🎪Myriad Extravaganza (New Adult) Results🎪
Finally! After a long wait, we have calculated the results and finalized the ranking of our Myriad of Extravagnza category!
We want to thank the esteemed Rose-Gold Community and their judge lantea- for lending us their adjudication expertise.
I am sure you all have been waiting with bated breath, and so... without further ado... here are the winners of the Myriad of Extravagnza!
1. My Past by xxfrozenhibaxx
✨》Title (4/5)
The title draws readers to the story, however, it doesn't seem to fit the story. Maybe how it fits the story will be revealed later in the book.
✨》Cover (4/5)
The cover portrays the story well and attracts readers to the story. The author's name is a little hard to read at the bottom.
✨》Blurb (2/5)
The blurb doesn't introduce the story well and could draw the readers in more. The majority of the blurb is an excerpt from the story. It doesn't introduce the characters and the plot well.
✨》Mechanics (5/20)
The story has a lot of spelling and grammar errors. There were a lot of places where words that should have been capitalized weren't. There aren't many descriptions included in the story as well. The characters are briefly described, but it's not much. The author tells the readers what's happening instead of showing them.
✨》Plot (3/25)
The plot of the story isn't clear and doesn't draw readers into the story. The story needs to be thought out and developed more. Amelia is leaving for London in the first chapter, but then they end up in New York going to school. The exposition introduces the characters, however, their introductions could be better. Everything is simply told to the readers. The world in the story isn't developed or explained.
✨》Flow & Pacing (0/15)
The story doesn't flow very well. The phrasing is hard to understand often in the book. A lot of sentences are phrased oddly. For example, Amelia introduces herself to the class by saying "Hello, myself Amelia Russi." It should be "Hello, I'm Amelia Russi." The chapters are also very short and not much happens in them. Some of the chapters would have been combined to make them longer. The author rushes through events and doesn't take the time to develop them. The prologue flows well and the writing style reads very different from the rest of the book.
✨》Character Development (0/10)
The characters need to be developed more and be more realistic. The interactions between the characters are awkward and uncomfortable. Amelia's interactions with her family don't seem like how someone would act with their family. Her father's "No baby, I don't want you to goooo" whine was very weird and not something a father would say to his daughter. Liam and Amelia are very clearly more than friends. They're very flirty. Liam and Max being so possessive of her that they beat people up is a major red flag. A major red flag Amelia seems to just ignore. Also, Amelia's name is Amella in the blurb.
✨》Creativity & Originality (0/5)
The story unfortunately isn't creative. It's your typical bad boy/mafia romance story. The girl is oblivious to the major red flags the guys are displaying and completely fine with how they treat her. There's also a lot of awkward interactions and dialogue that would never happen in real life.
✨》Emotions (0/10)
It's hard to connect with the characters when they aren't developed much and a lot of the dialogue and interactions made me uncomfortable. The story didn't draw me in and make me want to keep reading.
✨》Total (18/100)
Overall, the story needs to be thought out and developed more. The plot isn't clear in the story and the characters aren't relatable. The story also needs an edit to fix the spelling and grammar errors as well as the flow of the story. More descriptions need to be added to the story. The author needs to ensure they're showing the readers things instead of simply telling the readers everything. The author also needs to take their time with the events in the story. Good luck with your story!
2. White Trash by DankMemesTTCaricom
✨》Title (5/5)
The title fits the story and draws readers to the book.
✨》Cover (1/5)
The cover doesn't attract readers to the story. It's hard to read the text on the cover and see the elements on it.
✨》Blurb (5/5)
The blurb introduces the characters, plot, and world very well. It draws readers in and makes them interested in reading the story.
✨》Mechanics (20/20)
I didn't notice any spelling or grammar errors in the story. The descriptions paint a clear picture of Celia and Jo's life as well as the harsh world in the story.
✨》Plot (25/25)
The plot of the story draws readers into the story and makes them want to keep reading. The exposition introduces the characters, the world, and their situations very well. The readers hope that Jo and Celia are able to escape the harsh reality of their life and that things in their world change for the better.
✨》Flow & Pacing (10/15)
The story could flow better although the pacing of the story is good. Some of the sentences feel a little too long and are a little confusing to read. Try shortening some of them and being more concise. Some of the information also feels like it is dumped on the readers at once. Spread it out and maybe show the readers some of it instead of simply telling them.
✨》Character Development (10/10)
The characters are developed very well in the story. They're described well and their personalities are shown throughout the chapters. I enjoyed the awkwardness between Jo and Celia since they are teenagers. It felt very natural and it's definitely relatable.
✨》Creativity & Originality (5/5)
The author's take on corporate dystopia and poor treatment of certain citizens is original and creative. Jo and Celia aren't like other protagonists in dystopian novels. They're not sure of themselves and they're awkward teenagers. It makes the readers interested in seeing how their story evolves and how they're able to change their situation.
✨》Emotions (10/10)
It's easy for the readers to connect with Jo and Celia and feel for them. The world they live in is brutal and terrible. The descriptions of their conditions and what they go through daily gives the readers a lot of insight into the characters and the world. The readers want to see Jo and Celia succeed and find better lives for themselves.
✨》Total (91/100)
Overall, the story draws readers in and makes them want to keep reading. The readers easily connect to Jo and Celia. They feel for the characters and are interested in seeing how their story progresses. Some of the phrasing was a little hard to understand and the flow of the story could be better. Be sure to spread out the information so as not to dump information on the readers and show the readers instead of telling them. The description in the story are well done and make it easy for the readers to picture everything. Good luck with your story!
3. The Grey by RosesinRedXX
✨》Title (5/5)
The title fits the story and attracts readers to the book.
✨》Cover (3/5)
The cover is alright. It draws the readers to the story, however, it seems better suited to a romance book. The title covers the silhouettes' faces and I suggest moving it to the bottom of the image. The text at the bottom of the cover is a bit hard to read.
✨》Blurb (0/5)
The blurb doesn't introduce the story well. The main character is narrating to the audience like in the story. The blurb doesn't introduce the characters or the world very well. It doesn't draw readers in and make them want to read the story.
✨》Mechanics (7/20)
There were a lot of grammar errors and some spelling errors in the story. The author uses quotes around words when it's not necessary. For example, in the first chapter, "she" and "acknowledge" don't need quotes around them. In the third chapter, "he" and "Mike" don't need quotes around them. When using the pronouns to refer to the mysterious characters, indicate who the character is and then just use the pronouns.
✨》Plot (10/25)
The plot isn't very clear in the story, although, it has an interesting premise. The exposition introduces the characters pretty well, however, the world needs to be introduced better. There isn't much information about the organization Ren belonged to before joining The Grey. There isn't much information about The Grey either. The Grey kills people who got away with crimes right? At least, that's what I gathered from the blurb. This information should be included in the story. Have Kyle thinking about what The Grey does and have them give Ren a sort of orientation before they have her do her trial heist.
✨》Flow & Pacing (2/15)
The story is progressing quickly and could flow better. Ren joining The Grey felt very fast. She went on one test heist and now Alexander is offering her his position when he retires. Spend more time allowing Ren, and the readers, to get to know the organization. Take more time showing her deciding to join and going through the trial period. The chapter from Mei's point of view interrupts the flow of the story as it feels out of place. It gives us a lot of background information on this character when the readers don't seem to need this information yet. Also, a lot of information was dumped on the readers during the chapter since it went through Mei's backstory and how she ended up with The Grey.
✨》Character Development (4/10)
The characters could be developed more. They seem to have one set personality at the moment. Kyle is a playboy and Ren hates everyone. Show the readers other sides of their personalities throughout the chapters. It felt like the characters were trying too hard to be cool and badass. Ren also rolls her eyes a lot; it got too repetitive in chapter five. The descriptions of the characters are well done; it was easy to picture their appearances.
✨》Creativity & Originality (2/5)
The story could be more creative and original. It feels a lot like a typical spy romance on Wattpad. The idea of killing bad guys to make things better reminds me a bit of Dexter, although, this story takes place in a completely different setting.
✨》Emotions (0/10)
I don't feel connected to any of the characters in the story and want to read more of their story. Kyle is annoying and Ren seems sort of bland.
✨》Total (33/100)
Overall, the story has an interesting premise, however, it needs to be developed and thought out more. The plot is progressing too quickly and not a lot of information is given about the world in the story. The time to develop the characters also needs to be taken. The descriptions of the characters are well done. Be careful not to dump information on the readers. Work it into the story and spread it out. The flow of the story also needs improvement. The chapter with Mei breaks up the flow. The grammar and spelling errors also interrupt the flow of the story. Good luck with your story!
✨》Title (4/5)
The title attracts readers to the story and it fits the story. The title doesn't use title case though; it should be "Unexpected Encounter."
✨》Cover (0/5)
The cover doesn't attract readers to the story. The text is very hard to read on the cover and the colors of the text don't go together. The title and subtitle cover most of the male model's head and would be better suited at the bottom of the cover.
✨》Blurb (5/5)
The blurb introduces the story very well and draws readers in.
✨》Mechanics (10/20)
I didn't notice any spelling errors in the story, however, there were grammar errors. The quotation marks were often in an incorrect spot. Ensure that they are at the start and end of your dialogue. It was also often hard to keep track of which characters were talking or doing an action. Ensure you're starting a new paragraph when a new character is speaking or performing an action.
✨》Plot (13/25)
The plot was clear, however, it didn't draw me in. There wasn't a lot of suspense in the story. Shelley keeps running into Ben and she already seems to be softening her attitude toward him. I know this is supposed to be a slow burn romance, however, there wasn't anything to draw the readers in to make them want to keep reading to see Shelley and Ben's relationship develop. The exposition introduces the characters well and could introduce the world a bit better.
✨》Flow & Pacing (4/15)
The flow and pacing of the story need to be improved. A lot of the phrasing was hard to understand so it interrupted the flow of the story. The pacing of the story doesn't feel like a slow burn romance novel. As mentioned, Shelley seems to already be softening toward Ben.
✨》Character Development (3/10)
The characters need to be developed more in the story. Their personalities aren't shown well in the story. The characters unfortunately don't stand out because of this. The descriptions of the characters are well done though, it's easy for the readers to picture them.
✨》Creativity & Originality (0/5)
The story doesn't feel creative and original. In a lot of romances the love interests somehow continuously run into one another. Shelley is also not looking for love and she's going to end up finding love which also often happens in romance novels.
✨》Emotions (2/10)
I was expecting this to be a very emotional story, however, it didn't illicit many emotions from me. The writing style was very matter of fact and didn't convey the emotions the characters were feeling well. I didn't feel connected to the characters and invested in the development of Shelley and Ben's relationship.
✨》Total (41/100)
Overall, the plot of the story needs to draw readers in better. There isn't a lot of emotion conveyed in the story, which doesn't work well for a romance novel. There also isn't any suspense in the story to keep the readers wondering what's going to happen and make them want to continue reading. The characters need to be developed more as well. Show more of their personalities throughout the story and show more of their emotions. The readers need to feel connected to the characters. The story also needs an edit to fix the grammar errors as well as the flow of the story. It's a good start, the story just needs to be thought out and developed more. Good luck with your story!
5. The misrouted text by Msszyyy
✨》Title (4/5)
The title fits the story and attracts readers. The title doesn't use title case though; it should be "The Misrouted Text."
✨》Cover (3/5)
I like the idea of the cover, however, the execution could use improvement. The author's name at the top is hard to read. I do like how it was used as the contact name though. The font used for the title doesn't feel like it fits with the rest of the cover. Some adjustments to the text message screen could also make it look a little more realistic. For example, the contact name and icon are very small and there's a lot of space between the contact information and the top of the phone screen with the time and such.
✨》Blurb (3/5)
The blurb introduces the story pretty well, however, I think the phrasing could be better. It feels a little awkward though that Carcel's full name is used while Kalila's isn't. I also don't think that the "that's for you to find out." at the end of the blurb is needed.
✨》Mechanics (18/20)
There were a few spelling and grammar errors in the chapters, but they didn't distract from the story too much. The phrasing was easy to understand as well. Information and descriptions were worked into the story seamlessly.
✨》Plot (25/25)
The plot is interesting and draws readers in. It makes readers want to keep reading to see what happens. The last line of the prologue, "I guess I'm not dying tonight," hooks readers and makes them want to continue reading. The exposition introduces the characters, their situations, and the world they live in well.
✨》Flow & Pacing (11/15)
The story flows well for the most part, however, there are a few parts where the flow falters because the phrasing isn't as smooth. The story is progressing at a nice pace.
✨》Character Development (10/10)
The characters are developed well in the story and their personalities are shown well throughout the chapters. The characters are also described well throughout the chapters, it was easy to picture their appearances. The relationships between the characters were depicted well. I really liked Carcel's line from chapter 4, "'mother, we're not a family. We're actors in a play that never ends.'" It helped show his personality as well as his attitude toward his dysfunctional family.
✨》Creativity & Originality (5/5)
I think the take on a character accidentally sending a text to someone else is unique in this story. The approach in the story toward the poor student studying at a rich school is also unique. The author used a lot of unique names in the story as well which was refreshing.
✨》Emotions (10/10)
It's easy to connect with the characters in the story and feel for them. The readers want to keep reading to see how the story progresses for Kalila and Carcel.
✨》Total (89/100)
Overall, the plot is intriguing and easily draws readers in. The characters are developed in the story and it's easy for the readers to connect to them. Descriptions and information are worked into the narration well. The descriptions make it easy for the readers to picture not only the characters, but the scenery as well. The story needs an edit to fix the flow in some parts as well as the spelling and grammar mistakes. Good luck with your story!
6. Nobody Likes Megan McGowen by StephanieProchaska
✨》Title (5/5)
The title draws readers to the story and makes them interested in it.
✨》Cover (1/5)
The cover is alright, however, I don't feel like it attracts readers to the story. The text and the image don't blend together well.
✨》Blurb (5/5)
The blurb introduces the story and characters very well. It draws readers in and makes them interested in reading the story. It flows very smoothly and reveals a good amount of information about the book.
✨》Mechanics (20/20)
I didn't notice any spelling or grammar errors in the story. The descriptions were well done and information was worked into the story well.
✨》Plot (23/25)
The plot of the story draws reader in and is interesting. I liked that it started off with Megan experiencing the effects of her wish and then going back and showing her finding the genie bottle. It was different and gave the readers good insight into Megan and the other characters. The exposition introduces the characters and their situations well. The world could be introduced a bit better in the story.
✨》Flow & Pacing (12/15)
The story flows very well and it's easy to get lost in the story. The only part that I think could flow better is the changes between the present and the flashback when Megan found the genie. Maybe add a fleuron (example: ***) so the time changes are clearer. The story is progressing at a good pace as well.
✨》Character Development (7/10)
The characters are developed well in the story. Their personalities are also shown well throughout the chapters. Some more descriptions of the characters could be included though.
✨》Creativity & Originality (5/5)
I think this take on a wish to become popular gone wrong is unique. It was interesting that Jen and Megan's brothers seemed confused about the changes that happened after the wish. Typically, everyone is completely changed and just goes along with it.
✨》Emotions (10/10)
It's easy to connect with Megan and want to root for her. The readers want to keep reading to see how her story unfolds and if things do get better for her.
✨》Total (88/100)
Overall, the story has an interesting plot that draws readers in and makes them want to keep reading. The characters are developed well, however, more descriptions of them could be added to the story. It's easy to connect to the characters through. Megan is likeable and the readers want to know what happens to her. The story flows very well and it's easy to read and understand. As mentioned, the transition between the present and the flashback could be smoother. Good luck with your story!
🎪───Results of New Adult───🎪
🥇First Position
White Trash
by DankMemesTTCaricom
🥈Second Position
The Misrouted Text
by Msszyyy
🥉Third Position
Nobody Like Megan McGowen
by StephanieProchaska
Congratulations 🎉 to all winners. Keep up the good work. And to those who didn't win, don't lose hope you will win the next time.
Prizes like certificates, stickers and all others will be given at the end.
We thank everyone who participated in the Visions of Grandeur Awards.
Time for a tribute to the Judges.
Thanks for your great contribution, we couldn't find any words to describe your hard work and good service.
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