Chapter 5: Debut on Silver's Birthday
Y/n POV (9AM)
Alright today is the day, god I'm nervous as hell. Today was my debut stream for VShojo, god I hope people like me. Everyone was surprised and pretty damn excited when they announced VShojo was going to have it's first ever male member, I was going to be the 9th member of VShojo, I couldn't mess anything up, it all had to go perfect, I have been working for many years to achieve this dream and now it's going to happen.
I then take a look at the clock, it's currently 9AM and my debut stream is at 5pm I have 8 hours to prepare for this.
Inner Y/n: What are you doing?
Y/n: Shut it Inner Y/n, this doesn't concern you!
I then looked at my calendar and saw today was circled.
Y/n: Hmm... Look like it's Silvervale's birthday, thank god I was able to buy something during the week before I got here for each of the girls for their birthdays just in case.
I then walked over to my closet and opened it to reveal 8 presents each wrapped in each of the girl's signature colors.
Ironmouse: Purple/Pink
Zentreya: White/Green/Red
Froot: Green/Purple
Veibaie: White/Gold
Silvervale: Blue/Pink
Nyanners: Pink/Black
Projekt Melody: Purple/White
I grabbed the Pink/Blue box and made my way downstairs to see everyone in the kitchen.
Vei: Hi Y/n.
Froot: Good morning Y/n.
Nyan: Oh Y/n! Today is your debut stream day! Excited?
Y/n: Yeah, but I also know what today is.
Girls: Huh?
I walked over to Silver and handed her the pink/blue present.
Silver: Huh? How did you know it was my birthday?
I nervousuly rubbed the back of my neck as she took the present.
Y/n: You remember the 500 Dollar Donation you got last year on your birthday?
Silver: You mean the one which said I was cute and really funny?
Y/n: Yeah...
Silver thought for a moment and when she finally realized it, her eyes sparkled and she looked at me.
Silver: That was you? That was such a cute message.
Silver then started to rub my ears again causing my left leg to start thumping again.
Silver: Awwww, someone's excited!
Y/n: I'm not exicted, baka!
Hime: Wow, it turns out Y/n is a tsun-tsun like Mousey...
Mousey/Y/n: I'm not a tsundere!
Girls (Minus Mousey): Yes you both are.
Silver: Anyway, what's in the box?
Y/n: You are just gonna have to open it.
Suddenly an Alarm on my watch went off and everyone looked at me.
Y/n: Ah shoot, I hate to run, but I gotta shower, I still have to make sure everything is gonna work for my debut, You can tell me how you feel about the gift later, Silvey, I'll see you all later.
I quickly grabbed a poptar and ran upstairs to take a shower.
Third Person POV
Silver looked at the beautifully wrapped pink/blue box in her hands.
Vei: Well don't just stand there girl, open it!
Zen: I am quite interested to see what's inside of it.
Mel: Don't keep us in suspense Silver!
Froot: I'm sure it's going to be lovely.
Silver: Alright, I'll open it!
Silvervale slowly opened the box which turns out hadn't been wrapped at all, once she opened the box she nearly dropped the box in surprise.
Silver: Oh my god!
Nyan: What's wrong is it awful?
Silver: No it's-
Silvervale pulled the item out of the box and it was revealed to be a beautiful Rose Quartz Crystal necklace in the shape of a wolf, it also had flowers on it.
Silver: Beautiful....
Vei: Holy crap!
Zen: Wow!
Froot: It's amazing!
Mel: That's so cool!
Ironmouse: It's nice, I guess.
Nyan: She thinks it's pretty, just like I do.
Silver: This must have costed him a fortune, I gotta go thank him!
Silvervale then rushed up the stairs to Y/n's room.
Vei: So who wants to bet she pulls out the anime trope and walks in on him in nothing but a towel.
Hime: I can bet on that.
Froot: I'm good...
Mel: I got 50 bucks.
Zen: I got a RTX 3060 I can bet.
Mousey: Like this is gonna happen, I've got 60 on that not happening.
Nyan: I got 10 bucks and half a snickers bar!
A few minutes later, Silvervale opened the door to Y/n's room and she saw something she was never expecting.
Silver: H-Holy S-Shit....
Y/n: ....
Silver: ...
Y/n: So I'm pretty sure my life is just an anime now...
Silver: ....
Silver was just
Y/n: You uh good there Silver?
Silver: ....
Y/n: Earth to Silver!
Mama Likey!
Y/n then gulped in fear.
Y/n: I need an adult!
Silver: I am an adult~
Silver then started getting closer to Y/n.
Silver: I should really thank you for the Necklace you got me, I really enjoyed it, I think you deserve something.
Y/n: Hold that thought!
Y/n then quickly ran into the bathroom.
Silver then looked at the bathroom door and shook off her lust trance.
Silver: Ugh that lust trance is getting worse! But I can't stop thinking about those abs! I want those abs so bad now!
Meanwhile downstairs...
Vei: Man she is sure taking a while.
The girls then noticed Silvervale walking down the stairs with a big ol smirk on her face.
Hime: So... How did it go?
Silver: Damn, that boy is fucking shredded, I can't wait to get my hands on those abs!
Silvervale then walked towards her room and closed the door.
Hime: Well girls time to pay up if you betted against her seeing him in nothing but a towel.
Mousey: Damnit, just take my money.
Nyan: My snickers bar...
Vei: You can keep the snickers bar Nyan....
Nyan: Yay!
She then proceeded to inhale the rest of the snickers bar.
Nyan: Yummy!
Other Girls: Gross...
(Sometime later at 4:50 pm)
Y/n: God I'm freaking out here!
Mousey: Just calm down Y/n.
Zen: Everything is going to be fine.
Silver: Yeah you and your abs are gonna be fine, sweetie.
Vei: Not the time for flirting Silver!
Froot: *sighs*
Hime: He's gonna do great, I just know it.
Nyan: Yeah, he's gonna kill it!
Y/n: Alright, I need yall to leave please, trust me, yall are gonna love the surprises I've got in store.
I then noticed the girls, what really distracted me was Silver leaving last with a sway in her hips, right as she was about she blew me a kiss and winked before closing the door.
Y/n: Okay, I will deal with that issue later. This is really happening a moment you have been training for since you were a kid. You are not going to mess this up, it's all going to be okay, I just need to act cool. Why don't I look at the chat for a bit.
Twitch Chat:
Shylily: Womp Womp!
Snuffy: Hurry up, I wanna see the new boy I'm going to 100% simp for.
Y/n: Holy shit... That's really Shylilly and Snuffy, Hold on I just wanna check how many followers I have on twitch now.
Y/nBunnyBoy 125k Followers
Y/n: Oh 125.... thousand... Okay what the fuck? I haven't even streamed yet! Alright let's start this with the Theme Song! Time to bring back something from my past! PERSONA!
Y/n then pressed the start stream button and Shadow World began to play.
Snuffy: I haven't seen what he looks like, and yet I already like him!
Shylily: Me too!
Bao: Me Three!
Snuffy: Y/n Fan Club?
Shylily/Bao: Yeah!
Shadow World then stopped and the screen went black.
Y/n: Well Well Well, it seems as if they want to see what we look like Izanagi, let's show them then.
Y/n's Model then suddenly appeared on Screen.
(Btw if Y/n had a voice actor it would be Johnny Yong Bosch)
Shylily: Holy shit he's so hot!
Y/n: Oh well thank you, Shylily, you arn't half bad looking yourself, of course you'll never be as good looking as me.
Snuffy: Lily, you lucky bitch!
Shylily: Womp Womp!
Y/n then saw the subs and donations coming in like crazy, first it was 1 gifted sub, then 5, then 10, and then 100 at a time. Then came the donations which went from $100 to upwards of $1000 dollars.
Y/n: I appreciate the donations, but I'm already rich enough.
Snuffy: I don't care how rich you are Pretty Boy, you are going to take my money are you are going to like it!
Y/n: I suppose I can oblige for you Snuffy~
Bao: Where's mine?!
Y/n: Maybe if you bark a bit more for me, I'll notice you~
Y/n: Alright let's get to work.
(Mid Chapter Bio Time)
Y/n L/n
Age: 20
Height: 6ft 1in or 183cm
Birthday: May 1st
Occupation: Vtuber
A Bit of Japanese
Video Games
Ice Skating
Dungeons and Dragons
Booze (Don't tell anyone)
Over Trolling
Anything with more then 6 legs
When an obscure song isn't available on Spotify
One Piece
Fire Force
My Hero Academia
Chainsaw Man
Black Clover
Dr. Stone
Demon Slayer
Fullmetal Alchemist
Sword Art Online
Video Games:
Shin Megami Tensei
Apex Legends
Rainbow Six Siege
Final Fantasy XIV
Fortnite (No Build Only!)
Guilty Gear Strive
Dragon Ball FighterZ
and Finally
Cooking Simulator
Y/n: That's all you really need to know about me for now, I might share my goals with you later, I'm still figuring them out, I think we should read some of these donations.
TheFanOfFans donated $150: How are you liking the experience so far Y/n?
Y/n: I'm gonna be honest with yall, these last few weeks have been pretty amazing and it's all thanks to the girls, I owe them alot.
TheFinalFrontdown donated $2000: Are you dating any of thje girls??
Y/n: That's a tough one, but I'm disappointed you asked that, how could I be dating any of them? I only met them a few weeks ago, how could I date someone I only met a few weeks ago.
Sugmos donated $500: Do you at least love any of them?
Y/n: There's a feeling of love in there, but there's not the "let's get married right now" kinda way, it's that "I love them platonically" kinda of way. Although I'm starting to hope it's more. These girls are like the family I never had, they've made me really happy and if it wasn't for them, well let's not worry about that.
VShojoDisliker donated $20: You like Silvervale? That's kinda makes you cringe bro.
Y/n: Me liking Silvervale makes me cringe? Then I'm fine with being the most cringeiest person on earth in liking her makes me like that.
Silvervale: Y-Y/n...
Veibae: Aw that's really cute Y/n
Zentreya: Yeah that's nice of you to say Y/n
Froot: Very wholesome Y/n.
SimperDimper: Whoah Vei, Zen, and Froot?
HimeHajime: Awww N/n....
Projekt Melody: Woo Y/n!
Ironmouse: Nice job!
Nyanners: WooOO!!!
SingerJudger donated $1000: Can you sing us a song?
Y/n: First stream and you really want me to sing you a song?
karoker: Yeah! Sing for us!
Veibae: Sing for us N/n!
Snuffy: Sing for us My King!
Y/n: I heard through the grapevine that today is a certain Beautiful Sakura Wolf's birthday is today, so I dedicated this song to her.
Silvervale: Huh me?!
I then pulled out my acoustic guitar and started up the bg music. God I hope she likes this.
Eyes open
I'm picking up the pieces
Of the life I remember
Somewhere far away
And so I'm searching
Across the world for something
Unsure if I'll ever find it
A place that I call home
Can you hear me?
My hands are reaching
Even if you're far away
I feel you next to me
I feel my voice projecting
Our hands connecting
As long as you are there
I'm never all alone
Let's go there
Where we can be together
Holding me so tightly
A million miles away
And I've been searching
Across the world for this feeling
I finally found it in you
A place that I call home
Can you hear me?
My hands are reaching
Even if you're far away
I feel you next to me
I feel my voice projecting
Our hands connecting
As long as you are there
I'm never all alone
The world is beautiful
Whenever you're here
And all the emptiness inside disappears
I never ever want this feeling to go
Stay with me
Can you hear me?
My hands are reaching
Even if you're far away
You're always here with me
I feel my voice projecting
Our hands connecting
As long as you are here
I'm never all alone
The world is beautiful
Whenever you're here
The second I put down the guitar, I heard footstops running down the hallway towards my room, the second the door was opened, I was tackled by a pink/blue blur.
Silver: N/n, that was amazing, I loved it just as much as the necklace.
She then begin to nuzzle my cheek with her own.
Y/n: Awww, I'm glad you liked it, now can you please get up, I need to finish the stream.
Silver then reached up to my computer and stood infront of the camera.
Silver: Sorry but I gotta end Y/n's Debut early, I gotta give him a special reward~
Snufy: Silver don't you dare I call di-
Silver then ended the stream and picked me up before throwing my on the bed.
Y/n: S-Silver, what are you going to do....
Silver then immeditatly climbed into the bed next to me and pulled the covers over us.
Silver: We are going to cuddle and you are going to like it.
Y/n: O-Okay.
Silver then immediately wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her chest.
Y/n: This is my life now, I guess...
Silver: I've made up my mind, this is the boy I want to be with for the rest of my life, I can't wait for him to meet my mom, maybe she can fill that mom shaped hole in his heart.
I was so tired from worrying about the stream, I didn't even notice I was getting sleepy, Silver also was getting sleepy as well, and the two of us eventually fell into a peaceful and warm sleep embrace.
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