Chapter 14: Ramsi
Remus took Dyson's attempt to steal the Rite of Rule from Fala personally. I could see the gleam in his eyes when his father and twin tried to intimidate him with dark looks from across the room.
After spending just a few days with my cousin, I knew that was never going to work.
Remus was a steady presence, like an underwater mountain in the middle of the sea. He showed a steely resolve and determination that I would be proud to have in my Ranger unit. Like Rafal, Remus was hard under the mild manners and legal jargon. Hard as fuck to go head-to-head with his own family, and he didn't flinch.
Made me proud to be sitting beside him, no doubt.
My father nodded slightly to me when we came in and I returned it. He would never greet me by name in court, especially during proceedings.
I watched him handle Dyson's attorney like a wolf with a kitten in his jaws. Sayer had no clue what he was doing, and Dad had no patience with ineptitude. And then Remus went to work and, damn, I was impressed again.
No one that didn't know his tells would know, but Dad was clearly pleased with Remus. If he hadn't told me, I would never know this was his first time in court. He handled himself like a veteran.
When it was all over, Dad's green eyes tagged me, and tilted my head to the side, toward his office. He nodded and I excused myself while Fala was gathering his coat and cane.
I waited near the exit and the bailiff opened the door for Dad when he approached. The officer nodded to me when I followed my father through. Leyo Mahz bounced me on his knee and snuck me sweets when I was a lad roaming these halls in Dad's shadow. I spent so much time in this building, I shocked myself when I found I had no interest in following in my father's footsteps.
In his office, Dad shrugged off his Robe of Office with his black and silver stole and hung it behind his desk. The heavy silver Chain of office stayed on as long as he was in this building. It stretched from one broad shoulder to the other and the Imperial Magistrate seal hung prominently over Dad's breastbone.
"Now, then, my boy," he turned to me and smiled. "It's been a minute since I saw your face."
I smiled back, unable to help it. Lines around his eyes made the dark green light in them lighter and he opened his arms to me.
I went, leaning down to embrace him. I wasn't much taller than him, but it was enough that he looked up at me when he stepped back to pat my back in affection.
"It's good to see you with Rafal," he said.
"He's been in a dark space since Aunt Dru died," I shrugged. "I was worried for him."
"I know and you're never wrong to follow your instinct." He clasped my shoulder and stared at me. "As a Ranger and a native Karim, it is your sworn duty to protect your Sovereign, with your own life, if need be."
I held his gaze for a moment then nodded slowly. "That serious, is it?"
"It is," he confirmed. "Dyson is desperate. I can't go into details, of course, but Remus is going to have the fight of a lifetime. This case will be a career maker for him. I'm so pleased to see him taking a stand against Dyson. I hoped at least one of his boys would turn out decently."
"I had my doubts at first," I waited for Dad to settle in his chair behind the desk before I moved to a small bar in the corner to pour him a short scotch. "He proved me wrong and I'm glad to admit it. Rems is a rock."
"He's a good boy," Dad told me, accepting the snifter with a nod of thanks. I leaned on the corner of his desk. "He linked me when he broke with Dyson. He's got his own income and such; even bought a carriage and went to work on the docks and boats in Hyki."
This I hadn't known and my respect for Remus grew. Dyson knew nothing of actual work, and thus neither did Robin. I knew Remus served in the Navy but only because Fala mentioned working with him occasionally.
"So, he's no stranger to labor," I murmured. I had worked those boats with Fala. It was not easy or light.
"Not at all," Dad confirmed. "Now, I need you to stay close to both of them," he went on. "Rafal was our Sovereign the moment he drew breath, and Dru did all she could to protect him and secure the Throne. It is now upon us to see to it he makes it to his Coronation."
I was taken aback. "What about the Trials?"
He waved a hand like swiping a bothersome fly. "A farce. Dyson is trying to gain support by playing games with perception. He thinks if he can show the people Rafal is physically inferior, they will support his bid to usurp the Rite of Rule. A King can only rule in peace if the people allow it. Dyson is counting on public opinion to pressure the Council and then influence the Domais.
"It's a halfway decent plan, but doomed to fail because Rafal is far from frail and King Ambrose himself Designated him. Remus presented the forms that prove Rafal is our King, Rams, do not doubt it for a moment. Watch over him with all you have, even engage your unit if you must. No matter what happens with these damn Trials, Rafal is King of Ankher, and I will declare it so tomorrow and crown him myself if I must."
I pressed a hand to his shoulder, placed the other fist over my heart, and held his gaze. "I swear it on my honor and my life, Lord Magistrate. I will guard the King with all I have and all I am, so help me Gods."
Never mind the fact that I would dig my own teeth out with a wooden spoon before I let anything happen to Fala. My boyhood crush aside, I loved the fuck out of my cousin, even beyond my brothers. The thought of anyone wishing him harm made my blood simmer.
Not fucking happening.
Dad nodded and the pride in his smile made my throat tight. He squeezed my hand and patted it. "Good lad. Come then, let's get you back to him, yeah?"
I stood and moved to the door while Dad finished his drink and put his Robe back on. When I pulled the door open, he stopped me and nodded.
I peered through the cracked door and arched a brow at Robin trailing Sayer out of the courtroom and neither of them was pleased.
"Get back here, damn you," Robin snapped and caught Sayer's arm. "You have work to do."
"Unhand me, sir!" Sayer yanked away from Robin and straightened his Robe.
"You, sir, and your father are no longer my clients. I am submitting my Request to Recuse at once. I have never been so humiliated in all my days. You and your father insulted the very spirit of the law. You used me to spout lies about my own blessed Domai before the Imperial Magistrate General of all people!"
Sayer shook his head in disgust. "I will be years repairing the damage you've done to my reputation in just a half hour. You will be fortunate if the Council only sanctions your father for such a farce. Good day to you, Prince Fanche."
Sayer stomped away and Robin stood with his fists clenched at his sides. When Sayer slammed into a stairwell, Robin growled and punched the wall before throwing himself back into the chamber.
Dad and I shared a moment of silence. I knew wheels were turning in his head, cos they sure as hell were turning in mine.
"Sometimes," he breathed. "the greatest weapon in our arsenal is ignorance. Ignorance of our allies as well as our adversaries. Fala should not know of this, yet."
I frowned and he lifted a finger to quiet my protest. "Take it to Remus. He'll know what to do with it. He was my finest student and the best damn intern I ever had. I swear to gods if he wasn't determined to practice, I'd keep him on my staff for the rest of my days. He'll make a splendid Magistrate General one day."
"You think?" That Dad saw such potential in Remus was surprising and telling.
"With his passion for the law, absolutely. Now go on, boy. Get back to your duty and keep me apprised."
We shared a quick embrace, and I stepped out into the hall.
"Oh, Rams," he called after me.
"Yeah, Dad?" I paused to look back at him.
"Will you be home for supper? Your mother will want to know. "
"I don't know what Fala's doing yet, but I'll link you."
I passed quickly through the Chamber, catching sight of Robin and Dyson locked in a heated back and forth. I kept my distance from them and followed Griz and Ash out the door behind Remus and Rafal. Rafal's whispered promise to Ash made me smile.
Of course, my cousin would find a way to bring justice to Dyson's door. Hopefully, I could help with that. Rafal and Remus weren't the only ones that asshole Robin targeted.
A moment later, Fala gave a strangled cry. His head lolled on his shoulders and his eyes showed white behind his spectacles.
"The fuck!" I leaped forward, but Griz blocked me and held me back.
"Don't touch him!"
While I growled and fought her -and her strength shocked me; I couldn't break her grip- Ash wrapped his arms around Fala and pulled him away from the door. The moment his hand fell away from the latch, he gasped and sagged in Ash's grip.
"What the hell happened to him?" Remus demanded.
Griz released me and whispered, "We need to get the carriage and clear a path. Come."
I followed her but kept looking back at Ash, talking urgently in Rafal's ear while Remus stood guard.
Griz summoned the carriage while I went to work moving people out of the way. I wanted a straight shot from those doors to the carriage when Fala was recovered enough to move. I drew several frowns and curses, but I didn't give a shit. I wasn't aiming for polite, and these people were in the fucking way.
"Are we clear?" Griz called out to me from the door.
"Clear," I confirmed and glared at anyone who tried to cross my path.
Ash and Remus hustled out with Fala, looking pale and barely conscious. They came straight to the carriage and Griz and I jumped in behind them.
Once Fala assured me he was back with us, I kept an eye out the windows, watching for anyone that might be following us. When we got to the manor, I was the first out, with Griz close behind.
She nodded when she spotted me keeping watch and spread out to do the same. Once we were inside, I caught Remus at the bar and told him what I saw at the courthouse. He didn't ask questions, just thanked me. When he moved away, I saw that gleam in his eyes. He was a shark in crimson waters, again.
I decided to make my move to become Rafal's guard right away. Seizures were the least of my concerns. Dyson couldn't be trusted to be a decent human being and I never expected such from Robin.
Fala tried to talk me out of guarding him, even standing to face me down like the Domai he was. He must have seen the logic of my arguments, though, because he conceded enough to allow me to take a shift with Ash and Griz.
I had to work with that, but I was already going through my unit roster to decide whom I was going to call upon. The more eyes I could put on Fala, the more bodies I could have around him, the better.
He didn't have to know who, where, or when. I don't think he quite understood exactly what was at stake. Hell, I didn't understand until Dad made it clear that Rafal was not just the first Grand Domai in our nation's history by holding the seat of two provinces at the same time, not just a highly favored Contender for the Imperial Seat, but the long-awaited, uncrowned, Provincially, and Imperially Designated, gods-damned King of fucking Ankher.
And it was my duty to protect him.
Fuck me sideways.
It was very bad of me to expose Fala's planned tryst the way I did, but I needed to get a rise out of him. His eyes were looking haunted. Even though he was trying to move past it, that seizure freaked him the fuck out and me right along with him. Remus was shaken as well, and he was keeping as close an eye on Fala as I was.
Sayer's appearance was a welcome distraction.
I watched the man and noted the nervous way he fiddled with his hat and twitched his light brown eyes around the room. When he caught my eye, I arched a brow and smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile, because he wasn't my friend.
Sayer shuddered and looked away. My point was made.
Remus cleared his throat and caught the man's attention.
"Master Sayer, I must say this is highly irregular. What brings you here?"
" apologies for intruding, Master Fanche, Your Grace." He drew a shuddering breath. "I'm...I just wanted to advise you that I've submitted my Request to Recuse, effective immediately. I swear to you I had no idea the Princes Fanche were misleading me. I feel like such a fool."
I was alarmed because the man seemed to be on the verge of a complete breakdown. Weeping women, I could deal with. Weeping men not so much. I mean, if we were in the middle of a battle, yeah maybe, but in Fala's lounge, I was out of my depth.
"Please, calm down, Sayer," Remus moved forward and guided the distraught man to a chair. "Recusing is the right thing to do. Please don't blame yourself."
Sayer cast watery eyes at Rafal and clasped his hands together in supplication. "Please forgive me, Your Grace. I would never have stood against you if I'd known the truth. I should have looked deeper, but the papers all seemed to be in order. I thought I was righting a grave wrong."
Fala glanced at Remus who shook his head and bent near Sayer.
"Master Sayer, His Grace doesn't blame you. The Princes Fanche are rather skilled at misleading the people around them. You needn't think anything more on it."
Sayer drew a long breath and released it. "I must make amends. Please." He pressed a crystal into Remus's hand. "Please allow me. They'll come for me for this, but my duty, first and last is to my Domai."
Rafal sat up straighter and frowned. Remus nodded and moved back.
Whatever shakiness remained after his first brush with Impressions was gone. Fala stepped into his role as Domai in a blink. Sayer's passionate declaration of loyalty galvanized him. He would do anything to protect his people, Hykini or Karim, it made no difference.
"Master Sayer," Rafal spoke quietly. "Have the Princes threatened you in any way?"
Sayer stared at Rafal as if he was falling in love, and who the fuck knew? Maybe he was. In full Domai mode, in full regalia and groomed like he was, Fala was at least twice as fuckable.
"When I told young Fanche I was recusing myself he was furious and followed me out of the court. Later when I returned to file my request he was there and...he..." Sayer swallowed and shuddered. "He tried to attack me, but I escaped. Your Grace, I dare not return home. I am in fear for my life!" The man sobbed and buried his face in his hands.
"Sir Ash, attend me."
Fala's father was beside him in a second.
"I need Sir Marwin here at once. Ramsi, link your father and report this. I need him here, tonight. Remus, you need to take on Master Sayer's civil suit. Use the library. Master Sayer," Rafal stood and leaned over to place a hand on the shaking man's shoulder. "you will be safe here, my Lord. Tell Master Fanche everything and take your ease. Is there anyone else at your home we need to be concerned for?"
"No, Your Grace," the man whispered. "I live alone."
"Very good. Dame Grizel, attend me."
Pride in my cousin flooded me as I whipped out my com and linked Dad. He answered at once with a smile. "Coming for supper?"
"Ah, no, Sir. We've got a situation, up at the Manor. Sayer is here."
"I'll be there in ten minutes."
He closed the link, and I followed Fala and Griz to the study.
Rafal sat behind his desk, and I spotted Griz on guard near him when I came in. I posted up near the door with my arms crossed and watched the hall outside.
"Yes, I know the hour, Counselor. Do you know your duty?" Rafal's eyes were nearly iron-gray and fixed on his screen.
The Counselor cleared his throat. "My apologies, Your Grace. How may I assist?"
"I am convening a tri-panel at once. Magistrate Thorne will preside."
The man was typing furiously. "Of course, Your Grace. Shall I send them to the Manor?"
"A secure link will suffice if they are unable to make the trip."
"Of course. It'll be about an hour, Sire."
"I will be expecting your link."
Rafal closed the link and glanced up when Harlyn slid past me into the study.
"Marwin is on his way, Sire."
"Thank you, Harlyn. Please prepare secure rooms for Sayer. He will be our guest indefinitely. Prepare the spare apartments in the Master's wing for Commander Thorne's unit as well," he gave a rueful sigh. "I reckon they'll be popping in soon."
"Sire." Harlyn bowed and hustled out.
"You telling me to make the call?" I asked Fala.
He peered at me a moment. "I know you're thinking about making the call, and I won't fight you on it. Just don't let them hang all over me, I beg you."
"Fair," I smiled and dug out my com again.
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