Prologue: The Bite

Hello and welcome back to the highly anticipated and long awaited update for The Victim and yes I've finally decided to return to this underrated story and give it the update it truly deserves, it took me longer than I even anticipated but now it's time to get this show on the road and I hope all of you are excited to see where this story goes. But, finally it's time to return to the creepy comforts of FNAF and the deadly animatronics infesting its halls. As always I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Before we start I've decided to add one final girl to the harem and it's none other than....Fiona Thyme 

Now onto our previously scheduled chapter

Y,N POV, Location: Fredbear's Family Diner 

*As a car parks within the Fredbear's parking lot, a 7 year old Y,N with tears streaming down his face had stepped out of the car with his mother with a Fredbear plushie being clutched to his chest. Normally a child his age would be enthusiastic and positively bouncing off the walls at having his birthday take place at the beloved diner, especially with the best buddies of Fredbear and Spring Bonnie singing happy birthday as the cake was sliced.*

Y,N: *whimpers* Mommy.....I don't want to be here....The monsters live here....

M,N: *frowns* I know sweetie, I know. But we're going to have a great time regardless of those nightmares!  

*But Y,N wasn't your average kid, as over the past few days his brother had been scaring him every chance he had with a Foxy head he had managed to swipe from the backstage when none of the employees were looking. Not only that but for the past five nights he repeatedly had horrible and gruesome nightmares about some of the animatronics eating him, tearing his flesh off, and stuffing him into a suit. This had caused the poor child to become increasingly introverted, more so than usual, and he barely talked with any kid at school and kept to himself at all times. So in a desperate bid to kill two birds with one stone, that being helping her baby boy to overcome his fear of Fredbear's and being able to interact with kids his own age, Y,N's mom booked for her son's birthday to take place at the restaurant he dreaded the most and he certainly let her know by throwing a temper tantrum as they left the house. Yet, that didn't stop M,N from driving herself and her baby boy to the diner. As they walked towards the diner, the two iconic mascots had their face plastered upon the entranceway with bright and cheery smiles on their faces.*

Y,N: *with tears streaming down his face with a Fredbear plushie dangling from his right hand* M-M-Mommy do we really have to go inside? Y-Y-You know I hate it here.....

M,N: *frowns sincerely* Yes Y,N sweetie we have to go inside, I know you don't like this place, but it's your birthday and wouldn't it be rude to the other children if the special guest of honor didn't show up to his own celebration? *at the end of her sentence she boops Y,N on the nose which brings a little smile to the 7 year olds face* 

Y,N: *sniffles while clutching the Fredbear plushie close to his chest* O-Ok mommy. B-B-But can we leave soon? 

M,N: *smiles* I promise. Once the cake is cut and the happy birthday singing is over we'll slink out and head home. 

Y,N: *looks up* Pinky promise?  

M,N: *moves her pinky finger over to allow Y,N to connect his pinky finger with her own and she smiles brightly* Pinky promise. 

Y,N: *sniffles yet a smile is evident on his face* T-Thanks mommy!

M,N: No problem sweetheart. *smiles sincerely* Now, let's go turn that frown upside down!

*The sound of music and the faint hum of arcade machines fills the air as the mother and son walk into the restaurant which was glowing in a goldenish light. Well at first M,N walked in while being followed by a completely apprehensive Y,N, with some lose tears streaming down his face and was clutching his Fredbear plushie with all of his might. Y,N's eyes were as wide as dinner plates but not in joy or even confusion, but complete and unrelenting fear as with every step he took, the little boy swore he saw those nightmarish creatures giggle and cackle around him, licking their mechanical chops at the prospect of feasting upon his flesh. That and the posters parading around the new characters made their nightmarish counterparts seem even more real and terrifying in comparison, which caused little Y,N to whimper in fear as more tears threatened to fall down his face. Soon enough M,N turned around and saw how slow Y,N was moving as he was eyeing everything with a scared look, in fact it looked like he was afraid his own shadow was going to come alive and gobble him up. With a concerned frown on her face M,N walked back and allowed her sweetheart to hold onto her hand, as clearly Y,N looked like he was going to faint from pure fear and needed something to calm him back down.* 

M,N: Don't worry sweetie we're almost to the table. Just close your eyes and picture the happiest memory  in your life or something that makes you calm. Like a tropical beach on a cool summer's evening.  Can you see it?

Y,N: *closes his eyes and a tiny smirk forms on his face* Yes mommy, I do. 

M,N: Great! Now focus on that positive memory and let it flow through you. It'll scare all those pesky nightmares away. 

Y,N: *nods* Ok mommy. 

M,N: Now open your eyes and whenever you get worried just think of that memory again. 

Y,N: *opens his eyes and while the tears have stopped falling from his face, he still holds the Fredbear plushie close to his body* T-Thanks mommy. I feel a little bit better....

M,N: *smiles* Fantastic! All I want is for my baby boy to be happy on his special day! 

Y,N: *thinks* Then why would you bring me here....?   

M,N: *notices the sour look on Y,N's face* I know what exactly that'll cheer you up! Why don't we go play some games? 

Y,N: *mumbles* Ok mommy.

*As M,N leads her special birthday boy over to a section simply labeled "The Arcade" which was filled with retro arcade machines and games such as Legend of the Grimm Slayer, Semblance-Man, Super Hunter Bros., Taijitu, Grimm Blaster, Galaga, and a few other relics of the past. While none of this really helped Y,N out of justified funk, it was a relaxing experience and made him momentarily forget about all of the supposed "shadowy creatures" that were "lurking around him" as the retro music and simple yet frustrating controls allowed for some escape from his nightmares. Other kids ran around, enjoyed eating pizza, hanging out with their friends, or crowding around the stage to listen to Fredbear and Spring Bonnie's newest jam, meanwhile Y,N decided to further play some more arcade machines with his mother as this was possibly going to be the most enjoyment he had coming to this place.

Y,N: *in an excited tone* Mommy, mommy! I got the highscore!

M,N: *smiles* Good job sweetie!  

Y,N: *smiles back* I think.....I think I'm having funny now mommy. 

M,N: I knew you would warm up the place eventually my little birthday boy. 

*As the remaining kids played around in the arcade machine all of them soon turned away from their screens and screamed in pure delight as one half of the famous duo walked into the room with some of his gears being heard clanking against one another, yet due to childlike innocence and the sound of joyful screaming no one heard a thing. All the kids knew who this was in a heartbeat and the fact of getting a potential highscore on an arcade machine no longer mattered nor did showing off against their friend. Once Spring Bonnie entered the room all the eyes and most certainly the attention of the children was solely placed upon him.* 

 Spring Bonnie: *smiles* Hey kids if you want a free Fredbear token give me a big ol' hug!

*Immediately the kids stopped playing the arcade machines as Fredbear tokens were difficult to earn, unless it was your birthday or were really skilled at arcade machines, and the innocent kids took this opporunity to earn that highly coveted token to purchase a plushie variant of their favorite animatronic or a poseable figurine of Fredbear or Spring Bonnie. Yet, while the kids flocked in droves towards Spring Bonnie and gave the animatronic a big ol' hug like he requested Y,N was hesitant and it was really his mother that pushed him into the line of children. This made Y,N gulp in fear as while Spring Bonnie was by far his favorite and the only animatronic that didn't plague his nightmares, he still had fear bubbling inside of him and while his first instinct was to crawl into a ball and cry or to simply run out of line he was too far in to do either. Finally as the kids all hugged Spring Bonnie and got their precious token Y,N was last in line and therefore had the bright emerald green guys of Spring Bonnie peering down at him.* 

Spring Bonnie: *in an upbeat and positive tone* Well hello there little guy! Have you come to give your best buddy, Spring Bonnie a big ol' hug?  

Y,N: *stutters* Y-Y-Yeah, I guess Mr. Spring Bonnie.   

Spring Bonnie: *smiles* Ah shucks kid, call me Spring Bonnie! Everyone else does! And "Mr. Spring Bonnie" was my father! *this caused some of the nearby kids and even some of the adults to laugh at the joke.*

Y,N: *lightly chuckles, yet his tone and eyes clearly showed fear* 

Spring Bonnie: *notices the fear in Y,N's eyes* Aw! There's no need to be afraid here! This is positively the happiest place in all of Remnant! And there's better way than showing you're not scared than by giving your best buddy Spring Bonnie a big ol' hug! 

Y,N: *turns around to see his mom giving him a thumbs up of encouragement while holding a camera and he thinks* W-W-Well one single hug couldn't hurt.....right? *pushing his fear to one side Y,N takes the plunge and gives Spring Bonnie a big ol' hug with the springlock animatronic happily replicating and after a few seconds with M,N taking several photos Y,N finally disconnects his hands from the animatronics' leg and with a bright smile Spring Bonnie gives him a Fredbear token.*

Spring Bonnie: *waves goodbye as he walks out of the arcade* Be sure not to miss the show! Me and Fredbear are certainly going to rock the house!

*As Y,N played some more of the arcade machines eventually the available coins that M,N had bought earlier had been officially depleted and with a sorrowful expression the little boy had to leave that section of the diner with his mother and as they made their way to the table that M,N booked, which just so happened to be rather close to the main stage, Y,N looked back as his one safe haven in this entire diner was getting farther and farther from his reach and finally it was gone completely from his eyesight with those nightmarish abominations springing forth from the shadows, further spiraling Y,N into a state of fear as he saw the bloodthirsty look in those monsters eyes and saw how their metallic claws and their razor-sharp teeth were ready to tear him apart the second he was alone. This caused Y,N to bury himself into his mother's side in order to block out the metallic noises the nightmarish beasts were beginning to emanate and once he turned back around the creatures were no longer there....for now.* 

M,N: *smiles* Ah! There's our table! *M,N seats Y,N down and then takes a seat herself with one of the restaurant's employees immediately taking their meal and as she momentarily looked around the diner to see plenty of happy and joyful children running around with bright smiles on their faces, she was sad that her precious baby boy didn't have the same joyful smile on his face and looked down at the floor with a frown evident upon his face.* I'm sorry if wasn't the place you expected we would go for your birthday. But let's try making the most out of this ok? 

Y,N: *mumbles* Ok....

M,N: We just need to focus upon the positives and the silver linings otherwise you'll only grow up to be a bitter person. I know you're afraid of this place, but once we get through the day you'll have nothing else to worry about. You know why?

Y,N: *mumbles* Why mommy.....?

M,N: *in a sappy tone* Because you're my little hunter. And I know you're going to prove your courage by surviving through this "harrowing" experience and coming out the other end with a bright smile on your face.

Y,N: *looks up at his mother with a confused look* Are you sure mommy.....? The nightmares would really like to say otherwise.....

M,N: *cups Y,N's hand with both of hers* And those are simply nightmares Y,N. Figments of your own wild imagination. You can't give them any attention or they'll only grow more power due to your increased fear. You should think of nightmares like Grimm.

Y,N: *tilts his head* Why?

M,N: *smiles sincerely* Because both feed off negative emotions to grow more powerful. And I know you're stronger and braver than to let simple bedtime terrors gain influence over you.   

Y,N: Yeah.....I guess you're right mommy....

M,N: Now cheer up. It's your birthday and we don't want the birthday boy mopping around like it's a funeral.         

Y,N: *smirks a little* Ok mommy. 

M,N: *after a few more minutes of waiting finally the pizza arrives and she can smell how delicious it before the employee then places it down on the table* Bon appetite my little birthday boy! But don't eat too much or else you'll get a tummy ache.  

*As Y,N digs into the pizza like his life depended upon it M,N giggles to herself as she sees her little birthday boy chowing down on his slice of pizza and watches as some of the tomato sauce splatters onto his face and once he finished with said slice he looked at her with a toothy grin on his face, after all pepperoni pizza was one of his favorite meals. With another giggle escaping her lips M,N helps Y,N clean up some of the lose tomato sauce with a nearby napkin and allows him to devour another slice of pizza before telling him to stop before he got a tummy ache.*

M,N: That's my little carnivore. But I think it's time to stop for right now and let your tummy settle, otherwise it'll throw a fit once we get home.  

*While this slightly annoyed Y,N he didn't throw a fit or argue like some other kids his age would and instead eyed the pizza before ultimately deciding it wasn't worth it while his mother was watching. Honestly, everything was going perfect so far as the arcade section was incredible and a blast for nearly the hour mother and son spent in there together, getting to hug Spring Bonnie was a fun although fearful experience, and finally dining on the pizza while Fredbear and Spring Bonnie were singing and rocking out on stage was a blast. Yet, once the rock song between Fredbear and Spring Bonnie had ended with the kids giving their applause and screams of enjoyment in loud droves, the golden bear of the duo spoke up and asked his rabbit counterpart.*

Fredbear: *in a jovial tone* Spring Bonnie you know what I heard? It was something extremely special! 

Spring Bonnie: *in a fake confused tone* I have no idea what you're talking about Fredbear. Would you mind filling myself and the entire audience in on what's so special about today?

Fredbear: Well Spring Bonnie I heard today we have a special birthday boy in the audience! 

Spring Bonnie: *his animatronic eyes widen* Really! Well where is this special birthday boy Fredbear? He deserves the official Fredbear's Family Diner happy birthday sing-a-long extravaganza! 

Fredbear: *chuckles* And don't forget the special and customary Fredbear birthday cake as well!   

Spring Bonnie: *mock bats himself on the head* I nearly forgot about the birthday cake! Silly me! *looks into the audience* But, where is this birthday boy Fredbear? I bet me and the entire audience would love to know who's special day it is! 

Fredbear: Well if my memory serves me well Spring Bonnie then I believe today's Y,N L,N's birthday! Apparently he's turning 7 today! 

Spring Bonnie: *mock gasps* 7 years old! That's surely an important milestone!  

Fredbear: Well every birthday is an important milestone Spring Bonnie! 

Spring Bonnie: That is true Fredbear, but that doesn't tell me or the audience where this birthday boy is. 

Fredbear: *gestures to Y,N's table* I believe the birthday boy is currently sitting at that table in the middle Spring Bonnie! *everyone, including Spring Bonnie turn to look at Y,N who is blushing crimson red with embarrassment* Now why don't all of you in the audience help me and Spring Bonnie sing the customary and all important happy birthday song to Y,N? *the audience cheers* Well what are we waiting for everyone? On a-one, a-two, three!  

Fredbear/Spring Bonnie/M,N/Audience: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Y,N, Happy birthday to you, cha, cha, cha. 

Spring Bonnie: And may all of your fondest wishes come true woo-hoo! 

*At this point Y,N was crying tears of happiness and embarrassment as the nightmarish incarnations that had plagued his dreams for the previous five nights were fading from his vision, they were no longer hiding within the shadows of his vision and were simply fading from his eyesight altogether. It seemed like Y,N was finally breaking through the trauma those night terrors had spiraled him into and for the first time in awhile he was purely happy. Yet, the brother gods have a funny sense of humor and this inkling of happiness was soon going to be replaced with pain, misery, and sorrow. And the worst thing is.....Y,N didn't know anything about what horrible incident that was going to befall him. A terrible incident that would plague his life and his dreams for a long time.* 

M,N: Y,N can you be a good boy for mommy and stay here while I go to the bathroom? *giggles* I guess that pizza and soda ran through faster than I thought it would. I shouldn't be gone for long, maybe 5-7 minutes at maximum.  

Y,N: *smiles* Sure thing mommy. 

*As M,N walks away to the ladies room the worst possible timing had occurred as Y,N's older brother B,N and his gaggle of goons/friends had walked into the diner to enjoy themselves and generally cause chaos. B,N had purposefully been excluded from joining the party due to his rotten attitude and helping further Y,N's spiral into loneliness with that damn Foxy head he wore everywhere, constantly scaring his younger brother and causing him to crawl into a ball and cry his eyes out. And the worst part was whenever M,N confiscated that mask or tried hiding it from B,N, he would always re-find it and learn nothing from his previous wrongdoings. In fact he had learned nothing from his previous robbery and since he got away the first time, he managed to successful swipe a Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica head for his friends. Which only meant terror and fright for the younger brother as B,N got his friends into scaring the daylights out of Y,N as well.*

B,N: *sneers as he walks into the main showroom and spots Y,N* Look at what the cat dragged in.  

Friend #1: But B,N.....Didn't we know he was going to be here already?

B,N: *a bead of sweat drops down his face in embarrassment* Well yeah...........*yells* But that's besides the point Johnny! I think since it's special day and all, maybe we should go give that turd his "birthday present". 

Friend #2: *shakes his head* I don't know B,N. I mean I loved scaring him before, but on his birthday? Isn't that a little cruel?

Friend #3: *giggles* Why don't you grow a pair Mason! Everyone loves getting a little "surprise" on their birthday! And that little punk will as well! Whether he likes it or not!

B,N: *smirks* Couldn't have said it better myself Madison. 

Madison: *scoffs* No problem. Someone's got to keep these two bozos in check. 

Mason/Johnny: Hey! I take offense to that! 

B,N: *yells* Shut it you two! Otherwise I'll smack both of you upside the skull! Let's go get that little asswipe a birthday present he'll never forget. 

*As B,N and his posse walk up behind Y,N as the other parents and children had walked off to go play some more arcade games, interact with the new animatronics comprising of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, or left for the day that left Y,N completely alone with the singing and somewhat dancing animatronics. This was perfect for B,N as he knew what kind of prank he would pull on his younger brother. After all isn't that what older brother's were supposed to do? Pull pranks and show tough love towards their younger sibling? Well that's the ideology B,N subscribed to and he would follow out that code as he planned to give his younger brother the mother of all pranks!*

B,N: *smirks while thinking* Nothing could ever top this prank! *B,N grabs Y,N from his chair and tosses him onto the floor causing some tears to begin falling down the younger brother's cheeks as he had scraped his knee against the flooring and didn't expect his brother to be here, meaning the trauma of what he and his friends had done played through his mind.* Happy birthday Y,N! I've decided to be a good older brother and give you a birthday surprise you'll never forget! 

Madison: Wow! Your brother is kind of a baby isn't he? Literally one throw and he's already balling his wittle eyes out.   

Johnny: *laughs* Wow! He must really be some kind of weakling! No academy alive would want to take his emotional ass! 

B,N: It's hilarious. Why don't we help him get a closer look at Fredbear! He's got a plushie of him that he clutches around everywhere after all! He will love it!

Y,N: *whimpers* Wait please....No!.....Please no! Help! Someone! *the Fredbear plushie falls from his hands and lands to the floor in a heap as the four bullies pick up the boy which causes him to flail wildly in the desperate vain of escaping. He tried screaming but was drowned out by the sound of Fredbear and Spring Bonnie singing and the sound of arcade machines.*

Mason: I don't know about this guys.....What if someone comes around the corner and spots us!?

Madison: Grow a fucking pair already Mason! This is just a little surprise! Live a little! 

B,N: *smirks* Come on guys, let's give the little man a lift. He wants to get up close and personal! 

Y,N: *flails desperately in the vain attempt of escaping* No! Please! I don't want to go! *the nightmarish figures once more reappeared in his vision and this time with more detail. Their matted and torn apart fur faintly glowing in the golden light and their metallic teeth and razor-sharp claws were sharpened to tear him apart limb from limb. And all four looked at him with a devilish and malicious look.*

Johnny: *mumbles* Jeez what a little baby. 

B,N: *snickers* You heard the little man gang! He wants to get even closer! Ha ha ha! *the bullies approach the stage of Fredbear and Spring Bonnie who are singing on stage and this causes B,N to taunt his brother even further* Hey guys, I think Y,N said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss! 

Madison: *giggles* I bet the little dweeb does B,N!  

Johnny: *cackles* Well it's the little twerps' birthday! So let's give him his birthday wish!

Mason: .................

B,N: *he and his gang walk onto the platform and inch Y,N closer to Fredbear's singing mouth* ON THREE! One......Two........!

*B,N and his gang place a flailing and terrified Y,N into Fredbear's mouth. At first nothing happens but the sound of Y,N trying everything in his miniscule power to escape Fredbear's mouth as the events of his nightmares played in fast forward......With the final nightmare before the party being this exact outcome but with a much more twisted and nightmarish version of Fredbear chomping down on his head with sadistic glee. Yet, as the tears of sad and desperation poured down his cheeks, it had the unfortunate side effect of loosening the springlocks which held the suit in animatronic mode and inevitably the springlocks couldn't take any more of the liquid loosening them and they tried in a vain attempt to hold on, but much like tugging and pulling on a jacket the buttons eventually popped before finally.......*


*As B,N's and his friends' eyes widen in realization at what just transpired, Y,N's body went completely limp and the poor boy wasn't breathing as both blood and tears trickled down his head and stained Fredbear's golden fur. As B,N and his cronies tried desperately pulling Y,N out of Fredbear's closed mouth with tears of their own streaming down their cheeks as this was a prank that had gone horribly wrong, then events were going to get worse as several employees had entered the room to investigate why Fredbear stopped singing and M,N also came out of the restroom to continue the special day with her birthday boy and immediately brought her hands up to her face as tears streamed down her eyes at the sight of her baby boy limplessly dangling from the maw of Fredbear all while B,N and his friends tried pulling Y,N out.*

M,N: *with tears gushing down her face, she ran up to the stage and immediately pushed B,N and his friends aside as the employees frantically found and pressed the button which forcibly opened Fredbear's jaw which caused Y,N's body to fall into M,N's arms and she could only watch as her baby boy was losing blood at a rapid pace and a massive section of his head had been torn off by the animatronic and she could do nothing......Nothing! She could only watch as her baby boy was losing blood and he wasn't even breathing anymore! All the while the employees were already phoning the proper authorities and an ambulance bullhead* Y,N! Stay with me! Please stay with me! God damnit stay with me! Don't walk into the light!

B,N: *walks over to his dying brother* Y,N.........I'm.......I didn't mean......

M,N: *with a rage full of fury she slaps B,N's hand, causing him to recoil in fright* Get away from him you bastard! You don't deserve to touch him, let alone look at him! All of this is your fault B,N! If you just stayed home or even caused chaos somewhere else none of this would have happened! All you do is cause other people to suffer for your sick and twisted enjoyment! And now look at what you've done! You've potentially killed your little brother and for what?!  

B,N: *with tears of regret falling down his face* I.......I.......I didn't------- 


B,N: *tears continue streaming down his face and his ears were ringing* Mom....I.......

M,N: GO!!!!!!!!

Madison: *yells* Forget him B,N! We need to go before the cops arrive! 

*As B,N and his friends leave, with complete regret evident in their facial expression, they threw the four heads to the ground as none of them wanted to be connected with what had just transpired and all of them ran away from the scene knowing that none of their families, especially B,N's would accept them back into the household after either successfully or attempting to kill someone, a little child no less. Yet as B,N and his friends fled the scene of the crime Y,N's weak heartbeats were slowly getting more erratic and irregularly causing M,N to ball out even more. Yet, what neither she nor anyone else knew was that at this moment, during this moment of complete fear and terror, in this life or death situation, Y,N had awoken his semblance/aura and immediately in a panic to save Y,N's life it bounced off and absorbed into the three closest things at the time. While the aura would of taken anything else, it had no choice and it selected the three things closest to the incident at the time. And while everyone was worrying about Y,N's life, Spring Bonnie's eyes began glowing a more ethereal green and he began twitching lightly, while in the backstage a decommissioned Fredbear suit with a black top hat and bowtie instead of the normal purple had it's soulless and dark void known as eyes filled with two pinpricks of white light and it slumped forward from its original seating, and finally a humanoid abet lanky figure emerged from its box in the prize corner with the same two pinprick white pupils swimming in the void of black.*

M,N: *tears stream down her eyes as mascara runs down her face* Oh god, stay with me Y,N! Don't go! Don't leave me! Please don't walk into the light! 

*As the screen fades to black cop cars pull up and a medical bullhead lands right next to the pizzeria, as the proper authorities storm into the restaurant, they can't help but be disgusted by whatever monster of a human being had done this to a poor and innocent child. And while Y,N had been moved onto a stretcher and the medics were doing everything in their to keep him alive until they made it into the hospital with a hysterical and sobbing M,N in tow the proper authorities were taking witness statements and investigating the scene, the three aura absorbed animatronics would lay patiently as the person they were supposed to be protecting and guarding was growing further and further away. Within Y,N's damaged mind all he could hear was the faint sound of the heartbeat monitor and his mother's delirious ramblings and ravings of him wanting to be alright. And then.....everything went black for the poor boy.....He went to Fredbear's......And it was the worst day.*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you guys and girls massively enjoyed the prologue chapter and are hyped for the next chapter coming soon and stay tuned because the next chapter for RWBY by Night is also coming soon alongside Yang's lemon chapter for Warped Reality. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       

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