Chapter 5: A Vicious Battle pt 1
Within the stormy night, the Hollowfied Loud siblings charged at Rita and Lynn Sr, who readied their zanpakuto in their shikai state while Kisuke deals with the rogue soul reaper/hollow hybrid, Scourge.
Rita: Remember Lynnard, we need to knock them unconscious. They may be hollows now but they're still our children!
They used shunpo to dodge a straight charge by the nearest hollowfied louds, being Luna and Lynn who was the biggest colossal hollows of the group.
Lynn Sr: You're right, Rita. Taking them all on at once won't be easy. Their spiritual energy are rising at a very unstable rate. I have an idea.... you and I can split them up for an even playing field!
Rita: Got it. I'll take Lily, Lisa, the twins and Lucy while you take Lincoln, Lynn, Luan, Luna, Leni and Lori! But no Bankai!
Lynn Sr: Right! Scatter!
The two soul reaper parents shunpo'd away in two directions apart, the Hollowfied Loud siblings split in two groups to hunt down their prey.
Meanwhile, Scourge was clashing blades with Kisuke Urahara as the two were trading blows with one another, the sound of blade strikes was heard throughout the air.
Scourge: Where actually were you hiding? I couldn't detect your spiritual pressure within this town?!
Kisuke: (playful grin) Well I have my ways.
Scourge: (sneers) For an intelligent soul reaper who was once captain of the 12th division, you are an ignorant fool who thinks of this as a game!
Kisuke: Maybe. Maybe not. But I know this much (serious tone) You can't be allowed to roam free, infecting soul reapers with your hollowfiction virus. Now you've transferred it to 11 humans.
Scourge: Hehehehehe... I never hollowfied a human before until now & I must say I'm pleased with the results so far as those 11 humans had strong spiritual energy before.... now they're all mine.
Kisuke: Their human bodies won't be able to handle it, they'll end up breaking down.
Scourge: Heh. I care less about the worthless human side of them, they're apart of MY division now!
Kisuke saw Scourge aiming a Cero Gigante at him as she fired it at the shopkeeper, who was engulfed by the beam in a large explosion.
Scourge: Hahahahahaha!
The explosion soon clears to see Kisuke lying motionlessly in a huge crater.
Scourge: Heh, that's happens to those who attempt to play games with me.
???: (false distress) Oh no, I've been fried to a crisp! Ouuuuuuuch my burning flesh!!
Scourge turns to see Kisuke with his signature smile and fan, mocking her.
Scourge: You!!!
Scourge turns to slash Kisuke but he shunpo'd out of the way.
Scourge: How did you-
Kisuke: (appeared with the burnt kisuke; Happy) A portable gigai!
Scourge was confused for a moment until it changed to rage in seconds but she kept her cool.
Scourge: You can play all the games you want but it won't change a thing, you may have brought 2 soul reapers here but it's 2 of them against 11 hollowfied beasts.
Pocketing the portable gigai away, Kisuke's expression changed to a mischievous yet serious smirk.
Kisuke: (readying Benihime, which was glowing) Who said it was just the three of us....?
In one part of the camp in the woods, Lynn Sr reappeared in an open space as he readies his zanpakuto, waiting for the hollowfied older loud siblings to appear but then glint of Blue, Seafoam Green, Purple, Yellow, Red and Orange lights was in the shadows.
Lynn Sr: (in his mind) Ceros!
Lynn Sr Shunpo'd away, dodging six multicolored beams of energy. He appears in the air but The hollowfied Lynn Jr appeared to raise her spiked fists, aiming to crush her father, Lynn Sr blocks the hard strikes with his broadsword.
Lynn Sr: Ngh! Even as a hollowfied beast, ya still got a good swing but...
He vanished after the next punch and reappeared next to the Hollowfied Lynn Jr, nailing her with a strong fist as part of my mask was cracked while sent flying through trees.
Lynn Sr: Your old man still got some moves of his own.
He then sees the Hollowfied Leni a few feet away from him, aiming her crab-like armored claw which opened as a seafoam green Cero shot out at the loud patriarch, who grip his Zanpakuto which emits a volcanic-like aura.
Lynn Sr: Yoyū pirā-ha!! (molten pillar wave)
He slammed his broadsword into the ground as it shook, shooting out a wave of strong pillars of molten rock shooting out of the ground to collide with the Hollowfied Leni's Cero, causing a struggle for a few minutes until Lynn Sr's attack broke through the Cero and struck fashionista hollow, who wails in pain as the attack scorched her but didn't kill her as she fell.
Lynn Sr: Who's next?!
The Hollowfied Lynn Jr came back to the fight, obviously not happy with the shattering punch she received and lunged at her father, delivering strong hit after strong with her spiked fists to crush but Lynn Sr was blocking each hit with his blade.
Lynn Sr then avoided the 50th punch and delivers a flame sword slash attack on the Hollowfied athlete, who let's out a loud roar in pain as she fell to her knees but still wouldn't go down, glaring at lynn Sr with glowing red eyes.
Lynn Sr: Sorry LJ but you and the others need to put to sleep for a while-
Lynn Sr was blasted from behind by a purple Cero blast, causing an explosion but when the smoke clears... Lynn Sr was still standing with his molten marks glowing on his skin as if he didn't feel the impact of the blast, turning around to face the Hollowfied Luna, who was running on all fours like a wild wolf ready to hunt.
Lynn Sr: Sigh...
The Hollowfied Luna's claws glowed purple as she tries to strike Lynn Sr, who avoided the claw strikes... which gave off an impact of sound that blew away a large portions of the forest.
Lynn Sr: Soundwaves from her claws....?
The Hollowfied Luna howled, releasing a blood curdling sound that filled the air. She lunged at Lynn Sr while the Hollowfied Lynn Jr also charged at him as well, the two gigantic hollowfied louds trading massive blows & claw strikes with Lynn Sr, who continues to dodge them.
Lynn Sr: (dodging their attacks) Your spiritual energy has unstably increased and you're giant beasts but I'm afraid you have a long way to go to keep up with me.
Lynn Sr vanished as The Hollowfied Lynn Jr and Luna punched/clawed each other stalemate in the face, cracking both of their masks with half of their humans faces showing.
Lynn Sr reappeared as the Hollowfied Luna and Lynn Jr glared daggers at him.
Lynn Sr: I'm sorry for that (brings his broadsword in front of his face)
Lynn Sr erupted with burning red spiritual pressure as he suddenly begins to spin himself around with fire surrounding his body. The Hollowfied Lynn Jr and Luna felt themselves being pulled towards their father by some kind of force, who was spinning at incredible speed like a tornado of pure fire.
Lynn Sr: Hono no Taifū! (Flame Typhoon)
The two hollowfied louds were brought into the typhoon of fire, roaring in agony from the searing heat of the attack. Soon, Lynn Sr finished the attack as the Hollowfied Luna and Lynn Jr was down with major burn marks but were still alive, just unconscious.
Lynn Sr: Two down, four to go-
Lynn Sr turns to the creepy smiling mask of the Hollowfied Luan, who delivered a golden yellow Cero from her fingertips to Lynn Sr at point blank range, engulfing him in the blast.
The Hollowfied Luan's mask opened it's mouth, letting out a distorted, maniacal laughter. The smoke soon clears as Lynn Sr was standing there unharmed but breathing heavily as half of his robe was tattered up.
Lynn Sr: Huff... huff... okay. Guess I should've seen that coming.
The Hollowfied Luan had a crazy, devilish grin as Hollowfied Leni, Hollowfied Lori and Hollowfied Lincoln appeared to surround him.
Lynn Sr: Well... seems you all want a piece of your old man, then c'mon! (Readies his Zanpakuto)
???: Will you just shut up and just knock their asses out already?! Or do I have to come over there to do it for ya, soul reaper?!
Lynn Sr then turns around to see three female figures standing above in the air.
???: Really? Did you have to scream so loud like a dreaded banshee?
???: (glares) What did you say, ya fat assed lioness?!
???: (glares back) You heard me, you hot tempered deer!
???: Apacci. Mila Rose. Must you two always bicker and bicker among yourselves like spoiled children...?
'Apacci & Mila Rose': (glares at the third woman) SHUT UP SUNG-SUN! STAY OUT OF THIS!
Lynn Sr recognized the three women bickering are Arrancar, the Three Beasts of... her Fraccion...
The first was Emilou Appaci; A tomboyish Arrancar woman with blue-ish black, jaw length hair with a mask fragment on top of her head with a sharp horn in the middle, heterochromia eyes with the right eye icy blue & the left eye was ember with a red outline around it, slightly pale skin, an athletic build with some curves. She was wearing a standard arrancar uniform which consists of a white & black shoulder length sleeves with black cuffs with a V-neck, gloves and collars over her wrists.
The second was Franceska Mila Rose; A tall Arrancar Woman with the strong & beautiful figure of an Amazonian with large breasts, dark skin, green eyes, thick, wavy brown hair and her hollow hole is seen midway between her navel & breasts. She has a mask fragment of a three sectioned crown on her head & a thick white necklace. Mila rose's modified arrancar uniform consists of an Amazon Warrior, multiple armor covering her breasts & upper arms, forearm gauntlets and a white skirt. She was carrying a broadsword.
And the third woman was Cyan Sung-Sun; A slightly tall arrancar woman with a slender yet beautiful figure, beautiful skin, long olive green hair, long eyelashes, lavender eyes with three pink dots below her right eye. She has a mask fragment of three hair clip like extensions on the right side of her bangs, wears a furry black necklace, her arrancar uniform consists of a white & black dress with long sleeves which go past her hands, with a single slit on each one, two twin black belts criss crossing across her waist.
The four hollowfied louds stared at the three newcomers with murderous intent but the three arrancar didn't seem bothered by it as they joined Lynn Sr's side.
Lynn Sr: Huh? I didn't expect to see you three here to lend a hand.
Apacci: (Annoyed) Can it Soul Reaper, we're not helping you because we want to. (Unveiling the collars on her wrists, forming two chakrams with three blades protruding each one)
Mila Rose: We're only following our Master at this task. (Readying her broadsword)
Sung-Sun: (A large Sai appeared out of her long sleeve) We have our orders from our Master to subdue your hollowfied children...
Lynn Sr: Okay.... I guess that's good enough for me, let's go!
Apacci: Hey, you don't give the orders here!
Lynn Sr and the three beasts charged at the four hollowfied louds.
Meanwhile in another part of the woods, Rita was seen fighting the Hollowfied Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily.
Rita was blocking the savage double team attacks by the Hollowfied Lola and Lana with her spear zanpakuto. The Hollowfied Lana hit 20 strikes with her steel armored knuckles and sends Rita back a few feet but the Hollowfied Lola appeared on the left and fires a diamond shaped pink Cero blast from the gem on the mask to Rita, who managed to avoid it.
Rita: Despite the twins getting at each other's throats sometimes, they're quite the team in their hollow forms...
Rita then twirls her spear in a spiral motion while glowing white as the Hollowfied twins lunged at her.
Rita: 1st Wave: Toppū! (Gust of light)
Rita fires a golden circular projectile from her twirling spear, which started to expand and release a spiral motion of high wind as it struck the Hollowfied twins, ensnaring them in a huge, spinning wave of light & wind.
The two fell to the ground on impact with an earth shattering thud, both knocked out.
Rita: I'm sorry but it'll be worth it to cure you of this virus...
Rita then dodged a dark green Cero blast from the Hollowfied Lisa. Rita appeared in the air as did the Hollowfied Lily, who delivered a gatling of quick strong fists to Rita, who blocks the gatling strikes by spinning her spear. After blocking the 60th gatling strike, Rita saw an opening and kicks the Hollowfied Lily in the midsection, sending her crashing into the ground.
Rita then dodged a Cero blast from the Hollowfied Lisa, who's bulked up right arm locked & loaded to fire a repeated blast of ceros at Rita like a rapid fire gun.
Rita kept dodging but couldn't attack Lisa, who kept up her firing assault.
Rita: (in her mind) She's firing those cero blasts too fast, I can't attack her without getting blown up and trying to get to her head on won't work either, what'll I do-
???: Ola Azul.
The Hollowfied Lisa got hit by a golden yellow energy blade projectile, sending her flying into the trees. Rita turns to the source of the attacker & her eyes widened in shock at who is was.
She recognized the arrancar woman as Tia Harribel, The 3rd Espada and Queen of Hueco Mundo.
She was a tall woman with olive tan skin, auqa green eyes, thick eyelashes, short messy golden blonde hair with three braids and has a beautiful, voluptuous figure with large breasts. She wears an arrancar uniform which consists of a white & black jacket with a high collar which covers the lower part of her face downwards, while extending & fully covering her large breasts while her midriff was exposed, the jacket has a zipper running along it's entire length, which opens from the bottom upwards, a beige air filter on either sides below the trim, the jacket's sleeves also completely completely enveloped the arms with black glove-like extensions & white pants with black & white boots. She also possesses a slightly short yet wide sword with the distinction of being completely hollow in the middle, a purple handle which it's guards was as wide as the blade & three small holes on either end.
Rita: Tia Harribel....
The third Espada appeared before the loud matriarch.
Harribel: Greetings, Rita.
Rita: What are you doing here?
Harribel: I'm here to lend your my assistance, surprised that Urahara hasn't told you.
Rita: ...... Well it's good to see you again.
Harribel: The feeling is mutual.
The two then noticed the Hollowfied Lisa getting up, growling at them as her normal left arm started to twist & turn, expanding & reforming into a monstrous looking arm same as the right. The Hollowfied Lily soon came back while the Hollowfied Lucy appeared behind them, her bat wings and elongated claws bared.
Rita: The hollowfication virus in my younger daughters are worsening!
Harribel: Then we have to end this quickly before they're lost...
Readying their zanpakuto, Rita and Harribel got into their fighting stance as the Hollowfied Lisa, Lily and Lucy charged at them.
Kisuke and Scourge were still in a battle of their own, the hollow soul reaper hybrid was growing tired of Urahara's games and mischievous strategies to get under her skin, her hatred for the former captain of squad 12 grew as she want nothing more than to cut him to ribbons, starting with his brain.
As she was about to attack, Scourge felt something in the air... feeling out the multiple spiritual pressures of the Hollowfied Louds siblings, 4 of them are down while 7 remain but 4 more spiritual pressures appeared with the 2 soul reapers Kisuke brought in....
Then Scourge's eyes widened in shock as she recognized the energy very well which brought a sly grin to the shopkeeper's face.
Scourge: No... they... t-they can't be here...
Kisuke: I'm afraid so...~~~
Scourge growled like an angry wild animal.
Kisuke: (acting) Whatever do you mean....?
Scourge: You, a soul reaper joined forces with an arrancar, an Espada no less... you're that desperate to stop me that you'd asked for HER help.
Kisuke: Now I wouldn't say that... you not only caused problems in Soul Society but in Hueco Mundo as well, according to Miss Harribel here. You seem to be making a long list of enemies there?
Scourge: So what if I am? It's always a kill or be killed world in Hueco Mundo, survival of the fittest and ever since Aizen's fall, I've been hidden from the world, building up my spiritual pressure & perfecting my power, infecting those with strong reiatsu to turn them into transcended puppets under my strings....
Kisuke: A puppet master?
Scourge: (grins under her mask) Correct. I'm not the only main carrier of the new hollowfication virus... there are others.
Kisuke: .....!
Scourge: Hehehe, are you afraid soul reaper...?
Kisuke: (holds a fan in front of his face with a smile) Afraid, No. Unexpectedly surprised, Yes.
Scourge was back to being annoyed and enraged.
Scourge: THAT TEARS IT! IS THAT HOW LITTLE YOU FEAR ME, SOUL REAPER?! (Raised her blade) Very well... I guess I'll have to drive the feeling of fear into your heart! After I deal with you, I'll finish the 2 soul reapers and Harribel! Behold Kisuke Urahara, my resurrección! INFECT THEM ALL, EMPERATRIZ PARASITARIA!! (Spanish for Parasitic Empress)
To be continued...
(Chapter 5 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it! I displayed some of Rita and Lynn Sr's soul reaper abilities in shikai form, more are coming in due time. Now I know what you're all about to ask, what's Tia Harribel and her Fraccion doing here with Kisuke & the loud parents besides stopping Scourge? More answers of that will be revealed in due time. My OC Scourge now reveals that there's more than one main carrier of the new hollowfication virus and has released her resurrección upon Kisuke, can she be stopped or will the loud siblings be lost in their hollowfied state forever? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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