🎶 Melodies Of Magic (Poetry) Results 🎶
Finally! After a long wait, we have calculated the results and finalized the ranking of our Melodies of Magic category!
We want to thank the esteemed Heather Community and their judge Read-aholic2006 and for lending us their expertise in adjudicating.
I am sure you all have been waiting with bated breath, and so... without further ado... here are the winners of the Melodies of Magic Category!
1. Excavations by SeraDrake
Uniqueness: 10/10
Imagery: 6.5/10
Experimentation: 9.5/10
Evoke/Resonance: 11/15
Vividness: 10/10
Precision: 10/15
Poetic Device: 3/5
Exploration: 15/15
Clarity: 15/15
Total: 90/100
Review: The unique theme impressed me a lot. A totally different poetry which I have never come across. Such a creative poetry. This unique theme has been very well represented but lacked spme imagery for the readers.
2. To Sick With Love by Sxlly_Girl
Uniqueness: 10/10
Imagery: 10/10
Experimentation: 10/10
Evoke/Resonance: 15/15
Vividness: 4/10
Precision: 6.5/15
Poetic Device: 5/5
Exploration: 15/15
Clarity: 7/15
Total: 83/100
Review: Perfectly executed poetry which had a strong uniqueness and readers can visualise and feel. I also loved the expressions of emotions. Some improvements are required in the theme clarity.
3. Poem for Lonely Nights by reader_SecretAgent
Uniqueness: 7.5/10
Imagery: 7.5/10
Experimentation: 7.5/10
Evoke/Resonance: 13/15
Vividness: 6/10
Precision: 9.5/15
Poetic Device: 2/5
Exploration: 9/15
Clarity: 9/15
Total: 71/100
Review: The emotion expressed by poetry is amazing and heart-touching. I could easily connect with the emotions expressed. Some improvements are needed in the theme clarity but part one major improvement is required in the creativity and imagery part. Overall, a good effort and keep it up!
4. Haven't Cried in a While by l0v3t0hat3y0u
Originality and Creativity: 30/30
● Uniqueness of Concept (10/10)
● Imagery and Figurative Language (10/10)
● Experimentation with Form (10/10)
Emotional Impact and Evocativeness: 24/25
● Emotional Resonance (14/15)
● Vividness of Imagery (10/10)
Language and Literary Devices: 15/15
● Language Precision (10/10)
● Poetic Literary Device (5/5)
Theme and Message: 27/30
● Theme Exploration (15/15)
● Message Clarity (12/15)
Total Points: 96/100
You honestly make me want to be a better poet. Your work is captivating, stunning—indescribably beautiful. Your poems are cleverly written in quick, short lines; this specific structure hooks your readers, dragging them to the edge of their seats. The effective alliteration, the raw diction, the onomatopoeic words, the creative adjectives, the vivid metaphors—everything about your entry has left me in awe.
There were poems, such as "i brought you something" or "roly poly", from which I felt disconnected. If they have a hidden meaning to them, I've missed it. Compared to your other poems, they lack depth.
5. Inartistic Hands by ethel_cainn
Originality and Creativity: 29/30
● Uniqueness of Concept (10/10)
● Imagery and Figurative Language (10/10)
● Experimentation with Form (9/10)
Emotional Impact and Evocativeness: 25/25
● Emotional Resonance (15/15)
● Vividness of Imagery (10/10)
Language and Literary Devices: 10/15
● Language Precision (8/10)
● Poetic Literary Device (2/5)
Theme and Message: 26/30
● Theme Exploration (14/15)
● Message Clarity (12/15)
Total Points: 90/100
Dear Author—what kind of insane magic throbs inside of your mind's womb that it was able to conceive such literary masterpieces?! Goodness. If the ink that flows from your fingertips were edible, then I would have drank every last drop of it. Your work has left me utterly speechless (clearly not tongue-tied enough, though, considering that I'm literally writing a review that's praising the products of your pen). Every piece you have created is emotive, moving, gripping—riveting.
There are, however, certain instances where I would change the diction so your writing sounds more powerful and professional. I have also stubbed my toe against comma splices, omitted helping verbs and the incorrect form of a word while reading your poems. You also have a habit of using the wrong article ("an" always comes before a word that starts with a vowel sound). And please break your prose poetry up into paragraphs to enhance readability.
6. Castles of Roses by SamMariLu
Originality and Creativity: 28/30
● Uniqueness of Concept (10/10)
● Imagery and Figurative Language (8/10)
● Experimentation with Form (10/10)
Emotional Impact and Evocativeness: 20/25
● Emotional Resonance (13/15)
● Vividness of Imagery (7/10)
Language and Literary Devices: 12/15
● Language Precision (7/10)
● Poetic Literary Device (5/5)
Theme and Message: 24/30
● Theme Exploration (11/15)
● Message Clarity (13/15)
Total Points: 84/100
All of your poems are nicely and neatly structured. Your collection displays various types of poems, clearly showcasing your versatility. Of all the entries I had to judge, I found your poems to be the most relatable.
Although your diction and imagery isn't that impressive as a whole, you are able to sculpt the appropriate atmosphere with your words. For example, the repetition in "You Say When" reflects a tone of bitterness and resignation while the speaker in "Answer Me" sounds emphatic and desperate. "Tension" (for whatever reason) is my personal favourite.
7. My Diary by Vsingh24
Originality and Creativity: 28/30
● Uniqueness of Concept (10/10)
● Imagery and Figurative Language (8/10)
● Experimentation with Form (10/10)
Emotional Impact and Evocativeness: 12/25
● Emotional Resonance (5/15)
● Vividness of Imagery (7/10)
Language and Literary Devices: 8/15
● Language Precision (5/10)
● Poetic Literary Device (3/5)
Theme and Message: 21/30
● Theme Exploration (10/15)
● Message Clarity (11/15)
Total Points: 69/100
Your poetry contains lovely examples of similes, onomatopoeia, personification, alliteration and so forth.
Your first poem is a diamond in the rough; you have left so much room for improvement that it seems almost half-dressed. Expand on the extended metaphor; enhance it by employing more adjectives and verbs that would contribute to the texture and colour of your descriptions. Don't be lazy—be lyrical!
Apply that same advice to "Winter Rain". Be creative with the diction. The word "dry" can easily be replaced with much more striking synonyms, such as "arid" or "parched" or even "flaky". For example, Line 11 can be changed to: Planting a soft kiss onto my dehydrated lips.
In "An Old Friend", I like that you have left the door to interpretation slightly ajar for your readers. I'm guessing that the unnamed companion is either silence or music, but only you know the answer.
As for your grammar, I noticed several concord errors and mistakes regarding your punctuation and prepositions. I would also change the awkward wording in the line "I gave a glance on my back" to "I glanced at my back".
8. Poetry... by KPOP_CLUB_97
Originality and Creativity: 22/30
● Uniqueness of Concept (8/10)
● Imagery and Figurative Language (4/10)
● Experimentation with Form (10/10)
Emotional Impact and Evocativeness: 14/25
● Emotional Resonance (10/15)
● Vividness of Imagery (4/10)
Language and Literary Devices: 9/15
● Language Precision (4/10)
● Poetic Literary Device (5/5)
Theme and Message: 24/30
● Theme Exploration (9/15)
● Message Clarity (15/15)
Total Points: 69/100
Your poetry is straightforward and easy to understand. However, this can also be disadvantageous: Since most of your poems are merely rows of surface-level, spoon-fed statements that have been strung together, they do not stimulate the reader's imagination and analytical skills, eliminating that thought-provoking quality. Futhermore, your wording sometimes makes your lines sound incoherent.
Nonetheless, "Who are we really?" is a powerful poem (probably my favourite one) that speaks volumes while "Depression" highlights an important truth we often overlook.
Overall, your poems are meaningful, relevant, encouraging and touching.
9. A Cup of Contentment by avian_Muslimah
Originality and Creativity: 23/30
● Uniqueness of Concept (7/10)
● Imagery and Figurative Language (6/10)
● Experimentation with Form (10/10)
Emotional Impact and Evocativeness: 14/25
● Emotional Resonance (9/15)
● Vividness of Imagery (5/10)
Language and Literary Devices: 8/15
● Language Precision (4/10)
● Poetic Literary Device (4/5)
Theme and Message: 22/30
● Theme Exploration (9/15)
● Message Clarity (13/15)
Total Points: 67/100
Even though I am a Christian and our belief systems are on opposite ends of the spectrum, I can acknowledge that your poems are heartfelt and meaningful. However, since so many of your poems revolve around your faith and your god without introducing any new ideas, they end up sounding repetitive—as if each piece was reverently reiterating what you've already written in the previous chapter, only in a slightly different way. Hence, I was relieved to find out that not all of your poems are religious (it's good to play around with different themes and concepts).
Because most of your poems are quite long, they're often tedious and cluttered with commas (making them seem more like prosaic lists than poetic lines). Despite having incorporated several figures of speech into your work, your poetry lacks those colourful images and descriptive diction that would bring each piece to life and make them more intriguing.
Nevertheless, the metaphor that occurs in your fourth poem is clever and creative. The repetition in "The Truth" is powerful, creating a dramatic rhythm. Even the punctuation plays an important role in illustrating the speaker's attitude; the sudden use of exclamation marks indicates a shift in tone—from composed, matter-of-fact statements to sharp, urgent warnings. The contrast in "the beauty of silence" is well depicted. Your poem "flower desk" is heartbreakingly beautiful and the message conveyed by "hidden talents" offers a fresh and rather uplifting perspective.
With all that said, keep clear of comma splices (such as in "Truest Form of Happiness" and "Bothersome") and switching tenses (such as in "Apology").
10. EROS by Kmytho
Originality and Creativity: 25/30
● Uniqueness of Concept (10/10)
● Imagery and Figurative Language (10/10)
● Experimentation with Form (5/10)
Emotional Impact and Evocativeness: 9/25
● Emotional Resonance (6/15)
● Vividness of Imagery (3/10)
Language and Literary Devices: 13/15
● Language Precision (8/10)
● Poetic Literary Device (5/5)
Theme and Message: 11/30
● Theme Exploration (5/15)
● Message Clarity (6/15)
Total Points: 58/100
The fact that you described exactly what a haiku is yet failed to include a single one in this collection has me scratching my head in bewilderment. However, if I chose to pronounce "flowers" in one breath, I suppose your first poem could pass off as said Japanese poem.
Only three of your poems ("Death in love", "Life in love" and "Beauty in love") managed to sweep my heart off its feet, but I love the personification across all of your poems.
Because your poems are so short, they lack volume. The Author's Note you've included at the end of each chapter provides the reader with far more insight into the poem than the poem itself. The skeletal lines you have proudly presented to your audience is only the tip of the iceberg; there are so many meaningful layers hidden beneath each literary piece, but you haven't been able to skillfully capture their depths.
And I don't blame you. It's difficult to squeeze a story into merely seventeen syllables. I suggest that you try your hand at writing short narrative poems instead (if you haven't already). Give me the blood and the body—not just the bones. Your imagination is so rich with creativity, but the crumbs you have arranged onto your pages have not done proper justice to your artistic mind.
11. The Cluster Of Thoughts by @Iamjustaspien
Uniqueness: 9/10
Imagery: 10/10
Experimentation: 10/10
Evoke/Resonance: 8/15
Vividness: 8/10
Precision: 10/15
Poetic Device: 5/5
Exploration: 10/15
Clarity: 15/15
Total: 85/100
Review: An excellent poem. Everything was good. The unique theme which connects with reality, with a touch of beautiful language precision and poetic device is amazing. Just some improvements are required in the emotional area of the poem.
12. Open Minds by Eloeide
Uniqueness: 10/10
Imagery: 10/10
Experimentation: 10/10
Evoke/Resonance: 9/15
Vividness: 10/10
Precision: 10/15
Poetic Device: 3/5
Exploration: 15/15
Clarity: 15/15
Total: 92/100
Review: Excellent poem and one of the best ever. It was a poetry which touched the depth and had a detailed exploration but lacked some emotional aspects but overall very well done and loved the theme.
13. My Heart, My Sanctuary by Aravis-Brightspell
Uniqueness: 9/10
Imagery: 7/10
Experimentation: 9/10
Evoke/Resonance: 13.5/15
Vividness: 9/10
Precision: 10/15
Poetic Device: 3.5/5
Exploration: 14.5/15
Clarity: 14.5/15
Total: 91/100
Review: A very well done work. I loved how the theme was perfectly clear and the language precision was amazing but some improvements are required in the creativity part.
🎶∘─Results of Poetry─∘🎶
🥇First Position
Haven't Cried in a While
by l0v3t0hat3y0u
🥈Second Position
Open Minds
by Eloeide
🥉Third Position
My Heart, My Sanctuary
by Aravis-Brightspell
Congratulations 🎉 to all winners. Keep up the good work. And to those who didn't win, don't lose hope you will win the next time.
Prizes like certificates, stickers and all other will be given at the end.
We thank everyone who participated in the Visions of Grandeur Awards.
Time for a tribute to the Judges.
Thanks for your great contribution, we couldn't find any words to describe your hard work and good service.
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