The stars are nice. Saying they're gorgeous or that I can see the beauty of nature while looking at them is cliché and cringe, but I must admit they're nice.
That is what I would say if I could see any. Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of the Starr Park Professional Wrestling ring with lights flying in all directions happily polluting the sky. But it could be worse. I could be experiencing so many kinds of pain that my system temporarily shuts down.
I tried lifting my arm but only managed a dry heave. My scarf rolled me onto my stomach and we worked together to try and stand again. I was so sure that I had the advantage but after going for a leaping blow El Primo countered it perfectly.
My pride got broken.
As I moved from a prone crawl to a crouching knee I could feel fire running down my back. Velvet threading scratched at my palms though the rolling of my shoulder blades sent a soaring pain through my neck and then down my spine.
My back might have been broken.
As I looked at the crowd they had switched from cheering for me to basking in El Primo's glory. Occasionally I would catch a call for me to get up but they were being drowned out by the ringing in my ears. I didn't care.
It was the silver lining in the front I was leaning on. Cowering beneath Bull's massive shadow. I could almost hear her gasping just like me. And the concern in her eyes made my stomach turn.
My heart had been broken.
Again I tried to rise. While El Primo continued to parade around the ring (much to the applaud of the fans) I desperately attempted to form a sentence through gasps for life. I couldn't lick a drop of oxygen if it was a lollipop with cherry flavoring. What's going on? I've been slammed lots of times by various people, but this felt different.
When I made it to my feet it was shaky at best. My toes were still tingling from the pain coursing through my spine. I was able to get a solid vertical by leaning against the turnbuckle. I watched as Primo finished his miniature fanfare with a bounce.
When our eyes met, Primo laughed as he lifted his palms above his head. I was a bit perplexed. What kind of attack was he preparing for now? An overhead chop? Maybe some grappling move. I needed to be prepared for anything. At least that's what I thought until a fan screamed, "Test your strength newbie!"
I shot around to refocus on Primo. He was standing in the ring's center patiently waiting. The longer I waited the more restless they grew. Chants roared up with the emotional tidal wave that had been surging all night long. There was a part of me that wanted to falter. I wanted to get out of here. I never wanted to fight in the first place, but I always get roped up into these situations.
I reached a hand down to the middle rope. I'll just slip out of the ring and walk away. But as I prepared for a sleek exit, my scarf snapped my head to the right. No matter how I shifted my eyes it course-corrected until I saw her. Colette had this nervous look I could see from miles away. One that showed she feared for my safety. As flattering a feeling as it was, it hurt to realize she had such little faith in my abilities.
Before I realized it I was walking forward. Arms outstretched and ready to get into a dangerous lock-up with this wrestling giant. My body refused to look weak in front of her.
As I drew closer Primo's hands came down. He had to hold them just above his stomach to meet mine at my head. My hands were tiny compared to his massive, gloved palms. When our grips locked, he stood still as I tried to force him back. My feet slipped below me while he visibly yawned at my fruitless attempts. In response he causally tossed me aside, forcing me to tumble back into the corner I had just arisen from.
This time I jumped back to my feet, though that didn't stop Primo from doing a little twirl for the audience's amusement. I peeked at Colette and saw she was still biting her nails. I can't explain it, but something took over me.
I decided to work with my scarf. It wrapped its woven ends around my knuckles. This time we would go at it together. We approached once more and Primo gladly accepted. Once his arms came down to meet mine I swooped in.
We both knew too well that a test of strength was a dead end. But his ego matched his massive size. He wouldn't expect someone to go against his taunts so I'll rush towards his vitals.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, wrenching and ringing it down to my level. My scarf followed suit by grabbing onto each of his arms and bending them backward. We held him down with a combination crucifix and headlock. I could feel his breath grow heavier. Inhaling was a labor but the crowd screamed hard enough to force a tornado of wind to rush through our lungs.
The plan was to cut off his oxygen and weaken his muscles. I'd take him down little by little even if the audience wanted us to start slugging like heavy-weight boxers. What I didn't account for was his ability to feed off the crowd's energy. As they grew louder, I felt his muscles tense, flex, and expand. I saw it again, that smile. One that showed excitement like a child playing their favorite game.
I could feel my scarf's grip tighten but it was hopeless. El Primo was pulling against it and managed to wrap his arm around my waist. I increased my grip in hopes of closing what little crevice was allowing him to breathe. The tarp below billowed as he let out a sharp exhale. Even though it was a warm night I could still see the steam expelling from his lips.
His body went slump. I thought that maybe he was losing some strength when we began to dip closer to the floor. Unfortunately, his muscles quickly clenched and he stood up straight. Forcing my body to rise a solid half a foot off the ground. From six feet in the air, I could see the tops of each head in the front row (except Bull). I focused unconsciously on that obsessive fool and her vivid emotional arrays. I internally cursed when I saw her frightened eyes. 'What's with that dumb look? I'm the one who's winning.'
This confidence ran like a white rabbit from a fox. He quickly leaned back and dropped me once more with a belly-to-back suplex. And the arena exploded with a massive BOOM to match.
There were more stars in the sky this time. But most of them were moving and flickering about. Worse than that, I couldn't breathe again. Every time he dropped me like this, I felt the world slow to a halt. I looked around to get my bearings. I was able to spot Bull's golden nose ring directly above the frustrated grimace on his lips. He was shaking his head in clear disapproval.
And beside him was a shocked Colette. She still seemed so scared for me. I hated seeing that face. I needed to prove to her that I was okay. This time I stood up with ease. I didn't even feel my feet lifting beneath me. Maybe I was starting to get used to his attacks. 'See... I'm still winning,' I thought with a smile.
The reason I couldn't feel my body's weight was that I wasn't the one standing up. Primo must have gotten tired of waiting so he picked me up on his own accord. He grabbed ahold of one arm and signaled the crowd to cheer him on. Then leaned down whispering, "Let's make this entertaining."
Without further warning, he whipped me forward. My body ran instinctively and when my eyes caught sight of the bungee cords ahead, I turned to let my back rebound against them. I don't know why but I didn't fight the momentum. I ran with it coming off the ringside with increased speed.
Just ahead was a massive log of an arm with my head in its pathway. I quickly ducked under Primo and saw the next set of ropes ahead. I bounced off once more gaining more speed and crashed into Primo's chest. Less of a chest and more of a brick wall though. He didn't even budge. I ended up back peddling and stalling within his shadow. He flexed his pecks in response and then pointed towards the ropes. "Try Again, mi amigo!"
'Try Again?!' He wants me to keep coming at him. I could see Colette in my vision. She had a different look on her face. Instead of fear for my well-being, it looked, almost hopeful. I unknowingly smirked, 'That's more like it.'
I ran back to the rope I came from. I had a plan, but I'll need speed. When I turned against the rope I was looking for Primo's location. I saw nothing but cheering masses and the mat ahead. In less than a second my eyes scanned the area. 'Where was he? How could he have disappeared? He's huge I couldn't have lost him!' Then at the last moment, just as I took a step forward, I saw it. Blue spandex resting below me. Laying on the ground in a prone position. And smiling at his clever trick.
Before my second step could fall I leaped the best I could forward. It may not have been with the grace of a gazelle, but I narrowly cleared the tripping hazard. Now the momentum was on my side. I rushed forward and put my entire body into the ropes again. This time I noticed that Primo was standing long before my back even left the bungee cord braces.
As I moved forward I saw his arms come up for another clothesline. Again, it was child's play to duck it. This wild attempt left El Primo swinging goofily at the air behind me. My plan was set in stone. When I rebounded off the rope one final time I saw Primo was still mid-transition. This was perfect. Once I was half the distance from him I let my feet leave the ground. My body went parallel to the floor. And my feet crunched up against my chest. Then just as Primo turned around to face me I extend them with the force of a steelwork's piston.
The sound of my feet crushing his nose deep into his skull was audible as the crowd went silent. I kicked off his face and landed on the ground with my still sore back, hissing silently with the pain. I watched from below as Primo gripped his face with one hand and reeled back. Then like an injured bear he dropped to his knees.
There was an uproar of screaming excitement at seeing Primo go down but we knew the truth. What I did only slowed him down. From beneath his massive hand, I could see his face. His eyes were wide open almost stunned at the surprise attack, "Bien." But his lips were still curled up with that frustrating smile, "Muy bien."
I looked down and saw his hand resting against his propped knee. With seconds to spare, I kicked out his other leg before he could try and stand again. Now he was practically on all four. He held himself up with his arms with his face just above my chest. My scarf saw the opportunity and rocked his jaw with a hook. Either the power was overwhelming or the shock forced his actions but to not only my but the arena's surprise, Primo rolled out of the ring.
Once the ring was mine I stood up on my own two feet. I was showered with the powerful cries of the fans. A new wave of energy filled my lungs. I could feel the stiff, cool breeze crashing against my pores. Every voice was distinct and clear. I turned back to look where I was previously seated. Bull and Colette's tones had drastically changed. The massive black wall of muscle no longer groaned when I met his eyes. He returned a stern smirk acknowledging my impressive attack.
And Colette was jumping for joy with my every move. Her silver bangs bounded with each step alongside her red ribbons. I could feel her spirit rise and I felt my blood pump faster as her energy rose. This adrenaline rush was unreal. I hate fighting, but something about this was different.
I hate fights. I hate them. I can't specify that enough. I despise conflict and even when I do fight I swore to only fight Brawlers. But this match. I can't get this feeling out of my bones.
I couldn't help but say out loud, "This... is awesome!"
Before I knew it I was pacing back and forth around the ring's center. Air was hissing through my teeth as new desperation began to rise. No longer did I wish to flee. Hide in a corner. Disappear into the darkness and never be bothered again.
I wanted more. I wanted him to get up, to clash with me again. I wanted to hear the crowd screech. I wanted to see Colette laugh. I wanted to entertain.
Primo was currently getting showered with concern by Poco and Amber. I had nearly forgotten they were with him. Not once did I think to check for ambushes from the outside. Maybe it was the paranoia of being in a battle with such a massive man. Though another part of me knew the truth. Primo wouldn't allow them to interfere. When I figured that out I have no idea, but I knew they wouldn't mess with us.
As I continued to walk an emo-shaped hole in the white mat it was my patience getting tested now. Hearing the people chant, "Fight on! Fight on!" was intoxicating. What was he waiting for?
He was still getting pampered by his goons while the people were chanting for more. I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned over the ropes and yelled, "What's wrong champ?! Scared?"
The look he gave back was perfect. So perfect I found myself sharing that same disgusting grin. Toothy and rabid like a deranged animal. With a flaming hot resolve and the rage of a thousand suns, we looked past each other's faces. Through the skin and marrow of our flesh and deep into the other's soul.
And we smiled.
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