Chapter 2: A Loud Reunion

We cut to the loud house as the home hasn't changed a bit. We then see an orange Ferrari pulling up and parking on the side of the street of the loud house.

The car doors opened and out comes 21 year old Lincoln loud and 21 year old Ronnie anne santiago.

Lincoln was six foot tall with a slightly muscular physique, has slightly long white hair and still has an overbite. He was wearing an orange jacket with a black shirt underneath, blue cargo pants and black and orange shoes.

Ronnie anne was about lincoln's height but two inches shorter, has a athletic and mature figure with a huge hips, plump rear and a large bust. Ronnie anne had her long black hair in a downwards ponytail, she was wearing a black shirt with the words fight or die written in red, dark purple and black sports shorts, black socks and black and white shoes.

Lincoln: (spoke in a slightly deep voice) Wow... this place hasn't changed a bit since I left.

Ronnie anne: (spoke in a mature female voice) It certainly hasn't changed a lot in a few years, huh Lame-O?

Lincoln chuckles at the nickname ronnie anne called him when they were kids, she still calls him Lame-O sometimes but hey, lincoln's not complaining about it.

Lincoln noticed a red sports car, a large purple party van and a light blue van parked in the driveway next to the old vanzilla.

Lincoln: Seems three of my older sisters are here, let's go see the family, shall we?

Ronnie anne: Yeah.

The two walked towards the house, up to the front porch as lincoln rings the door bell.

A male voice shouted.

???: Coming!

Lincoln and Ronnie anne wait as the door opened to reveal Lynn loud Sr. He hasn't changed a bit except that his brown hair has a bit of gray in it.

Lincoln: (hugs lynn Sr) Hey dad, it's been a while, I missed you and the others.

Lynn Sr: (hugs lincoln) Hello son, I missed you too.

They broke the hug.

Lynn Sr: Hello Ronnie anne, how are you?

Ronnie anne: I'm doing great Mr. Loud.

Lynn Sr: (smiles) That's good. Anyway, your brother Bobby is here, along with Lori, Luna and Lynn who brought their husbands as well. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to see you two.

Lincoln: (smiles) cool.

Lynn Sr invites lincoln and Ronnie anne in as they saw the living room which hasn't changed a bit. He then saw his third older sister, 25 year old Luna loud relaxing on the couch and tuning her purple and black base guitar.

Luna was a foot taller than lincoln and has a strong hourglass figure, thicc hips with a massive bottom to match with a large bust. Luna has her brown hair in a pixie cut with the left side of the head shaved, has on purple eyeshadow, rock style tattoos on her slightly big arms and paperclip earrings with more ear accessories. Luna was wearing a black sleeveless black jacket with a tattered purple shirt underneath, black pants with a skull belt buckle and purple and white rockstar boots.

Luna turns her attention to Lincoln and Ronnie anne, a smile appearing on her face as the rocker gets up and walks to them, giving them a big hug.

Luna: Linc, Ronnie! Long time No see dudes!

Ronnie anne: Hey Luna.

Lincoln: Hey there Big Sis.

Luna broke the hug to look at them with a smile.

Luna: It's nice to see you dudes again. How's life?

Lincoln: It's good.

Ronnie anne: Yep. How's your life?

Luna: Rockin' 24/7 brah! Finished up my world tour and finally getting a vacation.

Lincoln: Sweet, where's Jake?

Luna: He's in the kitchen, helping mom with the food.

???: (female voice) Ah, Lincoln and Ronnie anne! You made it!

???: (male voice) Bro! NiNi! You're finally here!

Lincoln and Ronnie anne see two people running towards them & giving them a hug. They were revealed to be a 27 year old Lori loud & a 27 year old Bobby Santiago.

Lori was a tall woman with a curvaceous figure with an overly large chest & wide hips, long blonde hair, blue eyeshadow and pearl earrings. She was wearing a black business suit and white shoes.

Bobby was a foot taller than Lori and has an averagely toned muscular figure, short black hair with a goatee combo. He was wearing a black jacket with a green shirt underneath it, blue jeans and brown shoes with white stripes.

Lori: It's nice to see you guys here at the family reunion. How are things with you two?

Lincoln: It's going good.

Ronnie anne: Yep. How are things with you two in Boston?

Lori: Oh it's wonderful.

Bobby: Yes, things are great at our company.

Ronnie anne: That's good, where's your daughter?

Lori: Oh she's upstairs with lily, the little girl was excited to meet her.

Lincoln: Hehehe. I see. She is adorable after all.

Bobby; Yep, that's our lil daughter Lori Jr.

Lori: So... (smirks mischievously) have you two thought about having some children?

Lincoln and Ronnie anne blushed. Luna and Bobby laughed at their expression.

Bobby: Hehehehe!

Luna: Hahahahaha! She got ya good bro!

Lori: (smiles mischievously) And when are you and jake going to have your child luna...?

Luna stopped laughing and blushed.

Luna: Well... uhhhh... not yet... I just... Huh?! What's that?! Coming! (Nervous smile) Yeah Jake's calling me in the kitchen, hehehe... Coming Jake!

Luna ran to the kitchen as Bobby and Lori laughed so hard.

Bobby: Hahahaha!

Lori: Hehehehe! That always gets her... sigh. Well we gotta go check on our daughter and lily.

Bobby: catch ya later lil bro and you too NiNi.

Bobby and Lori went upstairs.

Ronnie anne: I'm going to get a soda or something, you want anything?

Lincoln: Naw I'm good.

Ronnie anne: Alright.

Ronnie anne heads to the kitchen. Lincoln then goes to the couch to watch Tv when he felt a dark presence next to him.

???: (monotone female voice) Hello big brother....

Lincoln was spooked out of his seat as he noticed an 18 year old Lucy loud sitting next to him. The goth loud was slightly tall but still shorter than Lincoln and possesses a beautiful figure but became more chest and bottom heavy, much to lucy's discomfort as her assets were gaining the wrong kind of attention from others. She has long black hair with one left eye revealed, pale skin and wearing a black baggy sweater with a skull, a black skirt, black and white striped leggings and black boots.

Lincoln: Oh it's you Lucy, It's nice to see you again, you've grown.

Lucy blushes a bit.

Lucy: Sigh... I have... (looking at her overly large breasts) and I hate these so much. (Looks at lincoln; slightly smiles) I'm glad that you're here for the family reunion.

Lucy hugs Lincoln, who returns the hug.

Lincoln: I'm glad to see you too. How's Rocky? Is he here?

Lucy: Sigh... He couldn't make it. Sadly, he had his own family reunion to get to.

Lincoln pats Lucy on the shoulder.

Lincoln: It's okay Lucy, I'm sure Rocky didn't want to bail on you.

Lucy: I know... he said that he'd make it up to me. But it's a surprise after dark... (smirks, showing her vampire fangs)

Lincoln: Ok....

Soon, Lincoln felt some strong arms wrap around his neck from behind as an energetic female voice spoke.

???: Hey linc, long time no see!

Lincoln: Hello Lynn.

The woman was revealed to be a 23 year old Lynn Loud Jr. She was slightly taller than Lincoln and has a great feminine yet muscular figure, large breasts and thighs. She has long brown hair, freckles and a tattoo of a basketball gripped in a skeleton arm on her right arm. She was wearing a black and red, sleeveless jock jacket, white top, black sweatpants and cleats.

Lynn: So how's it going?

Lincoln: Oh the usual lynn-sanity.

Lynn: I've seen your MMA matches so far and I must say that I'm impressed. You're almost there to where I'm at.

Lincoln: Thanks but I don't know if I'll ever be an MMA champion like you or Ronnie anne.

Lynn: Nonsense little brother, you just have to put more momentum and skill into it.

Lincoln: Heh, thanks.

Lynn: No problem.

Lucy: Sigh... how's it going with you Lynn?

Lynn: I'm doing fine, another successful title defense and now I'm here for an awesome loud reunion with my husband francisco. How are you, spooky?

Lucy; Dark as always, working at a gothic book store and I got a strange warning from great grandma harriet that something horrifying might be coming for us...

Lynn: Ok.... well, good to see you guys. I'll be in the kitchen. (Leaves)

Lincoln: You do love to scare people, huh luce?

Lucy: I do a lot but I'm serious about the warning from great grandma harriet. I must prepare... (Leaves)

Lincoln: Ok then....

??? & ???: Hey Lincoln!

Lincoln turns to see 16 year olds Lana and Lola walking towards him. The twins were slightly tall in the same height but were different in many ways.

Lola has a graceful physique, long blonde hair and pink eyeshadow. She was a pink studded shirt with a diamond on it, white jeans and shoes.

Lana has a feminine yet athletic physique, long blonde hair in twin ponytails and her red cap. She was wearing a dark gray shirt with blue claw shred marks, a leather jacket, blue jeans and sneakers.

Lincoln: Hey there, the beautiful & glamorous twin and the tough and strong hearted twin.

Lola and Lana smiled as they gave their big brother a hug.

Lincoln: How are you guys?

Lola: I'm doing fantastic, won another glorious modeling competition.

Lana: I'm doing fine myself, helped out Bobbie Fletcher tune up her car to win another grand prix race.

Lincoln: That's nice. Where's Winston and Skippy, how are they?

Lola: They're doing fine but they couldn't make it. Winston is on vacation with his family.

Lana: Same with Skippy too.

Lincoln: Oh ok.

The twins gave Lincoln another hug before heading upstairs.

???: Oh hello Lincoln, I missed you so much my boy!

Lincoln was hugged by the mother of eleven children, Rita loud. Rita hasn't really changed much over the years except that her hips got wider, a slight streak of grey in her blonde hair and she was wearing a white blouse shirt.

Lincoln: Hehe, I missed you too mom, how are you?

The Loud matriarch smiled.

Rita: I've been doing great, published another novel and it's a great hit. Right now, I've helping your father with the food for our family reunion feast.

Lincoln: Neat.

Lynn Sr: (from the kitchen) Rita! I'm gonna need some hands here with the special yams!

Rita: Coming dear! (To Lincoln) glad you could made it.

Rita gave Lincoln a motherly kiss on lincoln's left face cheek as she went to the kitchen. The white haired man heard the door bell ring, he heads to the door and opens it, being engulfed in a big hug by two women revealed to be a 26 year old Leni loud & a 24 year old Luan loud.

Leni was a tall woman with a beautiful figure but was more chest and bottom heavy, she has long, flowing blonde hair and wore red hoop earrings. She was wearing a seaform green shirt, white jeans and seaform green high heels.

Luan was a slightly tall woman with a curvaceous figure with the biggest chest out of all the older sisters, she has long light brown hair in a braided ponytail and buck teeth with no braces. She was a sleeveless yellow baggy sweater, blue jeans and some shoes.

Leni: Oh linky, I missed you so much!

Luan: Howdy there partner, family reunion around high noon, hahaha! Get it?

Lincoln: Missed you guys too... can you ease on the hug, you're about to break me in half...

The two sisters let him go as he catches his breath.

Luan: Sorry linc.

Leni: Sorry.

Lincoln: It's okay... how are you?

Leni: I'm, like, good. Business is totes booming at leni's glorious style shop. Chaz is also here too with Landon and Hazel.

Luan: My comedy show Laugh-a-palooza in the top 10 of funniest sit-com shows. Business is going through the roof. Anyway, Big Ben here brought the turkey for the family reunion feast, hahaha!

Lincoln sees Benny, who brought the turkey and Chaz, who was holding 5 year olds Landon and Hazel, walking towards the three.

Chaz was a slightly tall, 26 year old fat man with a bit of muscle, a bushy moustache, shirt light brown hair and he was wearing a dark blue hoodie, a striped yellow t-shirt, gray pants and some shoes.

Benny was a tall, 24 year old man with a lean, athletic physique, curly brown hair and he wearing a white and light blue long sleeved dress shirt, black pants and some shoes.

Lincoln: Hey Chaz. Hey Benny. Hello there my nephew and niece.

Chaz: Hey there linc.

Benny: Hello.

Landon and Hazel: (smiles; In unison) Hi uncle Lincoln! Hi auntie Luan and uncle Benny!

Luan: Hehehe!

Leni: Awwww, this warms my heart, C'mon. Let's see the rest of the family.

Lincoln invited the six guests in as they went to meet the others. Lincoln was about to join in but bumps into someone.

Lincoln: Oof! Sorry, my bad.

???: No need for the apologies, just keep in mind to look where you're going brother unit.

Lincoln sees the 14 year old Lisa loud in front of him. She was a slightly tall teenage girl but a bit shorter than Lucy and the twins, she has a chubby figure and was a bit bottom heavy, slightly long brown hair and wore glasses. She was wearing a black and white swing lab coat, green shirt, black sweatpants and black boots.

Lincoln: Oh hello Lisa, how are you?

Lisa: I'm doing fine, working on a cure for a new flu virus.

Lincoln: (sternly) Lisa...

Lisa: Don't worry, it's contained fully well, it won't harm us.

Lincoln: Okay.

Lisa: How's life treating you eldest brother?

Lincoln: Life's been great.

Lisa: Glad to hear it, now if you'll excuse me, I'll be upstairs.

Lisa gave his a quick hug before heading upstairs. Lincoln looks at the readers.

Lincoln: This is gonna be a good reunion, I hope nothing goes wrong.

Lincoln heads to the kitchen.


Soon, the skies were getting cloudy as some rain started to fall, a few blocks away from the loud house on a rooftop of one of the houses, a black portal opened up as someone or something came out of it as the portal closed.

It was a female, standing at 7 ft tall, an hourglass figure, skin as pale as a ghost, a torn black robe it had on, sharp long claws, a black hole above her overly large breasts and she was wearing a strange white skull mask with dark purple comma symbols on tops of the mask’s eyes.

And she didn't look human...

It started to rain harder as the female creature's eyes glowed yellow as she let out an eeire chilling, distorted laugh...

???: Ehhehehehe... Hehehehe... Hehehehe.... hahaha... hahahaha...

As lightning flashed, the female creature vanished.

To be continued...

(Chapter 2 is finished! Sorry it took me so long to update this story as I was focusing on my other stories but I'll try to work on the vizard house more. What was that creature? How will affect the louds? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black....)

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