Chapter 112
I reluctantly approached the gate as the sky started to lighten. I had snuck over the fence when I left Daniel on guard, so the guards had no idea that I had gone back inside without them knowing.
Mindful of their request I called out, "It is just me."
I could easily see one of the two men holding a rifle, but it was obvious that neither could see me in the near-dark while I was so far out. A mocking reply came back from the one man in the sentry post, "And who is 'just me'?"
Who else were they expecting to be wandering around in the dark? He either has short term memory or was not been properly notified when the shift changed. That didn't cut him any slack.
I halfway growled and replied in a similar tone, "If you need an ID card, just ask. I am sure that a Nightstalker scream would easily prove my identity." And possibly wake up every single person in this place with the worse wakeup call ever... If that sound doesn't get their hearts pumping, nothing will.
"Ah, that won't be necessary."
I snorted as I walked closer. My tone was dry, "Glad to hear it."
They unlocked and opened the gate to allow me back in. If I had known that the current shift was clueless, I would have just climbed over the fence and waited to see if anyone even noticed. One of those on the original shift would probably inquire as to which gate I had come back in through. If I wasn't attempting to be a polite guest, I would be sorely tempted to do just that.
I didn't need them bothered by my actions though. Daniel was going to be upset enough to make up for it. I knew he hadn't found Nina's assailant either because I had crossed the third man's trail as he fled the Stronghold in the dark. Daniel had not stirred outside the fence since sunset, possibly afraid to leave the two humans unattended and unprotected.
I reluctantly reached for the doorknob to Nicky's room and whispered, "It is just me."
Daniel was clearly smarter than the sentry. Not once had he ever asked who 'me' was. Then again, if someone was approaching them in the dark, it was a pretty easy guess who it was. If he heard my light footsteps, he would recognize them. If he didn't hear my footsteps, then he would know who was speaking in the darkness like that. My voice also gave me away.
I glanced around the unlit room as I closed the door quietly behind myself. Nicky and Nina were still sleeping while Daniel predictably sat in the padded chair. He gazed in my direction, but I knew he had no chance of seeing me. I ensured my footsteps were loud enough for him to track as I walked over to sit on the unclaimed half of Nicky's queen-sized bed. I crossed my legs and leaned against the wall as I got comfy.
"Care to enlighten me as to what exactly happened last night?"
Neither Nicky nor Nina must have told Daniel. Considering that no one was knocking on the door, no one else had noticed the incident last night. I doubted that they would ever find the bodies either. I had taken them across the fence and dumped them far away. I had no desire to answer questions and how that third man had convinced the gate sentry to let him out with that motorcycle was something I would probably never learn. I didn't intend to inquire either, since it would also raise questions.
I kept my voice as quiet as his to avoid waking our companions, "Not really."
He exhaled slowly as his annoyance built up. He had probably stewed over this all night and his patience was already worn down. "And just why not?"
I was silent for a moment before taking off my glasses so he could tell that I was looking at him, "Because your snarl would wake these two up and likely disturb our neighbors."
He growled faintly at my resistance, "And if I promise to keep silent? I want to know what happened. I could smell the fear on Nina and she wouldn't even talk to me. She has never done that before. And to go with Nicky? Something big had to happen and I won't be happy until I know what it is."
He wasn't going to let this go easily. The lack of knowledge was also stirring his instincts and temper. I blinked slowly as I tried to come up with a way to compromise without him realizing the true extent of what had occurred. I narrowed my eyes as I settled on a plan of action, "Do you promise to keep silent and stop hounding me if I tell you?"
His eyes stared intently at mine, "Yes."
"Some men got upset with Nina and weren't exactly polite when they found her outside."
His eyes narrowed, "What did they say to rattle her so?"
Boy, was he overprotective. Talk about a big brother complex. I tilted my head slightly, "It wasn't so much what they said as what I did that rattled her."
That was not the response he had expected. He looked confused now, "What did you do?"
I looked away and put my sunglasses back on, "I killed those two men and I don't think Nina was prepared for that. Don't worry, they won't find the bodies and I doubt they will think we had anything to do with their disappearance."
He growled faintly, "Why did you kill them?! Do you realize what problems you could have caused?"
"I am fully aware. That is why I hid the bodies. If you want more details, then you can ask Nina once she wakes up. Now quit hassling me."
He gritted his teeth as my last sentence rubbed his already irritated instincts the wrong way. He was silent though. I wondered what thoughts were rolling through his head now. It had been too dark when he caught us outside for him to see the faint early signs of the bruises that were now scattered across Nina's arms. I was not looking forward to the moment that Daniel could clearly see the tokens of her struggle.
Nicky stirred and rolled over as her arms splayed across the bed. It was a good thing I was sitting near the end of the bed and right against the wall, otherwise she would have bumped into me. I blinked slowly as I tried to figure out how someone shorter than me could actually manage to take up the majority of a queen-sized bed.
The earliest hints of the dawn light were starting to come through the thin curtains. My instincts were starting to retreat to normal levels and I knew that Daniel's would be starting to strengthen. How odd that I considered my normal levels to be the weaker daytime levels and yet Daniel considered his more alert daytime instincts normal. Bizarre.
The sun's position didn't affect our strength and speed, just how easily we could see the world around us. The night and day did affect how strong our instincts were though. At their strongest, they were more alert and temperamental. They made control harder, or at least it affected my control until that controlex intervened.
Nicky continued to sleep although she was getting more restless as she tossed and turned. The room slowly got lighter and I knew when the sun cleared the horizon from how my instincts rippled and finally finished settling. Nina's breathing showed she was having a dream and the faint trembling said that it wasn't a happy dream.
Daniel's eyes focused on her. He blinked slowly before narrowing his eyes. I remained still and silent since I was pretty sure that he saw the big bruise on her upper arm. Her one arm just happened to be lying on top of the blankets and wasn't hidden from prying eyes. Daniel rose to his feet and pulled back the curtain to let more light in before walking to stand beside her bed.
He would be able to see more from there than I could from here. Daniel's head swung toward me as his hands curled into fists, "What. The. Hell. Happened?" His seething voice told of his growing fury and rage.
I responded quietly, "Now you know why I killed those two men. I got there in time to keep it from going past the point of bruises, but that is about all I can say. I advise against waking her with a growl or a snarl though. Let her sleep."
The bruises on her arms would likely be the worst, although I suspected that there was some light bruising around her neck and possibly along her ribs and shins from her struggles. Daniel gazed once more down at her before reluctantly going to sit back down.
He was clearly brooding over what he had seen. Considering he didn't bother trying to question me, he must have known that Nina was the best person to question if he wanted actual details. He didn't want to wake her though and I had counted on that.
Nicky groaned and rolled over again, managing to bump her shoulder into my knee. Her eyes blinked blearily into the morning light. Her voice was thick with sleep, "Okay, how did you sneak that close to my pillow without me realizing it?"
I chuckled lightly, "Nicky, I am sitting near the foot of your bed. Perhaps the more appropriate question is why have you squirmed all the way down to this corner?"
She groaned and pulled the disheveled blankets over her head, "It is far too early to be asking rational questions..."
Her breathing slowed to something that was common when one was halfway between the point of sleep and being awake. Silence reigned for about another half an hour before Nina stirred and stretched in her bed. Once Nina woke up, I had never seen her fall back to sleep.
Daniel remained where he was as he waited. Nina sat up and winced a bit before glancing around. Her voice was quiet and oddly raspy, "Good morning."
She blinked as if surprised by the sound of her voice. Daniel was focused on her even more. I examined her neck from my seat, but the bit of light bruising was not sufficient to have caused actual damage to her throat. The two men had mostly covered her mouth to keep her from calling for help and had not really focused on her neck.
Daniel's voice was quiet, but loud enough for her to hear, "Are you alright?"
Nina stretched a bit more to check just how much her body hurt from the movement and nodded, "Yes, just a few bruises as far as I can tell."
"Why is your voice like that?" Daniel asked the question that I wanted to know.
Nina cleared her throat and it sounded painful, "I think I just lost my voice partially."
Daniel tilted his head in a silent inquiry as he wanted more details. Nina glanced uneasily toward me. I shrugged, "Those three are no longer in this place. I hid the bodies of those I killed in the forest so the locals won't be any wiser. Feel free to speak."
Nina visibly relaxed. I knew she hated keeping secrets from Daniel. She turned to face him, "The three bathrooms inside were full so I went to the one outside. I didn't expect three men to corner me. Remember the three that tried to attack Trinity at Ironwind?"
Daniel nodded silently as his eyebrows furrowed in thought as his mind skipped ahead. Nina continued, "Turns out they were here and didn't like that we kicked them out of Ironwind. They thought they could get revenge, but Trinity appeared and took out two of them."
Daniel interrupted, "Why didn't you call out? I would have come."
Nina made a face, "I did try, but they put a hand over my mouth so I was silenced. I am pretty sure I screamed myself hoarse when that one bastard pointed his gun at Trinity."
I raised an eyebrow in surprise. I had never heard Nina use such words before. Daniel glanced at me momentarily to ensure I wasn't hiding an injury, but a quick sniff told him that none of my blood had been shed recently.
He turned back to Nina, "I didn't hear a gunshot."
Nina shook her head, "Trinity somehow stole the gun magazine without him knowing. He tried to fire it, but there were no bullets in the gun." Nina made a face, "Then she killed him for the attempt."
I growled lowly, "That was the third time he tried to kill me. He had it coming even if you hadn't been there."
Nina winced and Daniel turned his head to analyze my faintly glowering expression. As much as I would have liked to see that man suffer for all of the pain he had caused me, I was no sadist and his death had been nearly instantaneous.
Daniel exhaled slowly as he fought his temper down to a lower level, "I guess I have to thank you once more for helping Nina."
"Just don't let these two go wandering around in the dark again while I am away. They seem to be magnets for trouble."
Nicky stuck her head out from under the covers, "Did you just call me trouble?"
I shook my head at the sleepy redhead, "No, I said that trouble finds you like it has you on radar."
Nicky yawned, "Welcome to my life.... Please fasten your seatbelt and keep your arms and legs in at all times. Don't feed the animals, drink the water, or talk to the voices. Enjoy the ride!" She pulled the covers over her head once more.
I had a feeling that it was going to be one of those days. I looked over to see Nina watching at Nicky in bemusement. I idly commented, "And you expected her to keep an eye on me?"
Nicky's muffled voice sounded from within the blankets, "Hey, you have to give me some credit. I did go out there and confuse that one dimwit when he was holding Nina as a hostage. You should be impressed that I even woke up, let alone noticed that your eyes were circling something outside."
"And just how did you know it was me and not a feral?"
Nicky lifted the blankets a bit to stare at me with an expression that said the answer should have been obvious, "You are the only sane zombie in the area that is close to my size and the fact that I saw your eyes showed that you were sane. Otherwise I would not have seen anything if a Nightstalker was on the prowl."
Daniel's clipped tone interrupted our discussion, "Someone was holding Nina hostage?"
Nicky glanced at a rather upset looking Daniel, "Oh, I didn't realize that you didn't know that detail. When Nina said they silenced her, I thought you would have figured out that part. My bad."
Nicky dropped the blankets and let them hide her from view once more. Nicky was reminding me of that stupid whack-a-mole game. I wouldn't mind whacking her over the head at this particular moment either.
Daniel turned to Nina, "I think you better retell the entire story in more detail. I am clearly not about to get anything useful out of these two."
I stretched and nudged Nicky with my foot, "And that is our cue to leave. Come on Nicky, get up and dress quickly." I glanced at Daniel, "Keep in mind that we do have neighbors who are likely asleep."
Nicky swiftly emerged from under the blankets and grabbed her backpack, "I can change in the bathroom down the hall. Let's go."
I followed her as I left Nina the fun task of explaining things to Daniel without him blowing a gasket. It was best if I was not in the room when he realized that they had actually intended to kill her. I could take Nicky to breakfast as an excuse for my swift disappearance.
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