
"Haha, I live quite comfortably

Even if I don't dream, no one says anything...

I completely forgot about my childhood, when I had a lot of dreams."


No More Dream


There are certain moments in life in which a person blanks out completely. The brain refuses to work from utter shock.

Kim Taehyung; the experienced kidnapper of the most dangerous gang of the Underworld, who has kidnapped over 500 people in his working period of the last 7 years, had experienced the same thing as he heard Baekhyun shout.

Even then, he didn't stop running. His survival instincts had urged him to get as far away as possible from Suho if he didn't want his gang's carefully maintained and planned low-profile to get disrupted.

As soon as they were a safe distance away from the huge commotion, he detached himself away from Sarang.

"YOU'RE THE HEIR OF INFERNO?" Taehyung shouted, his shout several pitches too high to speak to someone who was a mere arm-length away from him.

"Could you speak softer? You don't wanna inform the whole neighborhood do you?" Sarang said, running a hand through her blood red hair and throwing her hood off.

"What do you want V?" Sarang asked, startling Taehyung. V is his Taehyung's pet name all around the Underworld.

No one out of that world knows he's called that.

"Who are you?" Taehyung breathed out, at a loss of words.

Sarang sinfully plump lips twisted into a tantalizing smirk. "You want to know who I am, right? Then, answer me. Why did you come today? What do you want from me?" Taehyung stopped at his tracks.

He was here to take Sarang to Bangtan Ink. That is the safest place to talk right now.

Taehyung exhaled loudly and said, "Would you mind if we talk about all of this in Bangtan Ink?"
"Lead the way." Came back Sarang's soft voice.

"Well, that's waay neater than I expected," Jin spoke as Sarang entered the shop behind Taehyung.
"Hyung, a word," Taehyung said, looking at Sarang. A silent exchange took place between the both of them and she nodded.

Hae came out and took Sarang inside to her work area.
Both Hae and Taehyung failed to noticed Jin's fixed gaze at Sarang's wrist, now that the hoodie sleeves were rolled up.

"Namjoon Hyung. Jungkook-ah!" Taehyung spotted the leader and the youngest of Bangtan as he entered the lounge of Bangtan Ink.
"Taehyung-ah!" Namjoon smiled as he meets the boxy smiled alien after quite a long time.
"Hyung!" Jungkook smiled, flashing his bunny teeth at the older.

"When did you guys come back?" Taehyung said, seating himself on a black leather bean bag.
"An hour ago. What's up?" Namjoon asked.
"About that, Hyung, Sarang is more than we thought she is." With that, he began recounting the event of an hour ago.

The name 'Inferno' made Jin and Namjoon squint their eyes while Jungkook shouted out, "Hyung! Does she have flaming red hair?" 
"Yeah; she does," Jin answered, deep in thought.
"Hyung, that's her. She is Shin Sarang. The only daughter of Shin Woohyun, the current boss of Inferno. It's her. Why can't we just finish her off? Without her, Inferno will meet its end after Woohyun dies. " Namjoon let out a deep breath and leaned back on the sofa, massaging his temple.

"If she was just that, I would've done the deed myself. Trust me Jungkook-ah. But, one thing stops it all." Namjoon paused, looking at Jin.

Jungkook looked at the oldest and Jin sighed, "She has Bullet-proof's mark on her body."

Jungkook's eyes widened, "Whose?" "Jimin's," Taehyung said, rubbing his fingers on his temples.

"She's Jimin Hyung's girlfriend?" All the olders glared at Jungkook and Jin said, "No!"

That's when Jin went off explaining the events of the day when Sarang stepped in the shop. Taehyung intuition and Sarang's persistence on getting the rose vine tattoo.

"She's faking it! She's a spy." Jungkook snapped.

"Jeon Jungkook, she might be faking it, but my intuition? Are you judging my intuitions now?" Taehyung shouted.

Confused? Must be!

Hear me out!

Kim Taehyung, along with having 4D looks and alien like beauty, he also is blessed with some thing called foreseeing.

Taehyung sometimes gets bursts of vibes from certain events. It's like visions of the obvious future. Who knows how he has this ability but he does. Hard to believe but it's true!

"Hyung; I-I..uh..I didn't mean...that....it's just that..are you sure it isn't a mistake?" Your intuition thing..." Jungkook's words went up into smoke as Taehyung shot a glare at him.

"Jungkook-ah, I understand that you're scared but you have no absolutely no right to question Taehyung's abilities. Don't forget, his intuitions thingy has saved that muscly butt of your more times than you can count." Yoongi entered the room, his appearance seeming sparse because of the ever-so-familiar presence of the white cancer stick dangling from his lips.

"Oh, you're not smoking?" Jungkook asked, taking in Yoongi's presence. "Let's not talk about it, shall we?" Taehyung snickered.

"Okay enough!" Namjoon said, pretty loud, standing to his full height. The tall and impressive leader like aura halted all the commotion in the room.

"Jimin-ah and Hoseok are gonna be back in 2 hours and we have to sort this Sarang situation and come to a conclusion. I'll go and have a chat with her. Taehyung-ah, come with me. Jin Hyung, you wanna come?" 

Jin looked up and shook his head. "You guys go ahead! I have to confirm something."

Well, best brace yourselves Sarang.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Sarang hissed as the antiseptic hit her bruised her face and neck. Hae noticed the red marks on her body once she had set foot inside the shop.

"Nothing that I can't handle!" Sarang hissed as Hae gave a particularly strong dab on her neck wound.

"How did you get them for starters?" Hae smiled.

"I might or might not have shot a water pump and the pieces might have hit me before I could take off running." Hae only briefly looked at Sarang's face before resuming her work.

One thing that was the best about Hae was that she never asked too many questions.

It just seemed too much of a work to do that. If she was to know something, she would know that one way or the other. It was futile effort to go on asking around for information, that would at the end of the day, reach her.

At the end of the day, Hae was a Min after all.

"What's up Hae?" Both the girls looked at the doorway to find Namjoon and Taehyung standing at the doorway.

"What happened to you Sarang?" Taehyung noticed the open first aid kit beside the girls.

"Nothing. Some of the pieces of the tank hit me before we could run off!" Sarang gave off a sheepish smile.

"You're okay, right?" Taehyung insisted. Before Sarang's lips could part, Hae said

"She's fine Taehyung. I've dressed up the wounds. She'll be Gucci by morning." With that, she left the room.

"Hi Sarang" Namjoon said.

"Hi RM or if I should say Rap Monster?" Both Taehyung and Namjoon were shocked. How di Sarang know about Namjoon's cringy, old pet name.

"You know quite a lot about us, don't you Ms. Sarang?" Namjoon's head tilted to one side while his eye-brows arched up.

"Let's step right into business as I can see you don't need to go around the introduction part." Namjoon took a seat in front of Sarang while Taehyung propped himself against Hae's work bench.

"Sure." Sarang's gaze was fixed at the floor.

"Who are you?" Namjoon asked, straight and bold.

"It depends on which me you're asking about." Sarang lifted her eyes and there was something in her gaze that gave Namjoon's insides a shake. Like those big eyes hid a lot.

"How about the red headed barista who works at Starbucks?" Namjoon offered. Sarang's lips curved upwards in a humorless smile.

"A girl who neither has parents nor a family. An on the run girl. Someone who wants a simple life." Namjoon exhaled loudly and asked

"And, who's the one that the guy wanted?"

Sarang looked straight at Namjoon's eyes and said "My secret could drag you into my mess. So, think twice before asking that question. Do you really wanna know RM?"

Namjoon thought for a brief time lapse.
Was knowing Sarang's secrets important enough to risk his team's safety?

"That guy saw me with you. He ,most probably, has the idea of you being with Bullet-Proof. So, we're already inside your mess Sarang." Taehyung didn't mean it in a hurtful way but Namjoon noticed a flash of hurt swarm across Sarang's eyes.

"It could be changed." Sarang simply stated.

"But we don't want it to change. Whether who you are, you have Bullet-Proof's mark on you. Like it or not, your mess is ours to sort. So, Miss. Sarang, spill your secrets."

Namjoon sat back on the couch.

"I warned you." Sarang sighed.

"Suit yourself. I am Shin Sarang, daughter of Shin Woohyun, the leader of 'Inferno'. The richest gang on the Under World." Taehyung and Namjoon controlled their urges to ambush the red head with questions. They let her continue.

"I never saw my mom. I was told that she died while giving birth to me. I was an only child so my house was basically empty for me, save the black suited men and bitchy woman that my father brought home every night.
I was left to bring myself up. Believe it or not, I was left to admit myself to my school. It was lonely to be honest. And, just when I almost brought myself around to accept my life, my dad decided to worsen things up for me." Sarang inhaled a sharp breath and continued.
"He married on of his partner's widow and took in her son. That was Suho. They both had been tolerable. At least, they didn't try and butt in my business. Days past by and I continued living my life.
From my teenage years, I never really had an idea of what my father did for living. There was a part in that house that was forbidden for me. I never really cared to look for what was in there and turns out, I never had to. On my 18th birthday.....I learned who I actually was."


Sarang set her hair brush down and looked at herself in the mirror. She had turned 18 today. The thought itself brought a smile to her face.

A soft, rare smile.

A knock disrupted her thoughts and in entered her step mother. "Yes?" Sarang turned to face the middle aged woman.

"Your father wants you in his study." The statement itself held Sarang off guard. Her father and her lived in the same house for the last many years yet; she rarely met her father.

'Maybe he's trying to make an effort.' Sarang thought.

"Let's go." Sarang straightened her shirt and followed her step mother to that part of the house that had till now, been out of bounds for her.

"Father." Sarang bowed in front of him.

"Sit." Shin Woohyun replied. His face bore the usual stone cold expression as Sarang, Suho and Suho's mother seated themselves.

"First of all.." Her father began, motioning one of his men.

The man nodded and produced a bouquet of flowers. Sarang's favorite, Juliet Roses. "Congratulations Madam Shin."

The man respectfully bowed 90' in front of Sarang, while the ones behind him followed his actions.

This confused Sarang.

Usually, these men would avoid Sarang and never cared to pay a her simple respects. Now, a whole bunch of men were bowing down to her. This was awkward.

Sarang gave back a simple nod and they straightened. "Confused, aren't you?" Her father began.

Sarang merely blinked and gave a shaky nod. "Well, my daughter, get used to it. You're gonna be in my place soon so this will be very regular for you.

After all; you're gonna be the Queen of the gang now."

End of FlashBack

Sarang gave out a humor-less laugh as Namjoon and Taehyung's mouth dropped open.

"That was the beginning. I was forced into all of the gang activities. I never had the wish to do it. I didn't want this life. I wanted a normal life. A peaceful life." Sarang sighed.

"I tried to adjust to that life. I made by best effort but this isn't my life. I'm not just not born for this."

Namjoon and Taehyung saw Sarang's all-time firm shoulders slump down; as though exhausted.

"By the time I was 20, I had enough! I was tired. But every time I thought I was gonna quit, Suho would talk me into staying.

Believe it or not, Suho was equivalent to my older brother at that time. But things changed." Sarang's eyes got glassy.


"Suho!" Sarang shouted as she went down the corridor. She was looking for her brother. Just wandering off in those huge corridors was also another reason.

Sarang was just passing the room where she and Suho often lounged after the day's training, when she heard voices. Two very familiar voices.

"No! Not at all." It was Suho.

"Do you mean you've been faking it all this time." The unknown voice asked.

"Obviously Baekhyun! Do you really think I would care for her? But, seriously, Sarang is the dumbest girl I've ever met. She's like a love-sick puppy."

"But then why are you helping her get adapted to the gang activities? If she's that dumb, why don't you just finish her off when you had the chance? She seems to trust you a lot."

"I can't do that you idiot! Even though she isn't Woohyun's biological daughter, he still is adamant about her being the next leader. If anything happens to her, I'll be the main suspect as she trusts me the most. I can't take that risk."

"Then what are you gonna do about her? Are you planning on waiting until she steps down of power?"

"No Paboyah! I don't! Are you crazy?! I'm just gonna wait until she stays in the leader for a few months and then, in the drape of a mission, finish her off! Simple and hassle-free!"

"WOW! Suho, that's a great plan."

End of Flash Back

"That day, I learned 2 things. That I realized 2 things. One; that I made a mistake trusting Suho. Two; I'm not Shin Woohyun's daughter. "

Sarang finished, her face staring straight at the dark night.

"After that, Suho's kind gestures were as clear to me. He played with my feelings and that's why, I went around playing with him as well. Meanwhile, I dug around information about me and Woohyun's relationship." Sarang looked up and stared straight at Namjoon's eyes.

"You can assume the rest." She smirked. "Now that you know my story, you know who I am."

Part 2 coming up soon!

I promise!



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