Chapter 9: Rescue Mission

    A darkness was cast and was brought up on their souls.  No one in the sea knew what was happening until it was too late.  And there were many whose souls became affected with darkness and everything about them became numb.



            "I don't understand why are you with those imbeciles?" Mivozene raised his eyebrows muttering dark thoughts about humans.  He didn't like humanics.  He hated them and would always go out of his way to do something to them.  "I don't trust them or you to be near them."

              "Wow, I didn't know you care! I am watching out for your sister.  I'm making sure none of them do anything to her.  Besides everyone thinks she is a humanic.  Even Seivon has no clue to who her humanic appearance is.  He somehow found out about me from Miracine, but that is all I know." Kaisa crossed her arms looking at Mivozene.
           He was known throughout the oceans.  For being Little Pacific's older brother of two years and of his hatred for humans.  He always done all kinds of things to them.  But he has a secret past only few knew about and Kaisa was one of them.  A past that happened during their childhood.

            "Do you even understand what I have to go through?  Do you know what these humanics are like?  They call themselves humans..." He trailed off, "They are such a disgrace of nature, thriving on anything not giving a care about a single thing in the world.  And then they did the worse and stole my beloved sister's heart.  My precious dear sister,"
            He exclaimed, "She is everything to me.  And now she is missing and I can only assume the worse." He shook his head.

          "She might be out at sea.  She was upset because that humanic knew I was a mermaid and not her.  That is my suspicion anyway." Kaisa shrugged, not really caring.
          She was being threatened to help.  If not... Kaisa didn't want to think about what would happen if she refused.

         "We will go there.  I can handle as many sea spirits for her.  They cannot do anything to her, since she doesn't have her pendant." Mivozene explained to the Rivalkai mermaid.

         She furrowed her eyebrows, "Wait....can't they do something to you?" Kaisa put her lips in a thin line. 
         Kaisa may have acted like she just met him, but she knew Mivo for years.  They were years of heartbreak, chaos and sadness.

          "She is the one who wears the crown, not me.  I gave it up because I rather protect people and get rid of humanics rather than relying on others to protect me." He told her coldly as he looked away in regret.  If only he was better.
           Long ago, Mivozene was going to wear the crown, but that was when their parents were alive.  Then something happened that caused them to never return when they left to see the council.  And soon afterwards, Miracine was given the crown.  But the process that caused her to get the crown always filled him with regret.
         Before too long, they headed out to the beach into the waters.

         They had to get the spirits to get away from the Kimoshei Kingdom's princess.

          "Atlantic!" Mivozene shouted as Kaisa went ahead of him.

        "What? And call me Young Atlantic, I'm not queen yet." She sighed, "You're lucky you are still alive," Kaisa crossed her arms bitterly.  She didn't understand why, but he irritated her.

          "You want to distinguish between you and the queen of yours?  Then why do you call my sister Little Pacific?  Our parents are not with us." Kaisa paused unsure how to answer.     
         Sure, she knew the truth, but she just called Miracine Little Pacific because she looked so young and childish.

          "There look." Kaisa whispered ignoring his question.  Ahead of them in the sea was a seaspirit with an unconscious Miracine.

           "You are so lucky that is my sister and you didn't answer my question." Mivozene glared at Kaisa.

            "Yeah, yeah, whatever.  Just because you always express how you hate humans," She shrugged, "And you do all these so called terrible things to them doesn't make you higher than me." She glared at him.  "Let's go."

            "Why are you...." The Kimoshei prince was soon interrupted mid-sentence.

            "Quiet!" She urged him and he just shook his head.  She was different from back then after he did that.  But he could only blame himself.

            "...saying I didn't do that?" He asked with an innocent look.

            "Your nothing but a snide prince of the Kimoshei Kingdom, you aren't even gonna to wear the crown!  Miracine is, and without her acknowledging you, you are nothing."   
             She pressed her finger up his chest as he backed up. "She already hates you for everything that went down all those years ago.  If she doesn't trust you or continue to be like this, then you will be nothing but a puppet of the council."

             "Shut up!  You don't know anything!" He exclaimed, a bit frazzled from her words,  "Besides I gave my sister the title because I care for her."

              "Sure you do...." She laughed before turning to the spirit.  She knew what to do.

             "Bekane shu ll-vok bizuat spuirwat!" (Begone thy two headed beast spirit)

              " is the princess's brother and the youngest Atlantic princess.  I'm not gonna do anything unless you hand over her pendant.  Where have you hidden it?" The spirit laughed as it glared it's red eyed at them.

                 "She does not have one." Mivozene lazily stated.

                 "Ha!" The spirit glared, "What a lie, you will regret saying those words."

                "Let her go or death shall take your soul and into a nightmare you will go!". Mivozene exclaimed in their language.

                Then at once the water around the spirit was drying up.  It was shrinking smaller and smaller not able to survive.  Some water spirits can only survive in water and will die instantly without it, and others can shape shift into humans.
              The spirit was like the water was avoiding it all together. . The spirit howled in pain as it realized what was happening to it.   Smirking, Mivozene pulled his sister with his water rope towards him.

               "Mina....Miracine...." He whispered as he held his sister close to him.  Kaisa rolled her eyes seeing her.


Miracine N Seaton

                 I opened my eyes and there was my brother Mivozene.  On his left side was a glaring Kaisa.  I felt weird like almost I couldn't feel my legs, but I couldn't feel my fin either.  I didn't understand how or why.  I had a form that was between mermaid and human.
               I had two legs, but upon my skin where my fins were usually were many gills of color.  And on my arms and face were the symbols that represented my kingdom.
              My hair was longer in my mermaid form than my humanic version. However, right now my hair was longer than my human look and shorter than my mermaid hair.

              "What....Why am I like this?"  I was confused.  The last thing I remember was Seivon telling me to leave and I got sad so I went to the sea.

                  "I reckon, staying in the water too long or being cursed by spirits." Kaisa states, boredly.
                  I get in water all the time.  That can't be it.  And why would I get cursed?  This doesn't add up.

                 Mivozene shook his head, "You don't know that, youngest Atlantic.  It could be both."
                 Mivozene and Kaisa seemed to not like the other.  So it seems my brother does not get along with anyone.  I knew it, he really is just an isolated mermaid.

                "Are we done here?  I need to get back before they wonder anything." Young Atlantic impatiently asked getting up.

                "Please, you do not." Mivozene replied dryly.  I looked between them and I was afraid Mermaid Mer War 4 or MMW IV would break out.

              "What about me?" I exclaimed, looking at my body that somehow mixed between the two.

                 "Here." Mivo handed me some white cloak thing.

                 "What is this suppose to be?" It was long and I had no idea what it was for.

                  "It is a robe set.   Included in it is a dress-robe and a hood.  Wear the robe with the hood, so it covers half of your face." I understood.  And now I would have to wear that and no seeing anyone until it is sorted out.
                 At least no Seivon, Ashton, or Melody.  Or if I do see them, I have to pretend to be someone else.  I felt some sadness deep inside of me.  Like sorrows were deep inside of me but is yet to come out.  "Mina.....we have to go."

                I couldn't see very well.  Mivozene held my arm leading me forward and I had a long white robe  that covered me.  It was sleeveless and came down to my ankles.  Then I wore the hood that reached far down as the bottom of my nose.  And it was long as a veil.  I also had gloves that covered my arms. 
                 I wonder... Is this feelings what it is going to be like when I am Queen?  Will I have to be protected this much where I have only to be lead by one trusted person and not speak to anyone at all?

               As we walked I felt air cool.  Were we going inside some kind of building?

              "Where are we?" No response.  Ah, I see how it is.

               "Ask Atlantic.  She said she has to talk to her so called friends.  How can anyone be so close and around humans all the time without feeling sick?  Do you even know what they do?  They destroy the ocean.  They kill all the fish and our friends.  They put trash and whatever they want into the sea.  They laugh and get drunk.  They do crazy absurd things.  They don't give a care in the world!" He exclaimed and I could tell there were personal reasons involved.
               "They dump oil and harsh things into our homes.  They capture fish and eat them.  They kill them and make it so we can't feast of them.  Can't they dine on someone else?  They would hate it if we captured them to eat.  Can't they do the same?  Oh sea goddesses, I hate them!  I want kill them!  They even stole you from me."
           Tears dripped from my eyes as I swallowed hard.  I didn't always like Mivozene, but he is my brother.

          "I agree with you with that statement, but there are few humanics that aren't like that, Mivo."  I looked down, "Most of the time humanics are like that, but not this time."

           " she had to go.  She was gonna stay but then she just felt awful.  I'm sure she is fine, now." I heard Kaisa tell someone.
         Was it Ashton and them.  If that's the case, I have to get out of here.  I don't want to die.

            "KAISA, hurry up.  Me and my sister needs to go." I felt Mivozene let go of my arm and shout at her.

           "Wait Mivo," I whispered quietly.

           "Kaisa stop being so d-" But my brother's words were cut off.  I heard a splash splatter against the floor and I could only imagine it was my brother.  He then shouted in a very furious voice, " For all of the oceans, YOU STUPID IMBECILES!"  It sounded like a liquid or something.
         "What is wrong with you?  Kaisa get....ergh nevermind!  I have to get out of here!" I felt someone rush passed me.  It was probably him.  He will come back or Kaisa will take me back.

             I felt someone behind me....Mivozene?

              "Mivozene?" I had my accent on.  If I wasn't focusing, I had a thick accent.

               "So that's you and that's your brother."  Seivon?  I guess that makes sense, but how can I face him after what he said.  I know it wasn't intentional but still.

             How is it that he knows I am the mermaid looking at me like this but my usual human form he has no clue? 

              Foolish humanic.  How can he be so stupid?

               It is probably my accent.  I swear rainbow trout, it's probably my accent.

              "I'm surprised you can't tell.  It saddens me.  If that's the case then still continue act as if you don't know me, act as if I am some random stranger." As much as I am trying to be brave and strong, in reality sadness filled deep inside of me.
              I didn't know what would happen when that spirit got me.  I'm so glad Mivozene and Kaisa got there in time.  However, now that Mivozene has ran off I hope Mivozene doesn't return and finds him.

              "Kaisa, how do you know her err them?" A feminine voice asked.  It was that Melody human.  Melody Medina.

              "My friend of mine from back where I use to live, but I haven't them in awhile.   And I don't regret seeing them nor miss." She wasn't lying exactly.  I knew of her, but I don't remember meeting her.  Well I don't remember much before four years ago anyways...

            "Where is my brother?" I suddenly asked.  Shouldn't he be back?  "Mivo, Atlantic?!  What happened?" There was silence.

              "Ash, why did you throw water at him." I heard Mel muttered quietly, but I heard it.

               "WHAT!  Why on earth did you stupid people do that?" I exclaimed in shock,  "Ashton Jacobs why do think it is funny to ruin.... people's outfits." I heard a loud gasp.

              "How do you....know his name?" The feminine voice asked.  It was Melody, I could tell.

             "Melody Medina.  Age 15.  Born: April 7.  We've met before, but as it seems you don't recall.  You don't really like me, but maybe someday we can be friends."  I smirked.
            Seivon Rivers is incredibly so oblivious.  I practically have the same shade of hair and eyes.  Sure, my hair looks different because it is in a different style.  My name starts with a M!  But apparently my features look way different.  I want him to find out.  I want to be with him forever.


            "Wait, are all of you afraid of water?  Oh big deal it is just water.  You probably never swam in your life." Melody shook her head.  It isn't just water.

              "I wasn't...." I trailed off, "I am not afraid of water.  I swim all the time, more than you could ever imagine!" And with that I turned around walking the way I came and I just hoped this was a big enough hint to show who I am.

               If not, it is true he is a foolish human.

             As I left, I got my phone machine out and text a simple message:

To:  🐚Kaisa02x🥥,
🍿02AshAsh20😃, 🌊Seivon2002x🌅

Hi, it seems I will not go school. 🤒 Do not know when better.  Miss you.

P.S. Kaisa bring me school stuff.

        They seem to buy it because I heard them discussing it from close doors.

             "Mivo?  Mivo?"  All of sudden someone touched my arm.  It better have been my brother.

              "I am sorry, I shouldn't of left, but I had no time." Mivozene apologized and he then lead me to my house.

               I could not feel my legs or fins.  Azurine and Mivozene told me I was either down at sea too long and with the ocean being corrupted by spirits, this happened to me.
                Young Atlantic also told me I could've been cursed by those sea spirit demons.  Alas, they made a set of rules I have to follow.

Number 1. Do not go outside without Mivozene

Number 2. Always wear the robe

Number 3. Do not attend any of that school thing until this wears off

Number 4. If they ask, you must say I have a sickness.

Number 5. No swimming, bathing, showering, quick pool swim, and no touching any water

                 And all I was suppose to do was look pretty and sit on my bed.  I'm serious.  And then there is Mivozene who is spending more time with me.  I guess that is good.  But I need to speak to Seivon.  Being away from him, especially after all of that hurts me.
               He said he thinks he figured who I was out.  What if he actually knows and sending me out was a test.  He might go talk to me now.  He was going to talk to me normally, or that what he said a few days ago.

"Once I figure out who you really are, I am going to talk to you forever and barely leave you during school.  And then I show everyone, what you mean to me."

But now he won't be able to because I won't be there.


Maybe he will when I return.

Ohhh, I can't wait.  I guess I will have to wait.

"Seivon Rivers. Age: 16. Born: January 3, 2003

Hair: Brown. Eyes: Sapphire.

Occupation: Student. Grade: 11.

Known As: The one my heart yearns for."

I hummed quietly to myself as wishful thoughts filled my head...

Edit AN//
It's funny when I'm editing I know what I'm going to write, but by the time I'm finished with the chapter I have no clue.
But all I have to say, I decided to keep the dialogue of third person.

In my Kaisa book (The Atlantic Legend) I ended up changing what it was and it's totally different but even though I changed it there, I kept this the same.

Also for the message with all the names I did it based of the Instagram users I made of them awhile back 😂

I hope I can finish it in time.  This will be 9/49 😅.  I mainly want to edit the first several and then maybe the last few chapters.

But I am liking the change to Miracine's and Seivon's personality.

I also like how I made Miracine express that she was sad and hurt by what happened more as well as explain reasons she ends up liking him besides the "other half" and being mermaid desired logic.

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