🎠Stage Magic (Fantasy) Results 🎠

Finally! After a long while of waiting, we have finally calculated the results and have finalized the ranking of our fantasy category!

We would like to thank the esteemed Rose Gold Community and their judge patricia_s_fictions for their time and for lending us their expertise in adjudicating.

I am sure you all have been waiting with bated breath, and so... without further ado... here are the winners of the Stage Magic Category!



1. Mystical Realm by Enamidah

Title: 3/ 5
Honestly I'm not really feeling any curiosity after reading the title or any first impressions. Sounds too casual

Cover: 3/ 5
I know it's AI generated (probably by the author) But you could have commissioned a free Wattpad community/ independent Designer??

It's not that pulling yk. The only attractive thing is the AI people. The font color and font doesn't suit the background they blend in so much that the name isn't noticeable7.

Blurb: 3 /5
I'm not getting much excited after reading the blurb. It does lack many things. For eg: A scene from the story that pulls readers? Or maybe a dialogue?? And then a cliffhanger at the end?? And also some more exposure to the plot?

Mechanism: 20/20
Well, the author is quite good in english and essay. She has described everything perfectly so no criticism here.

Plot: 17/25
I'm sorry but somehow the plot looks like it was made by some teens?? And also executed by a teen as well,coz there is so many plot holes. You notice, the way everything is written it sounds like we are jumping from one scene to another in a swift motion?? One moment Zuri was at a party and the next in a Realm?? And she's not even that scared or not so much reaction? The teleportation was also too fast. This isn't the only scene. I guess the author should write down scene by scene and transitions first.

Flow and pacing: 9/15
Just like I said before, pacing is too fast. Zuri's feelings towards Zion? In the first chapter?? Bro it's the first chapter? And Zuri is accepting every unnatural thing at a fast pace??? And what's up with the trail ?? It was so fast paced. The story looks overall rushed.

Character Development: 7/10
I don't know why I gave 7, maybe because Zuri here doesn't have much personality. And Zion?? Leave him there, he sounds/ Appears like a person who is too wise like a god and knows the future.

Write about all the characters mentioned in a note or something that gives them natural human behaviors.

Creativity and originality: 2.5 / 5
The author does have creativity but not originality. The story sounds like a role play game me and my friends played as kids. The characters all sound like they are told to say that before the scene. And as if they know that will happen at some point.

Just like actors in Award shows.

Emotions: 6/10
Hmm, I couldn't feel much emotion because of all the above stuff I've said and the lack of originality. Just imagine author you are Zuri,how would you react to things in the story? That's the only way you can create emotions in a character. Try to feel their feelings be it any fear, happiness, sadness, curiosity etc.

Overall: 71 / 100

2. Blue nights of mermaid and kings of diamond island by Seong_Grace

Cover: 4 out of 5
I could have given 5/5 since the font and borders are really good. But I think somehow the background isn't that much attractive?? I mean yeah the pic is attractive but it was blurred?? I know it's supposed to show underwater but blurring wasn't the only option. And the neon light(blue light) on the mermaid was unnecessary.

Title: 3 out of 5
The title is indeed unique but it was too long. If you read the title fast,it sounds a bit unpronounceable too. In the cover it's fine but in the title it wasn't.

Here's a tip: Give a small subtitle and then a 3 words or less title.

Blurb: 1 out of 5
I'm sorry but the blurb is too short and actually doesn't give an outlook on the plot of the story. Plus it's too short. Honestly no fantasy reader would read a story with such a short blurb that doesn't have any information about the story itself but only a general outlook of the story.

Mechanism: 13/20
Well yeah, the writer does know English and how to describe things Elegantly but still I guess since the things take place underwater, you should provide a few pictures of some scenarios. I mean the underwear plants etc etc?

I'm a person who's interested in marine biology so yeah I understood almost everything but what about a person that doesn't have much knowledge about sea structures?

2) The paragraph was EXTREMELY LONG like one paragraph was as long as my phone screen. If I take my eyes off of the phone and look at it again I will lose the sentence I was reading.

3) The writer is good in description and English but not in penning it down properly. The first chapter wasn't good at all. The first chapter doesn't even have a single dialogue?? And most things weren't actually mentioned properly.

How can I say it now, in one word I could say DISORDER. You could say things in an order. And yes in small paragraphs (5 /6 lines)

I'm sorry it may sound offensive but at some point I thought that the story was somehow written using AI. It's just a thought,in Ai you can send a paragraph of your story in your English and the AI will enhance it.

The excess amount of English descriptions but the lack of a mechanism in the story was somehow unreal. Plus there were some grammatical errors as well.

Plot: 11/25

Be honest there's only one word I could say about the plot and pacing.


Let me analyze it, the author had a plot and setting in mind. Then without proper planning, she decided to write everything in short, dumb everything in her mind in the story.

I have only read about the assigned number of chapters. And there aren't any interesting plots or anything that will actually attract a reader.

Why would their union be so important??? Are there any disasters??? No nothing, just some prophecy(?) was the cause of their union?? That too not a foretold famous one,but shown by a pearl on the spot??? Plus there isn't any conflict in the royal family even after the prince having many brothers.

Flow and pacing: 8/15
Pacing is so fast. The prince met seoh-ah on the 3rd chapter?? It was so easy for him. The only obstacle he had to overcome was the waves that hit him??? There isn't anything interesting in the story at all.

Character Development: 4/10

Character Development can only be given if the characters are said to have any flaws. In short,there isn't much negative things said or shown by the character in the chapters I read. The protagonist is shown to be extremely perfect from the very beginning.

Creativity and originality: 2 /5

Well, the author does have some creative ideas. But if she truly wants to write a book on fantasy I suggest she read other books and practice? I mean planning the story and the pacing?? Like I said before,the characters are absolutely perfect which isn't original plus the pacing and everything doesn't add much originality to the story.

Emotions: 4/10
I couldn't actually feel much emotion. Honestly due to the lack of reality and other flaws I couldn't actually feel like I was reading a fantasy story.

Total: 50/ 100

3. Royal Lies by RosesinRedXX

Title: 4 /5
The title wasn't that bad but, I felt like something was missing in it. It felt incomplete

Cover: 4/ 5
Everything was fine with the cover until I saw the font color of the title. As an artist I can tell you that white usually doesn't blend in or go well with deep purple. Could have changed it to gray or something?? You can search for colors going well with deep purple.

Blurb: 3/ 5
The blurb somehow contains many required things but it felt confusing. The blurb felt like too much information without sorting it out properly. I mean,it was too confusing.

Mechanism: 15/20
The writer surely has a rich vocabulary but not a consistent writing style. The writing style in chapter one isn't the same as chapter two. The chapter one writing has something like a different accent?? Or dialect? Idk what exactly it is but it is completely different. Plus it was hard for me as a non English speaker to read something that has something similar to an African dialect and contains a ton of cursing. I felt like reading some tongue twisters. Plus there were some noticeable grammar errors.

Plus there was information dumping in the first few chapters. I know the writer wants to explain the world but - yk you can explain things about the fantasy world if that particular thing has significant meaning to the scene. I noticed in a scene where they were talking about something and just goes to explaining the entire world history in one go. ( Something similar to that)

Plot: 19/25
Yeah, the main plot's kinda fine but there aren't many subplots to keep the reader hooked. Just those two people on a journey in the first few chapters don't attract much readers. At some you would feel bored of too much information about the world and their lives and not much drama/ things not happening to them.

Flow and pacing: 13/15
Somehow at some point,I felt rushed. Especially the first chapter. It was so messy and needed proper planning. Because first impressions matter. At the beginning of the chapter she meets Eli and at the end they were on a journey and fighting together.

Character development: 8/10
First of all I don't see much flaws ( Which a reader would claim is a 100% flaw in a character) in the protagonists. I mean,I did not even feel like the writer was focusing much on exploring the character??? In the first chapters I mean.

Creativity and Originality: 3 /5
Here talking about creativity just I said the lack of subplots and drama is indeed a lack of creativity. I do appreciate the writer for world building though.

Emotions: 8 /10
The characters are actually kinda sarcastic. And there weren't much struggles or experiences that evoke deep feelings within a reader.

Total : 77/100

4. The Avalon Chronicles by LORAINEJD

Title: 4 /5
The name was fine but it sounds like it's a series name rather than a book name. I know that the book has different Arcs but since it's a single book another could have been better.

Cover: 4 /5
Yes, the cover is awesome,good editing skills but what about the background? There were so much designs/ fonts/ and the font color was too flashy.

Listen here- The background is too flashy. You shouldn't add a glowing effect to the fonts other than the book name. And there's too much fonts, not talking about the styles but the amount of text on the cover.

Blurb: 3 /5
The blurb doesn't have much information that hooks the reader. Being a Wattpad book it's suggested that you begin the first paragraph by a hooking dialogue or sentance. Then the ending should also have something truly interesting that could grab the reader's attention. Maybe something that introduces the main plot?

Mechanism: 20/20
I enjoyed reading the book. The mechanism was so good. I didn't find any grammatical or spelling mistakes that could hinder our enjoyment.

Plot: 25/25
The plot was catchy as well, sounds like straight out of a manhua.

Flow and pacing: 9/15
The pacing was too fast in the chapters I read. No sub-plots but still too fast. I don't know if it was someone's memory or something because that's how fast it was. I mean it looked like flashes of memory. Even if the chapters were meant to give the readers some hint about the past it shouldn't be that fast.

Character development: 10/10
Even though the fast pacing hindered with analyzing the characters, I agree that the character development was quite fine. Some characters were relatable as well.

Creativity and Originality: 5/5
As a fantasy author myself, I can say that the research done was bizarre. Even with the help of AI it takes a lot of time and effort to plan such world building.

Emotions: 7/10
Maybe the fast pacing indeed hindered with the emotions 🙃 since the pace was fast the situations were changing so were the emotions. The reader wouldn't have enough time to linger on the emotional situation.

Total: 87/100

I'll continue reading the story as it has piqued my interest

5. Shadow touched by Watts_Writes

Title: 4 /5

The title shadow touched sounds a bit incomplete and somehow something that's unrelated to each other. I mean not the meaning but the words. Maybe try using some poetic synonyms?

Cover: 3 /5

So many flaws in the cover. The background is hard to comprehend when looking from the library. The color scheme is not catchy. Plus the use of three fonts. And the author's name is placed in the wrong position and the font color and font is wrong.

Blurb: 4 /5

The blurb was fine but you have to hook the reader on the first sentence itself. After all, the first impression is the best. For instance include an intriguing or hooking scene from the novel?

Mechanism: 18/20

The author is good in English but there were a few noticeable grammatical and spelling errors here and there. Found around 5 errors while reading the assigned chapters.

Plot: 25/25

The plot was good. When I read the blurb it didn't sound very interesting but when I started reading the story it was good. I liked the plot,not a cliche plot.

Flow and pacing: 15 / 15

Just fine just fine. I think this is first story in the judging I'm a 15/15 for flow and pacing. Every chapter has something that makes the reader think and keeps excited.

Character Development: 10/10

Like I previously said it's not a cliche story which means the characters surely have a flow and I like the realism here and it was fun to read about them.

Creativity and originality: 5/5

This person has quite the creative mind. She/he could possibly write a thriller.

Emotions: 10/10

Since the characters were flawed we can absolutely understand them and feel their emotions.

Total 94/100

I liked this story very much. And I'll keep reading it even after judging.

6. A Kingdom of Tales by sleepytinker5757

Title: 4 /5

The title sounds a bit incomplete and somehow yk not so suitable for a fantasy novel.

Cover: 3/5

I'm sorry but what's with the AI photo that isn't actually a cover material?? I mean it's too plain to be a fantasy cover photo. What's up the font? That kind of font is hard to read. Well it could have been fine on a physical copy but in digital it's unnoticeable and the font color,more unnoticeable.

Blurb:3 /5

The blurb wasn't that exciting or made someone open the book. If I was a reader I would have surely skipped the story after reading the blurb. Add an exciting scene from the novel?? Introducing the main plot ( I mean like a trailer) in the blurb???

Mechanism: 17/20

The writing was fine. Proper explanation,and good description of the world but there were many grammar/ spelling errors that affected me while reading.

Plot: 25 /25

No matter what,the plot was good. On top of it every chapter has something that keeps the reader hooked in. I like the creativity of the author.

Flow and pacing: 12 /15

Loved the story but the flow and pacing was kind of bad. The main problem is information about the character and the world is given in one go. Especially talking about the Avenlea's eight houses. I mean when you give out an information just one information it should have a significant meaning to that particular scene.

I know you wanted to tell everyone that Miles is a Griffin but him telling her he has powers and is from Avonlea and her remembering the 8 houses including the Astor was kind of unnecessary at that time.

But miles being a Griffin is exposed too fast. That too him telling it just like that to her on the first meeting? I mean when they just met?

And why was the Astor family mentioned in that chapter? You could have mentioned about the Astor family when they have any importance in that particular chapter.

The above mentioned were just examples.

Character Development: 10 /10

I don't know what I should say about the character. They are relatable but at the same time they aren't. I would give full marks here because they have flaws or problems.

Creativity and originality: 5/5

Like I said before I like the author's creativity,if it's mixed with proper English and pace, I'm sure it's going to be an amazing story.

Emotions: 8 /10

Maybe it's because the pace was a bit too fast that I didn't feel much emotion. Yeah I can understand the character but still I,as a reader didn't felt like the characters were like us. Their behavior and other things.

Total : 87 / 100

Either way, I would continue reading the story and like the author's ideas.

7. Deals with the devil by MythicEclipse

Title: 5/5

Okay so the title does seem familiar to the story and plot. And it suits the story in overall.

Cover: 2 /5

The cover seems to be made by the author itself? I mean I'm not sure. Honestly there's so many flaws in the cover from the perspective of a designer ( I'm not a designer but an artist) . First of all the background is not suited for a cover,the font color, everything is out of place. Maybe tell one of the designers from a community to make one for ya.

Blurb: 3/5

No hooking sentence in the blurb. And even if the original isn't your idea you should only mention it at the end of the blurb and not at the beginning. At the beginning you should add any hooking scene of sentence or whatever.

Mechanism: 16/20

There are so many grammar and spelling mistakes that hinders the reading. Maybe the author should proofread it? And the chapters are too long. At first I thought it's only the first chapter but all the chapters I read were too long. Should cut down the word count.

And also in the first chapter the author said that choi guy is the brother ( Church) but in the second it was Felix??? Did the author got confused? Or was it me?

Plot: 21 /25

Yes the main plot is fine but there's so many mentions of cooking? I'm not talking about characters cooking but the entire recipe? I don't know if the author is a cook or not but gurl, the descriptions of cooking made me feel like I'm reading some kind of cooking show??

Flow and pacing: 13/15

I think it's a bit too slow. Since the author decided to add detailed description of cooking I think it also happened to slow down the story line.

Plus if you see a huge paragraph,half of it would be the act of cooking and the recipe.

Character Development: 9 /10

The characters are almost perfect but I feel like something is lacking in their persona. Their behavior was somehow unrealistic. I mean, when I imagined the main character, I didn't feel like she's relatable to real people. And somewhere she behaves like she knows everything? It's as if she's told to behave like that by the director of the movie. I'm mainly talking about her reactions.

Creativity and originality: 4/5

The author has a lot of potential to write about a fantasy thriller if they take writing seriously.

Emotions: 8/10

The emotions I felt were curiosity and amusement, honestly, the story beginnings were a bit too plain. Why? You can see it in the above judgings.

Overall: 81 / 100

8. The Wailing Woman by obewitchedmoonlighto

Title: 5/5

The title is good. It gives the audience a sense of mystery.

Cover:4 /5

I wanted to give them a 5 but then the font doesn't suit the cover. On top of it, it's hard to read the title from the cover due to the complexity of the cover.

Blurb: 3/5

There's nothing wrong in the blurb but there's so many things in the blurb. Maybe you could add a hooking scene/ dialogue from the story to lure the readers?

And maybe introduce the main plot of the story ( I mean like a " What if", it doesn't necessarily have to be a what if but just a sneak of the main plot )

Mechanism: 19/20

Yes there wasn't any grammar or any kind of errors. But the problem was the kind of description this story has. ( no-not the blurb) I mean it was hard for me to imagine the story in my head because of the lack of description on the change on the scenario ( Only in the first few chapters) sometimes I would get confused on where exactly she was.

Plot: 25 /25

As a fantasy and paranormal writer like myself I would say that this plot is indeed unique and noteworthy 👏🏽 there's nothing cliche in this story not even a single scene. And I liked it. While reading the story I could feel the dark aura around the FL

Flow and pacing: 14/15

Come on girl the plot was good and the mechanism was fine but why is it slow paced? No- not the plot. The pace of the plot was completely fine but I'm talking about the pace of the writing like why's there so much description? At some point it bored me.

Character Development: 10/10

Yk what's the most important thing when it comes to character development? A flaw. And the characters in the chapters I read have flaws and they are somehow realistic.

Creativity and originality: 5 /5

The creativity - I said it was cool I mean the plot. It was unique. This is my first time reading something like this. And the originality. Yes everything felt realistic. The most important thing that makes a story appear realistic is its characters and all the characters in the story are 100% realistic.

Emotions: 10 /10

Despair is somehow the main emotion I felt while reading. I mean it was what the FL was suffering from in my POV and loneliness of course. And I could feel the dark aura and the silence in the story while reading it. Something similar to mystery.

Total: 95/100

I Like this story. The eerie feeling so I'll keep reading it.

9. Anito Anarchy by enyeenjee

Title: 5 /5

I would give a 5/5 for the title because it's intriguing and unique like a movie name.

Cover: 4 /5

Girl I was trying to give you a 5/5 but then the font font colour was plain. Like just white? Plain white?? Could have tried silver or any other shades.

Blurb:3 /5

Too basic. You don't have to explain that this story takes place in an utopian civilization and it's a fantasy-action in the first paragraph itself. That was a turn off yk. And there's isn't anything intriguing in the blurb. No dialogues or scenes or even a quote from the story that could lure the readers in.

Mechanism: 19 /20

There were some English errors in the story but none of them were serious but still the mark is compared to that of other story stories. I suggest the author re-read it.

And even though the chapters were way too long it wasn't that boring. I thought I was going to be bored while reading because of the lengthy chapters and so many descriptions but I didn't. Mostly because of the easy language and short paragraphs.

Plot: 25 /25

Unique. In one word. First time reading an utopian fantasy novel with supernatural creatures.

Flow and pacing: 15/15

Just the right amount of pacing I would say. Despite being long it was amazing to read.

Character Development: 10 /10

Yes, the characters have flaws and yes I could see a potential character development in making in the future chapters. He is not that much realistic but still relatable.

Creativity and originality: 5 /5

Just like I said,unique. I like the story and the author is creative to actually come up with a supernatural action and that too from a male POV? That's quite creative. I can't even do that.

Emotions: 10 /10

The writing style was so cool that I felt the excitement and curiosity while reading it. Not so many flaws so I'll give a 10/10

Total : 96/100


10. The Awakening by kazeleeknow

Title: 5 /5

I'll give a 5/5 for this name coz it's kinda of cinematic.

Cover: 3 /5

Girl? What's with the cover? Did you just randomly take a pinterest pic and decided to make it a cover? You could actually commission a graphic designer in a community just by giving them small payments like a follow and shout out

Blurb: 4 /5

It indeed gives a feeling of excitement but not enough to draw a reader in and don't even forget the cover.

There's no hooking sentence or scene or literally even a dialogue to lure a reader in. Just a quote that sounds general.

Mechanism: 14 /20

The story was too long like the chapters were too long and they weren't exciting either. And there were some grammatical errors as well. On top of it, I feel like English isn't the author's first language and also think she/he isn't that good at it either. I'm not insulting you or anything okay? I mean there were barely any paragraphs. Most paragraphs only consisted of 4-5 sentences. And there wasn't much description (describing something) of anything. The above Mark is that compared to other stories.

Plot: 17/25

I have a feeling that this story is probably written by a ameture. The FL is said to be someone from a financially struggling background and is around 17-18 years of age but behaves like a spoiled brat from a rich family who's 15 and has never been ignored. I'm sorry but she's being egoistic and hypocritical at some point. And you can't tell me that it's because of her being at that age coz I'm also around the same age and I don't behave like that and neither have I ever met someone with the behavior. And she isn't the only one,her dad too? Was being too unrealistic.

Flow and pacing: 10 /15

Too fast paced. What ya mean by she became friends with him and then proceeded to ask him to give her a recommendation letter? I mean yeah I can understand but usually recommendation letters aren't given unless you pay someone or know that person very well.

It's not the only thing. So many plot holes here and there. The pace was fast even if we ignore the above scenes. I felt like I was reading someone's diary.

Character Development: 6 /10

The character developments are prominent when there's realistic characters. Even if the entire story has unrealistic characters the leads should be realistic and relatable. Just like i said the FL is being Hypocritical and trashy,her father is hypocritical as well and the ML is creepy ( as seen in the first few chapters)

Creativity and originality: 3 /5

Leave the creativity and talk about the originality. Yk why I gave this mark if you read the above reasons. No realistic characters or realistic scenes etc. Lemme guess the author is a 15-16 year old girl wanting to write a fantasy novel?

Emotions: 6 /10

I couldn't feel much emotion because of lack of originality, the fast pacing and long chapters.

Total: 68 / 100

🎠∘─Winners of Fantasy─∘🎠


🥇First Position

Anito Anarchy
by enyeenjee


🥈Second Position

The Wailing Woman

by obewitchedmoonlighto


🥉Third Position

Shadow touched
by Watts_Writes


Congratulations 🎉 to all winners. Keep up the good work. And to those who didn't win, don't lose hope you will win the next time.

The remaining prizes like certificates, and stickers will be given at the end.


We thank everyone who participated in the Visions of Grandeur Awards.

Time for a tribute to the Judge.


Thanks for your great contribution, we couldn't find any words to describe your hard work and good service.

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