Chapter 4: Meeting the Big Sister


I was having a nice sleep when I was awoken by a ringtone. One I hadn't heard in nearly 2 months.

I quickly looked over at my phone and saw the caller id of "Thorn Princess". I immeditatly knew who it was, I quickly answered the phone.

Thorn Princess: Hello?

Y/n: Hi, Big Sis Yor.

Yor: It's been a while N/n, how have you been.

I then proceeded to explain to Yor about what happened with me joining the VShojo house, I didn't tell her about me beating up that guy to protect Froot and Mel, because if Yor found out I got into a fight, well... that's just bad news for the other guys, you see my sister has a very special job... my sister is a world class assassin nicknamed The Thorn Princess.

After our mother died, she took up the job in order to provide for me until I turned 16 and was able to start working for myself, Yor is 6 years older then me, making her around 26. She's the best sister anyone could ask for, even though her cooking was not the best...

Yor: That's so good for you N/n, I'm glad you finally found your calling, if Mom was here, she would be really proud of you.

Y/n: Yeah, but anyway, what's up with you, I haven't talked you since your and Loid's wedding 2 months ago.

Around 2 years ago Yor met a Therapist named Loid Forger, the two hit it off right away, I've always liked Loid, although I know his secret, but he doesn't know that I know, Loid Forger is actually a world class spy, and is actually somewhat good at it. The two got married around 2 months in a pretty private ceremony where only I and one of Loid's friends Franky showed up to it.

Yor: We are doing just fine, I actually called you because I have an announcement, me and Loid adopted a child as of 2 weeks ago.


Yor: *giggles* Yep, her name is Anya, and she is just adorable, I just sent it to you.

I quickly looked at the picture Yor sent me in a text message and I nearly had a heart attack. Yor and Loid really did pick the most adorable girl I have ever seen in my entire life. She had pink hair and that was adorable in it's own right but her eyes were a cute green and you could just see the pure innocent soul behind them, I have only seen Anya once and I will now die for her.

Y/n: This is my niece?

Yor: This is your niece.

Y/n: I want to meet her.

Yor: Check your email brother.

I quickly checked my email to see that Yor had sent me 2 train tickets to their city and they were set to leave in about 3 hours

Y/n: I shall see you in 3 hours. Also why are there 2 tickets?

Yor: Loid had a coupon so it was the better deal, you could bring along one of your coworkers, I would love to meet at least one of them.

Y/n: Well alright then, I guess I'll see you seen. Love you big sis.

Yor: Love you too N/n.

I hung up the phone and printed out the tickets on the printer I had in my room. I then quickly packed up a backpack and ran out of the room and down to the living room. I thought I would see a majority of the girls there, but I only saw Zen on the couch on her phone watching Youtube.

Y/n: Hey Zen.

Zen: Oh hey Y/n.

Y/n: Where is everyone?

Zen: Hime is still on her trip and the others are all doing the raft collab, today is my day off and I have nothing to do.

Y/n: Welll.... Howwouldyouliketogowithmetovisitmybigsisterandmynewniece?

I then noticed Zen blushing a bit.

Zen: You want me to go with you to visit your big sister and your new niece? Also you have a big sister?

Y/n: Oh yeah... Forgot to mention that... Well do you want to join me, I have an extra ticket.

Zen: Yeah sure, let me just go get changed~.

I watched as Zen walked up the stairs with a sway in her hips, I would be lying if I said that Zen didn't have a really nice ass, because she does and I mean a REALLY NICE ASS.


It only took 10 minutes for Zen to return back downstairs, I saw she wasn't in her Android Form, she was in her OG Dragon Form.

Y/n: Huh, you can change from your Android Form into your Dragon Form?

Zen: Yeah, it's thanks to me being an android that I can do this.

It was then I realized what she was wearing and I nearly got a nose bleed.

I knew Zen was strong, but I had zero damn clue she was this ripped, you could literally grind meat on those abs!

Zen: See something you like~?

Y/n: Must resist the urge to say yes... You look great, my sister is gonna like you.

Zen: *blushing* Well alright, let's head out.

Me and Zen went to the garage I had and we only saw a single car under a tarp.

Y/n: Huh, guess they only have delivered this car so far.

Zen: We could always just grab one of mine.

Y/n: Nah if this is the car I think it is, you are gonna love this.

I walk over to the tarp and quickly pull it off to reveal my pride and joy, the one thing my dad left me before he died, his 1985 DMC Delorean, the same type of car the used in my favorite movie trilogy of all time Back to the Future.

Zen: Holy shit, is this what I think it is?

Y/n: It sure is, a 1985 DMC Delorean in mint condition, this is the only other thing in my life I care about in my life, besides Video Games, my sister, you girls, and my cooking.

Zen: How did you even get a hold of this?

Y/n: It was my dad's...

Zen: Oh...

Y/n: It's fine, he died when I was in elementary school, this was one of the things he left me in his will. So what do you say Zen? Will you accompany Back to the Future?

Zen: *giggles* I think I will.

Me and Zen hop into the car and turn it on, it turns on perfectly and I smile like a goofy idiot.

Y/n: Listen to that baby purr.

Zen: That's funny, I don't remember purring.

She really just tried flirting with me, well two can play at the game.

Y/n: Oh I can make you do more then just purr, baby~.

We both look at each other and laugh.

Zen: God you are worse then my chat at flirting.

Y/n: Yeah Yeah, I know, now let's get going.

I open the car door and back out the car.

Y/n: I think I got just the song for the car ride.

Zen: Man you got really good taste!

Y/n: I learned from the best!

Me and Zen then arrived at the train station about 15 minutes later, we got on the train and we started talking about our taste in music and horror movies, thanks to my ears, I was able to hear people talking about Zen and how she looked "silly" and she was "way too hyper" and that her voice sounded "weird". I could tell Zen also heard these and she looked down, I put my hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: Don't listen to them Zen, you look amazing, I find both your android and dragon form amazing, Also your voice doesn't sound weird at all, it's who you are and it makes you unique, and your hyper personality is one of the things I like about you the most.

Zentreya POV

I looked up at him and saw him smiling, it was then I felt a weird feeling in my chest, it felt like my heart was going into overdrive, I also felt my face heat up like never before, I've never felt like this before, do I now have feelings for Y/n?


I saw he look up at me, I swear I saw her turn really read, can androids even get warm? I just decided to shake it off, I then felt something on my shoulder and looked over to see Zen leaning against it, I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and we both looked out the window, enjoying the peace and quiet thanks to the fact we were both able to tune out the other people on the train. We arrived at the train station about an hour later, we exited the train station and I saw Yor, Loid, and Anya who was hiding behind Loid's leg waiting for us. The first thing I did was run up to Yor and giver her the biggest hug I could.

Y/n: It's so good to see you again Yor!

Yor: It's good to see you too little brother!

After the hug I walked over to Loid and offered him and handshake which he accepted, I have to admit, he has a really good grip.

Y/n: Good to see you again Loid. Have you been taking good care of my sister?

Loid: *chuckles* Good to see you again Y/n and of course, she means the world to me just as much as Anya.

Y/n: Before I meet the little scamp, I want to introduce you to someone, this is Zentreya, one of my coworkers.

I then saw Zen bow towards Loid and Yor.

Zen: It's wonderful to meet you two.

I then saw Loid and Yor bow back.

Loid: It's a pleasure.

Yor: It's wonderful to meet one of my brothers friends. Now come on Anya, it's time to meet your uncle.

I saw Anya hide behind her father's leg and I crouched down to her level.

Y/n: Hey there Anya, I'm your Uncle Y/n, it's nice to meet you.

I then saw her walk in front of me and look at me.

Anya: Are those bunny ears real?

Y/n: *chuckles* Yeah they are.

Anya: And you *points* Are you a real dragon?

Zen: *chuckles* Yeah squirt, I am.


That's so cool!

I then quickly picked up Anya and put her on my shoulders.

Anya: Wow, I'm so high up! It's even higher then Papa!

Loid: *chuckles*

Yor: *giggles*

Zen/Y/n: *laughs*

Anya: Onward noble steed Uncle Y/n!

Y/n: Very well Princess Niece Anya!

We spent the entire afternoon hanging out with Loid, Anya, and Yor. Our first stop was an arcade that Anya really wanted to visit. Because I spent alot of time at the Arcade in Middle School, Me and Zen were able to easily win Anya a giant penguin plush which Yor also seemed to like as well.

After that, we decided to get some lunch, I begged Yor to let me cook lunch, but she insisted that we go out for lunch, we ended up going to a nice little cafe which Zen and Loid enjoyed the most, I swear I could see Zen and Yor talking about me to each other, I betcha Yor gave Zen all the teasing material she could, which means if Zen has that teasing material, the other girls will have that teasing material as well, which is gonna make my life more interesting. Afterwards we just decided to walk around a bit, Loid was carrying Anya's giant penguin with Yor was walking next to him. Anya insisted she walked in between Me and Zen while holding our hands. We were having a nice time until.

Anya: AHHHH!!!!

Thug 1: I'll be taking this!

A random thug ran inbetween me and Zen grabbing Anya from us.

Loid: Anya!

Yor: My Baby!

Zen and I nodded at each other and we both moved at what seemed like inhuman speeds, we both appeared in front of the criminal and got into position to perform a double drop kick on him, missing Anya of course since we didn't want to hurt her.

I ended up catching Anya in my arms who looked at me with tears in her Eyes. She cried into my chest and Zen rubbed her back in comfort. Loid and Yor ran up to us with a cop in tow, who quickly arrested the thug and took him away, eventually Anya fell asleep in my arms. After calming Yor down, they offered us to stay at their place for the night since it was getting late and we had ended up missing the last train of the night. Eventually we arrived at their place and Yor then made a comment.

Yor: You know, you two look like actual parents holding Anya like that.

This caused both me and Zen to turn red and look at each other quickly before turning away. This caused Loid and Yor to laugh.

Loid: That's enough teasing Yor, I'm going to get Anya tucked in, can you show them to the two spare rooms please?

Yor: Of couse, if you two would follow me.

Me and Zen followed each Yor to the spare rooms and eventually we stood infront of them.

Yor: You two can take either one you want. I'm going to go fetch some extra blankets.

We both saw Yor walk off and then we turned to each other.

Zen: Hey thanks for inviting me, today as really fun, I think your sister really likes me.

Y/n: Yeah Yor likes alot of people, I also want to thank you for helping me save Anya earlier from that kidnapper.

Zen: It was no problem it was almost as if it was some kind of-

Zen/Y/n: Parental Instinct.

We both looked at each other and blushed a bit before laughing.

Zen: I'm tired, I think I'm gonna head to bed.

Y/n: Yeah me too, I'll see you tommarow?

Zen: Yeah.

Third Person POV

The two walked into their seperate rooms and each of them quickly layed on their beds.

Y/n: What Yor said earlier is getting to me, hanging out with Anya today felt like taking care of my own kid, it almost felt natural.

Zen: Maybe Yor has a point, I did enjoy treating Anya like she was my own daughter today, make this is a sign.

Y/n/Zen: Maybe having kids with Zen/Y/n isn't the worst idea ever.

The two eventually got their extra blankets from Yor and both went to sleep, thinking about the future.

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