Chapter 4: Hollow Louds on a rampage-The Arrival
Lincoln, Lisa and Lily kept running for their lives after witnessing what happened to each of their sisters.
Lily: Linky, what happened to the others?!
Lincoln: I don't know but we have to keep running!
Lily: But... But we can't just leave them! They're really sick, our sisters need our help!
Lisa: I believe our older siblings explicit orders to our eldest brother is to get you and myself away to safety to avoid certain harm from them!
Lily: B-but...
Lincoln: We'll find some way to help the others lily, I promise! But for right now, I need to get you and Lisa somewhere safe!
Lily: O-ok.
The three siblings kept running through the park in the storm, leading into the woods as they try to escape from... what was going on with the other sisters. As they were running through wet, muddy grass and ducking/dodging trees & branches, the three siblings came across a couple of camp cabins, they weren't abandoned but the camp is closed for the week.
Lincoln: Quick, we can hide in one of those cabins!
Lisa and Lily: Affirmative/Ok!
The three siblings head to the nearest cabin as Lincoln opens the door and leads Lisa and Lily inside but before he could go in with them, a white clawed hand grabs his shoulder and throws the white haired man across the campsite, crashing into the flag pole.
Lincoln: Aaagghhh!!
Lisa and Lily: Lincoln!
Lincoln grunts as he slowly got up, seeing the female masked creature.
Lincoln: Who... Who or what are you?!
???: Hehehehe... ya know, I've longed since forgotten my real name... but that's dead history. I am now... Scourge. And I am a transcended being, crossed between the borders of a soul reaper and a hollow.
Lincoln: Soul Reaper? Hollow? What the hell is that?
Scourge: Hehehe... what good would it do if I told you, you'll soon be like the others in the park.
Lincoln: Others...? You... You had something to do with this? (Glares) What did you do to my sisters?!
Scourge: How about I show you.... HHHRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...!!!!
A devastating display of spiritual pressure filled the air as a couple of ghoulish howls and moans were echoing in the woods, something was approaching the camp.
Lincoln: What the...?
Lisa: .....?
Lily: What's happening?!
Soon, eight monstrous figures appeared before Lincoln and Scourge. Lisa and Lily gasped in shocked and horror while Lincoln was frozen in fear at the sight of these things.
Scourge: Allow me to introduce you to... your sisters, Hollowfied and my puppets!
The three siblings stared at the sight of the rest of the loud sisters, who were turned into Hollowfied Monsters.
Lori was now two feet taller than her normal height, a bit of a bulk, she had a white armored mask with blue trim lining marks and no mouth, her arms were now changed into white armored bulk and two white spikes on her back.
Leni has a Cyclops looking white mask with a silver lining around the large eye, a seaform green 'U' mark on the lower part of the mask, seaform green flames and three blue tear marks on the upper part of the mask. A hollow hole was present on her chest, left arm normal with pulsating veins and right arm formed into a white sharp, armored crab-like claw.
Luna was now very tall and massively muscular with pulsating veins on her body. Her white mask resembled a wolf with sharp eyes & ears, jagged fangs, two purple & black crescent moon marks on the eyes & cheek and a wolf nose. She had long white and purple hair running down her chest, shoulder and back, sharp wolf claws and long tail.
Luan was now a foot taller than her normal height, had pulsating veins on her body and her right arm incased incased in white armor with an elongated claw. Her white mask resembled something out of a clown nightmare with upside down frown eyes, three black diamond marks on the left, a yellow glint mark on the right and a creepy looking smile.
Lynn was now very tall and massively muscular with white and red trim bone like armor incasing most of her body with her clothes tattered, a dragon like tail and gauntlet spiked fists. Her white mask looked like a monstrous face guard that has an extension on the sides of her head with red trim, sharp eyes, a red X mark, fangs on the sides and a black mark in the middle of the mouth and chin area.
Lucy had a white mask that resembled a demon, dark eyes, black flame patterns on the left side of the mask, jagged fangs and sharp horns. She has a hollow hole on her chest, sharp elongated finger nails and demon like wings.
Lana had grown taller as well, body became slightly bulky, steel armored knuckles and shoulder armor with spikes. Her white mask had a visor eye, no mouth with a blue trim design, a silver lining up top with six red dots on tops and white wraps going down as the hair.
And Lola had grown taller as well, possess a hollow hole on her chest, white diamond armor incasing her arms and legs with diamond sharp claws. Her white mask had two blue diamonds & a pink diamond in the middle of the forehead, pink lining going down the cheek, sharp fangs and long white wraps going down as the hair.
Lily: Gasp....!
Lisa: .......
Lincoln: My god....
Scourge: Hehehehe.... so, whatta you think of your sisters now? My Hollow virus has done its work on them. Soon, it'll happened to you three as you guys have already breathed in that fog like substance.
Lincoln, Lisa and Lily's eyes widened in shock.
Scourge: Your transformation begins... now.
On que, the same white substance shot out of the mouths and eyes of Lincoln, Lisa and Lily.
Lincoln: Guh!
Lisa: Aagghhh!!
Lily: Gaaaahh!!
Scourge: Hehehehe... Excellent, Hollowfy!
Lily: (Voice getting distorted) What's happening... I... I... AAAGGGHHH!!
Lisa: (Voice getting distorted) What... what h-have you d-done?! Ack!
Lincoln: (Voice getting distorted) You.... Damn you... You won't get away with this!
Scourge: I already have...
Lincoln: Guh... HRRAAAAAAAA!!
Soon, Lincoln, Lisa and Lily started to Hollowfy and transform as well.
Lisa slowly grew a bit bigger, right arm grew and torn her lab coat sleeve, forming into a white armored limb with green orbs and a drill like shoulder pad with black and green tendrils running down the bulked arm. She had a white mask with four eyes, green lining across the cheeks and a green lining mark forming a mouth.
Lily got a bit taller and puffy as she grew white fur over her shoulders and most of her body with her clothes tattered as hands became big claws. Her white mask resembled a savage looking bunny, sharp buck teeth, menacing eyes and light purple swirl lining on the forehead going down the cheeks.
And Lincoln was now two feet taller than his normal height and had white, black and orange tendrils all over his body, forming spikes over his shoulder and back as his left side and arm was completely transformed into some sort tendril bladed claw. Lincoln's white resembled a normal skeleton but with sharp eyes and a black & orange sharp edge mark on the light side.
The three Hollowfied Louds roared as they joined the other Hollowfied sisters. Scourge snickered at her dark work.
Scourge: Excellent... You guys came out great, though it'll take a while for you to further the evolution but oh well. With you guys apart of my army, the soul society and the world of the living will-
A voice interupted her.
???: Scream, Benihime! (Crimson Princess)
A large, crimson red energy wave was shot out of nowhere at Scourge, who barely dodged it as her left arm was caught and disintegrated.
Scourge: Aaaaaggghhhhhh!!!
The Hollowfied Loud Siblings roared as they saw someone appear out of the shadows. It was a tall, messy blonde haired man with a green & white striped bucket style hat covering his eyes in its shadow, slightly pale skin, wearing a green robe like shirt & pants, a black open robe with white diamonds on the bottom coattails and woodens sandals. He was a carrying a sleek, medium sized sword in hand.
???: I'm sorry but we can't have you running off to cause trouble now, can we?
Scourge: Grrrrrrr... Damn Soul Reaper... (Pulls out her sword; A curved looking katana) how did you find me, Kisuke Urahara?!
The man known as Kisuke Urahara had a slight smirk.
Kisuke: I came quickly when I got a call from my two associates that the same dark spiritual pressure of the rogue hollow/Soul reaper hybrid responsible for turning 12 soul reapers was no longer in Karakura Town but in Royal woods.
Soon, two figures emerged from the shadows, revealed to be Rita and Lynn Sr but instead of their normal clothes, they were wearing black robes, Japanese wooden sandals, Rita has a white sash while Lynn Sr had a red one. Both had swords hoisted & tied on their backs as they also looked younger.
Kisuke: Glad you can make it.
Scourge: I didn't think there were soul reapers in this area...
Rita and Lynn Sr' eyes widened in shock at the sight of the loud siblings... their children, all hollowfied.
Lynn: We're too late....
Rita: My... My children...
Kisuke: .....
Scourge: No wonder these 11 had such tremendous spiritual pressure, so they're your children soul reapers? Well, Hehehehe that's bad for you two because they're a part of my family now. Hahaha... hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
But then... her laughter was cut short when she & the Hollowfied Loud Siblings felt an overwhelming display of spiritual pressure coming from Rita and Lynn Sr, who had calm looks but had anger in their eyes.
Rita: That's it... you have defiled my children and for that, you will pay!!
Lynn Sr: I'll have your head for this, hollow...
Their spiritual pressure erupted with Rita's energy being pure white while Lynn Sr' energy was burning red. Both took out their swords and chanted.
Rita: Give Flight into the Light, Tenshi no Tsubasa! (Angelic Wing)
Lynn Sr: Re-ignite the Spirits of War, Teikoku no hono! (Imperial Flame)
Their spiritual pressure engulfed them as their swords changed with a bit of their appearance. The smoke clears to reveal Rita with white lining marks on her face & chest and holding a white & gold mystic looking spear while Lynn Sr had molten looking marks on his face and chest as he had a black and red broadsword.
Scourge: Ngh! No matter, if you three want to get to me... you'll have to deal with them first!
The Hollowfied Loud Siblings stepped forward, groaning and growling ferociously and ghoulishly. Rita and Lynn Sr readied their weapons as Kisuke joins them.
Kisuke: Don't worry guys, there's still a way to save your children but we need to knock them out in order to get to scourge.
Rita: Ok.
Lynn Sr: Urahara, let us handle our children, you handle scourge. When we're done, we'll help you with her.
Kisuke: Right.
Rita: Here they come!
The three got ready as Scourge and the Hollowfied Loud Siblings charged at them.
To be continued...
(Chapter 4 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and my sketches of the Hollowfied Loud Siblings. Kisuke Urahara has arrived, Rita and Lynn Sr are soul reapers, what's going to happen next in this devastating battle?! Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black....)
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