like it was nothing. God, I forgot how pretty she was, gotta try and keep Y/n JR. down.
Nyan: Are you really going to eat breakfast looking like that?
Vei: What's wrong with it?
Froot: I can think of several things.
I then decided to raise my right hand and smack Vei upside the head.
Vei: Owwww. What was that for?!
Zen: If he hadn't done it, I would have.
Y/n: I want you to go put on some clothes.... RIGHT NOW!
Vei: Ok ok I'm going!
Vei then started to run towards her room to get changed, I noticed the girls looking at me, I hope I didn't scare them with my voice.
Mel: Wow, that was impressive their, Bunny Boy.
Hime: She never listens to any of us.
Y/n: That's because none of you have a scary voice.
Mousey: Hey! I have a scary voice.
Y/n: Oh? You're approaching me with your scary voice?
Mousey: I can't scare the shit out of you, without getting closer.
Y/n: Ho Ho, Then come as close as you like.
Mousey then walked and stood right in front of me, I had to look down at ehr since she was even smaller then me, she barely reached my waist. She then got into a pose and in her deepest voice possible said-
After that all of us stood silent after that.
Y/n: That wasn't as scary as I was expecting it tob be, but that was the cutest deep voice I've ever heard.
Mousey: Ha Ha Ha! You are so scared you can't even speak! My work is done!
Y/n: Sure Mousey, sure.
Nyan: Oi Y/n!
Y/n: What's up Nyan?
Nyan: We have our first collab today. Are you excited?
Y/n: You know I am, what game were we playing again?
Nyan: We agreed on Cuphead remember?
Y/n: Oh boy.
Mel: W-wait you're the one Y/n's doing his first collab with?!
Nyan: Uhhh yeah? What's wrong with it?
Silver: N-nothing. Good, it looks like Froot and Mousey's master plan is working after all.
(Silver, Zen, Mousey, Mel, and Froot all got together the day after Mousey fell asleep on the couch where she admitted she had started getting feelings for him, of course she was still a tsun-tsun about it.)
Hime: Well, I'll be sure to tune in, I do need to go work on something in the mean time.
Zen: Same here, see you guys later.
Y/n: If yall are worried about getting a turn with me, don't worry, I have the stamina~. WOW THAT SOUNDED SO MUCH BETTER IN MY HEAD.
Zen, Mousey, Silver, Mel, and Froot:
Silver, Mel, Froot, Mousey, and Zen: What is that supposed to mean?!
Y/n: Alright that sounded better in my head. It just means I can go do alot of streams without getting burnt out.
Silver, Mel, Froot, Mousey, and Zen: B-Baka!
Y/n: Ah them pouting is adorable, my heart is about to collapse!
Vei: I'm back!
Y/n: About time, now we can actually see some clothes from you.
Vei: Hmmm, sounds like you want me to take them off-
I then bonked Vei's head with a magazine.
Vei: My, My, N/n, I didn't know you where like that~.
Vei was then knocked out by Zen.
Zen: I'm gonna take her back to her room.
Y/n: Thanks Zen. I felt like my virginity was in danger there for a second.
Nyan: So N/n, Do you want the stream to be in my room or your room?
Y/n: Let's change things up and do it in your room since I'm a bit bored of mine.
Nyan: Alright then, let us be off!
We then made our way to her room to do our collab stream, As we entered ehr room I saw her lock the door behind her, I was hoping she wasn't going to try anything, so I gave her a look.
Nyan: Relax, N/n, I'm just locking it so no-one can walk in on accident.
Y/n: Are you sure that's the reason?
Nyan: Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, who knows~
Y/n: Oh? Be careful what you wish for Nyanners, let's get this stream started.
Nyan: Let's read some chat first, see if we got any new Y/n simps.
Basketballboy: This is Y/n's first collab right?
Gorillafs: I think so.
LaynaLazar: I wanna see if this boy has any good blood to drink.
Y/n: Holy shit is that Layna?
Nyan: Yeah she hops in here form time to time, she mainly hangs out in Silver's chat though.
Y/n: Well let's not keep them waiting any longer.
Stream Starts
Nyan: Yo what's good peeps!
Y/n: What up guys!
LaynaLazar: Oh my, your blood looks like it might be really good~
Y/n: I mean, my momma always said I was a sweet kid.
LaynaLazar: oooh, A momma's boy, I'll be your mommy~
Y/n: (On the Inside)
Nyan: Anyway, while he deals with that mental crisis, I hope we didn't make you guys wait too long.
Y/n: Actually you reminded them about the stream like 3 hours ago, so I would say you made them wait quite a bit.
Nyan: Oh shut up you.
Y/n: You gave up quicker then I thought.
Nyan then looked at me with a pout on her face.
Y/n: What's up with all the pouty faces today? And why is her's so damn cute?
Nyan: I will make you regret doing that~.
Nyan: Anywho, today me and N/n are going to be playing Cuphead and seeing if we can complete it. Hopefully it won't take too long.
Y/n: She means I'm going to be doing all the work while she dies alot.
Nyan: I'm not good at Cuphead okay!
Y/n: Calm down Nyan, just relax.
Nyan: Hmph!
LaynaLazar: Tsundere Nyanners!
Nyanvd: Tsundere Nyanners!
cupcake: Tsundere Nyanners!
Nyan: Grrrrrrr.... I'll make sure to teach you a lesson N/n...
Y/n: Okay you guys calm down, now let's get into some fucking Cuphead!
Nyan: Let's begin.
We were just chilling and had just beaten all of Cuphead and we were about to move onto The Delicious Last Course.
Nyan: Alright I think it's time to move on to the DLC, you did pretty good N/n.
Y/n: You mean the fact you died within the first 15 seconds, leaving me to do the entire fight on my own?
Nyan: Whatever. It's time for my revenge.
Nyan: Oop-
Nyan dropped her controller on the ground which was now under her desk. I thought it was weird, but then I knew what was going on, very well then, I'll play along.
Nyan: Oh N/n, I dropped my controller. Can you please get it for me?
Y/n: Can't you get it yourself?
Nyan: Pweeeeeease?
Nyan made a cute please face that no man could resist.
Y/n: I can't say no to a face like that.
Nyan: Thank you!
I looked down to see where the controller was and then moved down under the desk to get it. I on purpose postioned myself right between her thighs right above the controller.
Y/n: Here it is.
And then it happened.
Nyan: Hehe~
Y/n: (faking it) E-eh?!
Nyan and sandwhiched my head between her thighs.
Just as planned.
I "tried" whispering to her because I "didn't" want to chat to know what was happening.
Y/n: (10 billion percent faking it) W-what the fuck are you doing?!
Nyan: This is your punishment for making me look bad infront of everyone~.
She looked down to see me giving her the biggest smirk of my entire life.
Nyan: What's that look for?!
Y/n: I knew what you were going to do the entire time.
Nyan: Then why did you fall for it?!
Y/n: Because Nyanners, you should know, I'm really, and I mean really into thighs~.
I "pretended" to pull my head out but I saw her smirk. She was going along with this.
Nyan: Not so fast N/n. I might not have the strongest arms in the world, but when it comes to my legs, I never skip leg day~
I felt her press her thighs even harder, meaning my head was really "stuck" now. I didn't want to get out of this, but I knew if one the other girls walked in, I would have to answer a lot of questions, but I'm going to at least try and get one thing out of her with all of this. But I knew what to expect from her, it was time for Playboy Y/n.
Nyan: Now I wonder~ Are you actually trying to get out of this? Or~?
She then leaned closer to my face.
Nyan: Are you enjoying it~?
Y/n: 10 Billion percent.
I liked this perverted side of her, it made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time, not since my ex-girlfriend.
(I will reveal the ex-girlfriend most likely in the Nijisanji EN Arc)
I pretended to not give her a response and tried to get out, but I then decided to play with her a bit. I used my arms and grabbed the lower part of her thighs and began to gently massage them, pretending I was trying to loosen her grip, I made sure to touch every part of the thigh I could while also giving it a little kiss when I could. I looked up to see her covering her mouth, It was then I knew where she was pretty sensitive, She thought she her caught her prey in her trap, little did she know, I was the predator and she was the prey, I then figured after that action I knew I had to end this. But of course my E-Rank Luck kicked in and when I grabbed her thighs too hard in order to separate them, the "worst" possible scenario happened.
Nyan: A-Ahh~. Y/n Not t-too hard-
It was then I realized, I was a total fucking masochist, that moan sent me to a realm I wasn't ready for, but then I realized, chat heard that. We both looked at each other in horror, she had moanded, FUCKING OUTLOUD! Of course I didn't really care, but she did.
zhongligeodaddy: WHAT?!
AlucardUltimate: AYOOOOO!!!!!
Then came our saving grace.
LaynaLazar: You two seem to have some really good chemistry, let's test it, I'll give you guys a $1000 dollars to play Just Dance.
In a move of strength, I didn't even know I had, I stood up from under the desk with Nyan now with her on my shoulders.
Y/n: Just Dance? Well why didn't you say so? You wanna play some Nyan?
Nyan: Uh N/n, can you put me down?
Y/n: Oh yeah sorry.
Nyan: I didn't want that to stop, I love the way he felt when he touched me, I wonder if he can help me with my problem?
I then set her down and we got set up for the Just Dance stream. I decided to let Nyan dance first, because I wanted to be a gentlemen. She ended up picking up TGIF by Katy Perry as her dance.
After her dance I had to admit, she knew how to dance and pretty damn well, she knew how to move her body and I was loving it.
Nyan: That was really fun, alright N/n, it's your turn, and I already picked out your song.
I looked at the song and smirked, she knew me pretty well already.
Y/n: Very well, I'll show you how the Chad dances.
After showing of my 10 billion percent perfect dance moves, we both looked at each other and smiled, we were having the time of our lives, we then saw a message in chat from Layna.
LaynaLazar: You two are pretty good at dancing on your own, but what about together, I already requested two songs for you two, do the first one I sent you first. The second one is for later~
We both looked at each other and nodded before pulling up the song and we then started it.
(Girl is Nyanners, Panda is Y/n)
After the dance, we looked into each others for a moment, then we saw the next song, it was a tango, and I've seen enough Dancing with the Stars to know what the tango can do to two people, Layna had planned this out from the start, I decided to play along once again, I held my hand out to Nyanners.
Y/n: Care to join me, Darling?
Nyan: *giggles* Of course.
After the song finished with the dip, we both started into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, then I saw her little ghost go over to the computer and turn it off.
Y/n: Uh, Nyan, Why did your ghost turn the comput- MMPH!
In a move I never even saw coming, Nyan straight up kissed me, I had to admit, this was an amazing feeling, she was an amazing kisser, after what felt like another eternity, she ended the kiss before looking at me with hearts in her eyes.
Nyan: I've made up my mind N/n~ Your the boy for me.
She then pushed me onto her bed and I looked at her.
Y/n: What are you doing?
Nyan: I'm currently in my heat cycle and you just made it even more worse, so I need you to take responsibility, don't worry, I got permission from the others.
Y/n: What does that mean?
Nyan: Oh sweet Y/n, just sit back and relax.
I then saw her use her magic to change into an attire that really got me going.
Nyan: Now let's have some fun~
I then gulped in fear and a lot of sexual arousal, this was going to be a long night.
Just a second, gotta grab the doctor's gloves.
Alright, let's begin.
(Nah no Lemon's yet, I'll have a seperate book for those)
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